Newmarket Era , April 1, 1910, p. 3

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VJ Weeks Meal- Jems 13 OS El WOT Improvements Work was commeDced yesterday on new house on Millard Avenue for Mr Jos Wesley Mr C baa commenced Improvements at bis residence The Largest Vet Mrs Walker Yonge St is the owner a hen that produced egg which measured inches This beats the record lor North York this season Promotion Examinations To Sr First Class Maude Verne Arnold Nellie Proctor Harry George Dillane Pearl Holmes Lawrence Simpson To Sr II Jennie Bain Victor Stoufler Jessie Hilts Edna Traviss Duncan Murray Alice Bishop Clemens Allan to Jr II omitted from report iim m Suggestion A Townsman in a letter publish ed on the first page of this issue seems to think that on the comple tion of the canal the Greater market of the next generation would prefer the southwest corner of Main and Huron streets as a green sodded Square with slumps of spread ing shade trees and an attractive Bandstand instead of seeing thereon a corner grocery store and a couple of tenament house A general opin ion of the farseeing citizens of St Patricks Ward would be welcomed for certainly the buildings above refer red to will be the probable fate for all time to come of the prominent comer unless some concerted Is speedily made to the contrary The Easy Washer Makes childs play of wash day Free trial given ions Hardware New Excursion Route It is proposed to have a better steamboat service for and the present navigation season- placing these two towns in direct wa ter communication with Lindsay and other points on the Trent Valley Canal and Kawartha Lakes The Severn Rivet and Lake Navigation Co have a provincial charter for that purpose When the Newmarket Canal is com pleted our people will be able to lake excursions by boat from this town to Lindsay Peterboro and other points of interest along that inland route Toronto papers please take notice Farm Produce The Waster Market last Saturday was very satisfactory The place was thronged with people and abun dance of butter eggs and were offered Price on the Were favorable for the farmers as high a lb being paid for but ter and lor eggs The ruling prices however were as follows if to Butter per lb to Dressed Chickens per lb to Maple Syrup and gal Apples per basket Potatoes per bag Live Chickens lie Old Hens per It to Live Ducks per IM Live lb to Live Turkeys per lb Hides fir lb to Call in per lb 10 to 12c iUhtevH to to An Early Record Street Tuesday March the earliest on record for Newmarket r C regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday the 5th of April at pm in their room over Mr Lyons candy store Settlers OneWay Excursions To Western Canada April 5 and via Grand Trunk Railway System from stations in Ontario Kingston and west to principal points in Sas katchewan and Alberta Particular attention is called to the fact that low rates apply to certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway a new territory hill of Golden Opportuni ties Secure tickets and further information from Grand Trunk agents or address J McDonald DPA Toronto Ont Av Dont FmII the Town Hall Friday April Visit the Monday- Booth aiid make future wash days easy Tuesday Booth will furnish you with all the requisites for ironing In Wednesday Booth besides mending supplies you will find a va riety of useful 1 and handsome ar ticles Thursday Booth will hold a re- Dont fail to call You will be cordially welcomed by the ladies charge Friday Booth will interest the housekeepers See the ers better still buy one In Saturday Booth there will be homemade baking of all kinds Pies Just like mother used to make toothsome cakes bread buns and last but not least good wholesome candy for the little folks Home Circle Another candidate was initiated in Circle last Wednesday night and at the close of the business session Miss Ethel Holladay gave a reading Mr Scott a recitation Mr A representative to Supreme Meeting held in Hamilton March the eighth gave a splendid re port of a progressing society Those who met Mr Y Young Supreme ViceLeader of Toronto and who act ed as one of the judges the recent contest held in the local Circle will interested to know that he has been honored with the position of Supreme Leader important business to be discussed at the next meeting and every mem ber is requested to be present Pay Get a can of Dusttane Use it in your sweeping for a week If you do not like it return the balance No charge Phone Bines Hardware he Methodist Sunday School was a big day church auditorium was for the hour After devotional by the a class of five little girls and he little boys promoted from the Primary class to the Intermediate having passed an irdivjdiial examination which In- the absolutely correct Commandments Lord Prayer Creed Hooks