Newmarket Era , March 18, 1910, p. 3

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s THIS WMA ERA FRIDAY ioio WHAT 13 A Friends Church Next Sunday will be Young Mens Day Morning subject Be A Man Evening subject Dont be a Fool The public cordially invited All scats free 1 r The Mothers Meetings which are increasing in both number and inter est will be hold on Friday as usual at pm over Lyons- Candy Store- Please come early Com Free Lecture Prof of Toronto will give a tree Lecture with Stereopticon Viewy under the auspices of the Horticultur al Society In the Town Hall on Thursday evening March The title of the lecture is Why not Newmarket V Hall should be filled on this invasion and thus show the Horticul tural Society their efforts In direction are appreciated Tokens of Spring Crows robins and bluebirds have nude their appearance and continue to hover around but a large Bock of wild geese whose hawk was heard distinctly as they passed over warU on Friday evening last seemed to have returned southward on Sat urday night as a number were flying towards Toronto about pm Guess they found too much ice up north or the good of their health From observations we heard made on the market last Saturday it will not be a matter for surprise to see ma ple syrup offered for sale tomorrow House Keepers Save yourself the worry and work of Si ling sewing Buy what you need at the WMS Bazaar on April Death of Mrs On Friday night of last week Mrs J I passed away to the spiritland from her home Admir al Road Toronto She was a daugh ter of the late Walter Bell of Lin ton King Township and highly es teemed by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance She leaves a husband Mr J proprie tor of the Municipal Hotel Toronto two brothers Walter Bell merchant John A Bell of Calgary one sister Mrs A A of Deceased had been ill for some time before her de mise and had returned from a trip to Bermuda Death of Mr Alex Millard After some years of ill health Mr Alex Millard passed away last uiday at his home in Toronto where be has resided for the past years Deceased was born in Newmarket years ago being the second son of tie late Joseph Millard and brother of Mr John Millard of this town He was of a very genial disposition won first place in the undertak ing business of- Toronto For years he was Inspector of Anatomy in Toronto and President of the On tario Association In politics Mr Millard was a Liberal and in religion a Methodist He was also a member of the Masonic Order His widow and one daughter Miss at home survive You Are Invited To the Millinery Opening on Wed nesday and Thursday March 23rfl A at Miss J B Simpsons A Great Opportunity If you own a house that is assessed for it will cost you a year for the next ten years if the By- Law carries next Monday What Will you in return for your An increase of probably in the value of your property by reason of the demand for more houses to ac commodate the large number of me chanics who will he required in New market to say nothing of the new factory one of the largest and best equipped in the Province and the Im petus it will give to the development of the town in general you vote against the ByLaw oh Holiday you kill the progressive spir it in the town and say to the Office Specialty Co We can get along with out you Thats what Aurora to the Wilkinson Plow Works but have for it ever since Within the last two months theOf- Specialty Co was unable to ten der on job for want fa cilities to turn out the work when required owing to previous contracts the does not carry on Mnmla the company will certainly build elsewhere There Is nothing to them from incorporating in another and the Co is not 1 1 fin down their eleven options free site exemption from taxation hud other valuable concessions If the will spend to boost the Town the Company propose to add to it Surely thats good investment Better not to vote at all than to vote against such made by the town fathers The ByLaw should carry without opposition vote being cast and then it will take nearly votes to The Bonus BjLaw The attendance at the Public Meet in the Town Hall last was Very satisfactory showing that considerable interest is being taten In the ByLaw whiok is to be voted upon neat Mondays His Worship Mayor Pearson presid ed and in his opening remarks ex plained the Jour previous with the Office Specialty Co The first agreement was in when were raised by private subscrip tion to pay the of the families to Newmarket the Council giving h Co exemption from taxa tion except for school purposes and tree water lor drinking and fire pro tection the Council agreeing to build a subway across Timothy street be tween the factory and the In USB the Council gave in lieu o the subway to assist the Co to the race In the Co deeded the Hats to the Town for to assist in the erection of an ad dition of In the town re turned the flats to the Co in consid eration of the erection of a three- storey addition and exemption from taxationtill of all real estate buildings and plant and also to sup ply water at pe per gallons The agreement of extends the time of exemption