Newmarket Era, 22 Oct 1909, p. 8

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WW ft Hair Vigor the best that was made But Aycrs Hair Vigor new im proved formula is better It is the one great specific forfall- In hair A preparation In everyway New bottle New contents Ask your druggist to show it to you the new kind no the ulor of hair i fcftttW ers It tort Piles ftCUT iMPOTODTTS FIND Thursday of last week Mr Thos Boyd of bad the misfortune to his summer res idence at Jacksons Point by fire The Standard will open a subagency at for business at once giving a ttvpdays weekly service on Wednesdays and Fridays a- NATURES REMEDY IS AMBUKj V As we now mike our new Hair Vigor it does not the slightest effect upon the color of the You may use it freely and for any of time fear of changing the color Stops falling hair Cures New House for or Rent Apply to Mrs l Ne For Sale Brick House rooms domestic rater and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket BRADFORD Mr has sold his farm on which he resides to Mr Dar ling of the consideration being S7000 Mr Ino Reiri who met with a serious accident in town some weeks ago and who is in the General Hos pital Toronto was on Saturday last- obliged to have his right arm ampu tated above the elbow He is in a poor state of health impressive Cures of Women Sufferers ft Wherever there is suffering from piles should ho There are lots of reasons this but one of the best that in practically all cases of the use- of is perse complete cure not merely relief is the result Mrs Hughes i Monirea says a Homestead Hudson Bay William Beech Tells thernmost Outpost of Civiljza- Beech of Churchill homestead shore of Churchill harbor norther ly one at present in- Canada return ed to Winnipeg yesterday with hist son Carl who has been at the A shore miner be surprised oiip the richest mineral in world of ope there -is- anttaiacitie coal whichVshbsMi one One- prceht of lvJn of mineral fc 1 iPeifil Suffers rte jican was for aeinteFVl fiffP comingin in addition- tbsmashing the if TeaProdublng Country island of Ceylon harbor Hie past months This time Mr Beech did riot attempt the ruddervv broke some of the blades off overland trail and river route Which the screw effort being jaade lit suffered- from blind itching and pro- had on past Wljjftli wav of Hudson weeks they were beating about the 1 For House and lot in Snap if sold at once Rente at per Possession May i J Keswick Two Lots For One on Main St and on Church St Terms tar Apply to JACKSON Newmarket Acre Farm FOR SALE IN WHITCHURCH Part of No in the Con known the Caee farm at Orchard Good buildings and fair fences For particulars apply to WIDDIFIELD Newmarket The gate receipts at Fair wen- up over the highwater mark reached lost year and will total 2210 The attendance is impartially intimated at in the two days The entries were than had ever Inen here The track record was rwluced from to Mr of Keswick was the Mr during the fair Miss Mia Morton Orchard has returned home after a week in Joy the guest of Miss I J I If I I I Two Houses for 8ale One on Niagara St and one on Pearson St N ROBERTSON Newmarket if t i FOR SALE IN ONE BLOCK The and Dwelling pa Corner of Mln and Ontario Streets and Vaoant Lot to the South are Splendid Building Sites Easy Terms Apply to EJACKSON For A ACRE FA KM ONE MILK NEWMARKET KINO CITY A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr M Winter on Friday evening Oct when the choir and congregation of the Meth odist church took advantage ol choir practice to make a presc-nta- tionto the retiring loader Mr Mr Lloyd has been leader of the choir for three years and- has given a deal of time and the ugh to it The members of the Church showed their appreciation of his services by presenting him with a beautifully iittedup club and a fountain pen Mr Lloyd his giv en his position in King take a course in Toronto University He will be greatly missed by his friends in King truding piles for- years Sometimes but they were so bad that I could hardly bear to move abut The the burning smarting pain the throbbing the aching the overpower ing feeling of dullness and des pair which tli is ailment brings Jhe shooting spasms of agony all were so terrible that only suBerers this ailment can understand Had as this case was tri umphed and Mrs Hughes no longer It only needed a little with in the end complete cure resulted Mrs street St Thomas says For months with out cessation I endured great pain bleeding piles For as many months I tried everything which thought would give me ease but in the end dispirited and stilt suffering I gave in Thenit was she heard of and she adds Although I feared would be like the ordinary remedies I am glad it was not It rapidly gave me relief and after a time me completely I would like tc let all from