of the Several and each on W S I The Easter service of the Womens Missionary Society in the Methodist Schoolroom on Thurs day evening was one of unusual in terest and was largely attended Mrs Dr Of West China gave an eloquent and graphic description of China its climate natural resources people and customs The people were described as a fine race with splendid physique and good mental abilities The old religions have proved themselves Inadequate anI a great opportunity for Chris tianity is at hand Dr de clared every door is open and the next ten years will do much toward deciding the destiny of China If China is not Christianized she will be a menace to the world if she becomes Christian she will soon take her place among the first nations of the earth Mrs Kilborn said that although was becoming unpop ular among the rich and educated it was still practice among the poor The degradation poverty and slavery as described by the Missionary is simply appalling Millions of Chinas poor have no idea where the next meal is to come from and many lit tle children die in the streets for lack of nourishment ami clothing The work at is full of I romfse With hospitals schools printing presses and evangelists many homes are being reached Mrs Kilborn is experienced ski an having practiced for some time in Owen Sound before going to China while Dr is a skill ful surgeon They have the best equipment of the schools and thoroughly consecrated to their work A very interesting feature of the program Thursday evening was a Chinese drill setting forth some customs by eleven little did their parts to the de light of all The pastor presided and on the platform with him was Mrs A the president of the So ciety In moving a resolution of ap preciation Mr Jackson said the meeting was or of the most in teresting and most informing be had ever attended Brief lets Time the suckers came up the creek Dust is flying children crying Hens all laying marbles playing Crocuses bobbin hear that robin Its so sunny aint it funny Outdoor sports will soon begin is not too early to plan for gar den and flower beds The hoe and rake always a very fine combination will soon be quite prominent factors in after tea exer cise Everybody is talking weather and it is a most interesting subject from anypoint of view in the month of March Those who Old not get their plates after the Chanty Ball will find their missing china at the residence Miss Forsyth Mr Aubrey Davis and family have been living in their new home since Monday It was well that Easter Monday was not the first of April as many people forgot that it was a bank holiday COLONIAL THEATRE Friday and Saturday Special DAVID AND GOLIATH Jerusalem in the time of Christ Two Beautiful Keels in addition to the regular 3reel service New Manager The Directors of Newmarket Temperance Hotel have engaged Mr and Mrs Geo Brown to undertake the management They have been keeping a temperance hotel at a- sum mer resort back of Pefeernoro for a number of years and are very highly recommended They have made a- success of the business and are very popular in the community They en ter upon their work here on the 1st of May A a III it I BAKING POWDER AND NEVER BUTTERTCK FASHION BOOK With Pattetaa of last week The Orientals On Thursday night Penetang Orientals joined Newmart Lodge in a period special instruc tion ap6i drill which was held in the Roller Skating Rink and proved to be an excellent place for anything of the kind Twelve candidates were initiat ed and proceedings were continued un til pm followed by a Banquet in the Club Rooms over grocery The visitors were delightecV with the cordial reception and splen- dvl arrangements of the local lodge if A Pattern r Delator year ft it n Pink Salmon per Raisins per lb NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS Direct Importation from England Fine Prunes lbs for and Germany New Color ings New Material Purchase of Stock It is reported that Danford Roche Co are buying- general stock in Aurora Epworth League The League was very fortunate last Monday night in having with them Mrs Hewitt who gave a fine rendering of Sallys Experience which was enjoyed by all At the meeting next Monday night the life of Dr Talmage late editor of the Christian World will be studied Mr Geo Barker will open up the subject Between and 30 enrolled for the Epworth League last Monday evening Officers will be elected next Monday evening Meeting commences- at oclock Presbyterian Church The Easter Services in this church were specially worthy of note and the excellence of the special musical fear tures was universally remarked by the large congregation in attendance at both services The full choir under Hie very able leadership of Mrs Myrtle Rice quite surpassed any thing here rendered on former occa sions In the morning Mrs