for and days gives a fixed assessment higher than the previous assessment and in return the Co will put a new fourstorey building feet fully equipped with the latest machin ery and conveniences at a cost of at least and capable of employ ing men The Mayor explained that if the Town assessment remains he same which is altogether unlikely the cost of the bonus to the ratepayers is on ly on the SI 000 assessment 1S99 we had a population of and a debt of which was per cent of the assessed value to day we have a population of and a debt of which is only per cent of the assessed value What has caused the change from va cant houses and depreciation in pro perty to increase in values and popu lation Our three large manufactur ing industries Mr J P Wtdman Manager of the Office Specialty So explained how the Co was handicapped in the race of competition unless a bonus was granted though it is not altogether the money that the Co wants but an expression of thp good will and co operation of the citizens The Co came to Newmarket because of the kindliness of the town officials and inviting manner of its business peo ple and the town is to be commended for its enterprise for on the authority of the Municipal World he could say that we have the best svstem of Mu- light and waterworks in On tario The law of business is Grow or Go The needs of their business demands expansion The Co can manufacture part of their goods else where hut prefer to have all their in dustries in one place Offers of free sites have been received by the Co from eleven towns He assure 1 the people that it was harder to the goods and collect the money than it was to manufacture Notwithstand ing iiull times the factory had never closed down but on the contrary wages had been increased If the new factory is creeled here ho hail no doubt that a brass foundry and all iron would follow very short- on the Hats In order that the people of the town might know some thing of the work of the factory an invitation is extended any rate payers to go through the premises from to 12 oclock on Wednesday and Friday mornings of this week Mr J I McKay stated that when he came to Newmarket years ago he rented a house for per month which now rents for later he oc cupied a house at a month which now rents for and still later at per month which would now rent for per month Property that sold for years ago will sell at double the price now Larger factories mean greater demand for homes and a progressive town where retired farmers like to live so that they can enjoy conveniences and he among progressive people Mr Cane spoke of the nation al advantages which one place has over another and but for the progressive and cooperative spirit aid lb em of many towns that ate bow busy centres be dead Instances were given to show bow that industries ha riace to anotter Though the Co which be represented were the largest taxpayers town be was in favor of the bylaw and urged people lo poll every vote possible those who remain at home practical ly vote against Many towns haw granted bonuses to institutions that were not worthy but the Office Spe cialty Co had made good and we cannot afford to have the Mr A was Very strong in his language He considered that anybody who voted against the by law giving the town a He considered the Office Specialty the most progressive Industry in the Pro vince of Ontario and expects that in a lew they will employ men As a result of assistance given to town industries property that was offered ten years ago for cannot be bought today for He had heard it said that the Co will stay here anyway but he reminded our people of the removal of an industry from a neighboring because the people turned them down and in less than months were em ploying times as many men in another place Hon 1 Davis referred to the Impetus Newmarket received when the Cane family came here Then again when the Office Specialty came and the town has only given this factory which now employs over men the sum of the cheap est thing any town ever And for will double the plant a lasting benefit to every mechanic la borer business man and property- owner in the town Newcastle and other places were referred to when similar assistance to manufacturing firms had been turned down which re sulted in the removal of the factories to other places and depreciation In property followed which would pay the bonus tax many times over Before the meeting closed Mayor Pearson referred to the fact that had just voted bonus by laws of for two industries by large majorities that were not to be compared with Newmarket for value and he hoped the bylaw would carry on Monday the by an almost unanimous vote Brieflets i Cheer up Your decorating wont cost much it you buy your Wallpaper at Hunters Raster will soon be here Yesterday was marked by tile wear ing of the green Saturday Matinee at pm at the Colonial Vaudeville and Pictures Vote for the Bonus ByLaw next Good Friday Service On Metropolitan in addition to regular cars a Special late car will leave North Toronto for Newmarket and interme diate points at 1145 pm Special late car will