I y r appreciate two pairs awl Welted Calf and per liable Don- for street dainty fashionable sizes with roll i colors of All at one HERBS A IR Sox a lis Regular ale at on Jan per or all 1TJ ffiERY to Quality Prior Purest ring of Good le them from Your Fruit of Jar we the kiwi awl Varieties of pecialtyi ES Weeks focal what S3 onto OS The Young Ladies of the Presby terian Church intend holding their Scotch Soda on Friday awning Full particulars later The pumpkin pie season is now on Thanksgiving turkey is also sight Made in Canada sounds pretty good but made in Newmarket Canada gives a borne tune to the sit Special Sale Roche Co have on a stock of Groceries Patent Medi cines Crockery and Wall Papers They Dry Goods under regular prices on their 2nd Floor j rices Groceries arc being do not deliver around At the sold at Town At the Old Stand Messrs Roche Co are row comfortably located in toe store recently vacated by Mr A being the same premises where Mr Roche commenced business in New market nearly years ago Every thing is neatly and conveniently ar ranged and the store is brilliantly il luminated with both electric light and gas There is a wide range of goods to select from and Mr Dan- ford Roche anticipates the old busi ness boom Choice Bulbs The Bulbs for Fall planting at Drug Store are the best we have seen Calico Charity Ball About people attended the Cal ico Charity Ball in the Town Hall on Wednesday night several being from Aurora The total pro ceeds amounted to about J out of which there is only expenses to pay Many bought tickets who did tot expect to go and others gave do nations Those who enjoyed lancing had a splendid time The music furnished by Mrs of Toron to gave universal satisfaction Re freshment- were excellent and in abundance It was after two oclock when the party broke up The ladies in charge are to be congratulated on the success of their efforts and we are sure that the recipients be exceedingly grateful Newmarket Won Championship Three special cars carrying over lacrosse players and enthusiastic admirers left here on Thursday after noon of last week for Death where the match was to be played between the Juven ile of Newmarket and the for the Championship of the Province Ontario Large bands of rooters both teams and the numbered about That so many should be interested in the Ju veniles augurs well for the future of the game The teams played good combination but the hoys unable to rope with Newmarkets defence pelr boys tried to wore from a dis tance whereas the Canal Town lads were a ways on top of the stronghold goalkeeper alter shot in a manner The next best manon the was probably of Newmarket who scored four of the Penalties came thick fast the as the little fellows from had a tendency to lay on or but after the initial period jdiccrs steadied flown PI started Off at a fast clip but it was not until ten minutes had that Newmarket scored the go I through Joe The ended to favor Newmarket The halftime score was to while at the threequarter re market led by to I- The did not score in the last quarter they played a purely de- e the exception of a minutes while was ruled when they made a rush for New- market jfoai hut without meantime the Talagrms scored a total of to point cover first Soclal St- Sunday School holding a SociatIa the School Room next Monday evening at 9 Everybody invited Concert The Lacrosse dub intend holding a Concert in the Town Hall evening Oct 25th Thanksgiving night Witch for particulars Johns Church The special Services closed on Tuesday night They were all well attended and the addresses by visiting Priests were greatly ap preciated Mot Fowl Supper The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church have arranged to their annual Hot Fowl Supper on Nov The ladies will strive to uphold their usual reputation Talent announced later on Curling A touch of frost this week causes people to think of winter and with it the sports of the season The annu al meeting of the Curling Club will take place this evening at Proc tor House at oclock All inter ested are invited Harvest Home The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church have secured the Rev Dr Rose for the speaker of the evening at the Harvest Home Festival to take place in the church here on Fri day tie of November Dr Roses father laid- the corner stone of the present church edifice and the Rev Dr was its first pastor after dedication No doubt the recalling ol some of the incidents of former days will add to the interest of the event ful occasion To the Lovers of Home Nothing equals a display of lovely bloom through the house during the winter All kinds of bulbs can be procured at Broughtons Drug Store Christian Church The services last Sunday were most pleasing and well attended all day The Rally Service in the school pre sided