-V- 1 1 v guv J Race Gambling Must Lost the way to Fair an Enamel Oral Belt Pin and Blue Belt Howard Cane New market- WANTED Girls fox machine op erating and handsewing also a num ber or girls to Apply to once at the Clothing Factory l Wanted Several Smart Boys over years Of age for Factory work Apply to The Cane Sons Co Sew market For Sale A Groomed House on West Domestic water ft A sold at to CM- HUGHES Ontario St Lot once Apply It is a source of satistactJoo to note the change being- wrought in re gard to racetrack betting in the wake of the Globe a num ber of leading journals as well as public men have made pronounce ments indicative of the trend o pub lic opinion Inspiring the hope that in the near future legislation will be enacted to put a veto on the whole business Sir James Whitney is credited with saying I am in general accord with the view that racetrack gambling should be stopped As to how best to do it as to what ex tent a change should be made I am not prepared to say because I have not looked into the de tails From the foregoing it is clear that Ontarios Premier entertains a sym pathetic attitude in favor of the movement to eliminate gambling from the racetrack of the Dominion Our own local member Mr H Lennox is reported as having ex pressed hie opinions The present conditions of the law is certainly unsatisfactory Of course we and I am speaking as a member of the Provincial Legislature have no control over the matter The law that a man so long as he keeps moving may take bets nut that if he stand- still he is liable to a penalty is farcial Personally I am oppos ed to of any kind and realize at the same time thai the of would mean that racing clubs would not makQ expenses Ac cording to my experience seven ty per cent of the men who go to racemeetings do not seeany- Of the except perhaps the lust quarter of a mile All they arc watching for is the suit and they are not interested in the rate The We are pleased to note this view elm in oi carpets Ifoolwm sideboards table steel point Yorks local lounges bedroom suites sew- her regard to racetrack betting log machine and other numerous me Toronto Mr tides Goods may or takes radically the same J I Among lot of motorists fined la week was Mr J RossRobertson of the Telegrain for drivinghis auto the wrong side or the street This shows the Taw is no respecter of per sons A course of training for nurses in Provincial hospitals for mental dis eases has been established by Hon Mr Tho Provincial Secre tary while training these nurses pro poses to pay per month for the first year per month for the 2nd year and for 3rd year pupils This is paying people to get ready to earn good money C Manning awaiting for defrauding small householder in the city out of various small sums of i over Mrs spent Sunday In the city Alderman Schmidt was in Roch ester Y over Sunday Mrs Jackson visited rela tives City over Sunday Mrs Burnett of StouHville nee Miss is visiting friends in Town Toron to was a guest of Mrs OBrien over Sunday Messrs John B Hun ter and ton attended Bradford Fair Wednesday HUNTERS FOR HOSIERY a s NEWMARKET AMD BARRIE AT NEWMARKET AND A i Stray Steer Came upon lot church some time ago steer about years requested to prove property charges and con Dark Jer- Owner it away PO Cattle Lost Strayed from lot Jl Con of Bast last of Sept information will reived by tde about the Red Yearling Steers be thankfully re- 0 CROWDKR Private Sale s of money through orders takral Mr S A wife and two for cheap coal delivery of has ROnS from are never been made has turned over to as the police his dupes The Ontario Government 146136 of demnlfy it for the loss restitution to re- iD in- Incurred or purchase privately any afternoon or up to Oct at the residence Huron street J Dunn Horticultural Society PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby that the annual mating of the above Society will he held in on the Fire Hall view and these gentlemen as pro minent supporters of Premier Whit ney may be regarded as voicing the Ministerial side of the Legislature the Province can look to the enforce ment of such enactments as the Fed eral Parliament may plaice on the statute books for the suppression of evil During the past year our criminal courts have furnished more than one instance of persons occupy ing positions of trust who have sac rificed integrity and reputation in the hope of replenishing a depleted FRIDAY NOV I by the improper use of employers funds The novice who fancies he can beat a professional v gambler at his own game makes a adoption of Annual fcieotion and legislation should of Oncers A genera attend- 1 designed to protect p pm for the reception and arnMer through the fire at the Buildings about twenty per cent of the loss The effort of counsel for the unfor tunate man Blythe charged with the murder of his wife at Scarboro to change the venue or secure of trfal were unavailing al though Mr Justice very just ly censured the movers the indig nation meeting held at v A Government inspector is gating reported gold fields in Whit ney Township Ontario Alfred Baker aged charged with wounding was found and may be deported back to the country Chief Inspector J Hughes and about school teachers of the city will leave today for Cleveland returning next Monday They will visit Cleveland educational envois while in that city Mr Parke a member of North Toronto Council passed away on Monday last It now looks as if- traffic on leading out of the city vill be unusually heavy during Thanks giving excursions commencing this ev ening Preparations are well in hand for the Thanksgiving sham fight out at the next While out shooting woodcock last Saturday Mr Tinsley Provincial Superintendent of Fish and Same ac cidentia slipped and seriously hurt knee It is thought he will be unable to resume