Newmarket Era, 22 Oct 1909, p. 1

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rag kinds from to I we liberty to to toconseicoce boTe all liberty in advance l 50 to United State from up- a TWATSON and Graduate Optician Copy eta FOR YOUR or HEATER look good have what could range vide HARDWARE r n as one piece icing great is big roomy MARKET- i of the fuel made with it the radiating take up so use steel ribs our Patented steel ribs here before we This Range Is Built Right and No Smoke No Smell By Lifting the Front Key Plate with the beret attachment the Cooking Odot6 are all drawn into the Range and up the Chimney The Hinged Key Plate also serves the purpose for Broiling Steak and Toasting Bread A few Good SecondHand Ranges and Heaters always on hand Dont Forget we have Moved to the West side of Main Street where are meet your Wants in Hardware Stoves etc better than ever STOVES PUTTY PAINTS PHONE OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND ONT are mUt Weston WEST IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE BANK OF TORONTO ACCOUNTS may be opened tor sums large or small THERE IS NO DELAY or diffi culty about opening an account the money may be withdrawn whenever required INTEREST- IS PAID your money FROM DAY YOU LEAVE IT WITH US TILL THE DAY you take it out BRANCHES In Ontario Quebec and the West CAPITAL ASSF7TS Manager Bank of Newmarket Incorporated 5 National on The work and and for the lord to be without who it papers- Subscribe Muuurrw South End Lumber Yard Sound Limb Wood Per Cord SGRANTON GOAL The Best in America Cor CARTERSFRED HOOVER AND HUDSON BOWMAN irate over la pin it it lightly with a rnyri ways f therfl No rt you THOMSON you t of year Your bo by and having design MERCHANT Toronto Car Members of the Ladies Canadian Rifle Association have taken the oath of required of mem- of the militia In case of drier- they are now liable to be call- out for service the same as mill tiamen The Government has been to make the unauthorized use of motor vehicles a criminal This will mate rrotormeo for taking out motors without leave Torontos foreign population is giv ing more uneasiness There axe now foreigners domiciled in the city Jews number 16000 Italians Poles Greeks Chinese with lesser numbers from other countries Another portion the limit is- to be sold by tender in twenty acre sections The Govern ment wants more money Hon Senator Ross addressing the University Literary and condemned the use of slang in University life Hazing and the evil growing out of it is equally to be deplored The uncalled for rival ry between students of different years standing is a public disgrace and all who indulge therein should be expell ed or ticketed back a whole year in obtaining degrees The base of the monument the i I J sat shivering rest The early autumn twilight doorstep to fall Tessa stopped wistfully It was warmer in before a small house from which a the sun in bright light streamed But she the little cold shoo her head and walked wearily dark room up on stairs Besides no she said in the little she had put all the houses there are always many child- bedclothes over There would be no room for the baby Tessa was very ragged TitoV will go on to the great and dirty did not seem to Surely will not be far make her any less beautiful nor did But it was quite dark and Very the fact that she was weeping The cold when at last she saw the lights tears made her brown eyes larger and of the Park and she was shivering softer and trembling Ijttle under her thin shawl The baby still mouth looked more like a rosebud slept and trembling with weariness than ever She was very hungry she sat down in the shadow of a When went to work the day- friendly wall and cried softly The before in the big was sound of a policemans measured too steps roused her with a slart and But he had said as he kissed her she walked rapidly up the avenue Weep not Tessa mia Tonight will I bring thee a great sausage to eat with thy bread for supper All day she thought of the sausage did not mind so much that she ached with hunger But when came his face was very sad He had worked hard all day in the big memory ditch but at night the padrone of the late J olmSandfieldi would not pay him No for Her weariness left her now The great houses wore near and her trou bles would soon he over With beating heart she mounted the steps of a handsome mansion and tim idly rang the hell A tall man in a beautiful coat opened the door and told her in a dreadful voice to get out Poor Tessa fled down- the steps in terror and It was spme Macdonald has been laid in Queen not wn bread only a little time before she dared to ring at an- I Bit Park in front ot the eastern wing of the Parliament Build ings The statue ordered by the Government is completed For stealing about worth of jewellery from John Martin ol Co balt Geo- Daley was sent to jail for twenty days by the Police Magis trate Some get