over by the Mr in which a very happy pro gram of and songs coupled with a splendid address by Rev Cornell made a very enjoyable hour The rnormig service in the church followed by the same theme and the address by the pastor was replete with good things along Hie lines of church privilege and opportunity and a comprehensive view of the belief of the church was given to the delight of a present In the evening pre sentation of Work at Jerusalem formed the theme of the discourse and it was thoroughly The congregations were well pleased with the entire services Of the day The decorations of lowers arid garlands- of leaves were very tastefully arranged and pleasing to all It was to Him all Right The merry jingle of sleighbells on Monday evening last though a forerunner of the that followed next day was in reality the announcement that Mr Norman Holers our enterprising druggist ami deservedly popu lar Alderman was bringing home a bride and as the profusely learn and carriage drove up Main and out Strets to bis new home very many of our jovial winked the other eye and reach ed for their umbrellas and top hats and despite the drizle that won became a steady rain at ten oclock the most representative charivari parly that ever trampled the streets of this openhearted old town was the flail and head ed by the Military Hand at full strength with the Mayor and Town Council in a body started with a quickstep for Gar butt Hill The aforementioned Signatories merely formed a front rank In the pro Cession of a hundred strong as close ford Joe aptafn first bom- Inside Toronto captain for tMpt 9- Doyle for market A I for Newmarket Tom rnin New- minutes goon known over had won and when the returned about tn a Keat crowd had tie vicinity the depot Between fPritfftMi cannons and the of the rM j The Town Hand turned out headed a the principal street in hon or twee WE ARE SHOWING Some in Pearl Pendants Necklets Stick Pins etc Sash New Diamond Rings New Pearl Kings Fancy Kings Fancy Lockets a great smaller articles of and not expensive CO end Cptlcleri your Railway and Ocean Tickets from Atkinson Agent and of Marriage Licenses of de- following them in bis shining silk- hat proudly marched Lloyd Police Magistrate in advance of six sedate bachelors Messrs Bolton Fisher and Van- Norman attired in black and- wear ing tile hats and white gloves who steadily and solemnly bore a lengthy casket closely wrapped in the folds of a British at the head of which rested a large wreath of green cedar and crimson flowers The Band need not have concluded their march with the tune The Gangs All Here for when Mr residence was reached and he and his bride his genial mother and his best man Mr J Hughes tall and smiling as ever opened the door it was apparent that very few our most representative professional and business men had deferred the half- mile tramp in the drizzling rain to heartily welcome home this happy bridal couple The Band struck up the strain See him smiling just now and with the gay wreath taken from he casket hung around his neck and a large graven image of what appeared like a representation of the infant Buddha in his hand Norman continued to and looked the jolly good fel low that the couple of hundred as sembled in unanimous chorus emphat ically said that nobody can deny On the green sward ied by the brilliant autumn foliage neath t struggling streetlamps misty light and the torches dimly burning sat the mysterious casket The moisture of the atmosphere was so thoroughly indicative of a Baptist service thai- it no doubt accounted for the Mayor who is a leading Methodist not finding words to adequately explain the feelings or mission of those assembled and his calling upon one of the bearers of the casket as a civic spokesman no light on the shining face and folded hands that mutely lay in the recumbent casket However as time goes on the corpse will we trust have an op portunity to joyfully strike back for the next hundred years for on be ing suddenly upended and unwrapped the casket was found to be a most handsome Grandfather Clock in pol ished oak bearing a gold plate in scribed From his Newmarket friends to -V- Alderman Norman I Rogers on the occasion of bis marriage- Sept PICO The Alderman on bidding his many friends Good Night we are told insisted on evincing bis proverbial liberality and appreciation by quietly if ten spot into the hands of the treasurer of the Band Put Salt in Wounds to See How it Pelt Mrs Goes Back on the She Gave Against Her Husband in the Police Court the farm er was accused at the General Ses sions today of assaulting his wife Maud Mary occasioning actual bodily harm Co Crown At- Drayton handled the for the Grown and A Surrey K C was counsel for the defence The first witness called by the Crown was Mrs She told of confessing to her husband that