Newmarket Era , February 25, 1910, p. 4

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I suffered from disease with dreadful pains over the front l body over the back and down Hie legs bad indigestion and chronic constipation and the constipation was o bad that I sometimes for ten to fifteen days without any action of the bowels I was ill in bed for one whole year At one time I was so low that evenone thought I was going to die and the last Rites of the Church were administered to me I was treated different doctors without any benefit ft I 1 i MADAMl JOSEPH Then I got a sample of but I had no faith in them at all and I would not have taken them only my husband begged so hard for me to try them As soon as began to take Ffuitatives I grew better the was relieved the sleeplessness was cured my stomach acted and the bowels were moved but above all the fearful womb pains were made easier I have taken eighteen boxes in all am now perfectly well again Signed Madame JOSEPH or trial box at dealers or from Fruitalive Limited Ottawa GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous ELLIOTT 1 TORONTO It has paid others it will pay you to today for our handsome a T Time Card I J Newmarket 1025 1240 l defence GOING NORTH a m p m Some days ago before a crowded house Sir Wild id Laurier in moving the second reading of the Naval Bill delivered a speech that will take its place among the most erudite patri otic and states man like utterances of any public man of his day In brief he set forth that the policy his Government means A Canadian na vy built in Canada with Canadian money by Canadian workmen and to be under the control of the Canadian Government in of peace and un der the British Admiralty in time of war In March of last year the Conservative Opposition which claims a monopoly of loyalty to the British Empire in this Dominion un animously accepted the Governments proposition but Parliament as- senioled this year Mr Borden and his followers in the House expressed divided on the question The Conservative leader favors handing over to the British Government at once a sum sufficient to purchase or build two Dreadnoughts estimated at Mr Monk who par tially divides the honors of Opposi tion leadership with Mr Borden not only opposed the proposi tion but thought tie Government went too far in suggesting the expen diture of even COO and also favored Mr idea of sub mitting the whole business to a simply meant delay Sir Wilfrids aspiration that Canada will become a nation within the Empire is both natural and patriotic The time has arrived for this Dominion to as sume the responsibilities of nation hood The Defence Conference saw the importance of the Dominions yord the Seas laying the foundations of future navies of their own which forces would contribute immediately materially to the requirements of Imperial defence This view met with the approval of the Canadian Ministers and the next step was to hear what the Admiralty had to Sug gest to put the principle into practi cal effect The Admiralty suggested that certain vessels he constructed as the a Canadian navy To this the Canadian Ministers agreed and the proposals embodied in the now are direct ly in line with the Admiralty sugges tions In view of tliis fact the won der is that the Conservative party which claims to have such a supera bundance of British loyalty should have nerve to oppose the proposi tion What Canada wants in the nature of is swift cruisers to pro- issue debentures of the Town of Newmarket to too amount of for the purpose of granting a Fdr Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis Minn I was a great sufferer from female troubles which I caused a weakness and broken down condition of the system 1 read so niuchofwhatLydia Veg etable Compound had done for other suffering women I felt sure it would help me and I must say it did help me wonderfully pains all loft J stronger and within three months was a perfectly well woman want this letter made public to show the benefit women may derive from Vegetable Compound Mrs John 2115 Second St North Minneapolis Minn Thousands of unsolicited and genu ine testimonials like the above prove the efficiency of Vegetable Compound which is made exclusively from roots and herbs Women who suffer from those ills peculiar to their sex should not sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Vegetable Compound to restore their health If yon want special advice write to Mrs at Mass treat your let confidential years she has been helping sick women in this way fie of charge Dont write at once NOTES 11 Motor drivers should he made to un derstand a point of law that Judges insist upon viz that foot passen gers have the right of way ami that it is the motor drivers place to avoid a collision not the pedes trian feature should be im pressed upon every motor driver thousand dollars for year of the said term of ten years such however shall not relievo the Company from payment of school taxes in respect of its business assess ment under the Assessment Act Mayor and Clerk of the bonus to the Office Specialty of Newmarket are hereby au- Company Limited I and instructed to attach the to exempt certain of the property I the said Town to of Unsaid company taxes agreement and to ere- except taxes for school purposes I fa Qn sMd for period of ten years and ltl to it made this day of December A ope thou sand nine hundred and nine other ways in the le si of its WHEREAS the Office Specialty Manufacturing Company Limited hereinafter called the Company is desirous of extending the business now carried on by it in Town of New market in the manner provided for la a proposed agreement between Company the said Town a copy Of which proposed agreement is cludedin this ByLaw AND WHEREAS it appears to the Municipal Council of the said Town that it is to the advantage of the Corporation of the said Town to have tho said business extended as ed by the Company for that purpose ro grant the aid asked for by the Company and provided for in said proposed agreement and it will be necessary for such purposes to issue debentures of the Town The Corporation of the Town Newmarket called the Corporation of the first par and- The Office Specialty tug Company Limited hex- Called the Company of second part WHEREAS Certain agreements have been heretofore entered into by and between the parties hereto and In pursuance thereof the Company has carried on substantially the whole of its manufacturing business at the said Town of Newmarket j AND the Company has represented to the Corporation that it is desirous of still further extending its said business and for that purpose of Newmarket for urn of building an extension to Thousand Dollars which is amount the debt intended to bo created by this ByLaw AND it will he neces sary to raise annually during the term of twenty years hereinafter men tioned by spe debt to be created by this By- Law and interest thereon the jam of Three Hundred and EightyFour and thirtyeightone dollars actor at Newmarket which will involve the erection at the South its present factory premises of a building of about the following dl- feet long feet wide which will rate to pay the tojV stories high and n fully equipped with an uptodate plant and will give facilities for the employment hy the Company of an in creased number of hands WHEREAS the Company has GOING SOUTH lCave Newmarket Toronto a p 535 158 her trade routes The measure now proposed by the Government tills this want In time war Canada can give the greatest assistance to Mother Country relieving the compensation All Pratt has presented a bill to amend the Ontario Game and Fish eries Act which provides that no per son shall make use of a dog in hunt ing deer and owners of dogs in any locality where deer are usually found if said dogs are shot when found run ning at large will not be entitled to Imperial navy or this duty thoritics agree that such a fleet Canada Is in the wake of progress would render invaluable service at and Ontario is keeping up its end of Speaking on this point the race The report of the Minister of Public Works shows If you are wasting to plant apple berries or any nursery stock i battleships the life of which might not which brings the mileage in the Pro- Northern Grown Nursery Trees Lord recently said he lionet the wisdom of sending to that during the past year miles land a large sum of money to build of new railway were constructed krt lit oao order from J Port Elln Any that do not live ore replaced at half price Plant Northern grown trees Why 1 millions in home while eleven steel bridges and twenty ftiuse the 0 northern and which timber bridges were built In New On- grown tree acknowledged by all Protect their trade agricultural and horticultural tlt0U ll would be a bet ter investment than iu helping to du- twenty mouths and he concluded by offering the following conclusion if they of ProNlnctal experimental farms and fruit growers everywhere You will be with the Sold J B Queens- vllle Will be at Newmarket on Sat- booking orders Phone at Farm No a ED S3 PROMPTLY SEDURgn the of and who of having Ihc intent busing Our Inventors Adviser bent upon n Regd WojthluBtOQ fend the shores of England What the Canadian Government doing covers this feature exactly It means making a- start with an allCanadian navy built according to the wishes of British Admiralty and in time of war will be of material aid in de fending tho British Empire What is more the scheme is one which will moot with the views of a vast majori ty of the Canadian people Hal ley Is Comet vince up to There were laid 148 miles of colonization roads AND the amount of the whole rateable property of the Muni cipality ol the Town of according to the last revised isses- ment roll is Eight Hundred arid Thousand Three Hundred and EightyTwo dollars AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is the sum of of which part of the principal or of the interest thereon is in THEREFORE the Municipal Coun cil of Ihe Corporation of the Town of Newmarket ENACTS as follows- 1 That a of Five Thousand Dollars he grant by the Corpora tion of the Town of Newmarket to the Company lo aid the Company in extending its business in the Town of Newmarket as aforesaid such to lie paid at the time provided for In the taid proposed agreement That to raise the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars pur poses aforesaid it shall lawful for the Corporation of the said asked the Corporation to grant the Company a bonus of and to certain arrangements as to ex emption from taxation and in the way of granting the Company a fixed assessment for a term of year- AND WHEREAS it appears to the Municipal Council of Hie Corporation that it is to the advantage of the Corporation to have such additional building erected and as an induce ment thereto to grant the Companys request for such bonus exemption and for fixed assessment subject to the assent of the electors of the Town of Newmarket being duly obtained for such purposes NOW THEREFORE that in consideration of the respective covenants hereinafter contained the parties hereto mutual ly agree the one with the other as follows That the Company will within two years from the date hereof erect and complete and fully equip with a substantial building That since arrived In Newmarket youve had something you should have had long ago r A first class Selection of Mens Wearables to choose from A Store that combines its ef forts and uses its knowledge in sup plying the goods men want An array of goods that the best dressers in the worlds fashion tres ate wearing tight now All Know That And Youre- Showing Appreciation of the fact by your business Were supjAying Newmarket men just as as any big city store could pos sibly do it If YOU are not getting these bene- fits lets add your name to our long list of satisfied Newmarket men West Main St Men Newmarket v Five men were killed in an explo sion in a gunpowder plant in Califor nia The 88 passengers and sailors left On wrecked steamer Lima in the Straits of Magellan have been rescued The real politicians paradise must be looked for in the little republic o San Marino among the valleys of the Apennines The tiny state but twentyone hundred voters all told but divided among five politi cal parties and the organisation of a Sixth is agitated Catarrh Cannot bo Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the di sease Catarrh is a blood or consti tutional disease and In order to cure it you must take internal remedies Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the best physi cians Id this country for years and is a regular prescription It is compos ed of the best tonics known combin ed with tho blood purifiers act ing directly on mucous surfaces The prefect combination of the two ingredients in what produces such wonderful results- curing Catarrh Send lor testimonials free J CHENEY Co Props Toledo Sold by Druggists price cents Take Hails con stipation All elderly lady residing in town stepped into this office a few days ago and inquired of the editor if he believed theie grounds for the fear which had been expressed in some quarters that there was a vast quantity of deadly cyanogen gas iu the tail of Comet and in coming into contact with this earth in May next would it likely destroy all life The assured the lady aforesaid that there was no use bor rowing trouble over the matter and then told her what Prof Chant of College England had to in regard to the cyanogen gas theory of- sonic people Tho Prof said ho wasnt very sure that the comet would touch the earth at all The tail wags from side to side and it possible that In that way mayy swing clear of the earth altogether The earths past experience with comets had not been Unpleasant In 1861 the earth passed through the tail one and aside from a few shooting stars nothing unusual happened Prof Chant further stated that all cy anogen gas in the tail of comet might he put in a pillnox This ought to satisfy most peo ple of nervous temperament Children FOR FLETCHERS A The town hall of Que bec was damaged to by fire A despatch from Manitoba some days ago states that a large number of dos trains reached that place lately loaded with furs from the north They consist chiefly of lynx ox skunk fisher marten and mink Wolf of all kinds are scarce iu the north The largest outfit owned by one person reached here two weeks ago and consisted eleven dog trains with an outfit of furs valued hi most ten thousand dollars to issue debentures of the said a substantial Municipality to said amount iu sums turfy of brick or fj- of not less than One Hundred Dollars both of approximately d meosions each payable within twenty years heretofore given at or near the South from the time the same arc issued end of the present factory building The said debentures shall all be dated That the Corporation will when and issued at one time ou the and so soon as such building shall be day of December completed and fully equipped as Tho debentures so to be Id and be in running sued for the said sum of Five Thousand the Company the sum Dollars shall bear interest at the frtSS J rate of per cent per annum pay- consideration of the foregoing agree able yearly such debentures shall be on the part of tho Company ex- payable In twenty annual successive in- all the present and future such annual instalments of the Company except private principal- and interest to bo of used In connection with an amouub that the aggregate amount said manufacturing business or a period ten years from the first day of lanuary rom all In the Gazette of tho we find the following unique an nouncement of an entertainment Ye supper and concert will he held in ye new Methodist Chapel on street on Tuesday yo day of February Admission two York shillings unbarred at five and half turns of ve clock All of ye Welcome except those that can not laugh a program provid ed by ye dames and men folkes Methodists must he getting Kay these prosperous times A cable despatch from London dated Feb 21 states that on the af ternoon of that day King Edward duly opened the third Parliament of reign The speech states that proposals will be laid before Parlia ment to define the relations between the two branches of tho Legislature to secure the undivided authority of the House of over finance and its predominance in legislation This Is the real point on which the recent appeal to the electorate took place other corporations Newmarket are troublod with vagrant dogs The Windsor Record rises to remark There are more reasons than rabies for restraining roam ing curs The dog at large is a bar to esthetic progress The citizen who seeks to adorn the front of his lot with a hod may have his labor and expense for nothing as the first vagrant cur Is to lay In ruins in a minute what has taken weeks or months of anxious nursing to pro duce Tho citizen who allows his dog to run at large maintains a nui sance and is an enemy to tha public good payable for principal and interest in any year shall he equal as nearly may he to what is payable for prin cipal and interest during each of the other years of said period And one such instalments of shall be payable in one year from date of issue of debentures and the remaining nineteen instalments of principal shall Ik payable on the same day In each of the nineteen succeeding years and yearly instalments of interest shall be payable at the same time and each of said debentures shall the whole amount of interest payable in that year That ihc said debentures as to principal and interest shall be pay able at the office of the Treasurer of the said Town of Newmarket That it shall bo lawful for the Mayor of the said Municipal Corpora tion and he is hereby authorised and instructed to sign and Issue the said debentures hereby authorised to he issued and to cause the same also to be signod by the Treasurer of the said Municipality and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby au thorised and instructed to attach the teal of tho said Municipality to said debentures There shall be raised and levied En each year during the currency of said debentures or any of them by special rate on all the rateable pro perty of said Municipality in the same manner as other taxes are lev- led a sum sufficient to pay and dis charge the said several yearly sums of principal and interest so accruing due as the same become respectively payable according to the terms of this ByLaw that is to say the to tal sum of Three Hundred and Eighty Four and dollars in each of the years as shown in the sched ule All the property of the said Company except private used in connection with its said man- unfacturin business shall for tho pe riod of ten years from the first day of January bo exempted from all taxes except taxes or purposes and the assessment of all property of said Company ex cept private residences as aforesaid la hereby fired at the sum of twenty Georges deputy returning polling place- Reel House prospect avenue For polling subdivision No St Andrews P J deputy returning polling placet- Market Building For polling subdivision No St Patricks Duncan deputy returning oflioer polling place the Fire Hall The following shall he Poll at respective polling places Council of the Town in the event of the of electors being obtained thereto after one month from the date of the first publication of the said bylaw in the Newmarket Era newspaper published in Town of Newmarket the date of such first publication being the day of February the votes of the electors qualified to vote on said bylaw will be taken taxes taxes for school pur- noses and will grant to lie a fixed assessment all their said property except private residences as aforesaid of for each year of the said term of ten years such exemption however shall not relievo Company from payment of school taxes in respect of its business assess ment under the Assessment Act Clerks at subdivision No Vera Martin at polling No Hughes at polling sub division No Phillips On Saturday the day of March A J the Mayor of the said Town of Newmarket shall at the Council Chamber in the said Town of Newmarket at twelve o clock in the alter noon In writing signed by him appoint two persons to attend at the final summing up of named and by the above named depu ty officers MONDAY day of MARCH A be tween the hours of nine oclock the forenoon and five oclock In afternoon that the of tin Corporation shall pass the necessary bylaw for the purposes aforesaid That all former by and between partite hereto shall bo and remain in full and and are not altered hereby ex cept so far as such former agreements refer to the subjects of taxation and assessments which sublet are settled between tho parties hereto by this agreement 5 That this agreement shall not be binding upon tho parties un less and until the same shall have boon approved of by the ratepayers of the Corporation the manner pro vided for by provisions of tho Consolidated Municipal Act respecting granting of bonuses to manufacturing industries In WITNESS WHEREOF these pre sents have been duly executed The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited J F Signed scaled and delivered in the presence of ADAM SMITH This bylaw shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof The votes of the electors of the said Town of Newmarkot shall be tak en on this bylaw at the following times and places that is to say on 1 MONDAY the day of MARCH 18 commencing at tho hour of nine NOTICE TO LEASEHOLDERS A leaseholder who Is entitled to vote on this bylaw is who is the full age of twentyone years and by the and one per- ft tSPSff tt son to attend at each polliug place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting passing of this bylaw and a like number of persons behalf of those persons In terested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this bylaw The Clerk the Council of the said Town of Newmarket shall attend In his at the Council Chamber the said Town on the day of March 1910 at the hour of oclock in the afternoon to sum up the number of votes given for and against tho said bylaw TO FOREGOING BYLAW 1 ii a a go if a one year from two years three four 38433 five 19302 six 38433 18576 17680 seven 38433 eight 3S nine 38438 ten 38438 eleven 25867 38438 thirteen fourteen 8919- fifteen sixteen seventeen 38438 eighteen 35203 nineteen 38438 twenty neither directly nor indirectly receiY- nor is in expectation of receiving any reward or gift for the vote so tendered and is resident within the Municipality for which the vote is for one month next before tho vote and who or whose wife has a lease of real property in the Town of Newmarket which extends over the twenty years mentioned in the bylaw period of time within which the money to be raised by the bylaw is made payable and for which property he or she is rated on the last revised assessment roll to the amount of suf ficient value to entitle him or her to vote at a Municipal Election and who under bis or her lease has cov enanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property leased other than those assessed for local improve ments Provided however that every leaseholder who desires to vote on the said ByLaw must file at the office of the Town Clerk at least ten days prior to the date of voting a statutory declaration stating that his or her meets the above require ments The names of leaseholders neglect ing to file such declaration will not be placed on voters list for such voting I HUGHES Town Clerk Town Clerks Office However things may seem no evil thing succeeds and no good thing is a failure Longfellow oclock in the forenoon and continuing until fiye oclock in the afternoon of the same day The places for taking the said and the Deputy Returning Offi cers of tho several polling subdivi sions of the said Municipality proposed bylaw which has been ft follows into consideration and which will For polling subdivision No 1 be Anally passed by the Municipal PUBLIC NOTICE The foregoing Is a true copy of a YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Field Lawn Fences And Flower Guards- Heigh MADE BY It Catalan Steel A Wire Co at J see Quality and get For Sale by J Near High School NswniArket oa At On Univ of Ei Hasp Newt Cot of A I I I 91 R of lies To etc l 1 1 Is CO m fOQ0 I 1

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