Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1909, p. 8

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J- i 4 v 1 if Of tor y I the Chest Ask your doctor the medical name for a cold on the chest He will sty Bronchitis him if it is ever serious him if he pre- Cherry Pec toral for this disease Keep in close touch vith your family physician around the Hub r COR- Harvest Home service be held in Methodist church on Sunday tea and lecture will be held on Monday even next When the Liver fygpMt IS Of TlIIlC Ordinary the whole system is off the key Mrs has stomach upset bowels slug- head heavy skin sa It I tol all told me court- i i I tell doctor the bid tte in mouth low of for fcrtikfut and and he Met your coated tongue be You are win In cases New House for Sale or Rent Apply to Mrs The Newmarket For Brick House rooms domestic rater and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket While moving a load of furniture with his team and wagon on Tuesday Mr David Meyer met with a spill on Main street at the Baptist church One of the front wheels save way and a large part of the load rolled into the ditch and the eyes dull You cannot be right again until the cause of the trouble removed Cor rect the flow cf bile and gently stimulate the to action by taking mm the less painful for thatdont j our Bert has most f AUKOKA Five patrons of the Eversley Cheese were summoned before mag istrate Love on Tuesday charged with supplying the factory witn de teriorated milk The charge was ad mitted and a fine of live- dollars and Costs was imposed on each For House and lot in Snap if sold at once Rents at per year Possession May J 1st Keswick Two Building Lots For One on Main St and fronting on Church St Terms oiay Apply to VV1 JACKSON Newmarket KETTLEBY Seme people evidently do not know that it is against the law to set out poison for foxes as a deg came to an Untimely end the other day supposed to he from this cause If any more dogs a dose there will be some trouble The annual hot fowl supper tinder the auspices of the Ladies ageville will be held on Wednesday evening Oct 20th Supper will he served from 530 to pm A good program of singing readings and re citations will be rendered also ad dresses by ministers of the district tells how valuable is as a family balm She says We first used for cuts and j bruises etc and found it so satis factory that my husband started us- it for chronic sore For along I time he had been bothered with an old sore on his leg and had used j Various preparations- yet nothing bad permanently curetl it He began ap plying balm and was very soon agreeably surprised to notice a great improvement It- was only a matter of a short time before had thoroughly cleansed the sore of all foul matter and healing It is now some sine the was com pletely closed and there is no likeli hood of it breaking out again Since then my baby eighteen months ol has been cured of eczema on the scalp by This ecze ma came- in bed or scratched The child was very fretful the solos and Mrs Graham of the scalp but whenever and Miss Mabel Skinner a duet The proceeds the greatest The Womens applications were effective in clear ing the the bile rernecVthat is safe to use and convenient to take A dose or two will relieve the nausea and dizziness- operate the bowels carry new life to the blood clear the head and improve the digestion These old family pills are the natural remedy for bilious complaints and quickly help the liver to Strike the Key note of Health Sold Everywhere In boxes cent j red pimples and if rub- fek formed into sores in the consideration of which there was no charivari- Our- young people jollied an4 cracke good humored jokes at his expense Theres no smartness about that I fail- to see itll there is One young lady wrote one of bur young men ft note de manding damages as a balm for her wounded and affections Those postal exchange cards are an endless source of amusement One of our choir lassies has just nicely recovered from an entanglement brought about by them I see her insisting oil a new supply of cards Experience- is a good tiough some times a dear teacher- Our market day has been chahgd back to the old day Tuesday forget I hear sonic of our readers greatly enjoyed our report of the thought it would f kit f Sold only in sealed lead packets At all grocers 30c 50c and 60c per pound Uvr Iii Acre Farm FOR SALE IN WHITCHURCH Part of Lot No 31 in the Con as the Case farm at Pine Orchard Good buildings and fences For particulars apply to Newmarket HOLLAND LANDING pleasing piano amounted to over Missionary