Newmarket Era, 20 Aug 1909, p. 3

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I r I f J 4 f a Weeks Presbyterian Church The improvements are nearing com pletion and it is expected that every thing will be in readiness for the services next Sunday- Owing to the death of his father late Principal Knox College To ronto David MacLaren did not preach here two weeks ago as was announced but be is expected to oc cupy the pulpit next Sunday and also on Aug Band Concert Last Friday evening the town band delighted the citizens of the north cod by a splendid program on Mr Bert Canes spacious lawn On the way borne the boys serenaded the new bride Mrs Little that was and the groom came down handsomely Thats what we call a respectable charivari None other should be per mitted by the police Public School Board Regular meeting held on Tues day evening of last week- Present Dr Scott in the chair and Messrs Manning and Dr The Principal reported the receipt of for nonresident fees for June The application of Miss Dow of Mitchell was accepted as- successor to Miss Miller in the Primary School Eleven applications were received for the position of teacher of Part work The first choice fell Miss A of Toronto 2nd choice Miss 3rd choice Miss Taylor Miss Hamshaw has since wired acceptance The Board authorized certain cleans ing and varnishing of etc to be attended to in time for school opening on the 7th of September Toe following bills passed dye 100 Globe ad for teacher Mail do do H Eves coal 49200 73 50 The White Slave Traffic postage J A Dale Telegrams Post cards and for Board Meetings Board Adjourned A Small Flood A very heavy thunderstorm passed over town during the noon hour last Monday and the water Hawed in tor rents from the roadsides overflowing many culverts The drain pipe a foot in diameter in front of Martin store became blocked and water poured into the cellar window in front of Ex pressHerald office doing considerable damage Many private cellars in town were also flooded AH the trunk wires on the tele phone system were put out of busi ness besides several local wires Cheap Umbrellas Mens Silk Umbrellas or and at Danford Roche Ops v I Hamilton Aug A pathetic story is told by the two Barnardo girls Rose BarUefct and Annie Mer ry 20 and years old respectively who were tahen in charge by thepo- lice on Saturday night tte suspi cion that had been brought here from Toronto by Ralph Ruins an al leged white slave agent Merry girl is in the hospital in a Serious condition As for Rose Bartlett she vigorously denies being a willing occupant of the home and claims she has been kept virtually un der lock and key since her arrival here When questioned by the police the Merry girl stated that she had been lured to Hamilton with prom ises of a good position but that she been practically a prisoner since her arrival here itoba Letter 7 THE BEST i J- COOKS USE BAKING POWDER Summer Goods in the way Big Reduction in Price to Clear Brleflets The carpenters will finish at new store this week and he expects to move in before the end of the month Mr of Aurora has leased the new store adjoining The electric and telephone lines to Pickering College were completed yesterday The furniture is now arriving for Pickering College Carpenters are putting the trim on Mr Hughs tons new house street The town is pretty well covered cement sidewalks which are a vast improvement on former walks and give the place a appear ance The pipes are here for the new air compressor at the waterworks and engineer expects to have them connected in a couple of days concert on Aid Schmidts lawn tonight Another Fire Shortly after three oclock last Saturday afternoon the alarm of fire was sounded from the West part of the town and already a large volume of smoke was ascending The fire- being in the heart of a thickly settled district a large crowd of people soon gathered a well as the firemen danger was ail over in half an hour but for a few minuter- the situation lookI serious enough The in a stable occupi ed Mr Myers on Timothy Si almost opposite the Mian When the first call fire was a Nearly a Fire Mrs Hugo St had an ex citing experience on Saturday even ing During the afternoon she sent her little boy for some coal oil and any housekeeper she filled her lamps and the coal oil stove When it became dark she lit a small lamp but it flared up all around the bowl and she pitched it out of the door The bowl was broken but she thought that something had gone wrong with tne burner Laler in the evening Mr Hugo- came home with a pail of berries and Mrs Hugo decid ed to do them up at once for fear that they might over Sunday After getting a kettle ready she lit coaloil stove which was in he back kitchen upon the range and pro ceeded to get another batch ready She heard a peculiar noise in the hack shed and looking in found the whole stove wrapped in flames Taking a cloth she heroically picked it up and threw the whole business preserves and all out the door Further in vestigation showed that the boy had brought home gasoline instead of coal oil and this was the cause of the whole trouble