Newmarket Era, 6 Aug 1909, p. 7

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ALL This Store will close every afternoon during August August Tie Leading Grocery UGAR Rest Quality for preserving Close Prices and Ground only Best In Quality at We Oar Toronto letter I Tom who needs least on in J three months rest awl training he is fit to again in public quit at Saturday night in with Military Band will running seven and of the Industrial Home a was then two tins weather per- and laps ahead j Mickey Ions made an unprovoked Several head of cattle were New- attack on George Kails last Monday market pound this week Beach and war penalized Christian and Sunday Lacrosse men arc now talking of have a united Excursion to suspending powers to extend over Morton season to Central i teo in all such cases as Ions was It Went Against Them guilty of- A player penalized five After a struggle las J and with their fain- in a championship match here by a ST score of to There was a lhw fflfi attendance of spectators and tfPjsiS named Mutch or Mudge was hit agents for century clothing and dress goods 1 FOR Vv ficro a ill NORTH QUEhYE 7 It sums J and ov J rocs llJ8 IS I Jelly Powders AH Flavors from a up to for a One a full quart Baking Powder Wo have a pound can put up for us to sell f 5c ls Cooked Ham We handle lino to the- test advantage lor our customers Our Meat cute it any desired lhIckDCS3 and every of same thickness It is nicer and goes far ther for sandwiches etc just what is wanted for picnic parties and hot generally Sveet Pickles By quart or pint We have one lite that pleases everyone who uses Out for Lark On Monday evening number of the Hand boys got logeUicr and decided to serenade some tlc young fel lows who have been hitching up in double harness lately They first vlsitod Mr Scott at Cedars liton to the north where Ma Fred Nottingham resides and tjien South to Mr Goo all of whom gave lhem A Had Kick A few days ago Mr Will Dennis a Scotsman arrived from Montreal to assist his father on Quean St Hast take off his harvest On Sunday while in the barnyard lie was kicked in the body by horse causing very painful injuries Medical aid was sent for and on examination it was found that no bones were broken He is getting along nicely and will soon around as usual Methodist Church sermons by the pastor tost were greatly appreciated Miss Cane was also montcd on the manner in which she played the pipeorgan Mr left on Wednesday to spend his holi days In The pulpit will be supplied during next three Sun days J Wilkinson of To ronto who was so favorably receiv ed in this connection on former oc casion July to August 27 Bargain Days I A worth Summer and Overstock covering every f KTH We are still offering Specially Low to clear out all Dinner Sets If you want one now is your chance JU3T OPENED A large lot with Heavy Gold Edge Hit useful Pieces YOUR CHOICE in the right arm by a stray Tho injured man promptly got back to Long Branch where Dr J J extracted the bullet and made tho injured man as comfortable as possible Carnival at Beach opened auspiciously last Monday even ing with over on hundred contest ants in Hit different fancy costume classes Early this week three masked men entered a Chinese laundry heat the and robbed till then got away with trie not far While playing with some lighted pieces of tar paper Nellie muslin dress caught fire on Saturday and she was seriously if not fatally burned She was taken to the Childrens Hospital Just afi he was coming out of the Driving Park where lie had been exercising his horse af ternoon Frank well- known horse dealer of Ave- fell from his rig died almost in- The three months to fdr- tyone hotels of this City ordered to be closed was marked by consider able last Saturday night of the although cut ting out the liquor bars will con tinue to be run as temperance hos ieries and be open to visiters to the Toronto Exhibition To get around the injunction in re gard to the Caw r a deal a special meeting of the City Council is tailed for next Monday to pass the amended agreement respecting the site in Bay Col Denison Police Magistrate of City returned from an extended In keeping with our wellknown rule of clearing out Seasons Goods within commence tho New Season with bright new uptodate Stock we launch our Fourth Sale more determined than ever to Clean Sweep of livery Line Summer and Overstock Good compared with last Summers Sale we promise you Bigger Choice Selection with Vaiues such as you have not offered before not a dozen or Catch Bargains but Hundreds Bargains all over the Store- to Take Advantage off This MoneySaving Event Dont Fail STRICTLY Money Refunded for Any Goods Returned i Wash Goods Chan Tip Determination for 300 Goods for Read this List of Bargains Q IMIU TIKI His Leg While assisting in the unloading of logs in the yard at Canes Factory a few days Mr Geo Breckon met a very painful accident lie country last over a stick of timber a the log he was rolling struck his shin with such force that it ruptured a blood vessel but fortunately it did not break his leg- However a clot of blood gathered in his ankle with very painful results and it is likely he will be laid several weeks Fancy Ginghams brays White and Fancy Colored Muslins