Newmarket Era , February 18, 1910, p. 1

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V Kffivv i 1 11 I CHAINS and FOBS some bargains or LADIES and MEN See window at Jewelry ERA give homo i every week day iwo other in York and in lodged to be Leading County Paper Single Copy 3 eta Each NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER liberty to know to niter to J can gel CARVING SETS also KNIVES FORKS and and the prices are low OpticUn argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty No Paper sent outside of North North unless in advance to United States mm Your to Newmarket Ont Friday FebVi8 TERMS per annum I it paid In Oar Toronto better Hon Dr Minister of Educa tion is reported ill with an acute attack of rheumatism which will prevent appearance in the Legisla ture or his office for some days Burglars the home of Mrs Emerson street On Tuesday night and got away with three gold rings a gold pin a pair Of cuff links and a gold watch The almanac to the contrary these are from the eastern boundary of January Clearance 9 a This is the time of year you expect clearing sales of dry goods and furnishings Then why not in Hardware While our goods are mostly staple lines of year round usefulness it is good business clean house once in a while and keep stock new and attractive All heating stoves will be sold at per cent below regu lar prices Also many other odd lines in regular hardware will sold at big reductions be PVr r PAINTS PHONE STOVES PUTTY OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING NEWMARKET ONT THE BANK OF TORONTO GOOD SERVICE to their customers at all times has been one of the chief factors in The Hank of Torontos long and successful course SAVINGS TO S receives assurance of the safety afforded by our large resources and our safe and con servative methods of conducting business and courteous treatment by careful officers j BUSINESS MEN keeping accounts here have afforded all the facilities qf a longestablished wellcon ducted Bank possessing ample resources and full equipment and con nections for the banking of all classes of business both large small HEAD OFFICIO TORONTO SEVENTYSEVEN BRANCHES IN CANADA Reserved Funds Assets Capital and NEWMARKET FIELD Manager r3 P PEARSON DEALER IN LUMBER LATH SHINGLES WOOD ETC Try a ton of Pea Coal for your Range Short Dry Slabs and Short Hardwood on hand Phone SB or give orders to H Bowman or Fred Hoover j South End Lumber Yard Worsted At from ten to twenty per cent oil for the next three weeks to make room for Spring Goods Leave your Order now F W ST MERCHANT TAILOR days County to the Georgian Bay and Detroit River The Alberta Government has open ed an on Front street near the union Station- Miss Clayton street had her chatelaine stolen from her while returning home last Monday evening It contained some money and a few far tickets Redman fell from a breaking scaffold this week and broke both s lie was working on a bouse on street it seems wonderful carpenters who have to work on scaffolds do not know how construct them safely Yes Toronto is getting to be quite a fioodsioJ village- the directory makers say the population has reach ed Some of its citizens think they are the whole bandwagon for all Ontario- The Customs col lectors at this port gathered in last year which shows some body must have hustling in goods Manager the National Exhi bition had his salary raised this week but there is lot of quiet kicking over it which may mean a change Two children under years of age A Ray and Muriel k of this city entertained an audience of people for two hours one night recently at a Methodist church Guess the Telegram is about right in reaching the that the fall fairs can got along without amusement features juut as soon as the directors can discover a method of financing them without gate re ceipts The annual meeting of the Ontario Fairs Association was held last week and was more largely attended than A deputation was appointed who waited upon the Government and asked for an additional to the grant in aid of Ag Societies The Toronto General Hospital au thorities want another from the city towards the building fund of the institution It will have to be voted upon by the taxpayers Sixty prominent Orangemen repre senting the two Grand Lodges of On tario Interviewed the Premier last week protecting against the teach ings and religion of French teachers in the public schools In the Eastern part of the Province The Premier replied that the government would give their representations serious at tention The Controllers of this city decided to request the Legislation Committee to formulate a bylaw compelling the carrying of bells on bicycles One night last week an old man named Wright was discovered froen on the floor of his room Queen street West As a smell of gas from a leaky chandelier it sug gested that he might have been over come from it Trinity Methodist Church has given an invitation to Rev Dr