piles know what a grand thing is Mr F St Paul street St Catherines says For five years I suffered untold agony piles At times the pain was so bad could have screamed aloud On a advice tried of Zam- It gave me considerable ease an persevered with the treatment urtU I was cured I wish I could convince every sufferer from piles of the value of this great herbal So one could go on outing case af ter case and is by working such came by straiss andSt Johns Newfoundland taking advantage of the return- trip of the steamer Adventure This steamer chartered- by Freres td take supplies to their trad ing posts the Bay and to take materials and men for the opening of new posts- The trip was of interest for sever al reasons and wasweicomed by Mr Beech ajs giving him an opportunity of seeing for himself something of the conditions encountered by boats navigating the Straits For some years now he has been one of the most ardent supporters of the Hud son Bay route as an outlet for the Canadian West and from what he has seen this trip he is if possible even more eloquent in his description of the possibilities of the route Eloquent for Churchill Churchill is unquestionably the great natural harbor on the bay said Mr Beech last night it there were ten more such harbors it would not be too many for they would increase natural resources of the country by just ten times and ultimately they would all be needed Why the governments- starts to build the Hudson Bay railway they will make the- greatest mistake if they do not double track it at once They should put down a dou ble track now for will be needed by the time it is ready for use and they plan to put down the heaviest possible steel and get the best of motive power I can tell you now that the route is to be f A 1 j rv AURORA Mr A Yule collector of Customs here left or Pittsburg Pa Monday morning to attnd the Disciples Christ Convention whch opens at that place this week On Monday evening the League held ilf annual reunion An address was given by Rev of Newmarket A good pro gram of music and readings was ren dered Refreshments were served at the close of the program A car ran the track on jibe Railway Saturday after noon and it was Sunday before it was got on again Passengers for were brought here by Metropolitan and sent out by a bus Saturday evening The Half of lot Con being the late Vernon Farm To be told at once for Fall plowing given at This farm consists of a clay There a fair house and thereon with orchard Water and other its to it a desirable arm Wot apply at once to I Vendors Solictor Fair cures that has earned its great reputation New if you suffer from this terribly painful aiimeht just be guided by the foregoing cases For internal piles melt a little Zarn and thoroughly soak wad made of clean hut old linen Then apply to the part If the piles are external application of is still more simple Do it upon retir ing Next morning you will be well satisfied- is a cure also for cold- sores and cracked hands festering sores ing bad leg ringworm scalp soreif burns and ail skin diseases and injuries All druggists and stores sell at or may be obtain ed post free from Co To ronto for price boxes for are warned however against cheap and dangerous imitations some times offered as being just as good bay waiting for decent weather and though in sight Churchill for ten days did not daretp make an temj t to enter of the storm and the difficulties of handling her Mr Becc-tias- brought put with him a most interesting- souvenirs oj the unknovn north which he was unpacking last night One of the mqatjihteresting was an exhibit of frui had before he left cranberries black currants blueber ries gooseberries and a peculiar fruit known as the baked apple berry which white raspberry All of tlieaVepf exceptionally j fine flavor He also has a number of furs including fox mink and otter which areolar ahead of anyr thing which can be secured on the local market Art Among Eskimos His Eskimo souvenirs are of espe cial interest and demonstrate most conclusively development of art among these people Their earring in walrus ivory is magnificent many of their common implements being reproduced in rriiriarure and they carry a polish which could not be excelled This polish it is under stood is a secret which is carefully guarded with a tiny Eskimo wielding an equally paddle a harpoon but eight inches in length combs paper knives and tools in ivory- and many articles in sealskin were brought together with number of polar bear teeth wal- n 1 TO BOY A fiQQD WE Want to tell you about a Good TArtTARtAtnWiOTn IK and now is a good time to come New Stock just talk it over Surprisingly moderate prices for sure satisfaction See us before yoij buy CO LQCAL A on RANGES THE M f Of t I- ier2 fn IK AT i The Steel Range Which