Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1909, p. 2

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V J VT KT J i 3 Ring Found Apply at Office J Wanted Immediately General Servant Apply at tfae Era I 1 1 Office I S HI flis in Mb I 1 J 1 I Servant Wanted Two in family Apply to Miss Mr Newmarket Newmarket Large Store to Rent Market Dominion Parliament and each adequate seat ing We farmers of North York to uphold their reputation successful breeders and feeders good lire stock The financial induce ments offered are certainly worthy of their best Ah Ottawa press despatch gives contradiction to the rumor The next session of the Dominion Parliament will convene daj Nov and the Cabinet at Ot tawa is almost daily at work making preparation for the event Press de spatches from the Capitol intimate that legislation to give effect to the Minister decision of the defence conference will would resign from the position of be introduced at an early stage of Chief Justice of the Superior Court the session and will be entitled the of Montreal vacad by t demise Sir He has no Naval Defence Act It is further of the politic stated that the construction of the field Vi J v V PLEASANTLY PARAGRAPH Miss is spending a week in the City visiting friends Miss Brown of Toronto a guest at over Sundajr Times Miss Rose Regan visited friends in last week twelve vessels of cruiser and destroy- er classes is under consideration The Provincial Police of Ontario nine of which will be placed on the has been reorganized with Inspector Atlantic and three on the Pacific Joseph Rogers as chief It This proposal will involve an outlay understood than Foy Block Immediate possession- Box of as well as an annual will be the head the Criminal Newmarket Ont maintenance etc of over Department with Mr We are likewise told that other J i fjT J 1 mm ft T r a a In Newmarket House for Sale down a month till paid For particulars apply to Road Toronto Wanted A General Servant for a family pi six adults wages dollars a month Address Mrs Urquhart377 St Toronto Personal f If Hill who at one time lived with Mr Watson Aurora will write or apply to 195 George St Toronto he will hear of something to his advantage some ttoney haying left to him in r I I I f Maid Wanted For general housework in family of two References required Yorfcer preferred Apply to telephone College or to MRS J 3 Brunswick Ave Toronto Building Lots House FOR SALE Lot No and South Halves of lots on North side of Street Plan There is a good on stone foundation with cellar on lot The other two lots are the finest lots in the Town and there is room for houses lot This property will he told either in block or parcels to suit For further particulars apply to Frank I on the premises or to Solicitor for Vendors Wanted Now I 6 Newmarket and surrounding for Fall and Winter months an energetic and reliable Agent to take orders for nursery stock GOOD PAY WEEKLY EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY OUTFIT FREE ACRES under cultivation We guarantee to stock In good condition and up to contract grade We can show you that there is good money in reliable firm at this time Established years Writ for particulars NURSERY CO legislation will include bills to amend the banking act and the insurance bill which was passed by the last year and laid over by the Senate owing to a desire to reach an early prorogation will again come up for final disposition Legislation to consolidate the immigration act- to ratify the French treaty and siblv a bill for the reduction of cable rates as a result of the conference between Hon Mr Lemieux and the British PostMasterGeneral The militia too will probably receive consideration- and appearances in dicate that Railway and private leg islation will likewise heavy Al together the session promises to be important and full interest to the Dominion at large lion Mr Return The many friends Hon A A vies worth- North York will be to learn that both ho and Mrs A vies worth have returned to the after four months ab sence in England From an Ottawa press despatch we learn that the Hon Minister Just ice has spent practically the whole summer working on the joint ease Canada and Newfoundland connec tion the Atlantic fisheries dis pute with the United States to be submitted to The Hague Tribunal for adjudication next April Our advices are to effect that before Mr Aylesworth left London for homo the case was complete in every particular and statement claim by each side bad been formally exchanged It is a source of much satisfaction to learn from the Hon Minister there was no truth whatever In the story published recently by some Can adian newspapers to the that had some lack of harmony between himself and Sir Robert Find- lay in the preparation of the British case The Minister of Justice spent a fortnight at the Hague but owing to of did not carry out his original Intention of again taking treatment tar his aural malady from the Vienna will goto The early next spring to at- td the argument of the case the tribunal Saunders K C chief license inspector for the Province Mr superintendent of and Fisheries Mr J Cartwright putyAttorneyGenerai as ar Advis ory board To this board Mr Rogers will be respcnsible A press despatch from Edmonton announces that a prospector from the Peace River canyon brings in news of a discovery of mica in that distant and isolated country He prospected a- vein for over two miles a found it to average about fifty feet in thickness and of un known depth The quality is fine and it can he lilted in great sheets of the purest material The mica is worth from to per ton price which makes this mine richer and more important as a commercial commodity than any gold mine discovered It lies just beyond the divide at the foot Mount mi Toronto e Voters List i NOTES A sensational story was cabled from London England this week of the confession of a man there who lor was the murderer of tirade at Hamilton Qui The- confessed murderer is native American bom at Minneapolis v V it J MUNICIPALITY OF THE Town of Newmarket BOUNTY OF YORK lreby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the mentioned In and of the Ontario Voter Lists Act the required by to le to transmitted or delivered of to Act of all persona by timed Roll of the Municipality to be entitM vote in at tot of the a- ant at Municipal that wid first potted up at my office at on day of October there for Elector are called Upon to examine WW if any or oy are found therein to proceeding to have the error corrected accord- to law Dated J Clerk of the Town of Lumber Timber and Fire Wood yOR Many years age Kin then of visited Ontario be a money to the now defunct Agricultural and Arts Society to devoted to the en- of live stock raising This wlUi accrued Interest is now to be utilized for Its original purpose by the Ontario ft Is stated the department of will devote revenue to annual for live stock at the Winter fair the awards to bo known of Wales prizes This the pr7e will be for the three heavy draught col School Reports- No Whitchurch for Sept Annie Brandon Mamie Gor don Swain Ford Lehman Sr Ill Mabel Allen Cora Allen Florence Marshall Kenneth Hop per Myrtle Allen Myrtle Brown Jr Ill C Mabel A Hopper Brandon J HStephens Br John Hop per Raymond Alfred Jr J Mabel Yakes Marshall A Gordon Brandon Thirst Moulds C Reynolds Hopper Brown Part Cecil VanLuven Robbie Foote M Jr I Edna Taylor Hopper Brandon Teacher Mary Skinner No East Burrows A Tunny VLinated Jr III Gibson A Andrews H Tunny Deavltt Rolling E b Tunny p Rowland McCarty Rolling Jr R Sproxton Burrows Good Swain Report of No Scott The names are in order of merit B Barman Max Walker Bain J Mainprize Mainprise Ida Cain Lome Stokes ffl Brooks C Oldham A Harrison HI Stokes Amy Brooks Harrison Allen Frank Allen If P Brooks Cain L Stiver Brooke J Oldham Ft Thursk Johnson Old ham Bain Allen A L Oldham Stokes Stiver Stiver Stokes Cain Tablet Coorner Roy teacher Nine ladies from Toronto were en tertained by Mrs TJ Robertson on Monday Mrs and daughter vis ited the sister in Toronto last Friday Mrs S Hodgson of Bradford spent the weekend In Town with Mrs Garfield Rogers Mr Stephens Vet Sur geon of Detroit was here attending his mothers funeral last week Mrs and her sister Mrs Wilson of Toronto were guests of Mrs J Robertson on Tuesday Mr Charlie who is at tending Law Lectures at Osgoode Hall Toronto was home over Sun day Mrs Geo Wood entertained a few ladies on Thursday evening of last week in honor of her friend from Win nipeg Mr Jackson left yesterday to visit his daughters at Bronte Ham ilton and during the next ten days Mr Jackson got home from the far north last Friday evening and was decor ated and illuminated in honor of the event He had some thrilling exper iences during his fifteen months ab sence Mr and Mrs He war tb of To ronto spent over Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs J Mulr They had just returned from a trip to the Pacific Coast coming home by way of Seattle Portland Oregon Salt Lake City and Chicago They were away five weeks and enjoyed the trip immensely i The Young Mens Class in the Methodist Sunday School togeth er with the Pastor and were entertained on Tuesday evening by the teacher Mrs Atkinson at her home and a most delightful time was spent It was a regular educa tional and musical evening which the young men greatly appreciated A r a in R NEWS HUNTERS FOR HOSIERY I i best wear and those who appreciate I OurHoeryDepartoentisgaimriK buy two hew patron every day due is perfectly New and Up- to the Values we are offering ii New Fall Shapes Goodyear Welted LLAMA HOSE In and Ribbed all Pure sizes tp from to pair A BANNER NUMBER A Pure Cashmere Hose in Plain and Ribbed fashioned legs seamless feet spliced heels and toes fine range Sizes 10 or 3 for CROMPTONS CORSETS Were never done talking the merits of CROMPTONS CORSETS We believe we can fit and please the most fastidious woman out of our stock of Cromptons Corsets New Neat Models for I Every pair guaranteed to give satis faction Ask to see some of our New Numbers elegant qualities of Box Calf and Dongola Kid Sizes to 10 per pair FOR WOMEN Dressy Boots of soft pliable gola Kifd very suitable for street wear walking weight soles dainty Cuban heels the most fashionable boot design of the season sizes to 7 per pair j TWO LOW PRICED BOOT OFFERS FOR SATURDAY Boots of such splendiu designs and qualities youll buy them for very MENS AND BOYS WOOL SWEAT ERS EACH A Sample Lot made with roll necks and lace collars in colors of Red