Newmarket Era, 20 Aug 1909, p. 4

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Hi ft fob MODI New British When Fruit- Cured Him Everything Failed Que- March with to Plata on record for le of other who may be suffering the same ay that- It is quite the range of pro bability that England in the near fu ture will have another colony in the southern portion of the continent of Africa very much akin to our Canadian Confederacy As our read ers are aware for number of years England has ruled the Transvaal WWW v t I yiau A CHAFED PLACES BLISTERS c- GROWTH j K I many with Colony Orange River Natal J Dfolft Kidney Trouble with bad pain in the protectorate or even known kidney remedy otherwise of months flams Vegetable the people of Nat ft by re- I to join with the Transvaai T Victoria Hospital rtl P I was and did so and this 1 me when everything- died altogether fifteen boxes of Fruitactives and from the ouUet they gave me relief and I am now well again no pain no dis tress and all symptoms of kidney 1 have entirely left me I am very thankful to be once more well and J freely make this statement for the of others who may suffer as I did To them I pay try Fmltatlves an they are a grand kidney medicine J a box for or trial size 25c At dealers or from Lim ited Ottawa McBride has sold to in the formation of a new Conferation with a Gov- the constitution which was submitted to tbe J convention a year ago A has likewise been made for the admission of Southern Rhodesia and it is not unreasonable to expect that Northern Rhodesia and Bechuanaland will the other federating col onies Some of our exchanges referring to changes in African conti nent tell us that one particular fea ture of the new constitution is that in the case of future transfer na tive land the sale of intonating li quors is prohibited As soon as the constitution of the proposed confeder acy is ratified by the British Govern ment the parliament of the new will he convened and as thus created will be one of the greatest of Englands colonies and one of the most important nations of the East ern Hemisphere The country is rich in agricultural rosources in mines in waterpower and timber and the coalition thus formed will no doubt mark the fcefinhing of prosperity and peace in British South Africa and likewise in the Christianizing of the regions IryondV Mr Meyers the Newmarket agency for tbe Wonderful K I M uterus The doctors said and could not be re moved as it would They found that organs were affected and said I could not live more than six months in the con dition I was in After I came home I saw your adver tisement in the paper and com taking E Compound I took it constantly for two years and still take it at times and both my hus band and myself claim that it was the means of saving my life I highly recommend it to suffering women Mri Orilla Bradley 284 Johnson Ave Winnipeg Manitoba One of the greatest triumphs of Vegetable is the conquering of womans read enemy tumor If you have mysterious pains inflammation ulcer ation or displacement dont wait for time to confirm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital opera tion but try Vege table Compound at once For thirty years Pinkhams Vegetable Compound made from roots herbs female ills SIP Are your feet hot sore and blistered If so try As soon as Is applied it cools and o injured smarting slun and tissue Its rich refined herbal essences penetrate the skin its antiseptic pro- prevent all danger of festering or inflammation from cuts or sores and its healing essences build up new healthy tissue For stints sunburn cots burns etc as effective Mothers find it invaluable for babys sores All and Store60c box iVV United States Tariff Bill Incandescent OH Lamp MR MEYERS will also faith fully serve the Newmarket pa trons on Monday Thursday with only the purest best and safest American Oil sold in Canada bouse West of Market grounds on Timothy Street 4 CAR LOAD OF BANANAS EVERY WEEK Garden Parties Supplied at Following Rates Small Bunches each UOO Fair Sized Bunches Big Jumbo Bunches supplied to Garden Parties jPmeapples and Tomatoes fresh every week BARGAINS ON Q Time Card GOING NORTH a fl23 ar 1025 Leave Toronto GOING SOUTH a 755 P The American Senate have alter a lengthened struggle finally passed its amended tariff bill Canadian expert opinion is to he effect that this Do minion will neither gain or lose as a result of the tariff changes It is affirmed that on a vast majority of the items of Canadian exports the new tariff is practically quite as pro hibitive as the old In the line agriculture and of manufactures in the ease of the lumbermen the coal miner and the exporter of hides the remains pretty much the same as previously From a Canadian standpoint we are quite hafe in Baying that reduction the duty on coal from to is one of the important changes effected while the placing hides on the free is likely to result in material benefit to exporters from this country Last year Canada ex ported to the States bides to the val ue of Ji 308551 With regard to the reduction in the duty on agricultural implements from 20 to per- cent it is not looted upon by our manu facturers as of much importance The past history of tarifl framing at Washington only leads to ton- elusion Congress may be relied up on mate only such changes in ta riff legislation as from their stand point will help producers and con sumer of the tnited Slates as the annexation notion is now played out Last year coal fthlpmnt from Maritime Provinces and British Columbia totalled and looWng forward to future no bad influence in neaching tin- to reduce duty on item of coal exports as above Buildings in Toronto Mr Albert Whitney does not chew politics on the same side of the jaw as his brother is a confirmed Liberal and is President of the Liberal Asso ciation of The Star says If report speaks true there is many a strenuous family argument with pol itics as the subject At present Sir James P has the most paying job According to press cablegrams