Harry sang The Resurrection Mrs Horticultural The attendance at the Free Lecture in the Town Hall on Thursday even ing of last week under the auspices of the Horticultural Society was disappointing Not more than were present and many of that num ber were children The lecture was more in the shape of an illustrated talk very good in its way the Prof pointing out rge excellencies and defects in decora tions landscape gardening lawns etc The Profs idea of Beautifying Newmarket- was by individual effort making premises tidy and attractive both around the front and back door The views were very clear and the effort of the Horticul tural Society was worthy of a better audience NEW PRINTS In Endless Variety The same quality advertised in Toronto at we are selling at 2o to 18c Fancy Mixed Cakes per Canned Plums per tin Canned Cherries per tin Canned Pineapple per tin w The new Spring Stock complete in every detail The best Canada are represented by us and stand behind eTery pair in guarantee the wear There is nothing the shoe trade that we do not carrv I A UNTON largely profit by- the venture The was repeated last night D A CORSETS All the best Newmarket Markets March 31 Fall Wheat per bush 1 01 1 Oats per bush 0 39 Barley per bush 50 Bran per ton 0 00 Shorts per ton 0 Hay per ton 15 Butter per lb 24 27 Eggs per 21 Potatoes per bag 55 0 Chickens per lb 0 Ducks 12 Geese per lb r Turkeys per lb 0 0 J J7 The Ladies Store Announces fit Toronto Markets March Fall Wheat per bush 1 Goose- Wheat per bush 01 Barley per bush 55 0 56 Oats per bush Rye per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton Eggs Per doz Butter lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per It Ducks per lb Geese per lb Turkeys per lb 0 CO 21 0 30 30 0 0 IS- 18 Live Stock Market With the exception of hogs there was a general decline in prices on the Toronto market this week Top price paid for export cattle GO Christ an Church The Kaster services on Sabbath were largely attended The altar was I butchers cattle from to for is the possessor of an especial- beautiful With lilies 13 in mini- choice and to for common fine mezzo voice and her future wl 50 also a handsome large bouquet of choir work Is looked forward to with a feeling of pleasurable anticipation by a critical and appreciative con gregation In the morning lie pastor Rev Thomas preached from Acts daffodils and white stalks and a very large bouquet id mixed carnations The morning subject was Love lessons of the Even ing subject The Nature of the recti on body A solo Mr 24 Whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death be- Stephens was well rendered cause it was not possible that he l lo Ji tat on Bible id voire given public her was by the behalf of the school with a beautiful Bible jh reward of girls rep tit led Mis sionary it the meeting oil evening in a very wanner by the reading of Honor of the Quar ter of by the Secretary about the largest the of the school about halt of whom obtained per Cent- The special future of the wae the admirable by Rev of Toronto which held the attention from the smallest to the scholar from beginning to end Mr lifted three a stick a piece and a spiritual truth in such a manner an not soon to be forgotten he collection on behalf of the Aid and amounted to Nearly W 1 1 fix I I 1 A should be of it and in the evening from St Matthew- I is not here for he has risen as he said come see tbc place- where the Lord lay Both these Sermons showed a wide range of thought in their preparation and in their forceful delivery left a deep Expression on the hearers The special musical feature of the evening was Mrs Sydney perfect and highly cultivated soprano voice in her solo rendition of The Lord is my The unaccompanied Vesper Hymn by the choir was a most effective con clusion to the days services By request the Raster music will be re peated as tar as possible next Sun day both morning and evening Heals and Smoothes CHAPPED SKIN Wintry Weather causes many skin troubles Chaps and skin cracks roughness and redness etc But these annoyances can all be easily remedied We will tell you how OATMEAL ALMOND A most grneruus Offering was made for Missions Next Sunday is communion day in the morning and a full attendance of the members and congregation is an I lei pitted The members and friends fed very grateful to Mr IV for the Interest manifested in the selection of the lilies for I vaster and also for the Mower display some two weeks previous Feeders Stockers Sheep to and Iambs to Live hogs off cars in Toronto ad vanced to this week Two years ago this week the highest price paid was Spring Goods all in Mulls Dress Goods etc Prints Ginghams Delaines Larger variety than ever before shown Same High Standard of Value Splendid Range of Belts Fancy Collars Pretty Jafcots Net Hows