leave Newmar ket for Toronto and intermediate points at A Small Fire Last Friday afternoon the firemen were summoned to a house aft the head of Church St owned by Mr Adams an employee at the Davis Tannery When the alarm was sounded smoke was issuing from ev ery crevice In the upper part of the house the fire having started In a bedroom on the second Moor On the arrival of the Brigade the fire was soon extinguished the water do ing more damage than the lire It was evidently caused by carelessness cither by matches or tobacco by boarders A big crowd soon gather ed to watch proceedings Damage to house covered by insurance but none on contents 1 Heals and Smoothes i All lfttctMj4eree are quested to attend a meeting at the Proctor this evening at oclock to organize a club for iL A USE BAKING AND NEVER FAIL t Another Pipe Organ In Town Through the the choir the able assistance of Father with Whitney a new pipe organ has been ordered- for St Johns Church New market from a Woodstock firm and It Is to delivered next August The cost is and it is expected that it will be installed free debt Owing to the very generous donation of Si from a gentleman who not wish his name to be made public only remain to be raised Very Commendable With very great consideration for Mrs mother of the ycHmg man who was killed at the works of the Specialty Co a few ago the Directors voted her at their last meeting and on evening last a deputation composed of Schmidt Lawyer Widdifleld and Mr over to her residence and presented her with a Cheque lor that amount which was very gratefully received This liberal gift from the Company shows a very generous spirit towards their workmen BUTTERICK FASHION BOOK With Patters a Pink Salmon per tin Raisins per lb i i Importation from Prunes lbs for and Germany New Color ings New Material same Fancy Mixed Cokes ft Canned per tin Canned Cherries per tin In Endless The adveriisxxl in Pronto at we are selling at IIIH I 4 I Boots and Shoes The new Spring Is complete in every detail The best makes Canada are represented by us and we stand behind every pair in guarantee ing the weal There is nothing shoe trade that we do not carry W A BRUNTON CHAPPED SKIN Wintry Weather causes many skin troubles Chaps and skin cracks roughness and redness etc But these annoyances can all be easily remedied We will tell you how OATMEAL ft ALMOND it legal ATKINSON Optician NEWMARKET Is our nicest and most effective appli cation for speedily overcoming any and all skin troubles resulting from exposure to inclement weather Quickly heals chap and skin cracks Softens the skin and smoothed away all roughness PRICE PER BOTTLE Drug Store Can Co Phone 14 Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch Methodist Church A large congregation greeted he pastor Sunday morning and his sermon in connection With the lesson on Otyer little Ships was most sympathetic and helpful- The choir was strengthened by Miss Ross of who contributed a beautiful solo In the evening Rev Ray gave a most interesting address on the moral and spiritual conditions in South America showing of all the dark spots on the face of the globe it was the darkest In addition to the anthem by the choir Miss Ste phens and Miss Cain of Aurora con tributed a duet Mr Ray also addressed the Sunday School in the afternoon telling about his work among the boys and girls in South America Next Sunday is Day in the Sunday School S Pinafore Wonderful progress is being made in the preparations for the production of Pinafore which is to be presented in the Town Hall March JO arid by over one hundred child ren The splendid chorus is well under way and the principal soloists have been selected No pains or expense arc being spared to make this per formance the greatest surprise ever enjoyed by a Newmarket audience On Saturday afternoon at two o clock a full choral practice hoys and girls will he held in St Pauls Sunday School room The parents of the children are lo attend PRAISED BY VICKROYALTV The committee in charge of the Pinafore production to he given In the Iipwn Hall on Wednesday and Thursday March 30 and been granted permission to publish the following letters regarding the per formance of the famous work of Sir Arthur Sullivan and Gil- hen En Ottawa five years ago under the direction of Government House Ottawa Hear Mr Telgmann I am anxious to express to you my sincere appreci ation of all you have done on be half of the fund for the Cottage llos- in organizing these excellent performances of Pinafore I much appreciate all the trouble you have taken and congratulate you very heartily on the success you have achieved I could not have believed it was possible to make such small children perform their parts so ad mirably must thank you very sincerely for the substantial assistance you have so kindly rendered to the endowment fund of the Cottage Hospitals am sending you my photograph and His Excellencys as a little souvenir of the very pleasant evening we witnessing the performance of Pinafore Believe me Yours truly MARY Queens Park Toronto Bear Sir I understand Lady has already written to you but I