from across the briny deep no less than 2000 are anxiously waiting at County Fermanagh Ireland praying earnest ly and new adherents baptized as a preparation for- the incoming of the which their leaders is about to be ushered Now if the authorities in the could only manage to send over to the these apparently religiously demented to swell the enthusiasts it would be a as it would less en the fears of other Canadian set tlers and consolidate the millenium prophets in one community PROMPTLY SECURED EDITORIAL NOTES MILLINERY FOR HALF PRICE WtbOttl ftiXl Flowers Call out The Hew Milliner Parlor Mrs Cor The Ontario Government has an prohibiting the hunting taking or killing of grouse or partridge for Jne year from Another allows settlers In un- portions of the Province to two deer for their own dur ing the regular open wa on only M The political pendulum on the swing against the present Provincial Oovernment The Star says By dropping its work In digging- sllverdi- for Provincial Treasury wid by certain other feigns one ilUut to that Whitney that fine enthusiasm of commended it- even it political opponents Another compliment is due the Can adian postoffice department The announcement is made from Ottawa that on or about October 1st di rect pared post service will be estab lished between this Dominion and Mexico As a result of this arrange ment Canadian jewellers and other manufacturers of small hut valuable articles will Ik able to export small panels direct to Mexican post offices instead having to send the same to or to some postmaster in the United and enclosing S stamps to cover American post The convention by which the new service will he operate has been signed and ratifuvl by the Call e us tor fit are will be All work Opposite Office Word comes from Ottava that if present of the Govern- are realized next seesJon of the Dominion will convene on the of ft possi ble may Intervene so to cause one or two de lay Tiff are prepared the Departments ato be above or aJ week Mr Aihert Whitney brother of James P Whitney called at stlpation A spoonful of sugar added to the water for basting give a rich brown color as well as fine fla vor a of vinegar is added to the water In which fish is to be a most delicious flavor will be to it When working on keep a piece of sandpaper near rub your hands lightly over lb when they stick to the silk Small or salt hags in cold water are fine to keep lettuce celery radishes and the- like on the Ice There in more Catarrh in this of the country than all other put together and until the last few years to curable For great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly falling to cure it with lo cal treatment pronounced it Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and requires constitutional treat ment Catarrh Cure manu factured by K Cheney ft Co Tol edo Ohio the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken in ternally In dose from drops to a It acts directly on ttw blood and mucous surfaces of the They offer one hundred dol lars for case It falls to cure Bend for circulars and testimonials Address 1 Co Toledo Ohio Hold by Take Halls Family Pills for eon- Oar Toronto Letter Anderson who was recently sen tenced to three years in the peniten tiary for bank check was tak en to that institution on Saturday by the City A new lift an Club has been incor porated Capital Its ob ject as expressed in its charter is to promote the social educational and general welfare of its members No liquor license has yet been applied for by this Club It is said the city authorities considering certain modifications of the proposed sale of a large section of Hay to the in terests Drawn under the water by the swift undertow It Evans account ant in the branch of the Rank of Montreal was drowned Sun day afternoon while bathing in the laly at the foot of road Centre Island a Police Magistrate says cream is a food anil therefore restau rants ought to le allowed to sell the on Sunday Broadway Tab ernacle last Sabbath Albert Moore of the Alliance answered the Police Magistrate by saying course ice cream is a food but so are onions meat etc but should the butcher he asked and green eer keep open on Sunday Col lax notions Sabbath Ob servance is thus answered straight from the shoulder 1 Armour an electrician was thrown from his rig by colliding with a coal wagon and falling under the wheels was fatally hurt He died at the Hospital a few hours later Mrs King Ave who saved her little child from being burned to death last week had a very narrow escape Somehow while Mrs King was out of doors the coal oil stove set the house on fire The child was playing near by with I child in her arms as she got out of the burn ing building and the two might have been but for the neighbors corning to the rescue Miss I a missionary the Church of sailed for last Friday- on her way to her field of missionary labors The Chinese fantan gamblers to the number of about will appear be fore the P M on the 27th Henderson lor acting disor derly at the Allen Gardens and throwing bis best girl down on the arrested by a policeman He the Police Magistrate in c- that he had company with her for two years but he had bun drinking Ah drunk too said his Worship Throe dollars and costs or thirty days SHAKE HANDS WITH YOUR WIFE Mil He had a good- house and more than three hundred acres rich land He kind to his wife When I said something her about reading she replied Id like to read but Im always so tired She had no help about the house work or the milking or the washing I watched her and was not surprised that she was so tired too tired all the time to read I felt very sorry for her On entering the home ami on leav ing it after a two days I shook hands with this overworked woman noticed that her hands were hard and her fingers seemed never to straighten out but were always bent inward ready to take hold of work I did wish the husband would shake hands with his wife Certainly he does not know how hard her hands are I doubt that he has held