twenty days for being drunk or stealing a basket of potatoes The leading Liberal organ in this city is condemning the appointment of Mr Rogers as Superintendent of the new Ontario Police force with out a redeeming feature The widening of the roadway on King street from to at a cost is one of the promised works of next year City Solicitor has stepped down and out Corporation officials milk for the baby That was gone Tired and heartsick she now and if the wicked would trudged up tbc steps of house after not pay Dino tonight poor baby house always to have the door must cry all- day with hunger nt face before she could speak So the tears came faster and faster sometimes to have angry words as Tessa sat trying to warm her- to her In all the houses there in the autumn sunshine She was men in coats Who thinking of the days in her beautiful let her in How then Italy before the mother died and should she ever sec the rich brought her and the baby to would wish to buy her Tito this big America where there were At discouraged she stopped always hunger and dull and before a great house blazing with strange sunshine that would not warm lights She had seen several ladies one Not so was it in my Italy sobbed Tessa There the sunshine was bright and golden and the sky was always blue- and clear and there were green fields we did play all day with the goats and wind wreaths bright flewers tor our go up the steps and longed to speak to them hut there were tall men with hem and she was afraid The baby stirred in her arms he The child kissed her hand passionate- waken He would he hungry and cry The thought gave her The luminous eyes filled She knelt at Mrs Channings feet and kissed her dress And forgetting her stumbling English she poured out the whole story in her soft Italian She lifted her lovely face beseechingly to Mrs Charming and tried to hold the baby to her- But as if under standing that Tessa was in trouble the little Tito nestled his rosy cheek against hers anxiously patting her with one grimy hand while the curve of his liny rosy mouth changed the pitiful square that tells of a grieved baby heart Miss Maxwell glanced atMrs and then quickly knelt beside Tessa her in Italian How the childs face changed at the sound of her own dear tongue Little one said Miss Maxwell do weep We cannot buy your Tito but see that you and and the baby are never hun gry again That will be better than to take the beautiful baby from you Will you do now just as the kind lady says Tessa kissed the white hand rever ently Tessa wjll do all she said Mrs turned to James Tell Stevens to take these children up stairs and dress them these dreadful rags at once Then see that they are well fed Have Stevenr rnake- up a- basket of extra cjothihg and one of food will sec them again And now she said turning to her guests wo will go down to our belated dinner There was strange conversation about the dinner table that night lor Mrs and her friends to en gage innot much gaiety and yet it was perhaps the most successful din ner she had ever given For that gay company had been face to face with lifes After dinner Tessa stole timidly down the great staircase She scarce ly dared breathe lest all this beauty and warmth should be a dream to fade at a touch and leave her shiver Ing in her rags Miss Maxwell stood waiting for her courage She would speak Another carriage tip and a gave him a presentation and there was hungertor It is that the sharehold ers of the old Ontario Bank will peat against decision of Referee Kappcle In the Police Court the other day Col delivered the wing advice to a man and wife who hart reached a crossroad in their domestic relations You should hair- And Dino had plenty of work steppe out Tessas heart leap- I Ml la net quarrel Its a great pity It require any brains to quarrel The point to Ik remembered by hus band and wife is that the get angry the same tin The Crown Attorney at the courtroom ceiling Medical students a lively mix- up in Queen Part last Friday morn ing and some of them had their trow era taken on The class was locked in the Biological building lecture roomJby the freshmen but the Imprisoned climbed out around the tower and rushed the The melee was very Another large United States con cern to locate in Toronto the Uni ted Drug of which the west wing of the Cob ban on I he be tween Bay and York streets for five years at a year The City have tion to recover from Police Magistrate as lor tak ing recognizance Some ago Judge ifincheater reported Mr Kingsford was not entitled to these The thinks otherwise now well fciibw whose right Mrs ft damages against the Toronto World for Raul In a ghost story Word cornea the old country Niagara peaches have She was alone And when the light Jell on her face it was as beau tiful as the Holy Madonna she once saw in Ihe great when took her to the feast of I ordered William She fell on her knees before the I Miss Maxwell lady