Auxiliary are grateful to the public for the success of their undertaking On Thursday and Friday Oct and will be the scene of the leading event of the year when Agricultural will hold their annual fair- Th directors all traaes of the disease- from babys scalp in a short space of time I feel it my duty to give the credit where due and I cheerfully recommend to all sufferers from chronic sores leg or ecze ma is natures own healing have been busy for the past few weeks being composed of pure herbal putting the grounds which the- essences It is a sure cure for purchased in excellent shape ringworm ulcers cuts burns Anew high board fence has poisoned built and a has been i board fence has been large quantity of earth wounds piles ken at foot oflP hands I a bill I sores chronic piles festering sores sores frostbite and all skin Two Houses for 8ale St and one on One on Niagara St ROBERTSON Newmarket- FOR SALE IN ONE BLOCK The and Dwelling On of and Streets and Vacant Lot to the South These are Splendid Building Sites Terms Apply to JACKSON the hill besides new starters standi iM and several other improvements Mr Isaac a retired fartner worthy of notice On the evening of this place suddenly on the ih second day concert morning of Oct at oclock he given in the market- hall pher has painted the ex terior of Johnson resi dence Three of our local beauties repre sented Baldwin at North York Fair They were Misses Mary Taylor Vera and Maggie Sinclair Our black eyed Mary is well known about the Miss Vera is another swecU and handsome brunette Miss Maggie is a delightful little Scotch lassie with a face glim mers like real genuine good They saw nothing wonderful to tell me of though black eyed Mary tilt me with a merry twinkle the eye that she saw my old friend Miss Maguire and that she was looking well Marys a smart one Coons are now reported as quite A RANGE should not only look fee all good We have what could be safely termed the perfect range up-to- date in the truest senseknown far and wide as the IMPERIALOXFORD FEATURES- Top lid of ash pan lifts up as one piece see picture locks automatically allowing great freedom in cleaning out ash pan which is big and roomy LOCAL AGENTS NEWMARKET J J i Jii1 as Furnace And The Steel Ribbed on the oclock after an illness of two days Deceas ed was in bis and had re sided here for the past years He leaves a wviow two daughters Mrs Thompson of Mrs J Panning of Kcttlehy and three sons Earnest of Toronto Monteith of 111 and Clar ence who resided here on the home stead funeral took place on Saturday at 2 p m to Mount Pleasant north of Bradford will Sequent the unwelcome guests of the and stores everywhere sell at a box or post free for price from Co- Toronto boxes For 8ale FARM WITHIN ONE MILK OF NEWMARKET The Half of lot Con befog late George Vernon To be sold at for Fall plowing given at This farm consists of a clay oil There is fair house and barn with orchard Water and other It convenience to it a desirable farm For particulars apply at once to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Houses for 8ale on aide of Huron formerly occupied late Mrs on solid founda tion with Excellent well on premises on cocopristne three quarter on tbe north aide Street Two half tttfOBsit Good foundation water soft For apply Huron Prospect A stiff paint brush better Sot down fctalrfc than a Wbfsfa broom An India hot cleaned with water and soap rubbing the with a piece of flannel FOR FLETCHERS CAST OR Bradford lacrosse team have won the intermediate A champion- for the second time in succession Hurrah Hurrah The score this time was Horace and of the of Toronto arrested Mon day and charged with assaulting Ste wart and Sutherland of Bradford in a game of lacrosse here on Sept were broagbt to Bradford by Con stable morning and appeared before Magistrates and Long and fined 1500 each new bridge over the Holland River has cement abutments with and floor is feet long the abut ment and costs Owing to nature of the ground it was to sink piles feet on lbc York tffdei Another protest have now protested the final intermediate game with Bradford because one Victor Or all am is ineligible it is claimed the new residence rule News Mrs Simeon of was Of Mrs Har ris for a fevdays this week funeral of the late Mis John took place on Friday after noon to the English church Iwrylng ground Mrs favored the Metiio- church on Sunday evening with a beautiful and wed rendered violin The of St Mary Magdalene will hold a fowl supper on Thanksgiving evening Oct at Hie fire engine Is a very live Issue since burning 4 the