of Hamilton to become assistant pastor to He- Dr Cleaver after next Con ference In the Assize Court last week the jury gave of against the Township of York for injuries to Watson and son sustained by colliding with a broken fence that projected on a highway in the Town ship Albert Diamond chef was sentenced to jail for days on Fri day hist for Shoplifting in A man that would be guilty of this sort of crime is not fit to have a sit uation on a train who is alleged to have as the son Of a minister charged with defrauding expressmen was remanded till Friday Mr Thos chief court stenographer wants an additional court reporter The County Commis sioners should not allow the County to pay this extra tax A man named James Held from Maple was taken into custody last Friday on a charge of stealing a suit case F Stephenson M For ward Movement Secretary left last Friday night for Winnipeg to attend Manitoba League Con vention North York Reform Association ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING OF EXECUTIVE IAST SATURDAY annual meeting of the A resolution was carried unanimous live of the North York Reform Asso- lyin Match by the Commons took place in the Town Hall proving of assistance and Newmarket last Saturday afternoon lives were sent to British was well attended by represent a- ment Mr Dor den that it men from all parts of the Hiding should be done He since The retiring president Mr wants to show his loyalty to the Cane balled the meeting to order and British by making a money grant Mr acted as Secretary sufficient to supply two pro tern about twentyfive million dollars The election of officers resulted as but Sir Lawier disapproved follows lion Plenty Aurora Newmarket VlcoPres F Underbill Aurora Secretary I Walton Aurora Treasurer Holt Finance Com Secretary VicePres Treasurer I Cane and Aubrey Davis Mr took the Chair and briefly addressed the meeting also making reference to active workers of the Association who had been remove by death during the past year namely A J Hughes Elijah gros ser Glover and T Soules The President and Secretary were to draw up resolution of condolence and forward copies to the families of deceased A resolution was introduced to hold all Executive Meetings of the As6ociation in future in which- was voted down by majority After some remarks by the President on the necessity of the rollingdivisions calling the electors together and Meeting officers as per constitution the Hon A was to the plat form amid hearty cheers and he de livered a very- fine address on two points only the dispute and the proposed Canadian Naval Service Mr Speech Aftef an absence of months from the Hiding Mr Ayles orth spoke of the pleasure it gave him to be once more among his political friends in North He felt ft was due to the electors that he should explain the reason of his absence which was duo to the troublesome dispute stand ing between thy States and Britain ever since the Revolu tionary War Mr Ayiesworth stated that ire fisheries of Canada wer he- most valuable of any fisheries in the world We have about miles of sea coast and our fisheries are Aurora a large retiring of of the money giant When the Govt brought in thcir scheme at this ses sion to build ships for home pro tection- Mr Borden turned right around and pleaded for delay to re fer the matter to the people Shall the cry of the party convicted of in competency and dishonesty and clam oring for a new election be heard when only months ago the man date of the people returned to power the government that is to do things tJreat applause Our growth in population wealth and commerce demands that there should be no delay and we will begin build ing the Navy on a vote of three mil lion dollars upon the advice and sug gestion of the British Admiralty pos sibly building in Canada and he was sure the proposition will commend it self to the people of the Dominion Cheers The following resolutions were car ried enthusiastically f Moved by Dr Graham of ville and seconded by Mr of Township That the Reformers of the ban- icr of North York at their meeting assembled desire to lake advantage of occasion to proportion to schools for edu cation The proportion according pupils is follows Public and Separate Schools filch Schools Normal and Model Schools Universities The selling of Text Hooks or per sot by a Departmental Store furn ish d an unfair comparison with the contract as the Govt now prepares the matter confiscates the prepares the plates for the printer pays the Commission for two work and thus deceives the people by an advertising scheme The HydroElectric Power next came in for adverse criticism In an Act was passed to bring power to the city at from to MS p which some mu nicipalities Then the changes its plan selling lie power at Niagara Falls and making the munici palities nay for transmission to their boundaries By so doing they are taking away the rights of the people another instance of centralization