she had been unfaithful and he then gave he the choice of leaving him or tak ing a horse whipping She decided favor of the whipping which by her evidence before the magistrate was a terrible one but this moaning her whole evidence took on another phase and she pave an entire different version of I ftp Mrs claimed that he only given her a that although he had sent her for the salt and water to pour into hen own on put her wounds she had own accord Yon said you were sick and I hall you suffered Is that asked Mr I was sick at heart- and suffered from the publicity- And yon said before the magis trate that you were afraid of That why put In the she replied evasively She hedinted In giving her evidence and Judge Winchester took occasion to speak to her regarding differ ence in her answers This may a prions case than it seems at present cannot allow people to conn here and tell untruths Von will have to be more careful said Honor Perhaps she is how and was not when Made these other statements Interrupted Mr to take her cue from this Mrs that she had not meant In her evidence before the Magistrate that she ftM afraid of blood poisoning Mr Drayton why she put salt In cuts by the cruel Just to see what like said the witness attempt to de fend her husband was and all time the prisoner sat dock smiling complacently and watching his wife with narrowed eyes Mr Cur rev asked Mrs Just what kind of a husband had been to her during their eight years of man led life was the most willing witness the world then and that a belter husband never Jived He did not get and he nursed her whenever she was sick just like a child and took care father who was too old to do any heavy work or be of much use on the farm Who laid the information against your husband asked Mr Curr Did you XoI didnt knew nothing about it untlL he was taken away Mrs Phillips had him arrested after your husband beat you was there any quarrel we stayed together that night Do you think your husband did right in whipping you I deserved punishment and I would rather have suffered anything than be thrown out on the world The court after hearing the evi dence of Dr Norman Blancbard ad journed until 2 oclock News of the of Oct Allowed His Liberty After being sent back once by Judge Winchester and out all told about three hours and a quart er the at the General Sessions brought in a verdict of common as sault against William of Township who was charg ed with having beaten with whip Ms wife Maud Mary and serious injury upon her inflicted Three witnesses only were called at the afternoon sitting Mr Phillips a neighbor stat ed that he had been shown some of the marks left by the whip lash and considered them serious Mrs Phil lips his wife had also seen the evi dences of the severe chastisement and thought they betokened a heavy use of the whip Both had noticed places where the end of the lash had even drawn blood- Mrs Esther Ensign who had looked at the wounds had not considered them a serious nature When the jury had brought in a verdict of common assault Mr Curry asked His Honor Judge Winchester- to acquit the prisoner as the verdict would not stand on of Mrs dress having been a consenting party to the act But the judge would not allow the appeal and remanded the prisoner for sen tence till the close of the Sessions Rhyndress was allowed nut on his own security for ball News of Oct KKTTLKBY Mr and Mrs A A Black and Master Kenneth of- were guests at his old home Mr George Blackburns a few last week Mr Blackburn and sister Miss Barbara of Toronto were also home and attended the Newmarket Pair together Mr- Thos Blackburn line ex hibited his flock of sheep at Pair last week carrying off 1st prizes and Good Thomas Miss Anderson Toronto is rusti- at the Also Miss Lottie Leonard of Toronto ng a vacation at her home Miss Draper Keswiek is spending a few days with her sister Mrs Baker Mr sold his stock and implements by auction on Wednesday A was sprung upon Mi Baker on Sabbath by the King Christian Church and Sabbath school presenting him with an Easy Chair in recognition of services in both church and school Mr B is leav ing for North to fill a posi tion on- the Metropolitan Railway as Miss A of Aurora was the guest of Mrs over Sunday Mi 1 Walton proposes Id Aurora this week ttea flier in this section has hem very line the past ten da yd It raln- a little on- Monday turning quite cool tojay and tonight friends of Mr Walter Rogers of Manitoba Will In- pleased to learn that after a severe attack typhoid fever if no compli cations set in he is in a fair way to recover Mr Hoy of Toronto wan calling on friends the past week who has been running the Ketthhy Grocery for some time has decided to business basis after Nov 1st Col lections are so difficult to make that the system will he abolished and prices reduced