Newmarket Era , April 8, 1910, p. 1

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Spectacle Comfort We would like to shew you the newest and most comfortable spectacle made Prices from to Eyes properly treated TWAT Watchmaker and Graduate Optician NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give us the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty 12 Single Copy Each No Paper sent outside of York unless paid in advance to United States that gives satisfaction All work Warranted Jewelry Store i T 1 Newmarket Friday April 1910 per paid fe A STAINS VARNISHES Crack Fillers Enamels Right quality for all uses For wall and ceiling Decora tion A beautiful soft violet finish It wont rub off LIQUID Makes old things new Wood- work Pianos Furniture Use it on your dust cloth It Saves Labor in Sweeping It Saves Onehalf your Dusting It Saves Damage by Moths It Saves your Health It Saves your Money STOVES PUTTY PAINTS OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND PHONE 28 NEWMARKET ONT ANK OF TORONTO GOOD to their customers at all times has been one of the chief factora in The Bank of Torontos long and cource DEPOSITORS receives assurance of the safety afforded by our large resources and our safe con- methods of conducting business and courteous treatment by careful officers BUSINESS MEN keeping accounts here afforded thern all the facilities of a longestablished wellcon ducted Bank possessing ample resources and full equipment and con nections for the banking of all classes of business both large and email HEAD OFFICE TORONTO BRANCHES IN CANADA Reserved Funda 4 Assets Capital NEWMARKET FIELD Manager South End Lumber Yard P PEARSON IN LUMBER LATH FKAMES MOULD- always on hand I Bring In your bills that may figure on them Phone or give orders t J If Bowman or J Murphy Our New Suitings for Spring Are Nov in Stock The latest designs are Diagonals and Stripes The newest color la Bee our windows then Inside and examine goods P WILLI MAIN ST Phone ICO MERCHANT TAILOE Oar Toronto better Crowded out last wee A large audience filled Halt on Good Friday on the occasion of the usual service of the Salvation Army The largest wine tank in the world is at but an evening pa per in this city reports that Toronto has some walking about that are ful ly six feet high Promoters are busy blowing finan cial bubbles they have just organiz ed a soap merger With all her flags Hying a big Union Jack on top of the frlfeam- steamed into Har bor Monday morning captain John Henderson wins the silk hat for the second time for ruing he first to make a trip from an out side port to Toronto Mr Hender sonwon the hat before in the spring of r Crowds of people old and young find their way nightly to Westmore land Avenue Methodist Church where Crosslcv and Hunter wellknown evangelists are holding evangelistic services Meetings will he continued through this week Scores are prom ising to lead better lives Tea has advanced two cents a pound within the last few days and according to importers it is likely to go some higher The reason for the advance is given in the increased de mand and the crop shortage The introduction of hypochloride of lime into the city drinking water has been productive of considerable im provement in its quality On Monday morning last one day too late for his Easter breakfast an egg was brought to the Telegram edi tor weighing half an ounce over a quarter of a pound and measuring inches one way by fij the other The who knows a good thing when he sees it then asks Now ye egg- raisers can you beat than Of course bring on your eggs theyre worth a dozen bow Mr Edmonds for Christie Brown Co was tendered a complimentary luncheon at the King Edward on Saturday Hon Mr Mannais away Otta wa attending a conference between representative of the various Pro vinces and the Dominion Government touching legislation on questions of concurrent jurisdiction Hon George Foster has filed a notice of appeal in the libel suit case Another victim of the in a day time The Presbyterian Home Mission Committee are aiming at more this year than was given last year On Friday last about visitors attended the Dog Show at Church street On Tuesday last with her left leg severed below the kne her shoulder injured ami Buffering from shock Mrs James of Colli was taken to the Western Hos pital She had been visiting rela tive and had gone to Davenport sta tion to take the train from the north As the train along Mrs started to walk between a loaded truck and the edge of platform and somehow fell on the track and was struck by the engine Small while Eatons store was arrested for shoplifting oil Friday Two hush fires which threatened se rious proportions occurred on Tues day at the eastern boundary of the city The brigade had to be called A relic of other days is giving some trouble now and Working unseemly lor a place of worship Some of the pews are freeholds in St James Cathedral but in some instances freehold seats are not used by the owners at alt but an- leased by the and then rerculijri tooth er members of the congregation the owners getting possibly