Never Needs A a rus tusks walrus whiskers used in the great world shipping making high grade hair brushes and similar articles of all sorts rii The branch of the Institute held their October in the basement of the Meth odist church on Oct Two papers will be given helps along daily to successfully manage an in- Houses for 8ale situate on of Huron by the late Mr RoMgh cait on solid tton water from well on Good on three quarters on the north He Two half Wiyji and pltMrtd c rater MUtn For partijUri apply Huron St Protect Ave W failed in via effort get Prof expedition to Mount that abandon toon aj ascend obtain potable the he left there me FOR FLETCHERS R I A Pair last Friday va a great success While ail live stock was the exhibit horses was extra good There was a crowd aw usual and a great mariy people wait ed over for the concert Mr his an kle on Wednesday lie fell from a wbjle Mr Clint Davis captured first driving and for ladys hitching and driv ing at fair A was held on Monday evening in St Mary Magda lene Rev of addressed the meeting on Ms atd Mrs Caleb Brown have re turned after in Pennsylvania for two week anniversary will be held in be church en Sunday Oct Rev Mr Mathews of will the Hire quartette will firnlsh singing The of Si Mary Magdalene church arc erecting a handsome wire fence In front of the church property In place of th old around church grounds and Mr and Mrs Jama flowers filch Hill celebrated their china wedding on Oct About eighty guests were present and received many beautiful China In of ttietr anniversary Through mistak ing a bottle of carbolic acid or a bottle containing a tonic Johnston years ay- on Gloucester street poisoned herself died an hour afterwards In great agony Miss typhoid fever in Cochrane several ago and convalescing from the disease How baton In King on Wednesday October Miss Sara youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Duncan Cairns Cairngorm rarm Vas married Mr A Hon of Mr and Mis Win Mills The was conducted by the Rev assisted by Rev A of in the of number of friends Miss Marie sister of the Played the wedding march The bride who was given away by her father wore a gown of cream silk trimmed with Maltese lace veil and studded with pearls of mile caught up with heath- arid a bouquet of white roses Her only ornament was a pearl and amethyst necklace the gilt of the groom bride was attend ed by her Miss Janet Cairns Hicks niece of made dainty little girl The groom was supported by his brother Or A of ihi grooms gift the bridesmaid a signet ring to flower girl a pearl pin and to the best man a pearl tie pin After de jeuner the happy couple left for the brides travelling suit be ing of blue broadcloth smartly tall Good Fellowship occasionally leads to in the good things of the table Be good to your stomach Right It at once with one routes We left Churchill on Sept and from then tjll our arrival in St Johns did not see anything which would in any way hamper the handling of ships of any dimension Couch the Adventure is the navigator who ever en tered the bay and his ship is the largest which has ever undertaken those waters She is 271 feet long beam and has a capacity of 23O0U tons Despite the faulty charts he brought her Into Churchill under full speed at low tide and drop ped his anchor in thirtytwo feel of water He has covered the whole of from on the north to St ration Island on the south and Fori and Mans field Island on east- Charge A gainst Crew Coming down on the Adventure we had as passengers the crew of the unfortunate little ketch Paradox who were picked up by the Hudsons Hay companys steamer Pelican in the Straits and brought to Church ill These men tell a most peculiar Story which may be ting They say that the captain of the Pelican refused to take them aboard unless they agreed to aban don their boat which because of contact with the Ice was leaking badly After a consultation they abandoned their boat which was hen taken in tow by the Pelican and broil to Churchill It was there unloaded by the company the men themselves Were practically turn- el adrift to shift for themselves till d venture arrived and took of them Their boat and cargo were at Churchill when they left The existing charts of Hudson Hay are all wrong for on different sfons we islands were none were charted and again passed over points where islands marked without seeing land and with fathoms of water under us It will be when a careful examination is made that the existing Information regarding Hudson Ray Is very faulty Hut there is one thing which will be found ami that Is that the east main MOTHER AND DAUGHTER SAVED BY SIM PUIS Famous Kidney Remedy Ave Toronto March While engaged as assistant at Ster ling Mines Grays Siding J became miliar with the merits of Cm On leaving Toronto I left my