Blue and Heather All at one price each DO YOU WEAR SOX HERES A CHANCE 19c PAIR Mens All Wool Sox a clearing lot from the mills Regular to 35c pair On Sale at per pair A opportunity to the of the farm to who can for the vhii will be iven at the Ontario Pro vincial to he on Wi to About will be a money in the rfepart- Which he principal Dairy Cattle fteef Cattle Swine and Poultry and MM fcCU The Fair at a convenient when the fitting can he done during the alack- time of tall and early winter while the ftw School Report for September Section No King In this report regular attendance affected th of certain pupils Parents should see that children attend Without this in unattainable Average attendance Davis Cutting Archibald Ellison Cook Courtney Br Done J Davis Earl Courtney A proctor J Archibald Br Proctor Br Bryan RlddeHM A Done Archibald Evans If Gould Geo If Munshaw J Strong Teacher Immense Mosaic Found in Italy The J Venice correspondent the Morning Bends particulars a marvelous mosaic pavement discovered beneath the floor of the great Cathedral of eal During drainage operations the of the right aialc feet by 27 was laid bare resulting at the depth ol a metre of a beautiful and absolutely perfect mosaic floor of which not a single piece Is missing must be the largest in existence it extends over the whole and left aisle as well and it la be lieved that it stretches beyond the church as far as the huge ctnpanUe The design depicts birds and fishes a with Pans pipes in one hand and a sheep over his a with a snake In beat and two dolphins The date of mosaic Is uncertain but It Is Report of Sutton Primary for September Freeman I Burrows Brooks P Sell Corbctt Bennett J Chalmers Ernes K Sr A- Noble J Summcifelt D Smith Horner Jr Hunter Allen Newton I Noble Carpenter Bond McDonald Jr I Mann Morton McLaughlin J Arnold O Carpenter Tablet Crourch McKay A J Keating Keating Bond Taylor J Taylor A Sedore ORell K Carpenter J Teacher WALLPAPER Better paper now You will p more after a bit as the Wholesale Paper Association have advance all of paper on Jan 1st WJe have over designs to from from to per roll Rolls Handsome New Desiprns suitable for all Styles of Rooms Walls and Ceilings 5 per Roll 1 AiA a A cable despatch from London England Intimates that the New foundland fisheries modus vivendl has been until the termination of the arbitration proceedings pending I Wt Get- The Town of Ay liner was by a explosion at oclock when Electric light and Water Plant waa blown to atomx completed wreck any Brandon Company which adjoin was hurried to the lot Mia r it ARMOTRONf days is pltaunt men were employed and outing During the Mh and thrown out of wromer work The engineer charge of the on an to the Pair buildings Increased and for the form er department of the Fair a Judging arena and about one hundred and atall have been In mv part ring civic waa in starkly killed his body found vrint the demolish wall of Ay- caused the exfdo Ion Is not Vinegar remove the odor ofparafln from earthen A revolt has broken out in Nica ragua When making a curry of meat all browned spots be re moved A mysterious explosion in bar of the Kirwln Hotel at injury to Councillor James A TUB Furniture Undertaking House can buy your Cheap For Cash A SPECIALTY to John Millard THE CRADLE BOND In on Oct to Mr and Mrs James Bond a son ROBINSON In New on Tuesday October wife ol Mr Robert Robinson nee Miller formerly of Mount Albert a son THE ALTAR 1909 Mr Bennett to Miss Annie May Welsh both of King Township McClJKI-J-C-AlUNfJ- At Cairngorm Farm King Tp on Oct by Rev Or Carrnichacl Sara youngest daughter of Mr Cairns to Alex McClure son Mr McClure Mills TUB TOMB In Newmarket on thellth of Oct Annie Rose daugh ter of Mr Alfred Bishop aged mos 21 days At Pine Orchard on of Oct Howard in fant twin of Mr Frank aged weeks and days At Holland Landing on Oct J Isaac In his year THOMJSPNIn Toronto a Friday Oct Richard Kenneth Mr and Mrs Robert Thompson formerly of Holt aged years and Inter ment In Mount Albert Cemetery on Saturday In Zephyr Tuesday Ootober fit ten beloved of Hoary ICE You will require Qpioe for Pickling can give you Bettor Values in and there Quality and is no Prior We Only Handle the Purest as Vinegars are very essential to Curing of Good Pickles well as the Flavor You can purchase them from ua J- What About Jars for Your Fruit Call and let us show Now Kind of Jar hay A Better Jar and a Stronger On than th old kind and nearly same Price Fruits of All Kinds and Varieties at Possible Try PURITY Flour or a Good Loaf of Bread S Elevator th AH Ordir og KtIoek BUM J J ST NEWMARKET All Orders will Careful OPENS SEPT Caah Price Paid for all Kiuda of Grain and Seeds f J Threshing Coal a Specialty EVES Hart or Soft or or Dry 8eafta la BOO Cat Spi a a cine The the At now Roc mar thin rani lum of ford Chi We Cat ico on here pay not had urn to Ires In the are exec I 300 Beat play lies lor of accoi crow man venii of but cope ti were bind the goals the I from on it claps first first Cess quart fence low off mark the more fence ford home field Sid en t Tim Davis Orxi Pen mark It that the oVIoc in Ashf togetl one think and or of ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO j Kfl an Si

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