Referring to the Florence Mining case he declared that- Paul Kruger In his days was never more ar bitrary The house rushed a bill thru in one day when the was he- fore the courts to shut out the Flor ence Co Mr McKay then turned his atten tion to the finances of the Province In reference to Brewers and Distil lers Licenses he said Since this Act was passed the Province of On tario has in all received from Brew ers and Distillers not onu dollar would have into the Provincial Treasury had the con ten tion of Ihe Conservatives then in op position prevailed Speaking of Tax Corporation he said Under the Supplementary Revenue Act thy Province of Ontario received in all on the Hist December 1909 the sum of Not one dol- AGO I I Ik place on record a resolution heartily of which would have been received approving the conduct of the affairs I if the Conservative Opposition had of the Dominion of Canada by the net successful in their contention the Succession Duties Act Province received up to the end of last year in all the sum of Sir Wilfrid and is colleagues at Ottawa We desire especially to express our worth vear million dollars a and nearly IflOQOtl Canadian make a livelihood is the harvest of the Sea and when Treaty of Peace was made- between Great Britain and the United States the Yankees got the best of it With it they got the right for all time to fish in Canadian waters so long as the remain d outside the threemile limit An agreement was fill January that questions designed I to settle these dispute should In approval of the Governments action onlv a qJ which would in the matter of the National did contention continental Railway of the wis- of- the and under shown them in their earnest all three acts the Province has re- efforts as speedily as possible to in all the of make parts of thin vast Dominion accessible to Much is about the excellent We also sure that in the condition of Provincial finances but hands of Sir Wilfrid is largely due to the natural work- associates the matter of Naval tog up of the acts introduced by the assistance to be rendered by Canada Liberals when in power as will bi le the wij settled in- a seen by the following increases since manner creditable aT t the ton and to tli aid we are The Corporation Tax proud of the tact that all the Succession Duties llaticn and legislation neectey for Brewers and Distillers carrying out of these weighty Mining Licenses and Fees matters it has fallen to the lot of Dominion Subsidy this Hiding to have its representa tive lion A take so prominent a part Moved Mr Eugene and seconded by Mi J A Cody of Newmarket That the Liberals th- North Riding of the Comity of York as- T Earnings 30313983 300020 Prom Era fyle of Feb nth The announcement is made steps are being taken for the forma tion of a Joint Stock Co to manu facture Sewing Machines in Newmar ket The Company manu factured what was called the Cana dian Family Sewing Machine A public dinner was tendered Dr J J Hunter ibis week Mr Alfred presided At the Town Council this week plications were made by Messrs Mo- Knight and Mrs Forsyth for ho tel licenses In those days the Coun cils of a local municipality had granting of hotel and shop licenses The Township of Whitchurch which then included Aurora and licensed ten hotels The Convention called by Dr Chief Supt of Education was- hsld in the old Grammar School on Lot Street this week Ramsay occupied the chair Tito Chief Superintendent asked the Con vention after a lengthy address its opinion on widening scope o High Schools so as to allow pupils from the country on the same terina as in town 2nd Free Common Schools and 3rd Compulsory Attend- at Public Schools The meeting favored all three propositions dresses were delivered by Rev Thos Baker Thos Nixon Dr an others John Maguirels advertised as auctioneer The Ontario Huron announces two trirs each way Toronto and Colli Trustees of Sharon Public School advertise for tenders for the erection of a picket fence around the grounds John Collins Haines and Wil son are the trustees During this week Newmarket appointed Mr In- f Eh id Assessor and M Collector In the Fire Brigade Joseph was appointed Chief and and assistants nd they attended to their business fr- jH 5S T J an S Your Hair Will Grow A to the Board of at- their annual meeting the Hague This Board will sire to express posed of one representative from tniteii States one from fireat Brit ain three from neutral three will he one from one from Holland and one from the Argentine Republic One tions is How Is the limit to measured This is a very Im portant question as the able fish are to be found in shallow water near the land Shall the line drawn from cape to cape thus re taining the bays for home lis or does it mean three miles from any coast The point was aptly illus- by the hay of which is miles long On being sent to England ter Mr to the Hon A on this his third visit to our Riding their hearty approval of the