whispering Madonna The beautiful face looked kindly down at her What is it child V Oh will you not my then were goats to drink and great of- purple love ly pastas- and sausage always Oh why did we come away from such a beautiful land they said was to he great of these strange Am ericansThanksgiving when they say in the churches and then eat many things At home when the gave her many prayers to say beautiful Tito there would be toting It was The lady looked at the shivering all so different in America little figures pityingly and then up at And now the stores were full the windows of the house A curious things and from the came little smile lighted her face and such lovely smells It make the bun- reaching out her hand said ache inside her bigger How little Cotnc of this if take to keep them Tessa followed her up the fijfepB A from starving It would not bo so man lallor than any the rest- and bad for her and but It was in more beautiful coat opened the dreadful- to think of the baby crying door Tessa back as he he had no milk at the lovely lady said Ob if J were big to work in and she found in a Tessa wistfully Oh if I had wonderful house Were there then something sell Kings in America and palaces as lit I Jut feho was only nine And long ago they everything but the bed and the stove Suddenly tears stopped and her eyes grew large with a daring thought Why could not she sell her iy and raised her great wistful ly to her face What troubles you Tessa asked Mrs Charming kindly It is I think of dear lady He will grieve that the baby and gone he will not know where to search for us home I crfnie early said Italy The lady banded her cloak to a ser vant and called softly Helen stately woman shining with jewels came out from a room to the light Her eyes fell on Tessa one treasure her precious baby DI- What does this mean lames she no had her how the American sternly the tall man signers loved to buy beautiful things But Tessas lady laughed merrily and truly there was nothing in blame James Helen It is world so beautiful a baby Tito only one- of my pranks I found the Were not his eyes like jewels and his at the steps shivering with cold face like a iovely flower Surely she said something about a baby she could find Wne great lady who I brought her in his child would buy him Then never again Clarice Clarice what a woujd he cry because he was cold and said Mrs with here was no milk jsmllo while a chorus of laughter Tessa rushed up stain her eyes burst the gay group ol men and shining With the joy that had dried women crowding Into the hall at the her tears Haby Tito was sleeping sound of their voices How like peacefully tinder the pile of bed Clarice Maxwell It was id Oar- clothes earing little the Milk Mrs turned kindly to the lie had Just oaten was the vcrv last child What Is It you want little ijhh lifted him gently then deftly girl bound him across her breast In that Oh Tessa exclaimed as way could carry him longer for lB hastily opened the old shawl would not ache There was chorus of protests Clarice You- cannot go into that awful quarter alone at night She laughed merrily Tm not afraid and William is tower of de fence Let me go with you Miss icc said Dr Mrs Chan brother am anxious- to sec this wonderful The girls lace flushed as she nodded htm a gay assent and led Tessa up stairs And How frightened he was when he fount Tessa and the baby gone Though half famished he had no heart to cat the food be had bought with bis scanty wages He rushed into the street through all the alleys and stairways and scores But no Tessa could be found Finally worn out and sick at heart went back to the cold dismal little room threw himself on the bed and cried bitterly until he fell asleep The door opening wakened him He sprang forward and then sank back In awe In the doorway stood a beautiful woman In shining white robes and crowned with stars In her arms she carried a sleeping sank on his knees and hands in prayer Ave dens So doubt a gfd market will hereafter be developed there or tnte luscious fruit Hon J KC as Attorney General Is to have control anA au thority over the newly organized Pro vincial police Provincial constables are not permitted to receive fees Summary conviction fines go to de fray expenses of the seven years old one day fell from his fathers brick wagon and was fatally Injured The wheel over His head Ward Two Conservatives have kick ed over Central AfeSOClalfoh and run their conventions nominate 4and Id for without outside Too power of oldline Toryism In Iter arms wouW not ache so He will not waken soft ly for be Is not hungry and he al ways sleeps when carry him Be fore he wakens I shall be great houses where beautiful live She knew where go Once hart taken- her to the great park Here live rich people he had Bald would go there with Tito she trudged on her heavy load baby warm against her areas slept It was a long and Tessa from lack- of fod Her grew heavy