The wonder is that there was not an explosion and more damage done As soon as the vend or of the oil about it he went over and settled the matter It wa5 all through a mistake of getting oil out of the wrong barrel but it is not likely to occur again Buried from Lake Steamer M Hundreds of passengers bound for St Joseph Mich sang Nearer My God to Thee when the ashes of Mrs Rosa Peyton were lowered in midlake from stern of the boat City of Chicago the other It was woman dying wish that she might be buried near the spot in the lake where her husband lost bis Hie when the illfated Alpena sank twentynine years Pure Linen Glass Clot 5c yard Black Sateen Skirts Black Sateen Waists Mortons Kippered Herring Colored Print Waists 39c English Breakfast Coffee tin New Shaker Flannel from yd up Mixed Cakes lb Lace Curtains from to lor Was given the whole interior miss of fiamc Other building with the stable on old Kelman property now owned by Mr A and occupied by Mr the lire- men an these buildings were enveloped in names Cinders were being carried by a strong wind and it was only roof of Sir on fire fortunately two pomps Death of Moore Esq After an illness six weeks Moore Esq passed away last Sat urday at advanced age ol almost years Deceased had been some years with his son Mr J Moore Civil Engineer at Smiths Falls and has been enjoying very good- health both in body and but the infirmities of old age were creeping on and his strength gradual ly declined hut he was conscious up to the very Squire Moore taught school in half a century ago and was for many years a prominent figure 111 everyday life For a number of years he farmed north of and afterwards came bad to Newmarket residing on Street He was an honor able man in every way and was for many years a warm friend of Mr He was a brother I of Mrs Peter of this town The remains were brought to on Monday accompanied by his son and the funeral service took in St Pauls Church on conducted by Rev the remains laid Citiy of Chicago was directed north of its usual course and when a point about midway between Chicago and St Joseph was reached the boat was brought to a halt A prayer was and the boats orchestra struck up the popular hymn The passengers crowded at the stern of the boat and sang as the ashes incased in a small metal box were lowered into the water it LEMON V1LLK There was a good attendance at the Ladies Aid meeting held on Thurs day afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs Albert Allen Proceeds amounted to over Mr Darby is holidaying with his friend Mr Gordon Lemon Miss Mary Cook our teacher has commenced her duties again after spending her vacation In the west She reports the west a very fine country Miss Lucy has returned to nor home in after spending a couple of weeks with her friends here Miss Lizzie Pews of London also Miss Bella Mr J children of were guests at Mr 1 McKuens on Friday Amy the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Jos passed ly away on Monday- Aug after a long and lingering illness The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement She was buried on Tuesday in the ville Cemetery The Rev A J Tpye conducted services Mr and Mrs and children of were guests at our merchants Mr Grose over Sunday KETTLEBY Reports the crop gartered- at firsiand by pi crop conditionsj continue to be couraging a general con- thrbuibut the acreage and rain enough cairy trie crops through Reports of damage by bail are found to been wholly local and usually exag gerated as to extent and severity by the first reports sent out As far as estimates have been col ftg i- far it would appear that for 134o after all due allowance has been Muslin 5Cli for a late spring and some dam age by hail there willbe fully more than an average crop of wheat in acre and a very much larger total than last year due to increased acreage Oats aite report ed to be generally a shorter crop than last year Cutting of Parley is gen eral wherever this grain was planted and wheat cutting has been begun in all cV the earlier distracts Unless there a heavy frost within next week or ten days the crop will be quite safe from that danger much it having already passed the danger point Millions for Railway Building President William Mackenzie of the Canadian Northern was in Winnipeg this week Speaking of the plans of the Canadian Northern in West President Mackenzie said Six millions of the ten million dollars I secured in England be spent in the West Surveying work- on the Yellowhead Pass route is go ing on satisfactorily and I shall be surprised if bur line into Vancouver is not completed inside of four years Fifty miles of the gap now open be tween Sellwood and Port Arthur will be closed this year I found Canada patterns IOc v NONE HIGHER i Leather nearly double the price a Union Carpet yard Tapestry Brussels Mens Soft Front Shirts substitute for lard 9c it was But we are ft if selling the old price but it cannot feet high- Cars were dumping very much the public eye and mind I into the valley and went down Montreal Aug 16 fewer than children under five years died here last week Of these 