Newmarket Era , March 4, 1910, p. 4

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commanded As An Ideal Remedy I I I BONO ten March For some years I have been greatly troubled with headaches and indiges tion brought on by stomach disorders constipation and biliousness I had tried many remedies with only Indiffer ent success until Fruitatives came to my notice Being a general store keeper I was selling a good many Fruitativcs to my customers and remarking how pleased they were with the results obtained from using decided to try them I might say the effects were almost magical Headaches and biliousness disappeared today I recommend to my customers as An Ideal remedy I might also add that about three yean ago I was laid up with LUM BAGO AND SCIATICA couldnt get out of bed or lift one foot over the other A good treatment of cured me of these pains and banished the Sciatica and Lumbago so that I am as well as ever and can lift anything necessary Signed BOND GET i- i A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO OUT It has paid others it will pay you Wrlto today for our handsome Cata logue Q Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 130 Newmarket 923 247 Allandalc GOING SOUTH Newmarket Toronto ar a 520 p 158 310 755 I OneWay Colonist Rates Vancouver BC Seattle Wash Portland Ore San Francisco Lot Angeles Mexico City MARCH 1st Above rates class and apply from NEWMARKET Proportionate rates from all sta tions in Ontario J C Ticket A Broken Promise When vote in Legislature for the new Central Prison site in- South Wellington at was reached Hon Mr Wanna explained the position and advantages of the location The Government he said take possession on the 1st Of April and it was the intention to as much of the land as possi ble this year for the purjose of grow ing wheat We have no quarrel with Mr J P Downey Mil for South Welling ton for outgeneraling the member for North York in securing this ad vantage for his constituents far from it but we do say the selection of the site named Violates more than an implied promise of Mr Lennox to the electors of North York in ease Sir James Whitney became Premier At a public meeting held at Aurora Mechanics Hall with Mr Whitney himself on the platform Mr Lennox said If Mr Whitney is returned to power and becomes Premier ol this Province will see to it that he will do almost anything I wish because he knows I would not ask him to do anything that was not right The public ac counts showed that the sum of was spent each year in North in connection with the reformatory and want to know if that would not be an ad vantage North York This was the deliberate utterance of Mr Lennox the man who stands in pretty well with Mr Whitney but evidently Mr Downey govs him one better fur he has secured the plum for instead of New market or Aurora Hut as we stat ed above Mr Whitney himself was on the same platform and not only silently acquiesced in the promise by Mr Lennox thus leading the electors to believe he acquiesced therein but commenced his address by telling the audience he was glad for many things to visit the Hiding one of these being the presence the future historic Whitney candidate lie wished to goodness he had fiftv more like him In view of these utterances we submit the peoiAe of North York were led to believe that by the return of Mr Lennox and the accession of Sir James Whitney to power the people this Hiding were given a strongly implied pro mise that the institution now to be located at possession to be taken on the 1st of April next All Fools would be located in this Hiding By way in looking over Sir James Whitneys speech on the above occasion we notice he objected to the taxes being placed on and succession duties imposed by and Ross Administrations but up to the present date although some years in office the said taxes are still imposed What is more without the Incpme from these very sources his colleague the Provincial Treasurer would have been compelled to report a deficit when presenting his budget to the Legislature In- Moving picture shows are In the limelight just now The proprie tors of some of these shows having sought to the law respecting emergency exists in all cases where combustible films are used the regu lations have been changed The- At torneyGenerals Dei has in structed the Provincial Police to re quire emergency exits and the usual precautions against lire in all mov ing picture theatres whether the films are or other- wise The purity of the milk supplied to the general public from dairies and by milkdealers is being largely discus- WHEREAS the Office Specialty the press of Ontario cities Manufacturing Company Limited Health officers attribute the epidemic hereinafter called the Company is of typhoid among infant children as I desirous of extending the business now being largely due to impure milk carried on by it in the Town of New- but statistics are conflicting The market in the manner provided for In Ottawa Journal says Ottawa leads a proposed agreement between the cities of Ontario in the Company and the said Town a copy its milk supply This leads the of which proposed agreements in- Herald to remark eluded in this ByLaw though Ottawa has the purest milk AND WHEREAS it appears to the supply the infant mortality in Municipal Council of the Town BYLAW No Of the Town Newmarket BEINO a ByLaw authorising Issue of debentures of the Town of to too amount of for purpose of granting a to the Specialty Company Limited and exempt certain of the property of the said company from except taxes or school purposes for a period of ten years and in other to aid the said com pany in the of its busi ness is higher than city or town in any other While discussing Sir Richard Scotts bill in the Senate last week to regulate the transportation in toxica ting liquors Senator CtOran said The worst poison that was sold in Canada in the form temperance drinks which would try a castiron stomach and one drink ot which in summer would knock a man out for the balance of the season If this is really true and the Senator really what he says why under the sun dont he submit a bill to banish all this kind of worst poi son What is he doing for his indemnity in allowing the exis tence of such a menace to society The announcement is made that the Dominion Government ot Canada has made arrangements with the New Zea land Steamship Company to lish a subsidized service between Can ada and Australian and New Zealand ports l At present several million dollars worth of Canadian exports to the sister dominions go via New York aud some months ago an influ ential deputation waited on the Gov ernment to ask that steps be taken to secure for Canadian ports and for Canadian shippers a direct service Under the agreement just reached with the company a monthly service will he given from Montreal in sum mer and from St John- aud Halifax in winter This is another step in the linking up of Imperial trade car ried in British vessels on imperial trade routes At a Conservative gathering at Brant ford Friday night Mr Arthur MI for Portage la Prairie was the big gun that APRIL are one way second Parliament Notes The Special Committee of the Com mons dealing with the CoOperative Credit Societies Hill practically completed its work endorsing the measure last week The bill was op posed by the Retail Merchants a meeting of the Toronto branch deed as Hon Mr MacKay pointed out in closing the budget debate the Pro vince was indebted to the foresight of preceding Liberal Administrations for the revenues of which the Hon Treasurer now boasted The end of the Government program in the Legislature is said to bo in sight but there is no prospect of pro rogation reached next month The difference in the indemnity to members is too much of a tempta tion to allow the House to adjourn until the mark is assured- That point reached proragation will fol low The- Premier might as well bump up against a si one wall as to attempt to cut out this thousand dol- perquisite Among other things he declared corporations th lowel Canada in the eyes of the whole world by his conduct at the several Imperial conferences and that the people could no longer trust the Gov ernment at Ottawa If Mr Meighen would iluck out a few feathers from his Imagination and stick them in his judgment he would show more sense Sir Wilfrid has forgotten more than the man from thf Manito ba Prairie district ever knew O yes Mr Meighen thought he knew it all Some people when they get that it is to the advantage of the Corporation of the said Town 10 have i the said business extended as pre pos ed the Company and for that purpose to grant the aid asked for by the Company and provided lor in the said proposed agreement and It will bo necessary for such purposes to issue debentures of Town of Newmarket for Hi urn i Five Thousand Dollars which is the amount of the debt intended to bo created by this AND WHEREAS it will he neces sary to raise annually during the term of twenty years hereinafter men tioned special rate to pay the saidj debt to be this By- Law and interest thereon the sum of Three Hundred and EightyFour and thirtyeightone dollars AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Muni cipality of the Town of Newmarket according to the revised ment roll is Eight Hundred ana Nine tyNine Thousand Three Hundred and EightyTwo dollars AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is the sum of of which no part of the principal of the interest thereon is in THEREFORE the Municipal Coun cil of the Corporation of the Newmarket ENACTS as follows- That a of Five Thousand Dollars be gran tod the Corpora tion of the Town of Newmarket to the Company to aid the Company in extending its business in the Town of Newmarket as aforesaid such be paid at the time provided or In the said proposed agreement That to raise- the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars pur poses aforesaid It shall be lawful for the Corporation of the said Munici pality to issue debentures the said Municipality to said amount in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars each payable within twenty years from the time the same aro issued said debentures shall all be dated and issued at one time viz on the thousand dollars for each of the said of fen years sue exemp tion however shall not relievo Company from payment of school respect business assess- under tho Assessment Vet Tho Mayor and Clerk of the Town of are hereby au thorized and Instructed to attach the corporate seal of the said Town to tho following agreement and to cuto the on behalf of the said Town THIS AGREEMENT made this th day of December A one thou sand nine hundred and nine Between The Corporation of the of Newmarket hereinafter called the Corporation the first part The Office Specialty Manufactur ing Company Limited called Company ot the second part WHEREAS certain agreements have been heretofore entered Into by and between the parties hereto and In pursuance thereof the Company has carried on substantially whole ol its manufacturing business at the said Town of AND WllKltEAS the Company has represented to the Corporation that it is desirous of stillfurther extending its business and for that purpose of building an extension to its pres ent factory at Newmarket which will involve the erection at tho South of its present factory premises of a building of about the following di- feet long feet wide and four stories high aid which will be fully equipped with an plant and will give facilities for the employment by the Company of ait in creased number of hands AND WHEREAS the Company has asked the Corporation to grant the Company a bonus of and to ma certain arrangements as to ex emption from taxation and in the way of granting the Company a fixed assessment for a term of years AND WHEREAS it appears to the Municipal Council of the Corporation that It is to the advantage of the Corporation to have such additional building erected as an induce ment thereto to grant the Companys request for such bonus exemption and for a fixed assessment subject to the assent of the electors of the Town of Newmarket being duly obtained for such purposes NOW THEREFORE this agreement that in consideration of the respective covenants hereinafter contained the parties hereto mutual ly agree the- one with the other as follows That the Company will within two years from the date hereof erect and complete and fully equip with a modern plant a substantial building substantially of brick or stone or ot both of approximately the dimensions heretofore given at or near South end of their present factory building That the Corporation will wbeu and so soon as such building shall be issue at one i ii dav of December D 1910 completed and fully equipped The second reading of the bill to Incorporate the Albany Coal Transportation Co to make a wa ter connection for transportation be tween Lake Superior and James Bay was passed on Wednesday of last week and sent to committee J as 1 J 1 V f I j 1 I 1 1 1 J ICi i 1 1 Catarrh bo with LOCAL APPLICATIONS they cannot reach the seat of di sease Catarrh is a blood or consti tutional disease and In order to cure it you must take internal remedies Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine Hi was prescribed by one of tho best physi cians in this country for years and is a regular prescription It is compos ed of tho best tonics known combin ed with the best blood purifiers Ing directly on tho mucous surfaces The prefect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces such Wonderful result s in curing Catarrh Send for testimonials free J CHENEY Co Props Toledo O Sold by Druggists price cents Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation of the Womens Suffrage Association held last week the members decided hereafter to wear until they attain their object a yellow button hearing a brown inscription Votes for Wo men The meeting was enthusiastic Dr Margaret Gordon occupied the chair The treasurer reported on hand After some discussion a resolution was passed in favor of en tering upon a street campaign- It was also decided to sell the buttons at cents each to provide money for literature Evidently these suf fragists mean business sued for the said sum Dollars shall bear payable In twenty annual successive In stalments such annual instalments of away from home put on airs and principal and interest to be of such one ago particular individual from Port- la Prairie no exception An Ottawa despatch to the Tele gram states that a movement is on foot among members of the House to ask the Government to agree that each member should have a secretary after the Washington custom Many of the members already get an in demnity per session exceeding what they could possibly earn at home Next thing the country will hear they will be asking the to an icecream parlor at the coun trys expense for their special ac commodation Then the Senate will chip in and want secretaries and lun cheon thrown in Too many of the countrys representatives seem to bo looking after the almighty dollar stead of discharging their honest ligations to the electorate and state The Artesian Water Company seek ing power from the Legislature to pipe water from the wells near in the Township Whitchurch to the Southern part ol the County yield gallons per day contend that it is going to waste Fanners in the neighborhood of the wells do not approve the granting of the charter to the Arte sian Water Co as they fear the local supply would thereby suffer They have paid for the advantages these wells afford and millOwners and other Industries are depending on the privileges the use of which induced them to make investments This we understand is the situation and it- looks as if the project would injure one part of the community to benefit another In a previous attempt to obtain a charter the Legislature re fused it On Friday when a bill from to confirm an agreement of the cor poration and the Canada Producer Co making a fixed assessment was up for consideration the chair man refused to entertain it until the same had bed referred to the Pre miere This made some- of the com- hoist up their shirt collars Mr T H Lennox and A Tripgot up on their dignity pro testing against the committee being overruled but chairman just quietly ignored their protests and when the Premier stated that the policy of the Government was against fixed settlement of taxation they had to subside We may remark in this connection It the principle of not allowing fixed assessments is the law of the land and the Govern ment Is opposed to it legislation to legalize a bylaw arranging a fixed assessment to any man or company would be unattainable No uso pass ing any such bylaw or submitting the same to the electors Children FOR FLETCHERS CASJORI A Company the sum of interest at the the Corporation will in rate of per cent per annum pay- consideration of the foregoing agree able yearly such debentures shall be on the part all tho present and future pro perty of the Company except private resldenoes used in connection with their said manufacturing business for a period of ten years from the first day of January AI from all taxes except taxes for school pur poses and will grant to iKe Co a fixed assessment on all their said property except private residences as aforesaid of for each year of the said term of ten years such exemption however shall not relievo the Company from payment of school taxes in respect of its business assess ment under the Assessment Act and that the of the Corporation shall pass the necessary bylaw for the purposes aforesaid That all former agreements mado by and between the parties hereto shall be and remain in full force and effect and are not altered hereby ex cept so far as such former agreements refer to the subjects of taxation and assessments which subjects are settled the parties hereto by this agreement 5 That this agreement shall not be binding upon parties hereto un less and until the same shall have been approved of the ratepayers the Corporation in the manner pro vided for provisions of the Consolidated Municipal Act respecting granting of bonuses to manufacturing industries In WITNESS WHEREOF these pre sents been duly executed The Specialty Mfg Co Limited J Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of ADAM SMITH This bylaw shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof The votes of electors of the said Town of Newmarket shall be tak en on this bylaw at the following times and places that Is to say on MONDAY the 21et day of MARCH 1910 commencing at tho hour of nine oclock in the forenoon and coaUnuioy until Ave oclock In the of same day Tho places for taking tho Bald and the Deputy Returning Offi cers of the several polling subdivi sions of the said Municipality shall be follows For polling subdivision No S an amount that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may lie to what is payablo for prin cipal and interest during each the other yearn ol said period And one of instalments ot princiial shall be in one year from tho date of issue said debentures and the remaining- nineteen instalments principal shall payable on the same day in each of the nineteen succeeding years and said yearly instalments of interest shall be payable at the same time and each of said debentures shall the whole amount of interest payable in thac year That the said debentures as to principal and interest shall be pay able at the office the Treasurer of the said Town of Newmarket That it bo lawful for the Mayor of the said Municipal Corpora tion and he is hereby authorised and Instructed to sign issue said debentures hereby authorised to be issued and to cause the saino also to bo signed by the Treasurer of said Municipality aud the Clerk of the said Municipality Is hereby au thorised and instructed to attach tho seal of the said Municipality to debentures 6 There shall be raised and levied In each year during the currency of said debentures or any of them by special rate on all the rateable pro perty of said Municipality in the same manner as other taxes are lev ied a sum sufficient to pay and dis charge the said several yearly sums of principal and interest so accruing due as the same become respectively payable according to the terms of this ByLaw that is to say tho to tal sum of Three Hundred and Eighty Four and 38100 dollars in each of the Said years as shown In the sched ule hereto All the property of the said Company except private residences in connection with Its said man ufacturing business shall for pe riod of ten years from the firgt day of January be exempted from all taxes- except taxes for school purposes and tho of all property of the said Company ex cept private residences as aforesaid hereby fixed at sum of twenty I 352S a handkerchief or a collar or tie doesnt matter how small your wants come to Here youll get the same attention appreciative service whether spend five or ten dollars of coming to Whimsters for every wear need and the result will be a satisfaction you never knew before if Our business is the supplying of Newmarket men with the best and most stylish wearables at lowest prices and we know our business i 1 Georges M deputy Council of the Town of Newmarket returning officer polling place in the of the assent of the tho Reel House Prospect avenue electors being obtained thereto alter For polling subdivision No one month from the date of the Andrews P J Anderson deputy publication of the bylaw in tba returning olticer polling place Newmarket Era newspaper published Market Building In the Town of Newmarket the data For polling subdivision No 3 St of such first publication being the Patricks Duncan deputy day of February and returning polling placeYtho votes of the electors qualified to vote Fire Hall on said byflaw will be taken thexeoa The following shall ho- Poll at the respective polling places abre Clerks ftt polling No named and by the above named Vera Martin at polling returning officers on MONDAY No Hughes polling skid- day of MARCH A division No Phillips tweefl the hours of nine oclock On Saturday the day of 1 the forenoon and Ave oclock March A 1910 tho Mayor the afternoon said Town of Newmarket shall st the Council Chamber In the said Town NOTICE TO LEASEHOLDERS of Newmarket at twelve clock in the afternoon in writing A Who entitled to signed by htm appoint two persons to att at the gill up NJ votes by the Clerk and per- ject son to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desiroifs of promoting passing of this bylaw and a like number of persons on behalf of those persons in terested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this bylaw The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Newmarket shall attend In his Office at the Council Chamber In the said Towu on the day of March AD at tho hour of oclock in the afternoon to sum up the number of votes given tor and said bylaw SCHEDULE TO FOREGOING 5 11 is 14 IT 18 I all a sit J fill nil one year from Issue 21033 20250 16758 15783 11407 7591 6184 16 two yeara 38438 three four 38438 19007 Ave 38438 six seven eight 38438 nine 38438 ten eleven twelve 3S438 27031 thirteen 38438 fourteen 29519 fifteen 38438 sixteen 32254 38438 33676 eighteen 35202 nineteen 38438 36787 twenty 38438 neither directly nor indirectly receiv ed nor is in expectation of receiving any reward or gift for the vote so tendered and is resident within Municipality for which the vote is taken for one month next before the vote and who or whose wife has a lease of real property in the Town Newmarket which extends over twenty years mentioned in the bylaw period of time within which the money to be raised by the bylaw Is mado payable and for which property he or she is rated on the last revised assessment roll to the amount of suf ficient value to entitle him or her to vote at a Municipal Election and who under his or her lease has cov enanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property leased other than assessed for local improve ments Provided however that every leaseholder who desires to vote on the said ByLaw must file at the office of Town Clerk at least ten days prior to the date of voting a statutory declaration stating that his or her lease meets the above require ments The names of leaseholders neglect ing to file such declaration will not be placed on tho voters list for such voting J HUGHES Town Clerk Town Clerks Office The New Zealand Steamship iny which will run a line from Mbn- pa treal to Australian potts next mer is a enterprise NOTICE The foregoing is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been tak en Into consideration and which will bo finally passed by the Municipal FOUR YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Fields Lawn Fences And Flower Guards any MADE BY Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Coma and we Quality aid get For Sale by J Near School Ontario I A

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