accordingly a good attendance at tin- Methodist Church on Sunday evening The pastor A A preached from the text The righteous shall flourish as the palm Miss Cook and Miss fcnrife fiang the duett Won drous Cross which was well rend ered Kearly one in the village at tended Markham Pair The weather wati Ideal and all say they had a good time Our genial merchant Mr Grose with Mrs Grose and son Roy Visit ed friends In Goodwood on Sunday Miss gby has returned to her home In after spending three pleasant weeks with her aunt Mrs A We are pleased to learn that the sick of our neighborhood Mrs Bak er Mr Martin and Mr J P Davis recovering- Mr Milton Cook Is all smiles these days Its a boy i USE BAKING POWDER AND NEVER FAIL BUTTERICK FASHION With Patterns M 51 inch Tweed Dress Goots Regular SI for inch Tweed Dress Goods Regular for 35c Cotton Cashmeres AH Colors life yd The Finest Display dateDress Fabrics in all the Newest Colorings We give you a FREE with- every dies length bought from us this month At 3c SHAKER FLANNELS At These goods have all open advanced per cent at the mills and cannot be repeated at Pe price I Ddlncator a year GROCERIES Oil Best Ametican Coal Oil Boots and Shoes keep the Largest and Best As sorted Stock of Boots and hoes in the trade and having bought our sup ply before the sharp advance the price we can sell you bargains all along the line and also rememher that we guarantee every pair we yard sell gal or gals for Pink Salmon Large Bottle Jockey Pickles patent stopper with bars Judd Laundry Soap New harp arrived Raisins have arrived Extra Fine Cheese Cooked Meats of all kinds Hams Bacon and Lard J Vrt Mrs has returned home spending a couple of weeks with her daughter in Toronto Mr and MrsO Anderson and their children from visited her mother Mrs Martin on Sunday Mr Sanders mother of and Mrs Geo McKay of were guests at Mr Cooks on Sunday Miss Verna spent a few days last week with friends Markham KESWICK The regular meeting of the Keswick Branch of the Womens Institute will be held on Tuesday Oct in the Temperance Hall The to be I introduced Miss Applcton is A Girls Duty in the Home These meetings are open to the public and a good attendance is expected MILLINERY APPRENTICES WANTED W Leading Millinery Dry Goods and Tailoring House QUESTION OF THE HOUR CLEANING and DYEING Erenliugomifand and plumes and gloves etc can all be cleaned to look new our French The can safely tie experience Our Dry Cleaning done without anr part of the book about our work and for free copy paid i Mm r My Valet rOUNTAIN THE Adelaide St Toronto Sale Register WHERE SHALL I BUY MY HAT ouk SHOW ROOMS YOU PAY A VISIT TO Crowded with its Immense Array of Exquisite Productions there will not be much difficulty in answering the question Never so Comprehensive a Stock and Prices Never So Much in Your Favor LADIES Why not let us TAILOR YOU a NEW SUIT Perleet Fit and Workmanship PHONE W C LUNDY THE MILLINERY HOUSE OF NEWMARKET FALL it MONDAY John Smith K- quarter of lot ton Scott will hold- an unreserved sale of horses rattle implements and household furniture at oclock months credit on or per cent for Cash f Hester Auctioneer SATURDAY Oct 23Mr Dunn Lot con Scott will hold an extensive sale Farm Stock Implements etc at one oclock reserve as Mr Dunn is moving away months credit on sums over or per cent discount for cash A Auctioneer SATURDAY Oct Mr My will have- a sale of Bees and Dee Utensils on lot 30 Con Terms Cash Sale at Duncan A net BANK OF MONTREAL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS ASSETS 00 12000000 00 Branches at alllmporUnt in and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico Newfoundland Every of a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate heretofore BRANCH AT NEWMARKET ROSS Live Stock Market Potatoes bag he- 1 Chickens per lb Ducks per per lb Turkeys per lb The only change this week is anoth er slight decline in live Iiors is the ton figure off 12 012 o 13 18 cars in Toronto Ibis Newmarket Markets Kail Wheat per Oats per bush per hush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton per lb per Oct bush t OK SO S3 11 210 Toronto Markets Fall Wheat per bush loose Wheat per bush TORONTO I Corner of and Alexander A HIGH CLASS Enter I any time Graduates readily get po sitions Write today for Catalogue Barley per bush Oats per bush Rye per bush Peas per bush Hay per J per dov Butter per Potatoes per bag J Chickens per Ducks per tb per Turkeys por lb POUR YEARS SUCCESS WITH Ss American Field Lawn Fences y Height MADE BY 30 The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd a Come and see Quality and get price y It- J Near High School If 22 Newmarket OnUrlo 1 t I I Groceries J Patent Medicines Crockery Wall Paper On 2nd Floor Below Regular Prices WANTED Help for Saturdays Am f J 7 7ii 1 ARCHIVES OF ONTARR TORONTO