his duties for some time Thos Downey for six years a member of the City Council died on Sunday He was born in this city years ago A movement is now being made to form another Jewish congregation and to erect a synagogue The pur pose is to have an English speaking Rabbi placed in charge On Friday night the police made a sons from Toronto are spending a week in town with friends Miss Rheta was home from Toronto for the weekend accompan ied by her cousin Miss Hendry Erie Airs Dan of Toronto Is visiting her sister Mrs Dick Their mother Mrs Fogg is also herefrom Manitoba on a visit- Mrs William Richardson of Au rora is spending a week or so in town visiting with Mrs and Mrs Geo Richardson Mrs went to White on Sunday to take care of her daugh ter Mrs who was taken down with typhoid fever last Mr who was watch maker some three years ago for Mr Watson has returned to New market to occupy his former posi tion Mr and Mrs Keith Mr and Mrs Ken Robertson Mr and Mrs A and Mr and Mrs A attended Fair last Friday It is announced in city papers that Miss Edna Howard only daugh ter of Mrs Angus McArthur of New market is to be married this month to Mr Hunter The many friends of Mr Eli Arm- of Toronto formerly of New market will regret to learn that he is very ill He underwent an opera tion in the General Hospital on the of October and we are pleased to say that he is recovering though slowly Mrs A Kerr and daughter have returned from St John on the Atlantic coast where they have been spending two months Mr Kerr went down two weeks ago and accompanied them back to town The family will occupy the Joshua Davis residence on Main St north for the winter O f m Of th0 Finest Quality fl Our standard of merchandise doesnot permit of the slightest deception or misrepresentation in Furs We guarantee to give absolutely the best value for your money every possible advantage as regards style and quality We can demonstrate to your en tire satisfaction that it pays to Buy Funs at Home instead of serfclihgaway In buying here you know precisely are dealing with and the back of thq selling The Furs we offer been selected with extreme care to give luting service and will retain their good looks from season to season And as regards price no store in Canada can give better valuedquality for quality V Were doing a splendid trade this season in Ladies and Childrens Jackets For medium and low priced goods we think we have the world beaten However here to demonstrate these assertions Come on in and see for yourself rciJesUl A meeting of the Board will be be same place on the date at oclock pm K MARTIN KEITH President Secretary Pine Orchard Elevator on unwary from falling Into the hands of designing gamesters seizure gallons of Italian Wine Special s this Week AOUW Asks Damages is the most north of To ronto for handling Camp Supplies wholesale and retail We the highest for grain We also buy or We on hand two car of drain inch mate lowest price are car Windsor flaJt it IoUj acd course at per alto butter fa and 50 ft fai in will he to took yojr order price FLOUR only it at prices yco tare to pay lor Vim of the MM of Woods of Woods do oat fcvfls or mil estop Sunday School Con vention meet at West Toronto on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of next week promises to he an 4Cngly Important and interesting one North should repre sented il The Horticultural Socie ty is making an appeal to the Pro vincial Government to increase the grant to Horticultural Societies from 8000 aiming that the present grants are not sufficient for the or proportional to the aid given to Agricultural Societies should look afr appropriation The future of the Central Prison by Hon 5 provincial secretary in a at and South Toronto ervalve Club one day last After July next said at the Prison woAd exj ire and after that the mJn- Indicated that the prisoners would he employ In own be half and would not compete with free labor K Maid Wanted Foe in of two required refer Apply to telephone M ie or to M Toronto Lumber Timber and Fire Wood fl I M fn the Coo of Apply to Apply The Ontario Government has an la the mileage pay of Jurors at Assise and Count Courts from tea to thirteen cent throughout the Province have been notified accord ingly The would have more to have to days pay the as everybody trav el at two and cents per mile nowadays Had the Increase been adM to the days pay jurors who have to attend court as many weeks In Some counties as otter counties have find more reason able Take York with its three to fclx weeks and Peel or Ontario Counties with Its two or five dXys ard we hare a notable ex ample The W County of fllmeoo to the northwest seldom a Coun ty beyond the week Increase will extra to a Juryman but this over a court dont add much to bis bank but to the man who has only two or three of service it makes HP at Adelaide street west a hoard ing house kept by Louis Montonc He is being prosecuted for selling without a license With terrible suddenness death came to Mr Charles formerly city solicitor of Toronto and a wellknown authority on mu nicipal law He was on his way to Hamilton Saturday and is supposed to have been seized with a fit of ap oplexy While stepping outside a car on the platform to obtain arr It Is thought he fell from train and was instantly killed represented Northumberland in the Dominion House for seventeen years He was tho soninlaw of the late Sir Oliver From the old land thirty young men have arrived to engage mis sion work in the Western Provinces and thirty more are on the way un der the auspices of the- Methodist Church A Quebec describes Miss as songbird from the Antipodes She Is to appear in Massey Hall on the Hughes aged picked up a pay envelope Saturday containing a small sum of money an honest lad he handed it over to the policeman on the beat