Newmarket Era , March 11, 1910, p. 5

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J Robftsoo Main Street to on good Farm Security Prank AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Bolton it Painter Paper- Hanger mod Decorator La no and DENTIST St Dp Wilkinson DENTIST 0ce Block Newmarket of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Bra Private Papers at residence If Mired NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones CASSIDY A S J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also of the Royal College ot Physician and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant fa MoorfleldsEye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England OfflocCor Main and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephone No 110 Hours services may be had at any hour the day or night by calling at the or phone Furnace Work 3 ot Our Specialties the Bathroom at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS to Smiths Grocery Purdys New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits of all kinds Raisins Currants Dates Peels Layer Rais ins Malaga Grapes Oranges Lemons etc Also all the NEW CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Best Canneries OUR GROCERIES Arc wellassorted and the Best that money can buy Oyster Parlor Open Select Oysters solid meat by the Quart or Served to your taste OUR BREAD Is Standard Weight Fan cy Bread Buns Cakes of all kinds Fresh Every Morn ing None Better lew as good COOKED HAM sliced to cult Alleni Sweet Cider by quart or Satisfaction or Money Refunded Joseph Phot Perkins Old Stand Implement Delivering Mr is arranging for a delivery of implements buggies wagons etc on the March It will be worth coming to town to sec the pro fession Good Program Those who attend the entertain ment in the Christian Church this Friday evening to be given the Club of Half To ronto are assured that an evening much pleasure and profit is in store Langs Meat Market Another Butcher shop was opened in town last Saturday morning- oppo site Marble shop by Mr A Lang who comes from Aurora and is an old hand at the business A trial order will convince you that he knows what meat is Brief lets Next Thursday is the Ire land Use good paper and have the print ing executed by people who know how- Styles change in type We al ways have the latest Mr Fisher has bought Mr Dun hams house on corner of Joseph and Millard Mr will have to move Mr Shier sold his house and lot on the 3rd of King to Mr Evans last Monday To Night Dont forget the public meeting in the Town Hall commencing at o clock shari this Friday evening From reports we have heard there is a great deal of misapprehension re garding the Office Specialty bonus by law and ratepayers should attend the meeting and thus become better in formed upon the matter The Mayor and other members of the Council will be only too glad to answer any questions Accident On the 25th of February James fell in the wood shed striking his side on the edge of the wash tub At first it was thought he was not seriously hurt but on calling in the doctor was found there were sever al ribs broken Later other compli cations set in which for a few days threatened to take He is up in years and quite stout so that it may take several weeks before he may be around i a and fragrant of the finest Ceylon Tea Get a package from your grocer and enjoy its excellent qualities SO Persons Killed Georgian Bay Canal SNOW SLIDE ON Setlers OneWay Excursions To Western Canada March April and via Grand Trunk Railway System from station in On tario Kingston and west to certain points In Saskatchewan ami Alberta Particular attention is called to the fact that low rates apply to points on Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway a new territory full of Golden Oppor tunities tickets and further He amongst the thousands information Horn Grand Trunk agents snow Kevclstoke BC March 6 At mid night Friday while a gang of work men were cleaning a snowslide off the tracks a mile west of Rogers Pais a second avalanche swept the mountain carrying death and destruc tion in its wake The spot where the accident occurred is a very danger ous one at the summit of the kirks at a place known as Rogers Pass between Field anil Golden The track at this point passes through a gully or what is generally known as a dip The mountains on either side rise to a height of some eight thousand feet It was at noon on Friday that the first slide occur red but was a comparatively small one- A wrecking trajh was at once sent out from to clear the track About men mostly Japs were engaged in this work and while the gang was so employed another avalanche swept from the mountains overwhelming between and of the wrecking crew For a distance of over a quarter of a mile the track was covered