83 were under six months This wholesale slaugh ter is blamed on poor milk and bad water and unsanitary surroundings St Johns Aug 16A Fred- eficton special says that six spans of of the largest trestles on the Brunswick section of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway collapsed on Satur day afternoon with the result that one workman was killed and several others had miraculous escapes trestle was feet long and The fifty rock with NEW PARASOIS BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF SUMMER MILLINERY T J wc Leading Millinery Dry Goods and Tailoring House of Great Britain Not do the trestle Tarrying it with them newspapers and other publications Aug Before the pay a great of attention to Can- j local folice Magistrate here yester- ada but financiers and investors are Ellas of interested in any enterprise hurst pleaded guilty to stealing from to which the name of Canada is at- a summer cottage on Gull Lake south tached j Lake He was remanded Lord Coming Thene is great interest here in the convention of the British Association to be in Winnipeg on the and in the proposed visit of Lord to this city There is a very strong friendship subsisting one week for sentence There is also a man named under arrest charged with a similar of fence During the Past year thou sands of dollars worth of goods have been stolen from summer cottages in I and for time it was f a few moments when the I if Hermans kitchen IT were handy a number of to rest in family plot In Newmar ket Cemetery The were three Messrs Phillips Root and Win Moore of also Major Allan it and A A Ramsay An obituary will appear in next is- a and it roof wet until the to play upon the flames By time tie roof of three or four house in the vicinity wen on fire IB eluding that Mr Millard residence This had been people coming in on the Metro- ear from the north called to it A line of was upon it but the whole wa on fire before the a necessary to ftojne holes in get at fire It was a that Mr residence with little damage as it wis directly jn course- the Mr had a good ar- lot it completely the shade trees were badly The firemendW wo left a mm of damage Wail the by Insurance occupied by Mr Mr Meyer lost a cotter a cutting of sml had another warm wcl- arrival from on com- on the train last night Wednesday Art iU of fie Is a mystery Mr Beyers coal nil and some people it might be from bat Mr declares that the oil and are kept away from the iaWe the east side of the yard and fie Keep in Touch ATKINSONS JKWKLLKKY It will pay you to keep in touch with Atkinsons Jew elry Store If you are inter ested in Clocks Jewelry Cut Silver ware and Ve would like to fihow you the in some thing that will give you Our efforts to this the Peoples Jewelry Store are meeting because we keep a well assorted terms dealing arc that you are perfectly safe busfneee with ard tee be I CO end Among goers and coiners in this Section during the past week we have dotted the names of the following persons having a holiday season Mrs and Miss Walker of Toronto at Mrs Mrs who has spent the past few weeks at Newmarket and has returned from the latter place accompanied by her sister Miss Lilly Tod who spent a couple of days with her here Miss Hughes of Buffalo spent the past week With her cousin Miss Pratt Miss Gladys Spink of Toronto in visiting relative and friends in bur burg this week Miss Hazel Of Toronto is visiting at her uncles Mr Jessy Miss Allison of Is the guest of her cousin Miss Mabel El liott Miss of Owen Sound our teacher for No school She ar rived Saturday evening who has spent her vacation with people In Acton has again resumed her duties at S No If Proctor and wife are at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Archibald Mr John Archibald has purchased a new threshing outfit for this sea sons work We with sympathy for the bereav ed family beg to state that Mrs of Sharon her parents Mr and Terry old was Lord and the peo ple of Winnipeg and visit of the aged peer will be given a royal wel come in his old home The meeting of British Associa tion will he attended with keep Inter est This is the first time that this distinguished body has met in he West and it is expected that the oc casion will prove to be no less inter esting to the scientists who come here than to the people the West At this season off the year coun try is alive with birds and animals land the prairies are ablaze with the colors of countless varieties of wild flowers These and the geological formation of Western Canada cannot fail to Ik of very great interest to men of scientific training It is p DC ted that fifteen hundred persons from outside places will attend the British Association convention four hundred of whom will come from Great Britain Governors Visit to Winnipeg A feature of weeks happenings was the visit of Governor Johnson of Minnesota to Winnipeg Gov Johnson and his party were enter tained by the city and at a pleasant luncheon held at the Coun try Club the governor spoke with en thusiasm of the country he had through on his way from the coast approvingly the International to be held in