v afflre Hi is i I 7T7T Given Up To Die No George St Quebec suffered disease for seven years with the front of the body over the back and down thelegs I had indigestion and chronic constipation and the constipation was so baa that I went sometimes for ten to fifteen days without any action of the bowels I was ill in bed for one whole year At one time I was so low that everyone thought I was going- to die and the last Rites of the Chnrch were administered to me I Was treated by six different doctor3 without any benefit r 4 fl I VJ I Then I got a sample of but I bad no in them at all and I would not have taken them only my begged so hard for me to try Ahem As soon as I began to take I grew better bloating was relieved the sleeplessness was curd my stomach acted and the bowels were moved but above all the fearful womb paint weremade easier I have taken eighteen boxes in all and I am now perfectly well again Signed MADAMS JOSEPH for or trial box at dealers or from limited Ottawa A Reform QathiflnM l J At the recent annual meeting of the General Reform Association of it was decided to hold- a Convention in June to consider Seventy Years Ago It will be interesting and instruct ing to a good many people in this part county of York to tbatflrstifeinnaxfcet and formulate a platform and policy Society was organized for the Liberal party of the Province J ago The officers and directors were This decision has been rnjsunderstood elected on the day of deliberately misrepresented by the have ail passed away From print- Conservative press The objects handbill now in the possession of the Convention are- provincial in Jackson we that the follow- scope and in that sense persons composed the first Board whatever with Federal poll- of- Management tics must therefore be obvious President James Pearson to the average erector of Isaac Lundy who gives thought to political afj Treasurer Roe fair3 that a platform which might be Secretary S Primrose acceptable to Ontario might not be Committee James Forsyth John considered appicable to any other George Simpson George Thomas John Province At most tterecan t Henderson James be limited association between the James Gamble Lot respective politics of this and other Thomas West and John f it ii 1 V 1 a L a a I V n provinces of the Dominion or these of Federal origin and application In this connection we entertain the James Cameron was the Acting Secretary of this meeting The following rules were adopted subscraers previous to the that the recommendation Thursday In October next shall of the General Reform Association pay to the Treasurer tenshillings to that during the approaching winter Conventions of the party should be held to discuss affairs hav ing relation to the of the Province This will enable those who take interest therein to advance views which may prove of vital im portance in promoting the objects for which the general convention being convened Respecting County or Riding ga therings of the party we are among those who consider members of the Dominion Parliament and of the Pro vincial Legislature would do public service by more frequently ad dressing their constituents Canada is advancing with rapid strides and legislation of consequen ces and of vital interest is the first year thereafter five shill ings each year That all persons wishing to be come subscribers after the first Thursday In October next shall pay ten shillings entrance money indepen dent of the subscription of five shill ings per annum That persons wishing to com pete who are not members shall pay the sum of ten shillings entrance That persons from all Parts- be admitted as subscribers That an annual appointment of officebearers by the members take place at October show That record of the Societys transactions be kept and read at each annual meeting That a fine of five shillings be T Time Curd NORTH a p m Toronto 545 Newmarket 247 705 Allandale GOING SOUTH Leave a p Allandale Newmarket Toronto Notice hereby given that Clara of the City of Toron to in toe County of York in the Province of Ontario wife of Clarence Lome will apply to the Par liament of Canada at the next 4on thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband Clarence Lorne of the City of To ronto in the County of York in the of Ontario Accountant bow of in the of Illinois cm the ground of Darted at the City of Toronto In County York Province of On tario day of Henderson Toronto St Toronto for the Clara for When porl unity offers these questions might be placed before the electorate for discussion Misapprehensions thereby be largely removel We trust that immediately after the nvt municipal elections are over the Liberals of North York will be con vened the purpose indicated by the General Reform Association of the Province Earl Grey at Calgary Greenhouses 8t I Nice Crisp Celery In any Phone- your order and have It delivered freeh cut brought before our represen- imposed on any of its politics during any of the So cietys proceedings m ft That any officehearer shall ob tain all the subscribers possible and the- Secretary is enjoined to furnish each with a copy of these resolu tions At a late meeting regular and more definite constitution was adopt ed The following persons were award ed prizes at the first fall show in viz Horses Yearling Horse Colt John Rogers Yearling Mare Colt Pearson Spring Foal Wesley Dunham Jno fyscn Cattle Yearling Bull Isaac Lundy Geo Playter Spring Bull Calf Lot Richard Milch Cow Geo Playter Isaac Lundy Yearling Heifer Pearson Lot Heifer Duck Thomas Henderson Fat Cattle Nathaniel Pearson Jar During his recent visit to the West ern part of Dominion His Excel lency the Governor delivered several stirring addresses At Cal gary Alta he appears to have the peoples patriotism given fresh inspiration to their loyal at tachment to the Mother Land and he forecasted that Germanys menace was not a mere Subterfuge At the Canadian Club Banquet His Excel lency said No other country awaits a greater destination than I Pearson Canada prevents Canada from acquiring course of time the controlling Interests in the Sheep Geo Simpson Matthew Geo Simpson Pearson Lot Arrangements given Attention at Out of town orders J Newmarket f net Wright reached an of WO feet a flight before the KaL at Potato fte of harbor were carried away by the recent The readers of will be to learn that there at lecet one dreaded that able to Cure la all Catarrh Hails Catarrh Cure the only cure now known to the fraternity a a Catarrh Cure upon blood and mum of destroying the of th the by laibJSn up the and natire In proprletort have so fa powers that they flee One for any it to for iA J CO Toledo Sold by Take Halts for Con- tlptMoa government of the Empire swine John Sparks towards this goal he urged that Stephens in the training of its people Canada should imitate Germany and in pa triotism Japan He strongly affirm ed the conviction that the German menace was not political dodge but was very real and provision should be made to meet it Canada should not merely supply dreadnought or two but should build a navy of its own nj visionary or Im practicable Canadas trade was menaced by possible and remember that if they wanted maintain the for must Britain in suprem acy of the sea The foregoing were the strong points in address but he added However the loyalty of Canada like the warmth of the sun ft is only su perficial waste of time refer to It Referring to American Immi gration he expressed the thought The more that come the better it will be They make good Canadians Nature caused the best men to gra vitate to the highest ideals Our Am erican friends fcfnk into us as rain- 1 Roe grain fruits roots the fol lowing were prizetakers Matthew Isaac Rogers Henry Mosley John Baker Charles Duck Gar- butt Simpson Wesley Dunham Wm Williamson and Pearson These men who took part in this show have all passed away but their will take an inter est En Knowing their parents grandparents were among the pro gressive agriculturalists their time Three years later we notice the names of other prize- winners Some of our oldest inhabitants who were then children will remember them Philip Col Cotter Todd Jodiua P was hat year and Irwin president with fas Forsyth The meet ing to wind up the business of the year was Held at Hewitts hotel At meeting Thomas Atkinson van made an honorary member of lie So ciety for valuable services rendered These records interesting reading today but if the men years ago could wit nets an exhibition as that held hero thin year they would be astonished at the marvellous growth of the So ciety and the general Interest mani fested Astronomer tell ifalleya comet will come so close to us h to brush with its tail on May and the circus poster would please lear In mind the date There need he no special alarm as the cornet itself it Bald will be thirteen million thought that as to le miles The earth in had deplore was lot the a experience of passing empire to be in it through a An exchange Won for an expression It will be a good time to get far different prediction of rid old tin cans war in the future not in I thinking about Ms sport- with gereral tone of tin cans used to in the f conclusion he deplored political grafting and urged Canadian Clubs fight evil Vohle thoughts and worthy of the deepest consideration of every true Canadian that some of our are His KAcellen- for having predicted war the near future between Great and Germany if this true it is too much to ay that he went too far but from a report of his address in a Calgary paper we find no war rant tor such He didnt Intimate that the naval construction now being carried by cause for ai akin to a national menace but this made rather to enforce bit I i A I fi to loan on go fit 1 Coll i 3 A a ft mm t 1 y i for Life Than the man of twenty year ago This is particularly true of his buying- he up mind that he wants a thing and he usually gets it and the place he gets it is in a mens store Never has pride in personal appearance been so important in the world as it is today Are you getting EXACTLY what you want Try this new store exclusively for men and boys fills a long felt need- if our rush of business is proof Bolton Pointer Pi flprner Street I I S Jr Footwear Furnishings Travelling Goods in and month Weve been buying for men and serving men for years Come and reap the result of our long experi ence miiKilj to ij JAMES WHIMSTER CO The MensWear Men NEWMARKET timer Office He Papers LATEST Monuments and Call Before Less twentyfive years the toy and election crimes galore but stock of the Canadian Pacific Rail- when the court examine the wit- way to the against him they told such was held by the Government for ad- evidence tnat the trial vaaoes made and went begging in judges considered them a lot of the market of the world at less than wholesale liars dismissed the r fifty dollars per share Today the common stock of the Company Is ranging around per share with of too Province by spelling the word Armorial without the u while the Minister still spells honor with the u The color of ah article may be changed by wearing colored glasses excellencys address the tan the old housedog charges The authorities are now arraigning some of the witnesses on charges of perjury Mr Stratum largely augmented capital can now laugh at his accusers and with a quarter of a century ago continue to write P after his This marks the enormous strides the name country has made during that period and the very great success that has The Education Department comes attended the management of that In for another jab from the London estimates that It covers an area College of Heraldry where square miles Ontarios new coat of arms as Conservative organs have lie- upon by the College officials are corno as dumb as the proverbial oy ster with regard to the P for West the recent election trial the trial po litical opponents accused him M- A despatch from Ottawa states Rentier of the Artie who is now at the Capital reporting to the Government has brought with maps showing the territory which he took formil possession In the name of the Dominion of Canada Ho of one jurors In the Sessions being lithographed to be forwarded day last week presented a document to the Public Schools of the Pro vince Armorial bearings is what the do vice is Styled but it doubles to Winchester complaining that County jurors arc paid for Sun- paid days while the court lasts but city the Education Department Head jurors are not paid The city men ATENTS PROMPTLY SECURI the business of and others who realise the ad of having their Patent preliminary advice free Our meat Hew York think all should be treated alike but the city jurors apparently forget that while they can board at home all the week county jurors have to pay ho tel expenses so that at the end each weeH the city Juror really has more money tor his services Jur ors from the country There are two big sides to this question Fire did damage the Foundry yard at Hamilton Furnace Pluml of Our the Outfit at LEADING n J f 1 Mm V S J Bo if In also College of the Royal tot England Former fcJoorfleids Eye 1 College Ear London Cor Main Telephone Consultation services may be or or pho The New It the- to Fresh and ft v i fjl Use it for bread pies cakes biscuits everything SSlAKv Lfi- Confectionery W the I V i 7 A0 A HMD WHEAT fishy mm I champion allpurpose brand by all the lei FOREIGN FRU OF A Oyster NOW Western Canada Flour Mills 1 nrj I y j Have Buna etc dont know what ed for the Try it COOKED HA SLICE We guarantee money refunded Perkins Phot v I I a ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO fe 3f