elevator telephone exchange has to the of Mr A L Beak er wjro a WW flawlight switch board has been by Messrs Armstrong who have taken over local business of the Bell birthday on Friday last A Dumber of he young friends were at- her borne with and the- had a very time held at the on evening wa a decided succfss The wan filled with merry people with gaiw A lunch was serv ed which the tfehom- vicinity to be in the culinary art After lunch Mil M1h and Mr 1 McCoy favored the School Reports- The following are the names on the Honor Roll in No for September Class Ill Class Stanley Bain Class Albert Cleland Dcnald Thorp prion Toole Bain Maggie Jessie Stevenson Class Draper Draper I Class Taylor Tay lor Ivan Bailey Dora Thompson Helen Hazel Teacher The following is report of No II for September Class Pen- field Ill Florence Scott Ax HI Nellie Cora Wright- man Alice Tauley Claws Robbie Turnry Sllngerland Harry Smith Herman Second Flor ence Studies Andrews Tablet Christina Tablet I Andrews Report of No for September V Eva Bessie Mona Alice Harry Melbourne Emerson Bollock Rosy Viva Cole John Francis Baccal Br Horace jf urdy Joy JrIL Kathleen Elsie Squire Nelson Mitchell equal Florence Ft Alice Doifs Ernes Feme Cole Frcston Vona LeBar Jr Iris Elliott J Harper Harper Present every day Bessie Mit chell J You are warned against harmful imitations represented to be just as good BALDWIN BREEZES Crowded out last week John Alexander is making satisfact ory progress towards It is due to Dr Greenwoods skill and that I am able to re port so favorably ftliss Aggie of her gentleman partner of dont know where visited her sister Mrs on Sunday On account of this bachelor Emory was I believe unable to take his us ual Sunday evening John Fountain was in the vil lage days this week For one of bis age he is wonderfully active but his are somewhat unfavored Ive known him for fifty years and more Mrs Amos Kay visited friends In this neighborhood some days ago They were delighted with her she is an ideal helpmate for the Dr and of most elegant style and figure a pho totype of Annie Laurie though is most English Baldwin for some lime has been the battle ground iuuumerahle dog and yelping to correspond Every dog is a battle scarred vcter- nerd not I ho cause only somebody got lined for disregarding the law in reference to canines at large Sutton village has a healthy growth of upward tendency A stroll along the of the town shows the progress and hand some dwellings are in evidence and old unsightly are being removed was Indeed surprised to see eld blacksmith shop being transformed into a fine post office a id shop As I was drink ing in the fairy scene admiring of the village and land scape dotted oer with lovely maples and verdure my ears were saluted with COckadooriJndo which was In stantly echoed from many parts the town To the ordinary observer Morton Teacher Guaranteed Dandruff Cure Beware of the druggist who you that any other hair Is Just as good as Parisian Sagche knows better r J V the agent for Parisian Sage and he wont try give you something just as good be cause he knows that Parisian Sage In guaranteed to cure dandruff atop fall ing hair and cure all of scalp in two weeks or money back He knows that Parisian Sage highly recommended the and rejuvenating hair dress ing known it makes the beautiful cents a bot tle at J Y He will guarantee It Made In America only by Mfg Co Buffalo HE BUOYS HIS MEALS NOW for He Keep a UtUs Handy of Toronto wrote on May nth Co jo Church St Toronto Pear wlih would tend me bo of your of my family have been them and obtained the moat reaulta I con you on your In putting a tablet for the care of I suffered lot yean and tried everything that recommended to me Nothing gave me relief until I aa to try Little never Buffer from I enjoy my meals and am not afraid I know after each meal will my food I them to all who from and further My that may above yon wJah I know there are who to know there a safe and awe for O A v I ve not yet had a taste of my favorite tuck in roast coon A good many turn up noses at the hare mention of coon but they dont know everything theyre like tbe lady lecturer who said Oh who would eat dirty pig me nice clean chicken when as we all know so well chickens are the of the barn yard Shall put it in Plain English Every nation has its opinions and dainty dishes Woodcock and snipe are wonderfully dainty morsels arc canvass back ducks A a real New Knglander loves pumpkin and and are fond of candy which the owl thus describes Pumpkin pie and apple Ginger cake and candy Yankee Hoodie loves them