Winnipeg in and promised his persona support to the project ed that the offenders would escape I StonoJtouse had gathered the results of his at a house near Clear Lake some miles distant from the place he stole the goods and was dis posing of them by sale He became too free with secondhand property and suspicion was aroused resulting in his It is believed that others will be implicated NEW DRESS FALL Quite a nice sprinkling of Fall Goods enlivens the Dress Goods Department New Stripes Satin Cloths Broadcloths and many other Designs Call and see our Assortment The finest Assorts of 50c Dress Goods in town Ottoman Cords San Toy and Satin Cloths in Plain and Fancy Stripes Try One of Our Ladies Tailored Suits for Fall Satisfaction in and Style and Price no more than a READYMADE SUIT PHONE W C Live Stock- Market Export cattle arc from to 20c lower than last week in Toronto Butcher cattle the same as last week No business doing in Blockers Good Milch cows in demand at IG0 each Veal calves range from to per Sheep and iambs are steady Sheep from to and spring lambs from to 5C25 per Live hogs cars at To ronto 765 to quoted at coun try points BANK OF MONTREAL a Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Newmarket Markets 1 Cleveland Ohio Aug Seven men and three women two of whom may not recover were injured early today when an explosion of natural gan wrecked the fourstorey building occupied by the Moving and Storage Co The debris caught lire and wan practically consumed Tho heaviest snow fall in many years occurred at Johannesburg Africa Tuesday Six Inches had fallen ftt noon and the storm was still in progress The telegraph ami telephone services are badly disorgan ized and burfrtcsn ban almost A despatch Italy says that as a result of a short which is Fall Wheat per Oats per bush Bran ton Shorts per ton Hay pet ton ISutter per per Potatoes per bag per Aug hush old 20 27 0 n 20 0 f 21 Branches at all important centres in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be as heretofore A BRANCH AT NEWMARKET ROSS Manager I Toronto Markets Aug Fall Wheat per bush Barley per hush Oats per bush I 50 Hay per ton Eggs per- do Butter per lb Potatoes per bush Chickens per 11 ft After sinking twice in Chippewa I The Pan Anglican thank-offering- Creek and just she was going of 22000 goes to Canada toboal down for the third time Nina located to the west am wood the nineyearold daughter of Including each to Police Officer Greenwood was logical colleges at Vancouver and by Alice her twelve-year- Saskatoon and to Winnipeg- old companion In the presence of 7000 persona Aug Barrio ratepayers including representatives of both the endorsed the third industrial Federal and Provincial Governments tion placed ore them this year land high dignitaries of the Roman- when carried the Barric Catholic Church a monument the bylaw today by to giving memory of the Irish emigrants who ten votes more than the percentage were stricken with typhus fever a required By this bylaw Oar- was dedicated at Isle Co get a loan re- oh Sunday The Ancient Order of payable in twenty years without in- Hibernians were strongly represented teres t exemption from taxation ex- J and speeches were made school taxes on a fixed assess- hers of their executive as well as by Of and certain conccs- Sir Charles the chief J In and light In return Justice and tho Hon Charles Mur- they arc to spend In phy Secretary of the State Among their building and plant and to those present were- LieutGovernor double their present payroll PellcWer and- the Papal delegate 25 21- 0 cult the town ol while supplied with electricity was visiting suddenly plunged In darkness Mrs Alex residents of the who her child some thirteen months to manipulate switches in taken ill and after some days their houses received terrible shocks of SedoUs Illness succumbed on Twenty are known have day week and was Interred at been killed and many others were Sharon on Saturday last Miss Mina took her leave on Monday morning for Ternperancc- Vllle where she Ik engaged to teach The rain on Tuesday was a wel come guest not only adding to the I injured Norwood Aug 18 Tragedy fell with terrible and mysterious on the home o Thomas lougbby a mile and a half from here yesterday afternoon when Stella crop but had a to eight years of age was shot The Two Premises now occupied by us on the corner of Main and Timothy A iff the thimble berries which arc plentiful Reason JMtA IS put as breast at close range by a gun In her fathers hands and the father died cither from shock as Thirtyeight aeroplanes have been a result of the terrible death of his the aviation competitions child or from pdlson self admin M next Sunday at There Is a good Idea to support in France indications he latter theory and It proves to aVTSatall records tor be fail besides the valu- added that he shot his little daugh- cups fcVents two been GOOD GROCERY STAND We will shortly remove to the same premises we leased in August 1876 If jFf ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO a l J TORONTO as mm

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