half the pew rent Faster was delightful temperature reached degrees Abraham Cook on Tuesday last while in an intoxicated condition Injuries from a fall which tert fatally next As Mrs Elizabeth Clark East ern was boarding a street car afternoon the car started with a jolt throwing her to the pavement She sustained a frac tured left arm Work begun on Monday a new Methodist church at the corner of Yonge and avenue The first sod turned by Miss M President of the Ladles Aid The new edifice Is to cost and- Resurrection OR ft Look Into the Future By Harrison of Richmond Hill First is righteous Abel the first martyr to religion the first dead of the human race with eyes lifted up to heaven he is pressing his way for ward toward the author of the first From Era resurrection the mighty throng may be seen our great forefather who AGO April I This week the town is all excite- From the day on which Eve par- that all expect his coming let us no- took of the forbidden fruit to the the manner of his coming Were present man has been a dying crea- it not for the Scriptures we could turc progenitors of the human form no idea of this part of our suU- race brought death into the world ject but from them we learn that and all our woe Were the many He will come in his glory with all millions which have fallen beneath his holy angels with that the arm of death raised and He who will sit on the throne of his laid side by side they would form a glory Mark the Evangelist tells us carpet of corruption which would that of that day and hour lt the earth The work of no man and Luke says that as the God in ficsh- saiah the Messi- prophet who in vision the fatal trespass but after- 0 account of the call for active wards we trust forgiven now with service of the Battalion York Rangers to assist in quelling a Re bellion in the Northwest An extra of the Era issued on Wednesday con tained the great desire wishes again to see the face of his Creator the wor thy brother of the first dead Abra ham the father of the faithful the Patriarchs and Jacob Moses the meekest man on earth Joshua and Caleb valiant soldiers against the enemies Israels God David the man after Gods own heart the soul of Job now united to the body- as he long predicted is about to depopulation still goes on generation lightning which out one after generation disappear Disease part of- Heaven and shineth onto the of every form and name prey upon the under heaven so shall the human family Could we from an coming of the Son of man be The elevated position look down on its Scriptures therefore teach etli us that wretchedness and misery the would appear one vast Intemperance would be seen stalking in the various duties of life while forth with its millions of suicidal some arc eating and drinking and votecs gaunt Famine with its ten others marrying aad given in mar- thousand shrivelled starvelings hid- a loud long blast of thetrum- Pestilence with its stricken at petangel reverberates throughout the victims while war fire and vaulted firmament the sound reaches- flood add their terrible quota to earth heard alike on the tops of the Deaths relentless dart Asvthe sold- mountains and in the depths of the beheld a type of the resurrection now sees it in reality in the general shak ing among the dry hones each bone be ing impelled toward its fellow hone earth He will come suddenly and as athief awakeningAnd yet circulate house in the night Whilst men are was signed by in the various duties of lifewhile lookcd c No i Company of York Rangers mustered at the Armory on Monday night to the number of when Ma jor Lloyd delivered orders No Company was in command of Ashworth During Tuesday they con tinued on parade from one oclock till evening On Tuesday evening Col arrived from Toronto with further instructions In the evening the Town Band marched up Main to the Fire Hall followed by an im mense crowd Meanwhile arequiei- by Mr A Watson J A and ng for- a public meeting dim vista of future ages and by faith to he held that evening to consider beheld the fulfilment of the promise the advisability of providing suitable that the seed of the woman should underclothing for those belonging to bruise the serpents head Newmarket Company Close on the heels of the patriarch- The meeting is reported as being host is a long line of more modern very enthusiastic A resolution was worthies First comes Herods vie- moved by Mr seconded by lirh James the brother of Him who Mr Joseph requesting the one universal despair sis up to heaven and th icfc to earth announcing the 1 and the amiable pious Eh roach of Him who with ten knewnc while amid the blood and carnage valleys is the terrible voice of Him of the lattlc field views with com- who stands one foot on the sea arid Sw- J parativc the fall of his one on solid land declaring that time Stephen advancing with plies Jack- comrade or even that of his friend so shall be no longer The astonished I their aces shin- son and Messrs James Allan B we from the frequency of Deaths vis- earth stands still Then from the those anxious Re John Savage to be again caught up to the third