course he has taken in the Provincial Parliament since the Conservative party came into power While they regret the turn of af fairs whih in placed the Liber al Party on the Opposition benches thoy still look forward to a time in the hear future when under the able leadership of the Hon A McKay Liberal Party will he restorccUto Making total of The total receipts in were while in the total re ceipts were the whole increase is accounted for by the foresight of the Liberals except not much brag about Ap plause The meeting then closed with cheers for the King Now Sold in Canada IN LESS THAN THREE YEARS PARISIAN SAGE THE HAIR TONIC IS SOLD ALL OVER CANA DA the power and to the management of the affairs of the Province aso recognize that in salo of Parisian Sage in imble hands of their respected Leader during the past three years the Opposition though small in There Is a reason for the pheiome- It V BROVGHTON HAS TONIC THAT MAKES THE HAIR GROW IN ABUN DANCE OR MONEY BACK Now is the time to take care of your hair Dont wait until it starts to thin out if you do it will not be long until you are bald Broughtons Hair Tonic is the best remedy known for falling hair It is prepared from the prescription of one of the- greatest medical authorities in Canada and is considered to be the best nourishment for the hair as well as a foe to dandruff have such firm confidence in this tonic that we will refund Ihe of same to any one who is not satisfied with week use Price cents at Store Newmarket it after two Ding And the reason is plain to til in connection with mat- her still large In fighting power will Parisian Sage does just what it Is was appointed closely scrutinize every act advertised to do Ask L Rogers Co about it they will tell you that they rigidly guarantee it to cure dandruff stop falling hair or itching scalp in two weeks or money back There is no reason whatever why anv man or woman should fall to take advantage of the above the British Government to take from the Government and will do charge of the dispute at the Hague all within their power to see that this summer and it has been news- Liberal principles triumph sary to spend time in the pre- Mr McKays Speech para of the matter be present- Alter a brief introduction by the chairman Mr A p McKay was to the present session of with hearty applause He he said they are in the the Riding in having its midst of a notable one and warm do- representative in the Commons select- bates taking place upon the to do Empire work by the great- one of whether Canada should take est Empire In the world With referMan Sage so is ex steps to establish a Navy or not All e to Naval Defence he remarked desire peace but it is not always pos- that Canada cannot take the advanc- There Is no cloud at present position of a world force in so far as the United States is con- lug out the worlds problems without corned but theft is no guarantee that- shouldering the responsibility Assembly Notes Dr Anderson MLA South Essex is producing a measure to amend the present law in relation to jurisdiction of Division Courts He proposes increasing the amount which can bo sued for in case of accounts to and of notes and contracts from to 400 This will save taking cases- to the County Towns which at present have to be tried in the County Court and as it is the same judge who presides the Dr thinks the saving will prove ad vantageous as will saw lawyers bills and law costs Sj5K tiling that has made Pari- When that condition will always SelftroteOtion Is necessary the German warcloud arose it was hinted in the motherland that the time had come when the colonies should assist in maintaining the su premacy of the Empire Canada in richer than any other it was that she should take the lead Coming to Provincial affairs he strongly denounced the for its Centralization of pow er This was apparent in the of Education He disapproved of the Act which took out of the hands of Trustees- the power to fix the mini mum salary of teachers The grants power to turn the harsh unattrac tive hair that many women into luxuriant and radiant hair in a short time Women of refinement the country over are using it It never disappoints Sold everywhere and in Newmarket by Rogers A Co for cents a large bottle 004 to Schools were- out of The safe at the station at was blown open early Wed nesday morning About was tained by the burglar I m A deputation of medical men waited upon the Government on Monday and pressed upon their attention the im portance of establishing a Pasteur In stitute in Ontario The Government had already provided in tho estimates for serum to be- in work in investigating the present outbreak of rabies It is more than probable that an ct amending the existing Assessment ct will be passed during the present session of the Legislature but Wi nances are that it will not affect ho resent vears assessment quickly Mops cot A

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