with snow and ice to a depth of feet and the victims were buried beneath huge masses of snow ice rocks and timber As soon as the news of the diaster reached Revel stoke a lire bell was sounded and within half an hour a relief train con veying physicians and over rail road men and other citizens was en route to the scene The relief train had just passed when a third slide occurred covering the track for some distance and damming the River which runs nearby- hut there was no further loss of life When the relief train arrived at the scene of the disaster no time was lost in the work of rescuing the bodies and clearing the track a work that was rendered particularly trying by a fierce blizzard The bodies of twelve white men have been recovered and identified all of them living in the vicinity of the avalanche They were employed in clearing the track when the slide came The bodies of Japanese have also been recovered making a total of recovered to date and it is feared that a number of others yet Ottawa March Replying to a the Federation only this week a man Women arc very practical some times Illere Is an Instance A mil tee of ladles women who know thingshas been formed pledged to assist in superintending the distribu tion of milk from the depots which the Household- Kconumic Association intends to maintain this summer The deaconesses of the Nursing Missions will also visit the poorer districts to see that milk conditions are favor able The mortality among children of the city last year is assuming alarming interest Sneak during the temporary absence of Mrs A Fiiuel helped themselves to parcels left in the ves tibule on Thursday by a parcel de livery man from a down town store A representative from the Humane Society tried to induce the of to interview the Government with the view having the muzzling of dogs order rescinded so far as To ion to is concerned the Mayor of this city had to be sent to the Pas teur Institute a dog bite the Hoard of Trade which urged the early construction of the Georgian Bay Canal Sir Wilfrid Lauder said that order staiuls if the finances of the Spears one dav last week to improve the canal should he begun at an early date Hon Mr said the water power would be created would pay the- interest on the cost of the canal or address J- McDonald Toronto Bad Accident Ed Hunt who tall saws for Mr Alex was working at the mill on Friday He was pick ing a piece of slab out near the A knot on the log that was coming back caught his smock sleeve and pulled his arm Into saw and cut it so lhat it had to be amputated just below the elbow Doctors were at once sent for and the wound dressed He has been in this county a little less then five years ice trees and rocks piled high in the canyon It Wonders of the Bar Wonderful as the functions of the eye the ear appears to be a yet more marvellous instrument People with good hearing do not appreciate the delicacy ot the little instrument that nature has implanted on each side of their heads Rut anat omists appreciate without being able to understand it There is any trouble with the eye that they can- not adjust but not so with the When its fairy mechanism is Jangled and out of tune it is often impossible to restore its functions It is the greatest mystery of the human or ganism OOOj County Well Represented The good roads convention in To ronto brought to a close on Friday afternoon was attended by more dele gates from York County than at any previous meeting in the his tor of the association Many members of the county council were in attendance and all expressed themselves as de lighted with the progress made KxWarden who has been one of the pioneers in the move ment said The convention just clos ed has been the best ever held here In attendance enthusiasm and a de sire to accomplish something we are far ahead of any former meeting Some of the delegates from York County present were Reeve of Richmond Hill Reeve l Long- of Reeve Henry and Deputies Watson Barker and Councillor Griffiths of York Town ship Deputyreeve Mark and Mr from Reeve from Reeve of Whitchurch Reevorairbam and Deputyreeve of Fast Clark of Whit- while assisting a street car conductor to adjust the wires which cany the electric current for lighting puEpose9 between the front car and the trail er received a severe shock and got one hand badly burned It is an un usual thing and no one seems to know how Controller recently criticized civic officials lor neglecting to obey the Hoard of Controls order for a report on the insurance covering the accident on Avenue Road last sum mer when A Rust a civic employee while driving a city auto injured a woman and had to pay damages Mr wants to know from the City Solicitor Treasurer and Engineer why- the amount has not been collected from the insurance Co Fcrhais theres a nigger in the fence