Newmarket Era , February 25, 1910, p. 1

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J CHAINS and FOBS some bargains lor LADIES and MEN See window at WATSONS Jewelry fi -x- The ERA give more home every than any two other in North York and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper i ii i YOEK Give us the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty AND ADVERTISER call get SETS also FORKS and SPOONS and the prices are low No Paper sent outside of North North Unless In advance to United States No Single Copy 3 Each Newmarket Ont Friday Feby Your Chance to Buy January Clearance This is the time of year you expect clearing sales of dry goods and house Then why not in Hardware While our gooda are mostly staple lines of year round usefulness it is good business to clean house once in a while and keep stock new and attractive All heating stoves will be sold at per cent below regu lar prices Also many other odd lines in regular hardware will be sold at big reductions PAINTS PHONE HARDWAR STOVES PUTTY OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND NEWMARKET ONT OF TORONTO J THE GOOD SERVICE to customers at all times has been one of the chief factors in The Bank of Torontos long and successful course SAVINGS DEPOSITORS receives assurance of the safety afforded by our large resources and our safe and con servative methods of conducting business and courteous treatment by careful officers BUSINESS MEN keening here have afforded them all the facilities or a longestablished wellcon ducted Bank possessing ample resources and full equipment and con- for the banking of all classes of business both large and small HEAD OFFICE TORONTO SEVENTYSEVEN BRANCHES IN CANADA Reserved Funds Assets Capital NEWMARKET Ont FIELD Manager I P DEALER IN LUMBER LATH SHINGLES WOOD ETC Try a ton of Pea Coal for your Range Short Dry Slabs and Short Hardwood on hand Phone or give orders to J Bowman or Fred Hoover South End Lumber Yard S3 A Our Worsted Tweed At from ten to twenty per cent oft for the next three weeks to make room for Spring Goods Leave your order now 1 MAIN ST MERCHANT TAILOR Oar Toronto Letter An extension of the T Railway from North Hay to Sound was urged upon the attention of Dr Coch rane and J by a deputa tion from Parry Sound towards the close of List week The proposition will be considered by the Government At a meeting of the Alliance in Elm Street Methodist Church last week by an unanimous vote it decided to ask the Government to repeal the threefilths clause in local option contests The PP for East Hamilton is now looking lor a seconder for his bill to give the franchise to women Ladies are helping to do the lobby ing Chief Justice has given judgment awarding Watson damages against York Township Watson wis along the sides- walk with his boy at night In his hurry he turned out on the boule vard to get around a crowd on the walk and tripped over a low fence which had been built across the boule vard to the sidewalk The childs thigh was broken The Township denied liability claiming that pedes trians should keep to the pavement His Lordship thought otherwise and awarded Watson for himself and to the child Ratepayers say it is queer law where a person con tributes to his own injury While playing around on Thursday of last weck a passing dog fastened its teeth in the face of Florence Ward She was token the Hospital for Sick Children where several stitches had to be put in Later a revolver despatched the dog A BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH For Era Readers by Win Harrison of Richmond Hill Mr Work AS MINISTER OK JUSTICE The first of a banquets ar ranged to be given by the Ontario Club Toronto to different members of the Dominion Cabinet was held last week In their comfortable rooms on Bar Street On this occasion Before the advent of civilization in noon the prisoner was brought foc Mini- our village long before Richmond trial before Justice Scott found Hill had acquired a local habitation of wilful murder and a name the two miles immediate ly to the south of us was marked on the original map of this locality as the Ash Swamp Subsequent ly divided by street into east and west surveyed into lots in the early part of the century it began to open up for set Hers For many years these lots and the town of Little York beyond were reached by a corduroy bridge nearly a mile long which oscillated under the loaded team and in the rainy season sometimes floated in sections on the mud and ooze of its swampy be hanged on the following ster of Justice ana Member tor North York in the Commons was the guest of honor The great warmth of the reception accorded him spoke in torn louder and deeper than words the warm place Mr Aylesworth holds in the estimation of Toronto citizens and of the Ontario Club The at tendance was large and represent a- tive and the tables were fairly hid den beneath floral decorations The president of the Club Mr J proposed the toast to the King which was duly honored This was followed by Mr Curry K proposing the of the guest Mr Aylesworth gave an interesting talk on the work of the department of which he was in charge It had cultivation and hardship realized by these pioneers developed from the most miserable surroundings and cheerless circumstances the splendid farms their successors now enjoy As has been seen in a former series of sketches which have appeared in The Era of early pioneer life among us these lots and early settlers have not been without their historic inci- dents amusing pathetic and Key Robert a Methodist has to Japan for the ten settlcnUMtt ami who lately to trAirelv Canada owing to the con ot his health passe away at the 1S1 die Hospital from cancer of the liver on Thursday night last wcek haVe our Mrs Brett Martin who last week at her residence Bon ny Castle Grange road was last member of a prominent pioneer ly who have all taken active part in the earlier development of Toronto Deceaseds brothers James and were a Wellknown banking firm on Toronto street many years ago Her eldest son the late Powell Martin was business manager of the Toronto Globe under George Brown Dr wears a happy smile these The Canadian National llu is on the high road to success Concessions sold to date amount to The same concessions last year brought The trustees of street Methodist church will sell a large of their vacant lot to tile of the church and apply the proceeds of the sale towards financing the new school building on which work will begin next spring A lot of citizens have been locked sometimes in the Police Court for allowing frozen atmosphere to remain more than lour hours on- the pavement after it had drop ping from above The Dominion Alliance will ask the Government to close the bar in licens ed districts at oclock in the after noon on Saturdays local option by wards in the cities and that no club licenses be granted in local option towns Mrs Helen Walker aged TO made a mistake in turning ofl the gas in her room and was nearly asphyxiated before being discovered In all the odd cases in the General Hospital the patients had been drinking city water without boiling A SI bill raised to was passed oft on a restaurant keeper during the past week An arrest has been made All knowledge of the bill be ing raised Is denied by the prisoner Sir Win opened the auto mobile show in the St Lawrence Ar ena last week The ceremony was quite an imposing affair The num ber of exhibits exceeds all former shows The Carnation Exhibition last week held by the Toronto Society and the Gardeners and Flor ists Association was a grand suc cess Some of the exhibits came from the United States Under the auspices of the Canadian Temperance League Rev Father of New York was the elo quent speaker last Sunday at Massey Hall A third well of natural has been struck in North Toronto while boring for domestic water Canadian Game and Fish sports want to the law so changed that it read This will the sports a chance to Monday The was a most primitive affair was erected on the street in front of the old jail In those early days there was no experienced to arrange for the modern and more scientic exit of such untortun ate violaters of the law of God and man All executions were in public and thousands flocked to the scene to a morbid curiosity On Monday the guilty man was brought from his cell to suffer the demands of justice and was request- bed A great to the mac- ascend the ladder for that pur- and electric thoroughfare liking the appearance ot We have the pleasure of travelling on above mm he firm- today refused to do so The late Rev The north part of our vicinity was Bishop of Toronto settled by the French refugees the frequent pastoral visits to been said that lawyers were the most south by the United Loyal- settlers in this vicinity inveterate talkers of shop of any body By years of clearing draining l known both of the- 1 in the woid when they got together and hard shin rali young men was then Prison I He purposed talking shop for a time Chaplain To instruct his ward in The speaker pointed out that the the way ho should go the Chaplain title Minister of Justice was a mis- mounted the ladder several times Many peo le had the idea wards perceptive faculties were some- that the Minister of Justice was what slow in comprehension charged with the duty of giving to mately to facilitate the ends of jus- every litigant in the land what he Sheriff got four strong thought was justice Many curious men to lift the doomed man- up to letters were received at trie tho fatal noose Swinging into men t honestly written asking the ho paid the penalty his dread- Minister to redress their wrongs He crime regretted that the title Ministir of In I860 some men digging a cellar Justice had ever been known in Can- in the locality of the gaol yard Toada It would have been- better if came across a box about three they had adhered to the good old feet below the surface of the ground title which obtained at Confederation containing a human skelton One otof AttorneyGeneral The Minister Toronto suggested of Justice was nothing more than that it might be the remains of the that lie expressed opinions on mat- murderer of the young farmer of of law to other departments of Markham near Richmond Hill State His advice was asked and fiftyfive years before This elicited when given the other departments from the late Mr Geo Munshaw followed it blindly exactly as a lite who resided among a correction of or a lawyer followed the decision the supposition of a judge Mr Munshaw was a near neighbor Mr Aylesworth pointed out that at the time Was on the ground a the penitentiaries were in charge of minutes after the tragedy Was the Minister of Justice There were drawn for the jury but was six in Canada at the present time He witnessed the and they now building one for the Province of Saskatchewan In Mr Munshaw stated that the penitentiaries there were some HIST Watchmaker and Optician per annum Street They In con nections but they also believed in maintaining control of the expenditure of their own money Mr attacked Mr- course In matter and also condemned the Monk amendment Canada was journeying towards the rank and status of a na tion And must be prepared to take her place in the assistance the Em pire rvs AGO From Era Feb engaged in cutting and binding oats in a field on lot in the township of now owned by James Russell the wellknown agricul turist ami stockraiser One was a hired man of the name of another a wandering Frenchman called Bulger the proprie tor of the farm and a neighbor who owned a farm On the tem porary cessation of work caused- In the business directory column this week we notice the following per sons have cards all passed away- John T Stokes Bishop Son A rioultbee Moore J Jones North Richardson Dr Dr Dr Dr Seymour Robt I Rogers Ryan J B James Allan A J ken and James Forsyth of the Rail road now called the Proctor House Adam Wilson Ml for North York announces his intention of leaving To ronto for Quebec so as to be present at ths opening of- Parliament Several petitions were presented Whitchurch Council this week praying for the erection of- a Township fl but somehow it did not A convention of delegates from the Quarterly Board of tht MeUicxlist Church Bradford District is to be held on Tuesday next to consider the propriety of petitioning the Legisla ture to enquire into the management of Toronto University and to pray for College affiliation M zm m I mm mm mm the completion of a job the neighbor A Invited the others to his house with the promise of a treat Those were after the execution the con- 1600 at present those mans wife obtained the thorities and that they were buried on the farm in the garden a few rods from street The farm sub sequently- fell into the hands of the penitentiaries there was expended late Mr Harris builder At that each year upwards ot The the days trials of strength sports and athletics For filling up of the leisure hour the daily paper was a thing unknown and a book from the Public Library a tiling undreamed of At any gathering large or small in village or field with nothing special to attract attention a challenge to a test of strength speed or agility was always popular and a pugilistic was no unusual occurrence The two young farmers the chief characters in this sketch were ath letes One a sturdy son of brawn and ihuselo tempered in victory or defeat The other his equal in size and strength whole sou led and generous in many respects but pas sionate and impulsive The two men were rivals in the sports that day At the neighbors home a wrestling match took place result ing in the defeat the owner A war words ensued irritating still Lure more the rising temper of the defeat- Endorsed by PflVSicitinS athlete A threat to shoot met with a daring defiance The ever ready rille was brought into requisi tion tor its deadly service The two men thinking matters looked serious lied for protection to a place of safe ty The young farmer also sought long term men as those who were YEARS AGO From Feb 18S5 The demise of Win Lloyd Marshall a prominent member of the MasOhio is announced this week The funeral took place from Keswick and was largely attended Among those I present we notice the names of Bros I Alex Williams A Borngarser P Lee Dr Pearson T T Bailey J Major Way ling and Tremayne A teaparty is announced for next Monday evening in the Methodist Church Mrs Bills Hughes read a paper be u A- v of her husband from the sentenced for a term less than two this week years were looked after by- the pro vincial authorities In the adminis tration of the business affairs the time the sunken burial spot without headboard or stone hail become a nest for thistles year the wild grass grew rank and tall above it Tlie murderers place was fast becoming obliterated in the fifties to save tho sur- face the plowshare Mr Harris placed over it a large workshop which still stands a monument to hide from the public gaze an ignom inious grave o Dr A of Minn tells ol his success in treating pa tients with Prescription There was a man here suflcring from eczema