ere Contained in Do It Now Have your eyes ex amined and see whit Comfort Properly Fit ted Glasses will give you t Watson Graduate Optician ERA every V if A t M fording to conyie gutter liberty sent outride York advance to United Stoke 1 HAND BAGS and PURSES The Newest Styles at Jewelry Store VM I Ingle Copy eta Each J e VI Oct i per I paid advance I Of FOR HEATER HARDWARE It Prize Winners at McConnell a real estate was found guilty of stealing from David Russell in house tran saction The money was paid as a CARRIAGE HORSES Span Henry 2nd Jacob Smith Carriage Nor- NEWMARKET nsular K With 1 istration shows a Peninsular Steel the- reservoir or hot on the left If for it is desired to have Tank on the can made Is or trouble by lifting from one side and Itheockets provided on the other aide Peninsular is the I the only one which made of copper clear This Range is Built Right and will Right No Smoke No Smell By Lifting the Front Key Plate with the attchment the Cooking are all drawn into the Range and up the Chimney The Hinged Key Plate also serves the purpose for Broiling Steak and Toasting Bread 1 many other which know da Furnace 1 Preston Out r NEWMARKET A few Good Ranges and Heaters always on hand Dont Forget we have Moved to the West side of Main Street where we can meet your Wants In Hardware Stoves etc better than ever STOVES PUTTY OILS AND PLUMBING AND NEWMARKET Yearling Gelding William Knight ROADSTER HORSES Span John Proctor Single Driver John A Son P A Mills Brood Mare Edgar Dennis Spring Colt Gelding or Filly 2 old Tansley Yearling Gelding or Filly J Peregrine Pony hands Pony hands Bert Hamilton Stallion Roadster or Carriage 3 yrs and over J A Son Geo PAINTS PHONE Carriages etc agon Morris Buggy fid Fred Meyer r Fred Fred Meyer Plow OMAS A Of fir id tf A tut It ifllJtATejoa Co in ye Valet to Rent Oct It IN THE 8AVING8 DEPARTMENT OF THE BANK OF TORONTO ACCOUNTS may be opened for sums large or small THERE IS NO DELAY or cutty about opening an account and the money may be whenever required INTEREST IS PAID on your money FROM THE DAY YOU LEAVE IT WITH US TILL THE DAY you take It out BRANCHES In Ontario and the West CAPITAL 4000000 ASSETS FIELD Manager Newmarket Bank of TORONTO Incorporated 5 SPECIAL Gents Turnout P A Mills Lady Driver P A Mills Johnston Gent Rider Joseph Smith EQUESTRIENNE Lady Rider Gilbert Johnston Saddle Horse Fred Smith Judges Graham yaiob South End Lumber Yard DOES YOUR ROOF f For Sale fr r with e Alio ope fop a Democrat J A COLLINS For A lot in May XX XXX xxxx British Columbia New Brunswick Shingles See Our Co- Church and CARTERSFRED HOOVER AND HUDSON BOWMAN deposit The bargain afterwards fell j man York through but Russell was unable to Brood Mare John A Son get his money back The court Jas brought time He will Spring A Son be sentenced at the close of the Sis- Stickwood Gelding or Filly old James Going down cellar last Tuesday to get a scuttle of coal Benjamin Phil- lips was ic with an epileptic fit and was found dead In consequence of the want of punctuality of lawyers there has been great delay in the Assize Court and consequent loss to ratepayers who have court expenses to pay whether school keeps or not Sir stirred up- the whoe legal gang last Wednesday and they needed it The Royal Grenadiers held their rifle matches last Saturday which brought the shooting season to a close for ISO Joseph Paul met with terrible death in the yards Deceas ed was a on the train and while coupling cars was caught be tween them and instantly crushed Toronto hospitals are full of pa tients suffering from typhoid fever It is now becoming a matter of much speculation as to Hen Mr leaning towards West Lamb- ton for the new Farm No one questions his firm belief re specting the soil and climate the same may be said of North Yorks representative as to the climate and soil of