Dimi ties etc Big range of Colorings and Patterns ranging in prices from to yd for Fancy White Muslins in Checks and Stripes Cnjam and White Vcst- and clearing at per Fancy Colored Dress Mus lins in newest end Colorings and for 18c Prints and Shirtings and vd for Check Apron Ginghams reg 12Jc for 10c Fancy Black Muslins in Spots Lace Stripes reg yd for 17c Apron Linen with Braided Border 19c Print Light Grounds in Spots Stripes Figures good Washing Prints clear ing at Fancy Stripe Dress Linen for 17c Plain Dress Linen in Pink Blue and Copenhagen 25c for Dress Ducks in Spots and Stripes for lie Complete Glean up in Ladies Ladles White Underskirts Latlioo White Corset Covers Deep Flounce and Insertion 1 lot regular price up to 30c or Embroidery Trimmed gale price 23c 1 lot regular price up to I i sale price 1 lot regular price up to I sale price I I lot regular price up to gale price 63c lot up price it 119 I a 1 Ladies White if Wide Frills Tucks Insertion and Embroidery Trimmed 1 lot at Ladies White Lawn Aprons trimmed embroidery Ladies White Nightgowns No i Regular for 1 lot regular price up to 1 j Lot No 2 Regular for sale 1 lot regular price up to 1 25 court this week Ladies Department Were bound to clear everything Ladies Garments Dont the HalfPrice Buying chances in this sale price 89c Ladies Print Wrapper 1 lot regular price up to 150 price up to 125 clearing sale price 1 then all out at each 1 lot regular pi ice up to Ladies and Childrens Summer sale price 1 at cost The Czar in England The Leading UptoDate Grocer For Sale at Once Brick House with modern conveniences On double t with beautiful lawn Small and Urge fruit stable etc Nice home or farmer retiring Enquire of Hughes Agent Normal School Exams The results of the examination for Aug 2 The first official visit of the Russian Emperor Nichol as to England was one tho mast Impressive and spectacular events that accustomed to naval pag eantry ever witnessed Kind Ed- entrance into the Normal School of w most of the members of the were published rues- 1 the family put out this morn- day morning and there appears to be an unusual percentage of failures Out of the five High Schools and several Continuation Classes in York County there were only 25 who pass ed About a doen wrote at New market High School and only three were successful They were Ward Cornell Parr honors and Marsh of Mount Albert Continuation Class passed The per successful candi dates is small all through the Pro vince We have not heard whether the papers were harder or that a higher standard of answers were re quired of pupils the Normal Schools and preparing for teachers Owing to the lateness of the sea son the management have decided to postpone the Annual Flower Show until Wednesday and Thursday Aug and MARTIN President KEITH Secretary Killed by a Car Dicoratlon Day Decoration Day which had beqn fix ed for Friday July and which was postponed because of the rain was fittingly observed on Friday of last week Notwithstanding dis appointment of week before there was a good attendance and beau tiful grounds gave ample evidence of careful preparation for occasion The gathering was presided over by the President Mr Webb Rev offered the opening prayer and after brief address by the pres ident in which he urged the endow ment of graves Rev Thomas gave the address of the evening The custom of former years has been for all ministers present to give brief ad- on the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert and met the Russian Imperial yacht and the squadron of warships accompanying it off Spit- bead- atj noon The unusual welcome of this morn ing was arranged designedly for the double purpose of helping to strength en the links in the binding Britain France and Russia in a triple entente to dissipate any ill fueling engendered the harsh of Emperor Nicholas his methods so frequently vented by members of tho Labor Party both in and Parliament since the coming of the Emperor first was an nounced The function however was distinctly official in character and so strongly were he spectators en trenched behind the cordon steel walls there was no chance for a popular demonstration either for or against Emperor Nicholas To bleach faded cotton wash in boiling cream of tartar water While crossing street a few yards north of Aurora on Saturday morning Thomas an em of Messrs Rolph Smith Co engravers was struck by a but in future some one of the car received injuries from ministers will be asked to give the Which he died a few minutes after- address This year the ministers wars Either not and asked Mr Thomas to give serve the car approaching or what the address Mr Thomas said he fieemed to he moie probable he mis calculated the distance The motor- was under the impression that the man would clear tlic track in time and was unable to stop car until it was too late was once lifted into the appreciated the honor and alter a few congratulatory remarks gave a very interesting address The speak er paid a fine tribute to the pioneers of our country and appealed to all to nuke the most of the heritage the j to which they come and to be intention of the being to worthy of those whose memories and 5 to the hospital but he deeds were being way The body Rev moved