Newmarket Era, 22 Oct 1909, p. 7

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r J sag Wi leave possible onto to are reaping to our Circular tor ret re lor Shoes Ik Reduction Store a Reboot 25c yd for He wide ft for SO for efc 13JC it or for lie per tin J per only pet ft lllftWMM Us States ENT Manager groceries FOR EGGS Reports I button Public Behoof Joyce V yJorgKealoD Mildred- Treloar P P iujiroereldt Mauds Fountain Thayer Dolby OSS roll Attendance Oct All members re- quested to be present egular meeting onThanksgiving Day ttememr are requested to meet Monday evening Not 1st October New fruits are just coming to ire have stock our first NEW CHOICE TABLE FIGS St Paul Ch thanksgiving service will be held in this church on this Friday evening the at oclock when Archdea con Warren o Toronto pleach the sermon There will be special under- Mr Slathers as choirmaster and NEW ORANGE PEEL NEW CITRON PEEL NEW VALENCIA RAISINS NEW CAPE COD- CRANBERRIES FINE SWEET POTATOES NEW CODFISH IN TWO NEW JAPAJiTBA VERY FINE AT LB I lb Box for f Excelsior Coffee no superior and very few to in tUt fine delicate Cup Qual ity as choirmaster and be welcome towards mission work Running Again The Clothing Factory on Prospect Avenue which has been closed for some time will open Tuesday morning Mr- Mclnr tyre of is the new manager This is his line of business he will no doubt make a success of It The being thoroughly overhauled this week and the girls will no doubt be glad to get back to Bxtrk Special Sale Roche Co offer the fol lowing goods at Cost Price Grocer ies Overcoats Suits Patent Medicines Wall Paper Crockery and Window Shades Also Computing Scales for Cash Register 175 for are acting he the Era some time ago areoihg juslment amount now payable for cost of criminal sent the tos percent and the city to according itoportidnof gal- and assessable wealth Sir has openly vindicated his character and his libel ler found guilty and penalized No one questions men times AGENTS v i t China Close Prices In ill lines more par ticularly in Dinner Seta and Beats In both lines our stock is too large and we will make Next Monday is a holiday- Thanks giving Day J From Midsummer heat to snow in thirtysix hours is going seme meteorologically Work was commenced this week on cement- walls on Huron Street for the Canal Basin With fine wea ther the men think they can finish in three weeks the weather continue favorable the Trustees of the Methodist Church intend to go oh with some of the contemplated improvements this fall Newmarket races next Monday i ii- Something Doing Thanksgiving week at the Roller Rink Monday Oct Band in attendance The management of the ONE OP OUR UNRIVALLED BLUE AND BLACK STEP J HUNTER BROS Ltd Surprise and Presentation A very pleasant surprise and pre sentation took place at the Christian parsonage last Friday night when nearly sixty of the members of the E- Society met to express good will Jennie josser who has for a number a very active member of the Society During the evening tho accompany ing address was read Miss Edith and the presentation of a very handsome cut glass fruit dish was made by Master Wilbur Chid ley J To Miss Jennie Prosser Dear Friend You have been in vited here to spend asocial evening with the of theCE Socie ty of the Newmarket Christian Church of which you are a charter member And having learned that you are to change your name thought the timejorid occasion an opportune one to express to you our sense appreciation for your very faithful and Untiring service to the Society We owe it to you perhaps more any other member of the So ciety during the years of our organized activity so much good has been accomplished We recognize that you have been a leading spirit in all our plans For several terms you have presid ed over the Society with good judg ment and marked ability You have also served from time to time upon its various committees with that should live clean hut it is equally necessary- that- political par- tizans should curb propensities to besmirch the characters of opponentsthe more especially when their attacks are lounged upon no more tangible than a paragraph in a newspaper prohibited from trans mission through His mails ARE YOU GETT VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY This is a most ifliport ant and one you should carefully consider in all your purchasing Sotoe- appears tolsnot vrf goods and compare out This that our values are the best thai can I i From a paragraph in the last Christian Guardian we- learn it has been decided by the General Confer ence Special Committee charged with the duty of selecting the plate meeting of the next Confer ence to meet in Victoria Ot tawa and London Ont extended In vitations but the decision went fix Victoria We are it will cost the funds of the denomination more for the General Conference to convene at the Pacific coast than at either Ottawa or London with no appreciable advantage other than gratifying sentiment When the fact becomes known we would not sur prised to find a good many oldfash ioned Methodists leaving it for the lovers of sentiment to pay this ad ditional men who want an excursion fkp the Pacific slope to pay their own expenses Quashed a Bonus Roller Rink wish to announce to the courage and aggressiveness- which Prof A Turner bet- characterize every Christian The bylaw granting a loan of to the Carriage Company was quashed at last Friday by Chief Justice The municipalitys Council neither opposed nor consented The bylaw was attacked on these allegations Some of the shareholders voted for the bylaw The bylaw besides providing mon ey gave exemption from taxes and a rebate on electric and water rates The Mayor and one alderman both shareholders took part in the Coun cil vote on the third reading with out their support result would have been a tie r Fieri Over Effel Tower for you for the next SO human top and king jumpers and the worlds most fa- While you have given yourself with ft A SMITH The Leading Reliable Grocer PHOTOS Foe Go To The Studio Opposite Poet Office trick and fancy roller skater to the been engaged to give two nighta performance on Wednesday and Thurs day Oct and 28th Dont miss these attractions Admission including skates Spectators Book Racks Basket Music Racks and fancy shaped Pan els for work at Drug Store SYSTEM Thanksgiving Day I TICKETS SINGLE On Oct and 25 between all station in Canada also to Detroit and Port Niagara Palls If Limit Oct HUNTERS EXCURSIONS Return Tickets at Single Fare TO To Ternafmi point to Port aril to a by Co to certain OCTOBER TO ftOV TH To to to AOlWtVt kaVtU 0 P from Bay Co ail tfykeU or dm to rtt from Grand write J Incorrect Ve understand that it has been ru mored that the accommodation at the High School is so taxed that no pupils can admitted This not so- On the contrary the North basement is being eati and prparVi or reception of a large clans in Commercial under the called supervision of a qualify Instructress Mfs Port Hope who duty on Monday last Of base ment class rooms are only temporary as an extension to the school fcena absolutely another Fun For miss Rink Oct It ft Curling The organization meeting of the Curling Club held last Friday if the inter- eat which aa at the until the- Ice ar rives there la no doubt but will be one of best seasons in the ft is fully expected that evtti peatec year and a tl date for of has been back from Jan to in order that the competitions earlier It Is ahnout certain will take out of the game this year than ever before Mr If voted Honor fa la the Clubs gani74to9 TV were of the follow ing f How Cane Mr ft Rev Reps Secretary Mr J Rogers P P Morgan J A you have- also found time tho your life has one to care for a class In and to be actively interested in all the activities of our church We most heartily commend you or all the manifestations of your loyal ty liberality and spirituality We believe you have always aimed at being a true Christian Therefore we feel that we cannot Allow this opportunity to pass with out presenting you with some slight token of our high esteem and perfect confidence We ask you then to accept this cut glass fruit dish as a memento of our affection and may it serve to recall the happy hours we have spent together as a society In our Lords service And may wo believe that instead of losing a member from our societies by the new relation to be formed we shall rather as a consequence he able to add another to our member- ship Please accept our hearty congratu lations and our very best wishes for a long and happy life Signed on behalf Society Boyd Minnie lis Edgar Willis Cora Newmarket Oct A Miss Prosper though taken wholly by surprise made a brief and fitting reply The evening was spent In games after light were served The was a very enjoyable one all feeling that they were doing honor to a very worthy member- of the Society ULBS Fall Planting A Drug Store HYACINTHS TUMPS LIMBS NARCISSUS And other BR0OCHI0H DRUG 4 Can Ex Co Psoas to and from trains handled with despatch 1 ii r Paris Oct The most remark able crosscountry flight ever accom plished In an aeroplane was made this afternoon by Count Be Lambert aviator left aerodrome at in a Wright machine flew across Pans to the Eiffel tower circled it returned to the starting point st riving safely at Lambert kept his plans a secret from everybody even his wife the only ex ceptions being two Officials of the Aviation Society whom at the port of aviation the time of his departure and arrival and other the time of his arrival at the tow er on the top of which the official was stationed In a the tower is fifteen miles from Saves Drowning Qlrl by a Desperate Dive Delhi Oct William Buck aged 13 the heavy hitting the champion Delhi baseball team has his baseball glory by fiaving a young lady from drowning Buck rescued from the waters of the Rhone River on Sunday Miss Lota pretty talented daughter of Bent one of the wealthiest men of Southern Buck been presented by with the finest gold watch that money can buy with the record of the deed valor and an effort will he made to secure the life saving modal of the Humane Society Sunday was an ideal day for boat- log Miss accompanied by Miss Julia Wilson and her small brother Arthur Wilson was enjoying the water near Milts When their host reacod a point in the shadow of a perpendicular bank near the Buck home the boat and the three young people were left struggling In the deep Icecold Arthur Wilson a brave fel low to swimming after a desperate effort managed to tow his sister to safety for which act he deserves great The llttlo fellow was ho exhausted from his great effort he was unable to go to the of but he called loudly for help The cry was heard by Will In his home near the top of the river Prom the top a sheer pre cipice he took in situation at a glance but I dont know whe ther Ill come back l he called out to his father and ho dive A white hand appear for a moment above the water and then disappeared Young Buck swam for the spot and managed with great effort to seize an apparently Inanimate form as It sank LADIES- READY TO WEAR We have just receivejd this cl New Coats and Skirts we ate very anxious for you to J see because they are the newest the most stylish the best we nave for a long time artdtho prices are all OK Wean please vqu call and I see Ladies J and I- Coats in Beaver Broadcloth and Tweeds All new shades These aire the best- selection you have seen a long whilQ Ladies New Suits in Navy Brown Grey and all sizes well tailored perfect fitting gar- from r We would like you tosee our Child rens Coats We have a large variety and the prices are right Ivies Coats New Sfey- cut finisTwl in every way These are worth your LadiesBiack Sateen Underskirts SS special Saturday The New Royal TafTefa Underskirt in all sizes- This a great bargain and should not be missed Price S3 Silk lined Net Waists fromv Flannelette Gowns 50c LADIES SHOE There is ho mystery about the manufacture of the Shoe only if you wear them once you will never own any other make of shoe We handle styles and also the dancing shoe with the ank le straps the kind that never slip at the heel NOTION AND DRY GOODS Wc arc agents for Cor sets the most perfect fluting and Corset on the market The La Grace Princes is a favorite among all well dressed wo men We have them all sizes Prices J 1 SI 50 The Corset is also an easy fitting Corset that gives com fort with style Price to A great assemblage of Table Linens await your inspection Prices to 125 per yard Come and see our Apron Ginghams to per yard pairs Ladies Tan and Chocolate I Boots Blucher style Cuban Tan Suede All sizes Regular price and fo GENTS FURNISHING yhat is the first you notice in mans attire Why his neckwear That is why we make a special sturdy of thisbranch carry in our store the finest selection anywhere outside the large cities because we have special facilities for obtaining the seasons latest and best productions- Come and see what is the correct thing to wear notf Mens 50c Fourinhand Ties in stripes and panel effects for 35c The Newest Fourinhand Scarves something you wont see in any other store Price 75c and 50c A range of Sweaters and Sweater Coats that is hard to beat anywhere is to be seen in our store All pri ces from to The best Collars on the market are the make We are agente and- carry all sizes patterns and styles A special line of Fine Wool Elastic Knit Underwear usual i for A Boot Talk The Styles for Fall Wear are here Every style is- a masterpiece of rhe art of shoe manufacture Full lines of every kind are open for your cction To produce the excellent footwear shown in the New demands the most skillful workmen the highest grade machinery and the best possible material money can pro cure All these are embodied in these shoes We think what most ladies are lootyng for la a shoe that will relieve you of that tired feeling Tho Cushioned Boot with Goodyear welted or handturned soles Is the very shoe and if you will come we will demonstrate how they and conform to every movement of the loot Ilk e A Ai A MARTIN COMPANY Another moment and it would have been too late Another Scandal Nailed Oct Sir fi Borden Minister of Militia his vindication when the jury Iff a verdict finding Walter Kentville guilty criminal libel The jury re tired ten to four oclock to consider the verdict They returned after being out four hours less ten minutes tcfask whether they were to consider the verdict in relation to count number four of Indictment which referred to the house Pal ace street Ottawa- His lordship In them that count in re lation to the house named was a dis tinct libel and as justification was must deal with It as It was cm Its face The jury again re tired and after remaining out for some time further returned at five minutes to oclock with a verdict Guilty His Lordship then dis charged the jury for this term thank ing them for their attendance The prisoner was then to jail vlthout ball to appear tomorrow morning at oclock for sentence Mr Justice said he was quite In accord with verdict He did not how it could have been otherwise The offence occurred dur ing a hot political contest but the offence had been aggravated by plead ing He thought there were others behind Mr and In this light and regarding him only culprit he sentenced Tho safe In Hanson Bros store at was blown open by burglars North Bay Oct The ten-year- old son of Ira Tupper farmer of Wlddlefold Township shot and killed mother on Saturday The boy In some manner possession of an old 22ealibro rifle and thinking it unloaded playfully leveled it at his mother and pulled the trigger fortunarelya loaded cartridge had Been left Is the rifle and to it was discharged and the boys mother dropped to the floor In an agony- of fear he rushed to the side of his irate parent and tried in vain to get her to speak him He then rushed screaming from the house and attracted the attention of the neighbors who found Mra Tup per dead on the floor the bullet hav ing pierced her heart Chief Raynor and Coroner McMurchy were notified Building Lots House FOR SALE- Lot No and South Halves of lots 8 on North side of Street Plan There Is a good house on stone good cellar on lot The other are the finest building lots in the Town and there Is room for houses on each lot This property will bo sold either In block or parcels to suit For further particulars apply to Frank I tha premises or to Solicitor for Vendor SecondHand Furniture For Sale including piano organ sideboard bedroom set couch chairs pictures Apply to Jackson No WAR North End PROMPT DELIVERY i Select Oysters Daily Consignments Try our Pork Sausages made by a German Toronto ft as not the him to pay a fine one hundred dol- Absolutely Pute Also at for tars or In default of payment months Imprisonment Seven days were given In which to pay the flno The Boo express was ditched at North Bay by aome boys who tampered with the switch Two men were hurt not very serious ly trade the ion for the first six months of the current fiscal year amounted to The flRures now equal those of the boom times 1907 ARCHIVES OF ONTARI The BEST in Dominion A threepound loaf weight delivered to your door with your Groceries t Beat Amerlcn COAL OIL hi gaL delivered door your order is See our printed a while they last Value J W HOWARD V 4 r r TORONTO

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