and Perkins made suggestions as to- details The motion was car ed and the leader of the Band an nounced that the Band accom- scriptures from his youth John pany the hoys to the depot and join he whom Jesus loved the celestial in the scndoR sightseer of the Isle of 1 On Wednesday evening the Council arid of all their nature met and ordered all necessary sup- deluding a quantity of eatables to get to Him to whom he had or each man Before leaving on Ipncc said Why cannot I follow Thee Friday noon every man of both now Lazarus now experiencing a market and Sharon Companies was the lowest subject in the realm the passes equivalent to death but j resurrection this time to die provided with woollen drawers shirts Dire destruction drives the moreIgnatius no longer fettered and mitts At twelve oclock the Tra- bells of the Christian Catholic and Polycarp who played the man in English churches were rung dur- thc fir the unflinching the hour the companies marched the learned of Alexandria l the depot Here the Town who while the sword of ex- on behalf of the citizens passed its are apt to pass on heedless of the wicked one universal shriek of despair warning which he gives and like rises told millions we are summoned back prepared to meet our But prepared or unprepared mortal- thousands of His angels to execute ity is stamped on all There is no judgment and to the ungodly discharge in this war the bow is of all the drawn and the arrow of death have it flies by night or by day does speeches which they have its work witn unerring certainty against Him How they seek to hide With death there is no respect of their diminished heads On them persons the king on his throne and as on the remaining saints a change minister of the and the mem- inflation her of his church the lawyer and bis plowshare of ruin throughout the client the merchant and his custom- earth the mighty works and monu- the mechanic and his apprentice ments of Egypt Greece and Rome the buoyant youth and the grey-hair- towers temples palaces sire each in his turn -descends- into street car occurred on The conductor got the hairpin this the place appointed for all living In this respect the words of the preach er are true there is one event to the righteous and the wicked to the clean and to the unclean all in obe dience to deaths stern mandate Go- down to the grave i Flung from their dcepfoundations Roof on roof crushed horrible Pile on pile oerturned Fall Total and present a seeming hidingplace They plunge beneath to avoid the eye an Cution was held above his head the ranks and shook hands his song of triumph Return un- with each The men then boarded the to thy rest my soul for the Lord rain in waiting and while the Band has dealt bountifully with thee struck up The Girl I Left Behind the morning star of the Ho the whistle sounded and the formation Luther its champion train moved out for Toronto Col the cautious and perhaps I and Way ling being men were of an offended God but are raised the overprudent Erasmus the belli- command While the here all meet again immortal the zealous the depot many a fond mother and The shivering Icelander and the sun- Now louder than the trumpets j the immortal Wesley a sturdy Knox sister implanted a kiss on th cheek burnt Moor sound louder than the universal Men of all climes that never met be- of a host of that never fore And all creeds- the Jew the Turk and Christian There the proud prince and favorite yet prouder Are huddled out of sight a it To thousands death would be matter of perfect indifference were not for the Judgment In thinking on this part of our subject let us consid er first the fact anil second the man ner of Christs coming and then the far above the crash of the wreck of matter and crush of worlds is heard the vioice of the Omnipotent saying Arise dead and come to judgment and a if to add new hor rors to the scene the earth with con vulsive throes heaves as if in agony a holy Fletcher and the attendant WltA tears their eyes and a warm shake of the hand accompanied the goodbye parting that multitude which John saw in his vision which no man could number Away with idea there are few that he saved as the mortal darkness of this is there arc spots of which we During this week a union was between the North York and World Whitchurch Societies for a Fall Show ort ourselves to the top lofty pinnacle where we can positions of those whom lie will come scathed the scene before us to judge in our minds eve may he The fact of his com need not sur prise us God hrcatctl man and made him upright but he kept not his first estate he sought out many in ventions among others the to fall hut in the multitude of Mis ten der mercies God gave man a chance for his life by availing himself of the opportunity this present may merge into an eternal lift a blessing resting on its choice but a curse on its rejection At the consummation of all things way a great white throne presents it God has appointed a day of reckoning self ami on It robed in awful majesty a day on which all appear before sits 1 the great Judge of quick and the graves gape wide and