hope you will allow me to add my congratulations to hers on the great success of HMS Pinafore It is really quit excellent and the pub- lie may well he grateful to you for all the time and trouble you must have given to your delightful young company I hope you may have many future successes and believe me Yours faithfully MINTO- Young Expired at Revival Service March An evangelistic meeting in the Collier Street Meth odist Church closed abruptly last night under strikingly tragic A young man named It had just given his experi ence when be fell backwards and expired A week ago he changed his manner of living- as a result of these gatherings ami has since attend ing them nightly The was re moved to Smiths Morgue He leaves a young widow but no children Two weeks ago his father died here The family belong to A CORSETS All the best The Ladies Store of Newmarket A invitation all to attend our is extended to Opening Live Stock Market The cattle trade was very slow in Toronto this Week Prices remain firm Top figure paid for exporters As high as was paid for special Easter butcher cattle but the price generally ranged from to Medium and common stock from to Hogs reached the highest point ever touched in Toronto off cars and it looks as if the price will reach before long is quot ed at average country points Sheep are up to per and iambs IT Newmarket Markets March 17 Kail Wheat per bush CI ON Friday Saturday March 18th 19th and following days Each department specially prepared with lines of exceptional value interest to all For your New Spring Suit try PHONE Ladies and W C LUNDY Mens Tailor Oats per bush Barley per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Butter per lb- Eggs per cordially invited I Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Bucks Geese per lb Turkeys per lb 06 39 50 23 25 0 CO 18 i 0 0 OF Established Toronto Markets March Pall Wheat per bush Jl Goose Wheat per bush Barley per bush 0 Oats per bush Rye per bush Peas per bush 0 Hay per ton per doz Butter lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per It Bucks per lb CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Mill Branches at all important in Canada and in London York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will as heretofore be J 6i NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager CO 32 27 0 It 0 who last this Geese per lb Turkeys per lb 0 Frank Stiver of departed this life on January left an estate of of amount 3000 is really in Township The whole estate goes to three sons and a daugh- Three High School students at St Marys are implicated in a stors robbery there and one of them has confessed Martin Murphy was killed at a crossing near Miles comers on Tues day and Mrs Mail of Stony Creek was killed at Battlefield crossing the same day There are some people living in Newmarket who want to injure the town by opposing the Office Special ty ByLaw because the people carried the Local Option ByLaw which injured them but they are very few von There arc others who have no particular interest in the place and they may move out any But if are a you are of course interested in the value of your property not only that it may increase in value but that it may not go back to where it was before the factories made it what it is today GOOD PROPERTY worth cents on the J Tho Cane A Sons started the town The Office Specialty Co and The Davis Leather Works have advertised it and made it an uptodate manufacturing town the only class of town making progress in Canada the last fifteen years The Office Specialty Co will bring the population up to IOCO if they extend their plant and employ more men and GO or more new houses must be built at once together with the addition to the factory Think of the amount of employment that will be given and the large amount of new money put in circulation I The assessment of the Company will be higher together the new taxes collected upon the new dwellings will pay the cost and you will pay nothing for the benefits you get by v I Sale Register SATURDAY March Mr Ken nedy lot rear of Con Scott will hold an extensive farm sale at oclock mos credit on sums over or 4 per cent per annum on for cash J Kestcr Auct MONDAY March 28 Mrs Mary Mac- Main lots 1314 con East will dispose of her farm stock and implements at oclock credit on sums over Kavanagh Auct WO the ByLaw on Monday March Dont do what the Aurora people did with the Wilkinson Plough Works who moved to Toronto in less than thirty days after they left property went down in value GO per cent They would cot run up todav nor allow the Sissman Company to come here but rather raise by have nine cities- than they promised against a manufacturer there today nor allow the Sissuian Company to come here vate subscription a sum larger than we are asked by the Office Specialty Co wanting them to build there and glad to get them us show our appreciation for what they have done which is so much better when coming here and we can do so v Without Cost and With a Good Profit ROCHE CO TAXPAYERS FROM to 010 I a A V

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