The police have been asked to find the whereabouts of Miss Connor of who has been missing week She has been suffering from melancholia of late ft is said Toronto Is to have a agitation Mrs has gone to New representing Canadian Suffrage Association to welcome Mrs Suddenly and without warning formerly a music deal er on street Collapsed on Tuesday arid passed away before med ical help could reach It is said the Ontario Government purposes appointing a railway audit or who will have supervision of the books and accounts of the Ternlskam- and Northern- Ontario Railway The auditor will be attached to the Provincial Treasurers staff Mr Joseph Jones market garden er North Toronto Is suing the To ronto and York Hallway Com pany at the Civil AasUes for 5000 for injuries sustained on Oct last Thirty-cine- prisoners convicted the sitting of the Other will be sentenced by Judge Winiieater on Wednesday next wlen the fleeslons close Twenty- eight of defendants are out on bail and eleven are to custody LOT No 1 Ladies and Misses Short Coats in black lined with Farmers Satin sizes and up to on sale at We didnt steal them LOT No Misses and Childrens Ulsters in Tweed and Frieze sizes to fit ages from to years neatly made regular up to on sale at l LOT No 3 Ladies Jackets 54 in long made of Kersey Cloth color black and blue sizes 32 to this style good value at Its a habit of ours to sell cheap so we pass them out to you at The Lodge of the Ancient Or der of United Workmen has brought an action against Mr J of alleged libel lous relating to the A- 0 Mr is alleged to have published these statement In the Montreal Glean er and Brock Banner also of Can- nlngttn The Brantford Exposi tor Is also Involved alleged li bellous statements referred to the Order and it Is prevent ed members from joining and damag ed statu- of the order Jury Finds A Financially Sound The of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of On tario were awarded damagen and granted an Injunction restraining Mr J of Kirkfleld Victor ia County from publishing any fur ther defamatory statements relating to the financial status of the order The defendant had Inserted advertisements In several provincial newspapers and Issued a pamphlet In which he stated the order was the verge of Insolvency Witt defence was that the state ments true In substance and fact that he was justified In his actions- the publications were privileged The Master the Sec retary and ether officials of or der gave evidence which showed con clusively that defendants state- men In were unfounded did not heavy damages and If would give undertaking not to pub- further and acknowledge that he bad mistaken In the past they would withdraw the action This declined to do with Urn re sult that the learned Judge decided that the publications were not and the against on other Big Fire at Quebec Quebec Oct 17 A serious and ex tensive conflagration occurred In this city on Saturday last that swept away In a few hours property valu ed at over and entailed a loss upon the fire underwriters to the extent about 400000 The flee Is a severe Mow to the commercial In terests of Quebec Inasmuch an the Great Northern elevator now the property of the Mackenzie system valued at- wit bushels of and corn In Its bias has destroyed to gether with the irelght on toe Point ACaecy wharf including a bonded warehouse and the storage building burned to the ground Tho Quebec Custom house is completely and will take according to calcula tion to rebuild the books and record of Govern ment building arc however safe A thief at Windsor stole from under the pillow of Mrs Helen Smith a poor woman who lay dead The towns of Whitby and have decided to join hands In securing tho construction Of railway from Toronto SP i You require lor Pickling and them place that can give you Better Value In Quality is no Price We Only Handle the Purest an Vlnegaro well as are very essential to loo Curing Good Pickles the You can purohaso them from rf Fire swept Main street Battle- ford doln damage flremnn Geo Rogers of London was killed at Ayr through having his head strike a tank while he was leaning from his call window Undertaking You cam Furniture Cheap For Cash r a to at aad if f rf TUB CRADLE ADDISONAt North Bay on 10th of Oct 1909 to Rot A and Mrs Addition a ton and grand- to Peter Addison In Newmarket on Oct l to far and Mrs a daughter Whitchurch Oct to Mr and Mrs lor a son TUB ALTAR of brides parento on Oot by the brides fa ther assisted by Iter Mr Arthur to Miss daughter Iter all of Newmarket fit J NORTH NEWMARKET Orders will receive Careful Prompt Attention J A What About Jars for Your Fruit Carl jhd let us law New Kind of have A Better Jar and a Stronger One titan the old nearly same Price Fruits of All Kinds and Varieties Aad at the Lowest Possible Price Try PURITY Flour or a Good of Bread The Church Choli on Wed In the Bank of the organ Methodist Services and good pastor soprano and them by MI Brodie sole quartette by die Geo Ba Friends CI Next Sum hopes to should be Hi the work fitted All Next enter Pickering G S Phone OPENS SEPT Pile a Pad foe all Of an4 Threshing Coal a Specialty if W H EV Heed Son WoodShort or I Dry Car J Timer B ES Sports Unlike an Rink Local Opi A very held in Tuesday ev attendance tentative ization Cody was Wesley Cane appointed men is mad the polls Brleflets The is now exchange Another loose here good lime the Monday the ere finished It is i Curling OnTuti Co Curl the old the years Town as follow Hon V Prr-s- ViceP Geo J skips Luke Presbyt This lod of a dozen plai week so used Ui and pro Thc giving n no of lev the ant Year soprano shall t from Novel Drug Burnt The of a citizen i letter that In toe hold ft WAS suranc broke before a tod I paint- the I soon in Era I I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO