Newmarket Era, 20 Aug 1909, p. 1

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J New WE will be pleased to sbow tbem you will be delighted with the Variety and Low PRICES WATSONS Jewelry Store than any two other paper in an iacied to be NORTH YOKE the liberty to to and tokrgw freely according to ionsclenc above all liberty mm mm mm At its Bert Ail work for lino l A No paper sent of North York unless paid in advance to United States and Graduate I Single Copy 3 Each Newmarket J -V- per annum I paid to if I It is not often the chance occurs to buy every thing that is kept in a well assorted Hardware Store at a Reduction of i AND OFF We believe it will pay to allow you these re ductions rather than move the Stock to our New Store now under construction We are obliged to vacate our present premises before Sept 1st and not having fig- on the Extra Heavy Expense of putting up a New Building will be obliged to raise at once We are going to do it by giving you the Biggest Bargains ever offered in Hardware Stoves Tinware Granite- ware Sporting Goods and Oils A INNS PAINTS PHONE E STOVES PUTTY OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING NEWMAEKET ONT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE BANK OF TORONTO ACCOUNTS may be opened for sums large or small THERE IS NO DELAY or diffi culty about opening an account the money may be withdrawn whenever required INTEREST IS PAID on your money FROM THE DAY YOU LEAVE IT WITH US TILL THE DAY you tafce it out BRANCHES In Ontario Quebec and the CAPITAL REST ASSETS FIELD Manager Newmarket Bank of TORONTO Incorporated 18 I J South End Lumber Yard r DRY HEMLOCK SLABS FOR SALE INT Cor Church and CARTERSFRED HOOVER AND HUDSON BOWMAN Perfect Fitting Garments Are what you expect from the tailors hands Perfection of fit when WE MAKE YOUR CLOTHES f High Goods Superior Fit are the points we have built up our Bee our leave your neat with F MAIN ST WILLIS A Oar Toronto The program special attractions at the National Exhibition which opens next includes j military tournament British army quadrilles tattoo with ten j The Mistaken I identity of Tommy j put down the letter massed military bands and a display had been reading with a troub S Ad ffif I S1 njpdg camp blowing up looked up from the step of ships by submarine on the waterfront harness horse races daily displays of Japanese day fireworks sports etc and it will be readily admitted that this is the greatest bill of specials Canadian National ever presented There were about guests at the wheii the fire broke out in the theatre and caused such an im mense destruction of property The way they tumbled out their belong ings was a cauion and would do credit to baggage smashers at a rail way depot The new hotel theatre grand stand etc to take the place of the plant destroyed by fire at Point last week it is said will cost anywhere between and a Most of the new structures will be fireproof and will be ready by May of next year Beach is the Mecca for hundreds of swimmers daily Tiers of dressing rooms have been erected at the West end of the Park aid the stock of bathing suits is said to number Rev James DJ has gone to England to secure divin ity students for work in the Canadian NorthWest The Celestials and their fantan box are being made lively by the police these days The middle of last week no less than VI person ages were arrested on gaming changes They all gave bail to appear for trial and the magistrate taxed them a to tal of for bail bonds Mr J Ross Robertson of the Tel egram has recently made an ing addition to the topographical paintings of historical Interest which decorate the of the City Hall Council Chamber It comprises an elaborate water color sketch made by a military officer of the of in the year Lading residence of the prominent citizens that day are all perpetuated and a keypicture enables the visitor to identify than The sentence passed upon Thomas Murphy for an offence against decency him to the penitentiary for Madge were five years This is Ins second tin- for the kind of- offence 11 same of last week was circus day when the and Bailey Greatest Show on Earth attracted sands of people A wtaUin paper propounds this question Whos the Hog and then gives the following answer hog yxs Into a packing house at out iru a very short time as breakfast hacon at 21 cents pound Wo are wondering who the hog is A deal of attention is being paid these days airship navigation but says Kellers who do all their airships wont much an opportunity fur footprints on the sands uv time J One day a hero the next a prison er was the experience of las Spider At the Point fife he a fainting girl from death who fallen in the burning build ing arid the next day was arrested on of stealing two suit cases the front of the the fire Trial comes on today A small blaze of su indent luitc to pause the of the fire brigade occurred St some nights ago arising from a sing ular cause One of the roomers at a boarding house lighted match and while it was still blazing fell upon celluloid comb on the The comb flared up and just at a gust of wind blew one of the window curtains Into It set on fire and turn started the woodwork burning Before a great deal of damage was done the firemen extinguished the blaze Hamilton Day is to be one of features of the Fair this year Ambitious- City will do Itself credit doubt in return for the the management will rake in the Jackson young man wlio was Injured last weefc by falling down en elevator has since from his in juria On Friday last the police down on handbook bet makers and no less than thirtyone men were ar retted The raid included a to different places of business of all sort a real estate office taUor barker feed store pool room and so on the matter mother You loak as if you had been reading your death warrant I have the death warrant of summers peace Aunt Mary North writes we wont keep her Tom while she and Mr North go a- for the Whos her Tom asked Madge suscinctly Her stepson Ive not seen Aunt Mary since she married Mr North and I know next to nothing of the family But Mrs Wilson knew Mr North when they were living in Chicago that was in the time of the first Mrs North and she said there was two girls and a hoy The hoy was in kilts then and that was- five years ago so he must be about eight or years Macy says he has been ill with typhoid and that she remembers with hope for his health that air at is healing But we cant have him mother Think of having an eightyearold boy on our hands the whole summer We can never get enough cooked for him to eat and hell be drowned regular ly once a week and break all his arms and legs on the other days And I wanted a quiet rest this summer before I have to go back to that awful office And it will be- well the other kind of a time with a Tommy around that is certain But Madge I cant refuse Aunt Mary She was your fathers favor ite aunt and always so good to him No Tommy will have- to come whether we want him or not Well then when The letter says next Tuesday un less they hear from us that it is not convenient Tell Aunt Mary I nave the small pox or that I died suddenly at the nowii any thing Please I was wondering said her moth er whether an eightyearold boy would be afraid to sleep in a room by Shall we put a bed in the alcove oil my room or fix- up the south chamber Ml the buys Ive ever seen an- d neither gs Hie earth nor of those upon it Give him a room to himself and then youll be saved the everlasting clatter of fishing tackle and knives and toads and things in bis room Still grumbling Madge helped her mother get ready the south chamber As she worked she grew interested and even look from the walls of her own room some interesting prints which she thought would be suitable for a hoys room I cant see though why Aunt Mary didnt take the little wretch with her the sea air would do him good Take out all the fancy things mother as you value them you understood big hoys as well as you seem to understand the small ones you would he twenty- lour and still single teased her mother I do mother said Madge vehem ently I understand them altogeth er too Well and thats the reason I arn still single There was no Immediate reply to this and Mrs Vaughn turned her at tention the room Oct all your old picture books and put on that shelf Madge and I think Ill bring Jims old hobbyhorse down from the attic fie may de spise It hut you never can tell I suppose I could make him some kites said Madge Theres all that red and blue paper and miles of yel low string Perhaps If I make a big one hell get fastened to It and fly off Mars And while up Jn the attic Im going to bring down some of Jims old overalls Arrangements were finally her young charge She watched the few who came out of coaches nervously with one eye on the danc ing pony but as far as she could see no small boy was on the train Fearing that he had not the name of the station called she spoke to the conductor who told her that no such person was on the train Well she thought I suppose I should of it and was going back to the trap when it occurred to her that he might some way have got past her into the station and might bo waiting for her there She looked in No one was there but a very tall young man who was leaning back rather limply against the seat pale as from a recent illness Madge gave him more thap a passing glance be cause she he might be Young men at at this sea son were a rarity Looks sicks she muttered or a little daffy She was getting into the cart when a quiet I beg your pardon caused her to wheel around The strange young man hat in hand was certainly speaking to her She merely looked her surprise Are you Miss Vaughn and werent you expecting me Her eyes widened into a positive stare of amazement I I am Madge Vaughn but you you must qe mistaken she said I am North Tom North my mother wrote He was blushing a little at the of her recep tion tion You you are little Tommy Why She began to laugh merrily and the young man laughled too a nt stiffly for he did not understand the joke You have the advantage of mc he said Madge sobered ay his tone and re alized that she was not showing any marked hospitality She held out- a repentant hand which the young man took eagerly Were sort of cousins I guess she said Anyway if you are Tommy North weve been looking for you so get in and well start I can go away if it is not con venient protested the young man Convenient after Ive worked for three days getting picture hooks and kites and little blue overalls ready for you No sir you will have to use ill those things You she explained as me drove along we got the impression from some one that you were eight yearn old Your mother never mentioned your age or height and so we got ready for a small hoy and and here arc some cookies I brought along so that you would not ask questions on way home She thrust a taper bag into his hands They were both laughing like child ren as they drove in at the gate and by the time explanations were made to Mrs Vaughn the young man was thankful that the surprise had hap pened He felt that It had been a good to take Madge by sur prise for when two people have together they have rapidly progressed in their acquaintance On the very first day Mrs Vaughn had looted at the two with compre hension in her eyes and as the weeks grew into months she felt reasonably sure that Madge would never go back to the office Why should she whispered the older woman to herself when a prosperous young physician Is not only willingly but obviously anxious to monopolize her The iy before he was scheduled to go hack to the city a new man by reason of air and companionship they took the big red and blue kite to the top of a nearby bill to fly it It soared clear above the trees as the man slowly unwound the long yellow string The girl watched It rather sadly for as yet there had been no word of love be tween them and she realized that she had grown to much was hard not to let him see there might be another girl In the city to whom ho was bound and she well she had her work at the office The tears had come Into her eyes and now they splashed over The young man looked up just in to catch sight of them and letting Riot at Port William Fort William Aug 12 For the time in the history of Fort Wil liam the riot act was read by the A FEUDAL STRONGHOLD By a Banker Iu various parts of Britain the cas Mayor and the militia called out Of fastnesses erected by ou I the latter- there- were whild J forefathers in those troublous thousands of Fort William citizens when brother fought to the thronged the streets and heard the I Mayor the Chief of Police and Col I address them and the reading of the act which proclaimed the dis trict under martial law In a pitched battle between polide and about the noon hour some ten men were wounded The foreign strike leader received a bullet through his arm while another was shot through the groin and is in a serious condition at the hospital The cause of the disturbance was on strike for higher T Chinese Drowned Victoria BC Aug According to advices brought by the Empress of Indiaere were recently disastrous floods in Manchuria and Korea At Kibyn 7000 houses were washed away and oven a thousand Chinese drowned Ping Yang and in Korea were also submerged the place being flooded by a sudden rise of the Yahi Many lives were lost Many soldiers and workmen at noa Village in narrowly escaped being killed when a coolie made three ineffective attempts to dynamite the barracks in revenge for nonpayment of wages by the con tractor He secreted some dynamite in the barracks and laid a train which he fired workmen hurt by the explosion The soldiers were Absent when the dynamite was ex ploded IKE WALTONS PRAYER and Madge rather looked forward I go he turned and caught to the corning of the HI tie hoy so that when Tuesday came she willing ly drove to the station for him though protested that St Law- renco and his gridiron were as noth ing to the torment she was undergo ing She took along a bag of cook ies Just to atop up his month cant ask questions she explained The train was late and Madge little Croat she waited In the open trap with the hot Bun boating down upon her The pony was and she dared not leave Mm to go Inside of the station When the train final ly In however she give the reins to a porter and went to find her in his arms Dear- he whispered what is it She did not speak but she did not try to get away either and after a moment he said It because I am going away Is Madge she shook her head Why then he urged tell me Suddenly she began to laugh a soft little laugh that made- the man hold her was only wondering she whether or not there was a girl You bet there he interrupted and Ive got1cr right where I want her Vyblch slangy as it was seemed bo wholly satisfac tory to Madge crave dear Lord No boundless hoard Of gold and gear Nor jewels fine Nor lands nor Nor treasure heaps of anything Let hut a little hut be mine Where at the hearthstone I may hear The cricket sing And have the shine Of one glad womans eyes to make For my poor sake Our simple home a place divine Just the weecotrthc crickets chirr and the smiling face of her I pray not for Great riches For vast estates and castle halls Give mo hear the bare footfalls Of children oer An oaken floor Newrinsed with sunshine or bespread With but a tiny coverlet Ami pillow for the babys head- And pray Thee may The door stand open and the day Send ever In the gentle breeze With fragrance from the locust trees Ami drowsy moan of doves and blur of robinchirps and tone of bees Of intermingling sounds ami then The good wife and the smile of her Filling the silence again The crickets call And the wee cot Dear Lord of all Deny me hot 1 pray not that l Men tremble at My power of place Ami lordly sway I only pray for simple To look my neighbor In the face Full honestly from day to day- Yield me his horny palm to hold And Ill not pray For gold The tanned face garland with It hath the kingliest smile on earth The swart brow diamonded with sweat never need for coronet And so reach Dear Lord to Thee And do beseech Thou rne The wee cot and the crickets chirr Love and the glad sweet face James Riley against brother and father agains son may still be seen some which the disintegrating band time has been but lightly laid more or lqss good state preserva tion their frowning almost sound as when bowmen ant archers discharged from those em brasures their deathdealing arrows against the foe some al though in a state of hopeless decay yet picturesque and stately even by dismantled ruins And what stirring scenes have enacted beneath the shadow of tnese grim hoary old walls and crumb ling battlements scenes of deadly strife and carnage the fatal sweep the the lethal thrust of the pike or the twohanded sword or the blows of the or the mace dealing in fiery handto hand fight pitiless surfeit of death Scenes too of mimic warfare though often inspired by veiled malice when gallant knight mailed and vizored protected by and gorget- ted bassinet armed with long ponderous lance on curvetting war horse met his in tilted field the victor gaining the coveted guer don from the fair lady presiding whose smile his fallen rival had hop ed to win And too what varied episodes all down the centuries the ingle of that spacious tower has witnessed scenes of love and courtship crusader before setting out for his attempt i free the Holy Land from the blighting yoke of the Sara cen or a valiant knight before join- ing issue with the foe at Agincourt or Creasy desiring to plight his troth to his fair lady love even though perhaps his bones may whit en on the sandy plain of Acre or the steel may pierce that em blazoned armour and he be left to die on the stricken field Scenes too of intrigue and dark conspiracy of plot aujl counterplot of schemes which will if not frustrated lead to bloodshed and civil war or which may result in the fatuous lord of the castle being led to the fatal block Hut all the actors in those stirring events have long since passed away some resting in decaying mausoleum some Inhumed in battle field some consigned to the chambers of the dctfp And when the Archangrls trump shall sound loud and long then will they all start into renewed life to await the final judgment of the Great Day Then will those who have served and obeyed their and whose mlsdcd have been atomd for by the Saviour of world who suffered the stripes due by them be received by Him with a joy- welcome But those who forgot their Creator will hear dread sentence Depart ye Montreal Aug While regatta was progress at Agathe near Montreal fin promenade built over the water which was crowded with spectators collapsed precipitating between 30ir and 400 people to a floating wharf five feet below The guard rail of the prom enade broke and some fifty people were thrown the lake A scene of great excitement pcetailed but all were rescued from the water Fire consumed ten buildings with a loss of 30000 at Little Britain Saturday afternoon fire last Sun day morning i Kfrc did 200000 damage at Fort Worth fexas on Saturday Milton Del Aug Almost the enMre town of Milton was destroyed by fire early today Nearly houses- a lumber yard and a building wore destroyed will exceed Several hun dred the fire 1 Hair MARKS THE PLAINEST ATTRACTIVE Any woman can have beautiful and luxuriant hair by using Parisian Sage great hair tonic and dandruff cure Sage the favorite Hair Tonic of refined people and since its Introduction It has met with wonder ful success If you want beautiful lustrous hair that will be the envy of your friends go to the drug store of J and get a bottle of Pari- Sage today and use It for a week at the end of a week you are not satisfied that Sage is most delightful and refreshing Tonic you ever used and get your money Parisian Sage is guaranteed to cure dandruff and stop- falling faafr It coats only bottle at Y Broughton or by express charges- Y i pHrsono were made by prepaid from Mfg Co Fort fire- V- Erie Ont v- J- ApeHlVES OFONTARI rex TORONTO mm

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