HI J BanrlJtert Notary Ac Main to loan t Newmarket Farm I- I j Frank AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Bolton Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Week fe Corner Millards and Institute The next meeting of the Newmarket Branch of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs E Avenue Saturday April 2 at 230 pm Papers are expected on The Century Kitchen and Meat Pies Clank DENTIST St NewmacVet Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket Clean Up Spring coming much earlier than usual reminds every householder that a general cleanup of tie yard is absolutely necessary for the preser vation of health as well as for neatness and cleanliness Diphtheria and scarlet fever are often caused by dirty back yards and cellars Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES it the Era Office Newmarket Office Papers Issued at private residence If tiilred NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Elsewhere A Dp S J Boyd Graduate In medicine of Toronto also Licensiate of the Royal College of Physician and mem- of the Royal College of Surgeons England Former clinical assistant a Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Nose Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Hours may be had at any hour day or night by calling at the or phone Furnace Work of Our Specialties Outfit at LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS to Grocery New Grocery receded our Stock of New Fruits of ail kinds Currants Dates Layer las Malaga Grapes Oranges lemons etc Also all NEW CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Salmon etc from the tanneries OUR GROCERIES Are wellassorted and the Beat that money can buy Oyster Parlor Open Oyatera solid meat by Quart or Serve to OUR BREAD Standard Weigjat Fan cy Bread Bans Pies Cakes of ail Wads Mora lly as good COOKED HAM to Bait by quart or Mow Joseph Stand He Made a Mistake In reply to a remark somewhat ad monitory in its one addressed to a young man among a group standing in front of the post office recent he said that The world owis me a liv ing If he- really believes it that young man made a very grave mis take and entertains a wrong concep tion of life The world owes him nothing hut on the contrary he owes the world and society an active noble manhood an honest upright ness and purity of character that will enable him to associate with decent men and women whose friendship is valuable an1 whose companionship is desiraolc making for the betterment of the world for having lived in it Societys happiness and welfare comes through honest toil anil nobleness of life and character Gladys Beatrice Lyons Cora Rogers BerylWaUey Rose Vera May Miriam Evelyn Thomas Kathleen Cornell Tom Adams Lula Belfry Leonard Burch Florence Bacon Stanley Garvin Frederick Roe John Hopper George Bain Max Martin Rymer Chapman Carl Potter Herman Kirby Carl Trivett Vera Russell Graham Ella Trusty to Erica Pearrin Walter Violet Simmeison Tom Gardiner Granger Ross Evelyn Hughes Ted Lovett Richardson Alfred Emily Charlie Knowles Sr J to Ft Traviss Harvey Hill George Morning Gordon Hunter Frank Bowser Bert Bowman Elmer Hill Jay Patterson Russell Fuller Lulu Trusty Maitland Goring Emily Goring David Tait Jr Pt to St Pt Garnet Thompson Fade PL ven v Sr I Esther Oliver Carp Protected The much despised German carp up around Lake summer resorts is held in good repute in the State of Ohio During the past four or five years carp have not been regarded with favor by cottagers who spend the summer holiday season at Orchard Beach Jacksons Point and other resorts on the shores of Lake and blame that species of the finny for the scarcity of lunge in those waters hut according to the Columbus Ohio News during the past year there- were lbs of carp caught in Lake Erie and the tributary river which brought in the handsome sum of to the lucky fishermen The News states that twenty years ago the carp was despised by all fishermen and a bill was introduced in the Legislature to pay a royalty for its extermination Now a bill has been passed to protect him It was made a fine last week by the Legislature of Ohio to catch carp under ten inches in length- and the fishermen undertake to mar ket carp under that length are liable to be hauled before a court of justice and be heavily fined Th German carp was first introducer in Ohio years airo So far as we are con cerned the people of Ohio may enjoy all the can they can catch but we Margery Lloyd Vera Johnny Thomas Cecil Lundy Leslie Willie Donald Dunn Myrtle Brown Ross Hugo Frank Delia Edith Mary Hazel Rose Leder Edith Proctor