Rev EG Laker is re main lor a fourth year with the Clin ton street Methodist Church subject to the will of Conference This wns arranged at a Hoard meeting last week A bakers oven has recently been discovered under street on the west side in front of the premises of A Kent Son soon to be pulled down Sixty years ago A Rattray had a bakery in the Kent premises who no doubt built it- If the Sessions dont manage to get Assembly Notes PHOTOS Surrogate Court The will of David Fardy late Newmarket dispose of an estate of being cash and a house and lot in Newmarket making up the bal ance He leaves everything to his daughter At her death the house and lot to be sold and the proceeds divided among her children l Darker late of Holland Landing owned in bank and about acres of- land in Hast worth a total estate of He bad no will His widow and six sons and daughters divide the estate Mr has a bill before the Legislature making it unlawful for any person to run any traction engine whether for the purpose of freight or passenger or otherwise or any wag on or truck drawn thereby over any pavement in any city or town unless such engine and wagon or truck shall be equipped with Wheels having a smooth running surface I Mr also has a ill provid ing for closing up streets alleys or lanes for the particular use and bene fits of manufacturers but persons in jured or aggrieved thereby shall be allowed compensationthe amount to be arranged by mutual agreement or arbitration the manufacturer in all cases to pay the compensation The local Council must consent to pass bylaws to give effect to the closing of any such streets lanes or alleys Orillia Presbyterian Church raises over per member for outside ob jects SHE WAS SURPRISED When Dr Indian nor Complaint through with more than two cases a day Toronto can keep the jury mill grinding all the year round County people- pay per cent of the cost and the Comity daddies dont seem to realize the true inwardness of city connection Total dogs gathered in by the dog catchers last week numbered One animal destroyed a French poodle belonging to Mrs avenue showed oi rabies Short ly after dinner it began to chew the curtains then it chasing its mistress who took to the street and called a pplivemaji Through a win dow the animal was lassoed and then shot People In that part of the city dont grumble now about dogs being muzzled James Aikes of Sterling Township church find Reeve of ftncd cost s for selling King The Temperance Hotel A meeting of the shareholders took place last Monday afternoon when tie following Hoard of Directors were appointed Dr J Wesley Messrs J A Cod Aubrey Davis P Pearson Eves and Hunter The appointed to dispose of stocks reported about shares were taken which is not quite half amount required Letters- were read from and Midland showing that the Temperance hotels those towns were doing welt The Hoard was instructed to dispose of more stock as soon as possible and the large number of applications for Manager were left with the Directors to deal with Millinery Apprentices Wanted at once apply to Mrs Hughes Mrs RSmith of Winnipeg Man an interesting story of relief from intolerable sufferings I can hardly tell you how great my sufferings have been Chronic liver coin- plaint accompanied by biliousness wer daily source of to me Every day experienced the sickening effects these ailments I longed for some that should permanently drive them away of Dr Morses Indian Root Pills I thought they were worthy of a trial My surprise was indeed great From the very first I experienced relief Continuing with them I found my troub les were slowly but surely leaving me and before long I once more knew what it was to be free from the harassing ef fects of the ailments that had long sick ened and weakened me So great my faith in Dr Morses Indian Pills that I hall never on any account be without them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cure Bowel and Kidney as well as Liver troub les and keep you healthy 25c a box at your dealers Spring Skin Troubles PIMPLES ERUPTIONS AM SPOTTY COMPLEXIONS At this season scores of people gills and young women especially find their faces disfigured by scores of pimples dark spots eruptions etc The skin needs attention needs reno vating after the trying time it has passed through during the winter think what it has gone thru You have been out in the rain and sleet and snow You have been at one moment perspiring from skating or some other exertion Then you have stood to cool off You stent hours of the day indoors at a temperature equal to summer heat Then you have- covered up yourskin except your face and gone out into a temperature away below zero No wonder that with all these changes the skin of the face and neck shows signs of needing attention Dont forget that the skin has to do work just as any other organ of the body and if you overwork it it gives out is the remedy Smear it lightly over the spots the eruptions the sallow patohes at night and notice how quick ly your appearance improves As the rich refined herbal essences sink deep into the tissue the hard scurfy- like patches are removed Hotter color results The cells of the skin become transparent The blood be neath is able to impart its proper coloring to the tissue and the deli cate bloom of health replaces the lowncss and pallor of disease is also of great use for skin injuries and diseases ulcers chaps ringworm acne yield to its use For cuts hums bruises childrens rashes etc it is unequal led and it is a sure cure for piles All druggists and stores at 50c box or ZamHuk Co Toronto for price Refuse harmful substitutes and imi tations liquor in a local option district Pro vincial Inspectors are bound to make ieQple respect the local option law Twentysix pep cent of the total deaths in Toronto are of infants un der one year of age This large death rate is said to be due to im pure milk An electric railway from Toronto to is now on the carpet When the Prison Farm gets running the city will furnish a lot of send ing irisoners to that institution who now are sent to the Central Prison Ladies Spring hats ate said to re present a wealth of variety but poverty of beauty In the fearful avalanche disaster in Washington Territory last week Martin whose folks reside at Swansea is reported among the kill ed Five hundred people including female hosiery workers are emigrat ing to Canada from Nottingham land They will find husbands in the Northwest all right enough A blaze started in a picture sjiow on Queen street near McCaul on Fri day afternoon which caused the crowd to vacate the place In a hurry the films were destroyed When Premier Whitney wants any of his followers to withdraw a bill they may have presented before the Legis lature he talks to them in a loud tone of voice Like Crocket and his relish One medium head cabbage two onions two sweet pep pers ends removed in food shpj- and moisten with salad dressing the coon comes down the EWMA HARDWAR STOR LIGHT a I Yon Can Save By Buying From Us Full Line of Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc i a irB Our First Shipment 0 Toronto Jobbing House i v STABLE and FANCY GROCERIES GET YOUR NAME on our CALLING LIST LADIES MENS and CHILDRENS SHOES A Trial Order will Convince You THAT AN SAVE YOU MONEY We insist in absolute purity in everything we buy and every ounce of groceries in our stock carries with it our guarantee that it will be found to be exactly we represented it Dont forget to use your phone Ring No 152 Frost Gate Frames Are Welded- Not Coupled Fro Gates Ufa miJ of Steel other Gate Tubing it connected by threaded These threads cut halfway into the Tube J Every inch hinges all- arc put through this Golvxnixiag rest Gate now nut the joints parts are the parts of his Je ihreajcutting deprives it onehalt its former strength J when to strain away go thaw IhrexicJ joints But the Frost hat no couplings severest will not separate this Welding of other parts Gate It is The or Tears and last longer than any other Gate we know of The finish of the Frost Gate is beautiful It smooth and silvery and mokes the Frost ornamental as well a useful merely ask for a metal Gate Say you want a Gate Frost All Frost pates have a Galvanised finJiS not an paint Ths Frame when bent or shaped clean of grease and scale Zinc Galvanising will iSerper to thoroughly cleaned Gate And the Zinc not only spreads over the but into it a of the Pip supporter withdraws Ask Mr Lennox A lire occurred early on Sat urday morning at the SchofieW-Hold- Machine Co stockrooms avenue Preparation are being made to tst a new system of wireless signalling on the tracks between Park- j dale and West Toronto Frequently one hears of cases breaches of promise of marriage in which a lady is plaintiff but here in Toronto a writ has been is- sued at the instance of a gentleman against a lady- It is said she has money and that the plaintiff is not wealth Cobalt is said to be with the kind of to mineowners He thinks will heal the wound that love has made lady in question is now married and said to be in Winnipeg Toronto Council has decided not to dig any more wells as the The Wire useJ in the Gate is No This Wire is made by our selves It is tie strongest Wire of its Drop us a for free The Frost Wire Fence Co Ltd HsmiltM Ontiiio Wanted District A Local Dealer STOCKS AURORA Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A I A 1 amount of water and natural gas ob tained so far has not been satisfac tory- Florence on charges of from both Eatons and Simp- sons stores was sent down fox six months to the Mercer

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