Embroidery Linen Collars in all sizes Fancy Hose in all the New Plain Shades Stripes and Spots See our range at Dont fail to visit our Millinery showroom during Easter Week and see our Splendid display of Snappy Raster Millinery All cordially invited phone Established a o from Albert a the Editor of the Era Dear Sir As the winter is past and spring approaching I thought to drop a few lines to the old friends in On tario Spring is very early in Al berta this year Seeding has corn- mended and most all the seeding will CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 00 12000000 Branches at all important Canada and In London New York Chicago Mexico and Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customer of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate aa heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager be finished in two weeks Last fall stores two drug stores three little towns have sprung up on the Niagara Falls Ont Mar 30 We have a- little town some American Falls are running dry as few miles from us at present In J the result an tec jam that formed this town there four general i at Port Day yesterday It Is Black Knight Stove Polish Its allright It Hardware Store let pectcd the riverbed will bo dry Inside power companies was fine crops were excellent and the sheds one butcher shop one of hours was one to he proud of stock roomed one mill not in danger ranging out all winter the snow was yard an elevator with a Ont fit We are safe in saying that production of Pinafore Town Hall last Wednesday under the of Mr the re in the evening about ten Inches on the level with good sleighing The weather was line riot ranging more than de grees below The snow Is gone and the green grass is to he seen again The trees arc budding Pall wheat is coming up In good Everything looks well prospects look good for a very year Pioneer life will soon be a thing of past in this part of Homesteads arc scarce and Tg of headache and insomnia are da directly or Indirectly eyettrain Drugs afford only temporary relief our will positively remove with all attending affliction L ATKINSON is our nicest and most effective appli cation for speedily overcoming any and all skin troubles resulting from exposure to inclement weather Quickly heals chapu and skin cracks Softens the akin and smoother all roughness PItfCE PER BOTTLE Broughtons Drug Store Can Co Paoae 14 Baggage to and from handled with Having purchased at a Spring Stock of Wall Paper was the best juvenile fonAance ever given In Newmarket lands are selling from to Over one hundred children in appro priate and spectacular costumes rised and delighted a crowded house The stage was specially enlarged and decorated with new scenery to accommodate the many performers who were supported In the musical numbers by a large orchestra When it is considered that it is on ly days since Mr Telgmanu came to town the proficiency displayed was simply remarkable It shows that we have much talent among the little folks and Mr Telgmann has not only- the ability to direct and im part but also the discernment of ad aptability between the player and the part All tlie prominent parts were taken to perfection and the perform ers certainly deserve great raise Harry Stephens as Sir Joseph Helen Lister as the Captains daughter Ipes Giles as Buttercup Nellie Mar shall as Sir Josephs First Cousin Cameron Cody as Dick Carl Martin as the Captain Laurie as Ralph Percy Price and Earl OHollorarias Ships Officers little Lawrence Cain as and lit tle Nora as Flower Girl Clara Murphy as sung by Nellie Marshall and repeated by Lawrence Cain fairly brought down the house The entertainment was certainly a great success and the Ladies Aid of Jt Pauls Church will no doubt capacity of 30000 bush also a num ber of residences This town has built up to what it is day in a year You will please find enclosed for renewing subscription for the Era which is highly appreciated in our home We look upon it as a our Ontario home Wishing tho the Editor and Headers of the Era a prosperous year Yours truly Miss Orbindalc Alberta Mar March Henderson aged was this after noon sentenced to be hanged on June for tho murder last January of Margaret McPherson who resided near Norwood The death sentence was pronounced by Mr Justice after the jury had brought In a verdict of guilty of with a strong recommendation to mercy The judge said he would forward tho recommendation to tho Department of Justice at Ottawa and would also personally recommend that clemency bo extended and unopened belonging to the Estate of rate on the Dollar the New that had only been received Decorators Broadview ave Toronto We offer 100000 worth ofHigbClass per cent less than their price Gome and See Them MILLARDS BLOCK I I

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