a vote of Hunts undertaking thanks to Mr Thomas for bis ad dress which was seconded by T who took occasion to express his appreciation of the generous evening it was found i vices year after year by the thai unfortunate mans skull was Band and also of the faithful and and his leg broken He fickait work done by the of about 35 years of age and leaves rectors most appropriate se- a widow and family at Southampton vice was concluded with the diction by Rev ChWiey died while on the was taken to rooms at Toronto and Br empanelled a jury who after viewing the remains adjourned till Ladies Outside Skirts SECOND Sacrifice prices will be found on every article Come in and look at them In Voiles Panamas Poplins Venetiau Cloth Lustres and Tweeds black navy brown and green all sizes perfect fitting garments Lot 1 Regular up to Sale price Lot 2 Regular prices up to Sale price 85 Lot Regular prices up to Sale prices Lot Regular prices up to r 250 Sale price Ladies Wash Skirts in Pique Drill Regular price 2 for 100 Girls Cream Lustre Skirts for 2 Ladies Lustre Waist Suits all sizes- Regular for A Great Fall Waists Ladies Cream Silk Waists several choose from Prices up to for 250 Another lot prices up to 2 75 for 195 Black Taffeta Silk Waists long sleeves three or four for your choice Regular prices up to 5 clearing them for Black Chiffon Taffeta Silk Waists Regular prices up to 400 will clear out at 275 Silk Lined Colored Net Waists all sizes price 500 for Silk Lined Crearn and White Net Waists for 75 Another lot prices up to to be cleared out at 250 Four lots of Ladies Whits Waists a chance for everyone Lot 1 Regular up to 50c for 100 150 225 139 Childrens White Dresses reg prices up to 1 clearing at Ladies and Misses Spring and Fall Coats PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER Ladies Black Broadcloth well tailored and finished up to 850 for Ladies Plaiu Fancy Covert Cloth 750 sale price 550 Ladies Mixed Tweeds good styles all sizes 500 for 250 Girls Tweed Coats 2 50 for 195 Ladies Black Panama Suits with silk lined coats reg 1250 to be cleared out at Big Glean Up in I FOR WOMEN 30 pairs Ladies Kid and Patent Colt Boots Cubau heels either Bluch- or Balmoral cut regu lar prices sale price 2 35 pairs Ladies Tan olate Vici Kid and guar anteed Patent Colt Ox fords any style Goodyear welted and baud turned soles regular prices 3 to sale price pairs Ladies Kid OxfordsGoodyear Welted or turned soles Cuban or common sense heels reg ular prices to sale price their Season so as- to- 1 lot regular price up to sale price Aprons Ladies Print Overall Aprons reg up to to go for Summer a AND CHILDREN price 2 to 270 sale price pairs Ladies Dongoia Kid Oxfords Cuban heel pat ent tip light or heavy soles regular to sale price Misses BIa3k or Kid and Patent Leather Slippers and Ox fords regular prices 150 to sale price 119 Childrens Black and Chocolate Slippers regular prices 125 to sale price Childrens Black and Tan Slip- regular prices 100 to sale price in Ladies and Misses Rain Coats Ladies Rain Coats in fawn and Oxford regular prices up to clearing them out at Another lot at 900 to go for Misses Rain Coats in fawn and grey regular prices up to sale price Ladles Dlaok Silk Coat Regular price sale price 1195 v748 MoneySaving Chances Dress One lot of Cord Tweed effects Plain Fancv in Black Grey Old Rose Red Navy end Greens reg yd for 38c One lot High Class Plain Fancy Dress Goods in Worsteds Panamas Homespuns Tvyeeds etc in a Fine Selection of Colorings reg sell ing lines up to 135 During ale we will dear them at Black Taffeta Silk yd wide reg ular a yard for Black Taffeta Silk for Bargains in Linens and Towels I Unbleached Table Linen and yd for Unbleached Table Linen reg for 39c No 3 Bleached Table Linen for 3c Table Cloths Fine Bleached Linen with Borders size lil J and Damask Linen Towels reg price up to 17c each Sale Price Linen Toweling 8c yd for 5c r FURNISHING A BIG CLEAN UP IN It will pay wants in these Goods for at least sir to come New HomoBuilders and new Housekeepers will appreciate the big savings this List means to them SAVING new Housekeepers- will appreciate the big savings ON fCdOK COVERING OF ALL KIND v MATTINGS HEMP CARPETS INGRAIN CARPETS TAPESTRY CARPETS SQUARES VELVET SQUARES TAPESTRY SQUARES RUGS AWD DOORMATS OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE Ex Co Phone Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch 1 Lot Mens Tweed Pants light and dark colorings slightly damaged worth up sale price 85c pair Lot glens good Tweed Pants large assortment of pat terns slightly damaged worth up to 200 sale price pair r 1 lot Pine Tweed and Worsted browns and worth up sale price 138 lot Mens Fine Worsted Trousers well made and shaped worth up to sale price 195 1 lot Mens Extra Pine Worst- ed Trousers latest style and colorings worth up to sale price 245 1 lot Mens Imported Worsted Trousers strictly date worth op to sale price 325 lot Boys Knickers made from good strong Canadi an Tweeds worth up to sale price 1 lot Mens Slue and Black Worsted Pant regular prices up to sale price 1 lot Mens Good Tweed Worsted Pants worth up to sale price 1 A A I a CO ARCHIVES OF OMTARI TORONTO fdEI3PPHVCa

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