her by the hand for years They have lived together for a long time have grown boys but nobody helps mother I noticed Doubtless the man does really love his wife some but he must be very thougbless- must be blind and not see that she so tired almost ready to fall with exhaustion He ought to take the price of a mule and soften his wifes hands get some help for her When he sells his hogs he ought to buy a buggy so she can go to church with him Have you welltodo man shaken hands with your wife recently at her hands nd see if they have changed much since you first held them lovingly in yours A Passing Preacher in Cumberland Presbyteri an I COOKED MEATS Mild Ham Conned Beef Jellied Hocks Ox Tongue etc sliced to suit you A meal in a tew minuted by permitting us to cater to your dining room requisites SMOKED MEATS Pea Meal Backs Wiltshire Breakfast Bacon Sugar cured Hams Mild Roll Bacon Pickled Rolls The finest of Canadian products Oakville very choice stock Get our prices for large or small quantities We can interest you SPECIAL IN SALMON 500 Red Salmon lor PARIS GREEN- Package Package 30c 15c W C HOWARD 4 n Bsa HOW TO MAKE MISCHIEF Keep your eyes on your neighbors Take care of them- Do not let them stir without watching They may do something wrong if you do To he sure you never knew them to do any thing bad but it may be on your- ac count they have not Perhaps if it had not been for your kind care they might have disgraced long time ago- Therclore do not re lax any effort to keep them where they ought to be Never mind own business that will take care of itself There is a man passing along he is looking over the fencer he but of him perhaps he contem plates- stealing some of these dark- nights there is no knowing what fancies he may have got into his head If you find any symptoms of any one passing out of the path of duty toll everyone else what you see and be particular and see a great many It Is a good way to circulate things it may not benefit your self or any one else particularly Do keep something going silence is a dreadful thing though it is said there was sjlence in heaven for the of half an hour do not Jot such a thing occur on earth it would be too much for this mundnne sphere If after all your watchful care you cannot see that they have done anything bad throw out hints that they are no better than they should be you should not wonder if people found out what they were- af ter a while then they may not carry their heads so high Keep it going and some one may take the hint and begin and help It along after awhile then there will be music and every thing will work like a charm Fol low the above directions and you will be pretty sure to make plenty of mis chief Pickering College Newmarket Reopens Sept 7th Resident Day School Preparatory Collegiate and Commercial Courses Vocal and Instrumental Music Drawing Painting on China in Oils and in Water Colors Clay Modelling Wood Carving For Tuition Rates In tho Regular Courses or in Music or Art Apply to P FIRTH DSe Principal or a s Rogers Newmarket Ont Chairman of the Board Bay Street Toronto GRANQTRUNKVs EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute provided in that behalf Farm Laborers Excursions 1000 Going that all persons having claims against Additional Returning a York yeoman deceased who died on the day of June 1009 are re quested to file the same with Aug to Sept jWiddifield Esq Newmarket Oat Solicitor for John Salter and MISS BROWN SINGS yon sing something the am afraid 1 cant Miss Brown Oh Miss Brown lady No you know you have a perfectly charming volcf Im all out of practice Nonsense emphasized lady No 2 Its lovely Voir must slug Yes yon must said the hostess Come now said lady No he a do Im dying to hear you I ilrnply cant watt Some other time you persist In denying us all the pleasure broke in lady No we shall never forgive you Ive been longing to hear you You must Whereupon Miss Drown sighing deeply to went to the piano and started her song wWIe ladles I continued their conversation where had broken off New York Herald Kerosene is excellent in cleaning hardwood or stained doors Remove dust and a small piece at a time tbcn rub the oil of with a flannel cloth To prevent birds from taking seeds and destroying growth in flower beds or gardens hang between two posts a string on which Is a fringe of paper In gloves always use cotton in preference to silk- thread The silk thread is twisted harder and Often tears delicate gloves while cot ton never will Choice of Routes via Chicago and Port Francis or Toronto North Bay and CPR See nearest Grand Trunk Agent for tickets and partic- ulare regarding transports ar rangements west Winnipeg Canadian Exhibition TORONTO VERY LOW RATES FROM ALL POINTS AUGUST 28TH TO SEPT For Tickets and further information call on J Ticket Agent We Tech You How to become Engineers Fire men etc within two weeks and get you position within a month thereaf ter Apply to Box Newmarket 22 Beaton the Executors of the last will of said deceased on or be fore the day of September as Immediately atter that date tho Executors will proceed to distribute the assets amongst those parties en titled having regard only to such claims as shall then have been filed with them Newmarket Sol for the Executors Dated August moil FOUR YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Field Lawn Fences And Flower Guards any Height MADE BY Canadian Steel Wire Co Come and sec Quality and get price For Sale by J READHEAD Near High School Newmarket Ontario OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at this Office THE COL r LIMITED Flooring Are now Manufacturing Siding Ceiling Casing Mouldings and DP MAR Alt MA F 1 1 1 Royal fcr Of 1 En g i f i Con My 1 the 1 Mce la Coi Various Inside Trim ORK All Jointing kinds of Turning Custom Work as Dressing Matching Ripping Scroll Sawing c will receive Prompt Attention I dot CO We f j ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO if TORONTO

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