and she had for will you buy my baby if Tito He sleeps now but when I kiss him he will waken and you will see that Ms eyes are like the stairs and his lace like that of the angels in the picture of the Holy Ma donna See he smiles at Is he not beautiful Oh will you not buy V What picture It was the eager childs face the lovely babe nestling close to her breast srnt- Rags and dirt could not hide It beauty The Child Madonna Whispered one the women Tessa looked anxiously at the J 1 r ft group The silence frightened y he whispered It is the ly Madonna that has brought my Tito back But in an Instant Tessas arms were about bis neck and she waY pouring Into his ears the whole story When she stopped a mo ment or breath Dr gently explained it all and giving no mon ey to buy coal promised that to morrow ho would come again What a fire they made when bought the coal and what a supper Tessa spread for him out of the bas ket how they chatted and and cried all at once as ate and ate till he could eat no mare And how the baby wakened by their happy voices kicked and snouted with glee It was all so wonderful that for the firs time Tes sa quite forgot to think Italy as who went to bid Was Micro ever such a Thanksgiving Day as Tessa had or such a dinner as that they ate with Dr and Miss Maxwell in the new rooms made ready for them How heart nearly hurst joy I i Great country place up river Tessa and shculd be with for their was a little cottage covered with rose where Tessa could dream that she was back In Italy If he wished Why so the blessed Madonna gave him the dream of his lite But why after her first cry Joy did Tessas eves fill with tears Like you it not Tessa V anxiously It is aUbeauliluI she whispered only I would wish to be near thy- dear lady- Then the doctor laughed and Miss Clarice blushed like a sweet rose- as he told them that last night she had promised to live in the great house by the river only she not he Miss Clarice any longer but the doe- tors wife face shone joy It is as the saints would have it he cried But Tessas cup of delight was too full for words She could only snatch up baby Tito and smother him with kisses For was it not he had brought all the joy of this won- Thanksgiving 1 A Veritable Trunk The commanding position of the Grand Trunk Railway System in con nection with the transportation vice of the Province of Ontario Is well illustrated by the fact that In this premier province of Canada there arc incorporated cities every one of which Is located on the tracks the Grand Trunk Railway There af 100 Incorporated towns of which are exclusively on the Grand Trunk Railway and others are rvhed by the tracks of the Grand Trunk The incorporated villages number of which aTc exclusively the Grand Trunk and 13 additional are reached by the tracks of the Trunk- i It Is easy to see how pi oneer double track railway Its unsurpassed roadbed high grade pas senger- coaches etc the popular Ontario line Service wins the Grand Trunk serves Ontario well a Double the Income per Cow Several instances are on record in Ontario and Quebec where members of cow testing associations who are systematically weighing and sampling the milk from each Individual cow in the herd have been enabled to in crease the yield of milk per cow tre- Mere weighing and sam pling of course has not increased the yield but it has been the most Important factor In the general Im provement it has shewn that lots ot cows were not worth keeping it baa shewn that others could profitably consume more feed it has shewn the owners that they must study each cow to make her do her best It has shewn them that most cows will re spond readily to better can and at tention and will earn more money given the opportunity means good money in any farmers pocket II he will have little and act on the information gained on records One man Is now getting from his cows an Income of per year more than he was years ago A smaller herd In brought In only per cow but last year the owner received nearly per cow in other words he is now get ting more than double the previous Income per cow r r A 1 r What Beautiful Hair I How often do we hear that of a certain womans hair or a certain mans hair A- prominent scientist and hair spe cialist emphatically states and has proven that any man or can have luxuriant lustrous- hair by us ing a famous prescription called Parisian Sage Is now made and sold in J R Y is the agent in and the read ers of can buy from him for only large bottle Mr knows that Parisian Sage will beautify the hair cure s falling hair and foe that reason he sells It under a antee to cure money back If you Cannot obtain Parisian Sag where you live you can get a bottle tor 50 cents from Mfg Go Fort Krlc Ont express charges pre paid 1 till Christmas for 20c f 1 It f I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIv t iii A f HP J d TORONTO j

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