all Whenever they come handy Thus called folk down in Dixie go in ecstasies over corn feed and j sum Tbe natives of Africa set store by elephants foot in heavy on frogs In fact theyre dubbed the i in contempt by other nations lie liiP mans favorite dish is cheese and pork with liberal pota tions of schnapps them down The Norwegians go whole bog or none on reindeer cheese The Ce lestials Chinese have their lice and rice and rats The I fish swear by praties and Sec by haggis porrjeh and oat- a meal bannocks and theres wholesome fare too you bet and the stand- bys of the English are heel and plum and barberry tie I have often asked myself who wouldnt I presume youd think that roast monkey make ft rare like cannibalism man eating man an- tbro John Charlie was in town today inspecting J 1 handicraft at celnent working but plainly gave Charlie to understand I wasnt I was inspector on that job- John Josephs solid cement woodshed and cook room cement chimney and are a for an amateur cement cistern is on the roof right Up Joseph has one more small but very unavoidable building In view and that completes bis program Frank and Hen Tomllnson are ham mering and sawing away complete their improvements by cold weaUmr I guess Jack will them Harry and Morris Wolf are specu lating In good- many lines outside of their regular mercantile business They are handling large amount of apples grain wool etc They al ways have an eye to doing something to keep money moving a nimble penny Is better than a slow six pence Ive never heard of them us ing any tricks In their are generally pretty keen trail ers The Rcevoo I should prohibit their local beauties from coming up It lust rates our little old bachelor that ho cannot slope for dreaniln them I made sociable and profeBSUmaj per sampling calls Madam Gossip and Dame Ruor late ly whispered theres more weddings on Our boys are to if one wont will John Hopkins told mo but Other have wit hold congratulations until thoroughly assured they are K Charles and Andcraon axe nice The greater the radiating surface of the firepot the greater the heat obtained from the fuel In most furnaces the firepots are made with castiron flanges or points to increase the radiating surface Being castiron these flanges take up so much space that only a few can be used In the Hecla Furnace we use steel ribs instead of flanges applying our Patented Fused Joint Idea are able to fuse steel ribs into the in the same space where before we were able to cast only iron ones This gives three times the radiating surface of any other firepot and effects a saving of from to irifuel as proved by a three years test This Is only one of the many features that are exclusive with Hecla Furnaces They are all described In cur new catalogue which we send free on request for copy This No Lever up Broiling A lev Dont can PAIN r Clare Bros Co limited Preston IN Tl R OSBORNE SON WALKER KEEP POSTED ON FARM NEWS The Canadian Farm and the Newmarket For Tub Canadian Farm published in Toronto is the National Weekly Agricultural Paper of the Dominion The work and money spent on its production makes it incomparably superior to anything of the kind Special writers for special depart ments All original matter in every issue Splendid and reliable crop and market reports Everything uptodate Finely illustrated Choice and instructive reading for the farmer and his family No farmer can afford to be without it Every farmer will make more money who reads it NEWMARKET SUTTON WEST Era Ba TOR J AH subscribers get The Canadian Farm from now to the 1st of Jan Our Clubbing rate is for the two papers Subscribe at once and get the benefit of the full term flat Farm at tali Pour hot wafer over gum be sure 11 a the bottom of pan youhg gentlemen I know that much No more at present the day and the hour polling Let it thoroughly to lift those praters Iomchump and sponge the silk lightly n yourself with hot iron- Mrs Charles Sinclair showed a monster pair of pure brctl found rona at Sutton fair the largest weighted lbs Some seven years ago showed ft bastard pair a cross of citron that weighted seventysix pounds apiece We regret to learn that loci Waller Draper Is poorly with debility or some wasting as to nablo atUnd his I work A very large contingent from win and suburbs purpose taking I J or blowing out the great Markham I fair The fakirs will Long John It Lyman will the snowballs ABOUT YOUR I TEETH Thar lot and Why- and If Ill I it f ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO y i 1 i i TORONTO

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