the old banner Hiding but where is the pull The entire shops will he removed from city in a few weeks The order issued last week sends families out of Toronto seeking new homes at the Falls and Stratford It B Henderson was arraigned in the Police last week under a charge of practising medicine with out being duly qualified as provided by tlu modical Act Ho pleaded that he was practising osteopathy and did not commit- of the Medical Act On ft stated case the question goes up for decision before Court The increase in Torontos assess ment for over totals Of amonnt conies from West Toronto The tall meet of the Metropolitan Turf Association opens at Park Oct and lasts until the Five races arc on boards every day It more than likely an order will go for Ifbidding all persons front feeding animals at the except by regular attendants day last week someone was silly enough to a cigar at the elephant She it and swallowed it The next fellow that plays a trick will be summoned the Police Court boys thought they were very smart they removed a red light from a public thoroughfare where workmen were making repairs to the One of the foremost the rough was flood for the No less- than four were stolen from the Parliament Buildings on wheel belonging to he Premier was In prove that the Ontario farmer may derive as milch profit from keeping sheep from raising Other live stock the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture assisted by the Ontario Breeders Association Is eight illustration sta tions in various parts of the vin will be located on the farm of William Littli- Cor ners County The farmers will small flocks of grade ewes which will IMPORTED DRAUGHT HORSES Brood Mare John Moore Spring Colt John Moore Filly old 1st and 2nd A Son Yearling Filly 1st and 2 J A Son CANADIAN DRAUGHT HORSES J A i SHROPSHIRES Aged Ram J B T Blackburn Shearling T Blackburn Ram Lamb J B T Aged Ewes T M Blackburn Bi Shearling Ewes M Blackburn Edwin Bain Ewe Lambs T Hutchinson- J Cowieson OXFORD Aged Rani J Ram Lamb J Aged Ewes Edgar Dennis Shearling J Cowieson 1st and 2nd ftwe Lambs Edgar Dennis J Cowie son ALL OTHER DOS Aged Ewes Greenwood J Flock any breed J Davidson BERKSHIRE SWINE Aged Boar Gilbert Johnston Brood Sow J Greenwood Boar Pig Gilbert John ston J Sow Pig 1st and 2nd Gilbert Johnston CHESTER WHITE SWINE Ik Aged Boar Ross Evans Brood Sow G Greenwood Ross Evans Boar Pig Ross Evans Sow Pig 1st and 2nd Greenwood IMPROVED YORKSHIRE WHITE Aged Boar Fred Boar Pig 1st and 2nd Gilbert Johnston Sow and 2nd Gilbert John ston- Best exhibit of Pigs any pure breed Gilbert Johnston Judges on Sheep and Pigs George Hamilton John Fuller POULTRY Emden Geese J B Geese any other kind Patten- den J Ducks- fist ticket lost J Rouen Ducks BIk Minorcasf Stephen Sellers 1 Mangolds Marvin Globe Mangolds Peregrine Long White Carrots Sellers Marvin Long Orange Carrots S Sellers Short White Carrots Ste phen Sellers Peregrine Col of Roots Sellers Judges Luke Gibbons A Rev- Col of AppIesrN of Grapes Greenwood Thomas Miller Barrel Snow Apples D Greenwood Barrel Northern Lumbers prize Gilbert Johnston Barrel Northern Stoddards prize Gilbert Johnston St Law rence Apples J J Sanderson Snow Apples ney Levi Northern Spys J Sanderson Marvin I Greenings Jay J Aylwacd King of Tompkins T Peregrine Ben Davis Marvin Golden Russets J Cain Baldwins Gilbert Johnston Thomas Miller 20oz Pippins Pere grine J Tolman Sweets Mrs John Apples J Peregrine Cana da Reds Jay Cain Crab Apples Tansley Mrs J Flemish Pears 1st and 2nd Wm Tansley other LADIES WORKFANCY Lace Collar Miss Fisher Mrs A Boyd Sweeping Cap and Duster Bag Miss Fisher Mrs Boyd tie Mrs A J Milne Fancy Stock Collar Miss Bennett Miss Pen Wiper Mrs Mrs Boyd Lace Mis Fisher Tatting Mrs Bennett Point Lace Mrs Lace any kind Miss Bennett Mrs Col of Laces Mrs A Boyd Tea Tray Cloth Mrs A W