Vera Robinson Margery Robinson I had dropsy and was told by my physician that there was rio chance for me My tamily also gave me up My limbs and body were swollen onethird larger than natural water collected around my heart and I had to be propped up in bed to keep from smothering I took Dr Miles Heart Remedy until I was entirely cured This was in and I able to do any kind of work on my farm My cure was certainly marvelous L TUliLEY CURD Wilmore jt JTT II Tablet to III Tablet Bain Audrey Traviss Oswald Mamie Grainger Lewis Dorothy Hammond Harvey Mitchell Mabel Willie Moore Moore Earl Morgan erna Rogers Stanley Page Trivett Bruce Walker Verne I Tablet to Tablet Mildred Draper Roy Harmon Winnie Hugo Roy son Eva Morrison Ross Ramer Jean Lorne Thompson Bertha Lloyd All parents having children to start school are requested to send them on Monday the of April at o clock Dr Miles Heart Remedy has been wonderfully successful in relieving heart trouble Its txnic effect upon the heart and muscles is a great factor in assisting nature to overcome heart weakness Price at your druggist Ho supply you If he does not tend price to us orvard prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto 250 Killed at a Ball A Ann The council of the Canadian La crosse Association met previous to the general convention at the Labor Temple on Good Friday morning and disposed of several financial disagree ments among clubs Brampton was awarded the bond and was suspended until the amount is paid Brampton against Ma it lands and that offices from against the Kims were referred to the incoming Executive President Doyle of market opened the convention with an interesting review of his season in Hungary March Two hundred and fifty people were killed and many injured in the village of OekoerHe when fire broke out in a hotel where a ball was being held A coach house connected with the hotel had been fitted up as a ballroom and last night was crowded with several hundred guests when the fire started It was first noticed when a womans dress was seen to he ablaze and a moment later the gowns of several other women were in flames A panic followed and in a- mad rush to the exits many persons fell and were trodden to death by other To make matters worse the roof fell in before the hall could be cleared and many Meeting injured ones and those who because of the crush at the doors had been prevented making their escape were buried with the dead in the ruins 87000 From the US Ottawa March White Accounts from inspector of Canadian immigration in the United States who has been in Ottawa has given a state ment on the work in the United At the- advanced age of years Mrs Collins died suddenly last day afternoon at 146 King st east After dinner the aged lady complained of feeling tired and went to He down in her room As she did not answer j when called to supper at about o clock Mrs John with whom Mrs Collins was lodging went to the latters room and found her ly ing dead in bed The started her regular trips for the season on Monday last Every part of the Province of On tario was represented at the reunion in StJamcs Hall on Good Friday Of the Knights of St John and There was a class of forty can didates for the Red Cross and Sepul chre degree which is worked but once a year the ceremony beginning ch Good Friday and ending on Easter Sunday Negotiations it is understood have been practically completed between the committees of the Young Wo mens Christian Association and the Young Womens Christian Guild which will result in the two bodies uniting after their annual meetings in May when the agreement will be presented for approval- The utmost harmony and unanimity pre vails between the two committees and the union may confidently expect ed to take placq Early Sunday morning a mart well under the influence of liquor in alighting from a street car fell to the back of his head being cut Of course taverns dont sell liquor on Sunday guess it conies through the watertap With two broken ribs- the result of having been knocked down by a taxi- cab at the corner of Queen and York streets Mrs Alice Graham a char woman years of age was taken in the ambulance to St Mi chaels Hospital Friday night The Niagara steamers will com mence their regular service on the of May The Ontario Navigation Company is opening a new route to be known as the Islands line The steamer Rochester will ply from and Charlotte east bound and from westliound thrice a week beginning on the 18th of June The MontrealQuebec line commences on the of May its daily service ex cept Sunday The line be gins with the opening of navigation The steamer Belleville of the Hamil tonTorontoMontreal line will com mence running about the latter part of April leaving Toronto every Tues day The steamers Toronto and Kingston of the line will com mence the service about the 1st of June A sevenyearold child sleeping with its mother was found dead in bed on Friday morning last It is Promotion Examinations The following are the results of the Easter Promotion Examinations held throughout the Public Schools 111 Marie Lemon Edith Starr States In it he says that in the months supposed that during the night the of the present fiscal year ending Feb slipped down under the covers Office Among many other things he immigrants came into Can- with the result that when the moth er awoke in the morning the child was dead Attracted doubtless to some extent at least by the prospective trip these I England to he given the regiment by the Col fiftyfive recruits took the oath of allegiance and became members of the Queens Own last- week Half as many more will be sworn during the next few weeks said The championship of the in- ada from the United States as coin- series La Cup pared with in the that Lake Simcoe tourists was again won by the period ago and residents along its shores much Bradford Club The junior Mr White spoke in particular of the and black bass championship Iroquois Cup and med- large amount of money which was won the La- immigrants are bringing into Club The juvenile cjiampion- country with them On one train Shield was won which was inspected at North Portal Leal ship and Maple by the Lacrosse Club of prospective settlers had market To these clubs J offer my in cash or cheques In one day which Nellie Marshall Carrie Wesley Carl Martin to Jr Stella Brown Gladys Aimer Edith Olive Margaret Morrison has Annie Haiti Craig Laura Lillian Wiley Maude Holmes are in order Georgian Cane Walter Robinson Gordon Rogers Note The- above merit Jr HI to III Grace Johns Syrian Morgan Howard Harry Keith Cameron Cody Harold Fred Lister of Greta Watson Aubrey Trevor Fred Rose Annie Smith Helen Lister Claire Watson Georgia Hewitt Flossie Marshall Elf Hodge Toole Garnet Trivett Alfred Marsh SrH to Jr III Fay Eleanor Stark Olive Annie Howard Hugo Vickie Robinson Ruth Ramer Bert Canton Alva Mabel Cook Marjory Robson Lilian Weir Gladys Belfry Constance Captl Kelson Hilts Florence Clarence Thomas Herbert Thomas Ethel tfcUullen Gladys Snider Nellie Osborne Max Smith Florence Velma Meyer Gertie Moodle Gordon Giles m hearty congratulations Secretary Halls report says As youwill see by examining the finan cial statement the total receipts from all sources amount to In the receipts were show ing a decrease of I am pleased to say however that there has also been a decrease in the ex penditure In expenditure not including the Secretarys was while this year the expenditure is a decrease of which is due in a great mea sure to the careful business manage ment of President Doyle I desire to congratulate Bradford and Brace- bridge clubs on winning the interme diate and junior championships or the second consecutive year I also congratulate the Talagoo club of Newmarket on the honor of winning the first juvenile championship of the association Mr Frank Doyle of Newmarket fathered the last of the proposed amendments He wanted players in town and villages that had no teams to be allowed to play in the nearest place that had one This vas regarded as a weakening of the very purpose of the residence rule and ft The New Officers Mr J Forsyth of Toronto de feated Mr of Orange- Mr White spent at the St Raul agency the newcomers who passed through the represented about a million dollars The reason for Ibis Influx of the welltodo Mr White described as the rise in the price of agricultural lands in the United States As farmers find it to procure farms for their sons they sell out to invest in the cheaper and more abundant lauds of the Canadian west Randolph Murray Smith Jr to H Beryl Mabel Arthur James Proctor Gladys Rose Canton Karl Travis Gladys Giles Leslie Carl Willis Chris Hammond Laura Roes Gordon to Jr 9 Danger in Delay Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous For Nowmarkct People to Neglect The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before them Health gradually undermined Backache headache nervousness lameness sore ness lumbago urinary troubles drop sy diabetes and fol low in merciless succession Don neglect your Kidneys Cure the kid neys with the certain and safe remedy Booths Kidneys Rills which have cured people right hero in N EWMA HARDWARE S I I V- hi- You Can Save Money By Buying From Us r I Full Electric Light Paints Oils Glass Etc N E M J MACHINE THREAD I BLACK OR WHITE at the Toronto Jobbing Bouse A STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES LADIES MENS and CHILDRENS SHOES Mrs Quant of Queen street Newmarket says Booths Kidney Pills obtained at the J villc by to for the First Vice- firoughton Drug Store their Presidency and McCflhbon of and value in curing my headed the poll for the Council The other oftlces had been Oiled by acclamation and the roll for the Is Honorary President Doyle Newmarket President Oscar FKby First Vice- and sides It Was hard President J Forsyth Toronto to lnd stoop or lift and band of a complaint that ho thought arose from a disorganized condition of the kidneys Hehad a drag ging backache pains through kid neys or kidney regions and In th for the Giles Moore Mercy Moore Cordon Minns Archie McArthur Johns Second VicePresident J J Kelly I ma him run down and weak Brantford SecretaryTreasurer Kidney Pills cur- Hall Toronto many aches and pains before he Council Dr P Brace- 1 had used two boxes We bridge Joseph A Hewitt Booths Kidney Pills a sincere T Bell Bradford CO Dr mend A Fergus J Hinds C Wallace Wood- bridge Arthur Rankin Owen Sound Thos J Mackle Bramp ton Ernie Knott Toronto McMillan by dealers Price cents Tho T Booth Co Ltd Fort Erie Ont Canadian Agents Milton Lodge of AOUW won the MO cash prize for Initiating jthe most members during the past I jar Send the Era to aoscrit friends year The were fine specimens of phy sical manhood all being over feet inches in height Florence A and Higgins pleaded not guilty when arraigned last week on charges of usury and conspiracy Their trial will take place before Judge Denton on the April Truss the letter carrier charged Willi stealing letters was sent to the Penitentiarv for three years Hon Geo it Caldwell Manitobas Minister of was in this city last week and called on Premier Whitney lie is making inquiry re specting the new scries of school books for this Some city who have been provided corporation to help do city work are kicking very hard because the Council has de cided to have the name of the city painted thereon Guess the kickers want to use the car for private pur poses and dont want the people who pay the taxes to know who is ying for the sport From rood Friday morning till Monday evening the Ferry Co to the gave the public a twentymin ute service Three hundred and thirty Public School teachers in the par ty a weeks excursion to Boston Sixty more would have been with them but their applications were too late to secure tickets I he Medical Council will appeal Judge decision in the case of Henderson charged with a viola tion of the Medical Act by the prac tice of osteopathy Let them fight It out Mr J I inherits from his wife Martha The estate consists of 30 Admiral Road valued at and in cash The following Is being printed in the dally press as a reliable test for rabies in dogs Where any doubt ex ists regarding a dog being with rabies or not throw a pail of cold water over the animal which la suffering If it has rabies it will die almost immediately If it it can be taken for granted the animal is hot affected by the disease Try Chocolates They Suceed where all else Falls If you want them in a hurry PJione No PHONE ORDERS RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION FINEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRS K YOUNG OR MIDDLEAGED MEN Deed of t why waste your money wlih doctors you vUy with bells you gel reliable fro11 Mailer Speeiallid throughout Canada for over caw clally They accept curahle cases it need not cost you a cent If you to call wo will a J a Jlat for you to fill up from your cao and loll you you curabla or wo will proscribe ppccllio remedies for your caso which you at home Wo no cureall remedy tliatwoeend to everybody a 1 as most but wo rem- required for Individual case to complete a cure ihoeccrets orourwondcifilsu-c- Iters foil Send for our Free Booklet on of Men Illustrated CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Wo to Nervous Debility Blood Diieaics Veins Kidney Bladder and Urinary Diseases CONS FREE If una bio to call write for a Qucttion Blutlc for Homo Trealmca Cor Michigan Av and Detroit Mich NOTICE AH letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment Windsor Ont If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute iu Detroit as we see and treat no patients ill our Windsor offices which ore for Correspondence- and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters us follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor for our private V v A