for the last fourteen great problem before the department was to find out how to apply the work of tlie 1600 prisoners Public sentiment revolted against the pro ducts of prison labor competing in the open market with free labor It was time they had farms ami work shops attached to the penitentiaries to furnish suj plies to these institu tions But after utilizing to ut most tlie products they found them selves with the surplus labor of per haps or 800 men per annum The roblcm had been anxiously dis cussed by the Cabinet Speaking for himself he thought that such labor could be properly directed towards supplying tjip public needs of the other departments of the Government He mentioned such departments as safety in retreat White endeavoring years and 1 applied treat- to clear a low fence he received thejment I also applied it to a man ol fatal bullet his left side and fell West Minn who has been The perpetrator of the terrible crime suffering with eczema in his feet and was arrested by a constable by the the second treatment in both cases name of Dye who took his prisoner cleared the skin almost absolutely before Captain Janus Fulton Esq The first application is a balm and Loyalist a hero of Brandy wine jits soothing effect is beyond Bunker Hill Squire Fulton wasjsion shall never be withoutit our first Justice of the Peace and at that time owned the present Van derburgh homestead After a prelim inary investigation he was commit ted to await his trial at the assizes at York now Toronto On the way prisoner had to pass his home He requested the privilege of going in for some thing he needed Once and shall use it among my altogether No matter how from eczema salt rheum rin5wor11 etc you will feel soothed and the itch once when a few drops of this compound of oil of wintcrgrocn thymol glycerine etc is applied The cures all seem the Railways Works which were large consumers and were in need of the very sup plies the penitentiaries could furnish Success Mr Aylesworth said that the ticket- system had proved a pre eminent success In the ten years during which it has been in force in the Dominion men had been re- leased- and that number only in instances bad it to be revoked for noncompliance with conditions and there were only cases where the right to be abroad had been forfeited by a subsequent conviction He paid a tribute to the constitu tion Canada declaring that the Fathers of Confederation had better than they knew Under it the Dominion made the laws and handed them over readymade to each pro- vinco to enforce thems Reverting to the naval policy he said that Canadians would not con sent to send money over to England to bo handled by milk and water blueblooded Tories Any gift of money was opposed to the genius of Canadian people They did not wany any return to the days of Lord should be made welcome without Not ih when the affairs of the colony At7ho arizes a Saturday after- gard to circumstances were directed from Downing i inside he locked the door leaving tho to be permanent constable on the outside For some For tree trial bottle of he was successful in holding the write to the Just at this juncture there tofy Department passed a detachment of soldiers on street Toronto- their way from York to Pcnetanguis- sale by ail druggists hone then the northern of the militia Dye induced some of soldiers to make a charge on the dwelling Ther entered the door with fixed bayonets The prisoner was captured A Womens Missionary Society in connection with the Methodist Church was organized this week fol lowing ladies were elected as the first office bearers President Mrs Reu ben Robinson 1st Vice Mrs Per- ritt 2nd Vice Mrs Jackson 3rd Vice Mrs Richardson Cor responding Secretary Mrs J J Pearson Recording Secretary Mrs Beckett Treasurer Mrs Jp Bel fry Board Of Management Silver C an the Misses and David Prior and John vested tons of ice from pond during the past month Sutherland Bros Roche Co Co 1 Davison W Quibell and A Smith are the chief advertisers this week Mr James has rented the shop and is agent for Implements A band carnival took place this- and was great success Horsebuyers from Montreal visited Newmarket this week They bought and shipped thirteen horse on the first sale day announced At the November session of Mr Jackson as reeve ket moved a in tho county council in favor making all Regis trars of and officials county officers to be paid by salary and fees to form county funds It was adopted almost unanimously and at the following January session several County Councils of passed simi lar resolutions but the Government did not like lose the patronage these officers gave and It was left in In some counties and ridings the emoluments are not more than is reasonable but there are where the fees are out of all pro portion for the services rendered SB llj fc i ift m ClKvrfulntss is health oppcH site disease Opportunity is a vvsitor who CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought m 1 1 Bears the

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