Miss Fisher Netting TV- Williams Mrs Table orJStand Cover Miss Bennett Miss Fishey Embroidery on Miss Fisher Embroidery on cotton Mrs- Miss Bennett Piano Scarf Miss Fisher Mrs Roman Em- broidery Mrs Boyd Miss Fisher Toilet Set Levi Mrs John Outline Work Miss Ben nett Miss Fisher Drawn Work Wm Kavanagh Mrs Fancy Pin- cushion Miss Bennett Mrs A Boyd Sideboard Drape Miss Ben- nett Mrs Hatpin Holder Mrs Neal Mrs Boyd Teapot Cozy Mrs Mrs Boyd Linen Cen ter Piece Mrs Argles Miss Ben nett Lace Mrs Miss Bennett Hair Receiver and Match Holder 1st and 2nd Mrs A T Wait Embroidered Photo Frame Mrs Fisher Doilies anv kind Miss Fisher Mrs Boyd 1 man kindGilbert W Baxter Iff S fc AT Wail Burnt Work Gilbert John- T Peregrine Judges Luke Gibbons A Rey nolds BREAD DAIRY PRODUCE ston J Novelties new and original J Greenwood Shaving Pad in Holder Miss Fisher Mrs Toothbrush Holder Wisher Mrs Boyd Col of Cut pW in lb rolls by A A I FlowersMrs J J White Plymouth ACoJW Sanderson Two Bridal BouquetMs A 1st and 2nd Bert Starr Brood Mare Cain Spring Colt M Cain Greenwood Gelding or- Filly W M Cain Yearling Gelding or W AGRICULTURAL OR GENERAL PURPOSE Span Edgar Dennis Marvin Rut- ledge Brood Man Geo Anderson Fred Cowieson Spring Coll Geo Anderson Gelding or Filly old T Hutchinson A Smith Yearling Gelding or Filly W Marvin and over A SPECIAL Spring Colt by liar Icy a Smith Draught Stallion 4 John A A Son Stallion yrs and over Yearling Draught Stallion John A A Son Cart Horse 1st and 2nd Bert Starr If Scott Win GRADE CATTLE Milch Tansley Frank LlnskilJ Milch and 2nd J Cowieson Heifer old 1st and 2nd J Hei fer I old 1st and 2nd John Stephen Sellers Barred Plymouth Sellers J White J Stephen Sel lers White Leghorns Stephen Sel lers W Leghorns Stephen Sellers Brown Leghorns Sellers Game kind Sel lers Buff Cochin Bantams Sel lers Cochin BantamsSte phen Sellers Bantams kindS Sillers Dressed Chickens Dressed Ducks Tom Miller Dressed Tom Miller J Judges Guv Vigles I M l Buggy J Vrr Thomas J Crayon crock We hamlO Zf lbs in crock ftgThos Miller JM ntcy 10 Water Color and 2nd Pencil Drawing- J Ml hMi Miller Painting on oils KM Nottingham- J W Silk VelvetMrs Wait Huntley lie in lb rolls fireenwond S Lukes 1 10 Mia I 4 Honey in I Mrs Prosser Keswick comb A J Milne Honey in Jar- Ed Johnston CM Canned Fruits Mrs J of Canned Johnston J Maple Molasses Gilbert Johnston Ed Johnston loaf Bread T Peregrine Bread by girl un der J Cain MIKE STOPPED I- Buggy J Jferry Cutler 1st and WlneVjCd Johnston Bread from flour Johnslon Col of Jellies Mrs J Warriner Judges Fred Moore A Carter I i 2nd A J Terry Team Harness J Single Ha rnessC Strap Harness J Judge GRAIN Red Winter Wheat Stephen Sellers LADIKS White Wheat Stephen Sellers Wool Mitts siiglc Jay Sellers I Fisher A Wool Mills Sellers Buckwheat-SSel- knittedL Fisher firow Sellers Johnston Wool A Boyd row Sellers Small Fisher Gents Shirt- Gilbert Johnston Large Peas S Sillers Blue Peas Sellers Oats Sellers White Gilbert J Johnston A Indian Corn Sellers Sweet Corn Sellers Pop Corn P G Beans Sellers Johnston Al- Sellers Red Clover Sellers Timothy Seed S Sel lers Judges J Coombs Green wood Thos Miller Johnston Sofa Pillow A J Milne Mrs Afghan Fisher S Miss licit- A Boyd Darning A Boyd Mrs W Ap ron 1st and 2nd A Boyd But ton Holes 1st and 2nd A Boyd fable MattsMevl Mrs Piece Work Quilt Johnston Crochet Quilt Lewis W Fancy Quilt Mrs W G Worked Slippers A Boyd Crochet Shawl Miss M Bennett Fisher Pillow Sham L Fisher Mrs fceen for a or Town to hire a tit Office Open eab day of Pal and 2nd Edgar Dennis Heifer yrs oldKdgar Dennis Yearling pler Edgar Dennis W Hill Heifer and 2nd Edgar Dennis While Onions Mrs John will kept for the benefit of those letrftolln aheepraising Mrs ol Dennis Milch atrccti is worrjad over of hot husband who went to Gov ard wrote June has in search of him but In vain