wife aged and my daughter aged In poor former had tried all of remedies for her ailment Middle Age or Change of Life The Joints in her hands were badly swollen and she suffered much pain It occurred to me that Gin Pills would help her and to advised her This was a happy thought for wife wrote back to say she was trying An Pills next letter said that the pills were doing her good and the second that the swolien joints were fast disappearing Also general and was vastly Improved Now she cannot say too much In favor of Ota My daughter haft also derived much benefit from their use Simply write to the National Drug Chemical Co A Toronto and a free sample will he sent you When Gin Pills have proved their great value get them at your dealer MX a lor v Mr Beech to remain in Win nipeg all winter and in the spring will return to Churchill with the op ening of navigation Free Press Win nipeg Alleged False Arrest I William a Whitchurch town ship farmer has distinct grievance against Jesse Walton an Aurora banker He claims that Mr Walton made a declaration which had the of having him languish in jail for sev enteen days commenced an action in the jury against Walton for false and malicious arrest He claims damages This declaration according statement of claim was that he was about to leave the coun try to defraud his creditors and fur ther thai he had sold his farm stock Implements and seasons crcp with out paying any of his creditors out worth- of the proceeds And in consequence of I His alleged imprisonment for debt affair he brought action against Mr Walton Walton at the same time it is al leged had Pi Hie money realis ed by the auction sale in his or at least knew whom the money has been iaid claimed How much do you say your crop of was worth asked Mr of Ten dollars told him Was that ft good average crop A average crop was Fit chefs statement There was a Ions dispute over many details of business during which denied one and all allegations regarding the dis posal of the money which made from his farm The plaintiff Admitting he was pretty much In debt contended that he did the he could under the circumstances Other men had he claimed prom ised accommodate him tn a finan cial way but did not do so when the crisis came The trouble was I had only promises he said There was some dispute over an al leged sum of coming to You got asked Mr I only got protest ed Well this memo Hays Perhaps Who lawyer got thetwen- Mr Justice remarked You say your wife helped you asked counsel of Oh objected Mr Justice dont think theres anything In that mans wife works Hut wife worked In the fields pitched sheaves and did everything to help Fitchet said Mr lianey read out nearly a score of names of business to whom he owed money and to the Did you owe him anything answer perfupctory Damages for in Civil the jury that Mr 1 M of Aurora must payWm Fitchet of Whit- Range is made the fittest We import this special grade we have and selection that it is the best steel te the for ranges It has a high polishis blue in color and only needs an occasional rub with a dry cloth to keep it fresh and bright IT NEVER S The finish of the whole range is rich and tasteful The outside cast parts are nickel plated and the nickeled edges are removable We fully guarantee material workmanship and service of every Monarch Peninsular Range and give a bond with each of these ranges which absolutely protects the buyer 1 Our new booklet is eight pages of stove facts with illustrations Let us send yon a free copy to guide you in selecting the right range We are also HECLA Furnace Clare Bros Co Limited Preston osborne son newmarket Walker hoi born sutton west Ju T the sum as dama for having film falsely arrested and Imprisoned I A launch with twentyeight per l John a killed by shunting freight cars at Port William elevator Robert- for alienation his wifes affections sons a board is believed to have gone Claims from William Corbet IN TH down In Larch Lake Minn Meaford will erect a- new school building at estimated cost of The Department of Justice Is be ing with letters and post cards asking for clemency for Mrs Robinson ml Bar TOR Every Meal Brand Syrup At brcakfaBt with porridge Crown in delicious plain puddings or made stry odd scraps of cake delightful after dinner I I Used with Si At supper it just the thing to eat with bread and butter or biscuits CROWN BRAND SYRUP is at its best and in its most delicious and wholesome form It is prepared in a perfect wanner from absolutely pure ingredients It ahead of all other kinds in of flavor and dont you think its worth while insisting on Crown Brand Syrup a and lb airtight tins With MM Si Star Co i ieAawa4 I I r- w or it I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO v TORONTO

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