from each of Nazareth and out of Galilee tomb comes forth its I rises a prophet Let os now as spectators of us change scene and terrible tragedy in imagination trans- to a part of the procession far in the rear of the hap py assembly of the heirs salvation nothing illuminated with the rays of I Aurora and King Companies of the Sun of comes fcrail the companies from some view un seen far in the ethereal vault of heaven a light which seems to present the ap pearance of a star it brightens ftnd as it immense rapidity it until the moon and stars withdraw their light and the sun grows dim the presence of a splendour su perior to its own Around above and IfClienth may be seem fiery shapes moving with a celerity behind which the lightning reaches its destination the dazzling clouds give Continued on page YEARS AGO From April that took market Lieut Allan left for on Wednesday of this week to say goodbye to his mother and sister Geo M and John Doah of Sharon left on Tuesday of this week for They look a car load of horses and provisions Messrs P J Flannagan and Lloyd brother of David Lloyd of Newmarket accom- ipanicd them Last Sunday was Palm Sunday Special services in both Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches Mr fas Cunningham this week pur Bogart Padflcld Co announce chased of Mr Belfry near that they have entered into partner- Queens I Jo for his ship as general merchants Their farm A special message to the on the judgment seat to give account of the deeds done in the body for it is appointed all men once to die and after this the judgment Besides this lis coming will be look ed for Ah in a court of justice he who has a righteous cause desires the decision of the judge believing that his rights will he asserted and his dead From Him and ministers of fire to the four corn ers the habitable world and anon from tile dark recesses of the earth and from the depths of the ocean is formed a vast procession with its head directed toward Him before whom Is to he gathered all nations Let us now Individualize as it were s- about Hon J J Ontarios Attor- wrath with fiames of claims adjusted so the heir of eternal the great assembly and see if among life looks forward with pleasant anti cipations for verily there is a re ward for the righteous The wicked also will be expecting Hint but it will be with a fearful looking for of fiery Indignation they know that they arc and have been adversaries of Him be fore they have to appear and with fear and trembling they look for the time when they shall stand be fore who has said the day of vongcance Is in mine hand who will plead with those who turned a deal ear to his entreaties and refused to be drawn by the tender cords of his love with fire arid sword and to them render his anger with fury and his I reported In IB health Knowing that he will come and store was located at the northwest comer of Main and Timothy streets Simpson and Trent announce that they arc now opening our spring go forth seraphs On Saturday of last week Mrs- Wellington of Hast met with a serious loss by Dwelling and barn with other out buildings were consumed North York Association or ganized this week T W Tyson pre sident J P Wells Robert Cook Stiles W Terry and A Kiddie vicepresidents Jackson secretary Committee J I Phillips Boyd John Eves Dr Hunter Jared Lloyd Smith T Nixon Pearson J Ter ry John and J Ed noteSAll passed away except one A concert by the Newmarket Choral is announced to take place on liood Friday evening It is to be from regions extending from east to west and from pole to pole many millions more than thc seven thou- sand who did not bow the knee to Baal a number as the stars in and as the sand on the sea shore the congregated millions there are any with whom we are acquainted First may be seen in the front of the procession advancing as with canc er haste to meet their Lord a radi ant band attended by a convoy of an gelic spirits who act as guardians they are the dead in Christ What a concourse From all nations and a on Goo I A bill was introduced this week in Parliament of United Canada to a deceased Innumerable all having died In faith and were committed to the grave In wifes sister ooo Opportunity rarely comes to the sure and certain hope of a joyful res- man who spends all his time waiting for it Thursday says The Fenians heen mustering on the American side or the past two days The Dandruff Germ WILL CAUSE MORE TROUBLE NOT CHECKED AT ONCE DANDRUFF Is caused by germs a fact by all Physicians is the root of all hair troubles and is the bosom friend baldness Broughtons hair tonic will kill the dandruff germ and remove the dandruff in two weeks or he will the price of Broughtons hair tonic will give to womehjs hair a lustre and radiance that most fascinating and cause it to grow abundantly A largo bottle for cents at Drug Store and your money back If it docs not give you satisfaction I oooo Selfraising flour would be a great boon to a man of family who is un able to raise a barrel of flour himself Send the Era to friends i 1 I I I 4 V

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