Property Commissioner Harris says If Urn Radial railways come Into the city will come to the north at St market All let them come Some of the city folk however dont want to let freight cars run through city streets or day the arrest of Conductor I Hood week on chary stealing money from a fare box the Toronto Railway campaign against allege practices a few of their employee upon cars a marked coin put In his faro box by a spotter was found in the pockets of Hood HOOTS AND VEGETABLES Vegetables- I Sellers Heifer Calf- 1 St and 2nd Johnston J Bull Linla n WS on White Underwear Mrs T Sellers arrotsj Head Rest- B Fisher Miss Rest Fisher Levi 2nd J tskill Greenwood Sellers Ta ble Beets 1st tickt lost W Tomatoes I B Mrs J Warriner Citrons Wm Herd any pure breed Edgar Judge Russell SHEEP Aged Jos Davidson Shearling Jos Davidson Ram Lamb Joseph I Davidson Aged Ewes Joseph Davidson Shearling Ewes J I Davidson Ewe Lambs Jo Davidson Aged W Hutchinson P Greenwood Shearling Ram Rogers Ram Lamb- Plnder 1st and 2nd Aged Shearling Ewes Hutchinson Ewe Lambs Hutchinson owifsmi Warriner Greenwood Pump- kins J W Sanderson J Cowie Squash W Hub bard Squash Sellers Wed- del Mammoth Pumpkins Levi Winter Johnston Levi Early Ohio Potatoes Ed Johnston Sellers Perfection Potatoes Tansley Wrn Kavanagh White Ele phant Potatoes Ed Johnston White Star Potato Ed Johnston Potatoes Ed Johnston Early Everett Potatoes Wrn Tansley- Ed Johnston Potatoes any other kind R Levi Turnips Ed Johnston Tansley Swede Turnips Ed Col of- Photos B Fisher Fan cy Whisk Holder Miss Bennett L Fisher Doilies K A Boyd Fisher Collar Fisher Mrs W Sofa Pillow embroidered Mrs T W Ladys Slippers Mrs Boyd Miss Bennett Hairpin HolderMiss Fisher Mrs Rug John SCHOOL COMPETI TION Canadian Weeds properly named J Aylward A Ten- Biscuits girl under Cowieson Chocolate Cake by girl under B Lemon Pic by girl under J B son Dressed Doll by girl T Peregrine- Col of Ladys Bak ing J Mrs J JudgesMrs A Widdlflcld Ma bel Alike Bryan Is now respect- and well- todo farmer in a Western community hut he has not always been so highly or so ell- todo In time past Mike us he Is famViiirly called spent his spare money in the saloons The story of bis reformation is given in the of an old neighbor and friend Yes Mike drank good deal in them days and treated more than ho drank When old Judge Henry came back from the legislature we made up purse awl bought him a bund- some gold watch to show him our That night In the saloon one of the boys said that Mike ought to have a now gold foo he hadnt gone to the legislature he J had raised the first sack of oats In the county and raising oats for folks to cat was much better than making laws for them to quarrel over Then somebody said that he would subscribe ten dollars Mike was so pleased that he called all the boys up for a drink and threw down a twenty Someone else subscribed another ten and Mike treated again throw ing down another twenty He bad just sold his crop and haft nothing but twenties In his pocket course he never got a cent change back nor wanted any he was feeling so Weil they kept on subscribing and Mike kept on until he had spent over three hundred dollars Too boys went and woke the jeweller up that very night awl bought tfe watch But the next morning when he to take a good look at his he found that It was only an old brass thing worth Jars and a half Mike walked to the river bank and threw It Into the water Since then he has never been Inside a saloon It was the luckiest three dollars he ever spent- 1 mm S On Monday twoyearold heifer belonging to of Sand- ford fell feet from an overhanging bank on the roadside and bad its back broken It was and dress ed and the meat looked alright but It was decided not to eat lb r J j Q j rt Johnston Long r for fte i- it- ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO e