Newmarket Era , April 8, 1910, p. 7

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I 4 ipfiS f I HALL April 1910 I Owing to our being too Urge many lines we have determined to reduce all to a minimum Grocery Specials Tomatoes No quality Pen Equal quantities Corn cans for Evaporated Peaches ft a Snap Table Figs II Boxes Figs llr2 for Dishes to Rent Owing to the time we loose in counting out and when returned ling same away I have decided to make a small charge of 5c perdoz lor every hours that dishes away are w China Parlor Lamps reduced to dear them out this month only Lunpa for All In same proportion DINNER SETS fox Eels tor for The Leading Reliable itoMe Grocer Up Phone The Ideal Corset Guaranteed not to break or rust Will not take a permanent bend waistline Boned with Indestructible Stay Can be free ly without detriment Made to order and fitUA direct from factory to wearer will place free of charge Spirella Corset In which the breaks or rusts within one year THE CORSET CO Victories at Meadowville Pa Nia gara Falls and Letehworth England MISS ROMAN Special Representative Phone will be pleased to have you call at homo on Street and Will demonstrate Spirella Never sold In Stores Weeks Local IS OH IB A held From March merges into our Summer Session from July and affords continuous op portunity for bright people to qualify for good busi ness positions Our School The Central Business Col lege Toronto Invites your consideration Catalogue mailed on request Shaw Principal and streets Toronto c v the nest Mothers Meeting will be on Tuesday the lath p AprU instead of the rooms over Lyons Confectionery store Come as soon after one oclock as possible boys of the School or- i Another Change Messrs Hess Dewey of Colonial Theatre have bought out the Lyceum Theatre this week Their present in tention is to add 20 feet to the rear of the building formerly occupied by Hughes fancy goods store enlarge Bsseball The boys of the or ganized a Baseball Club on Tuesday afternoon with fee following officers Pres Cameron VicePresRobt Smith SecTreas Ernest Bogart Committee Epworth C Martin Hill Root Lundy AGENTS FOR 2CTH CENT DRY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS r 60c on the Roche Co are buying Underbill Bros stock at Aurora about worth at on the and removing it to Newmarket to sell cheap North Yorks Greatest Store HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS We willingly return your money or any goods returned within a week from date of purchase Store News Worth Reading At Home St Johns Church Choir will hold another of the popular at home the pictures and remove the opea parties in the Hall from the Temperance on Wednesday evening closing the latter place They a good program is being arranged to cut out the Vaudeville in future I consisting of progressive euchre mu- is commendable and show on ly firstclass moving pictures and itt songs Fall Wheat is said to be looking ex ceptionally well all oyer York The Canadian Band has been tuning up for the past week early The boys are fishingfor suckers Main street looks better for its Spring scrape this week miss the Fair of Days in the Town Hall this afternoon and even ing Remember the visit of Rev Ray the South American explorer to the Methodist Church on April A delivery rig made a quick passage down town on Monday afternoon without doing any damage The lawns are showing pretty spring tints again East Council meets on Saturday at Sharon Skipper is showing his on lawn this handiwork season Penny Social The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church will hold a Penny Social in the Church basement on April 15th Choice menu good program sical selections and dancing Every body will be made welcome Make a note of the date and dont fail to take it in More particulars in our next issue This advertisement is addressed especially to the Ladies although we want all the men to read it too We want you both to come and see the Goods we are talking about We want you to examine them We want you to compare our prices and we want to go away satisfied JY new motor suitings and ginghams New stock of new patterns in checks and broken checks plain and fancy the latest shades- and color- ings three prices and i LADIES STYLISHLY TAILORED 1 SUITS FOR SPRING lines and good tailoring will win for our Suits the approval of stylish dresses The materials are of Imported Serges Panama Cloth thoroughly shrunk and examined be forebeing made up The Coats are breasted loose fitting box back Lancashire England and at styles red blue and the world known green Prices from bank Works in Scotland where they obtain that finish and feel that nt CORRECT STYLES IN other print has We have an WHITE WAISTS selection of polka dots stripes checks figures etc in the We are showing different kinds following colors dark grey blue Some of these dainty Wajsts cherry black navy sky lilac DRESS FABRICS FOR 50c We have just received something new in Dress Goods They are all Shadow Stripe fabrics 10 inches wide and- the colors include taupe navy green and brown The usual selling price everywhere is 60c yard we them for 50c r SEE OUR SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY OF LADIES AND MENS SPRING FOOTWEAR of the correct semifitting styles with embroidered in designs of Italian and white League The second meeting of the Junior League of the Methodist Church was held last Monday evening There was a good number present and the League is considered to have a good start The following officers were elected President Beatrice Wesley VicePresident Cameron Secretary Eileen Hewitt Treasurer Arthur Morgan Pianist for April field LookOut Committee Bessie West PurdyXeila Manning Jack Minns John Lamhie The meetings are held on Monday evening at oclock All the boys and girls are cordially to make the League a success The Sr League last Monday night proved itself- very helpful The topic was taken by Mr Geo Barker who gave a good on the Life of Dr The orchestra was present and assisted with some mu sic The meeting next Monday night is in charge of the Literary A good program will he given Come long lapels and trimmed cuffs Tin Skirts in panels pleats and gore style The colors are black navy green grey and brown The prices range up from each 51200 filet Gibson collars and new style tucked sleeves Prices up from no BLACK SILK AND NET WAISTS These Waists have neatly tucked yoke effects new style collar and sleeves and trimming of attractive For this season the Skirt Styles style Prices up from have undergone a complete change FASHIONABLE SKIRTS FOR BEST AT YD The very best plain colored goods made What is more becoming than this material We have the follow ing colors mauve pink sky na tural ant navy the plain circular styles with of self as trimming to the more popular pleated skirts with yoke ef fects This week we are showing a complete new stock of these Skirts in black brown navy grey green ami checks We fit vou free of WHITE GOODS AT LOW PRICES All new Stock just arrived for Spring Ladies White Cotton Night Gowns trimmed lace and embroid ery different qualities from different kinds of Corset SPECIAL BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRT will be made welcome Division Court The attendance at the Court here last Wednesday was the largest for and you some lime The cases which evoked the most interest were Death of Miss McLaughlin vs Haigh100 for lum- was a very tappr release from fried by jurv Verdict for constant torture when Miss biiajMi- received the sum- vs Armssrong- replevin early last Monday case bought a marc at A year last October she went Armstrongs sale which Armstrong re- to Montreal to keep house lor her fused to give Up Judgment for Ann- brother Mr las McLaughlin haling extra charge and theprices range some lace some insertion and from each some embroidery trimmed Prices NEW COAT STYLES FROM LA- White Underskirts with deep TEST MODELS flounces cluster of tucks and two rows of insertion and lace Very Ladies Coats of fine quality black low priced at Broadcloth cut in semifitting style White Underskirts with very deep single breasted closing turn hack embroidery flounces at prices rang- collar and long lapels of moire up from silk These coats arc finished with tailor stitching and made inches long Price Ladies fancy Covert Cloth Coats in very new styles and cut A nice range to select from anil these are remarkably low priced at Ladies Mixed Tweed Tourist Coats I length in all sizes just arrived and something you should see at the low cut price of Childrens Spring Coats in single YARDS OF BEST ENGLISH PRINTS AT 1 We made early purchase of thise Prints aw got in before the advance in price That is why we are enabled to sell them at yd lower than the large departmental We are making a special line of this skirt for one week They were ami catalogue houses The are inches wide and specially bought and while the are without doubt the finest prints w to he purchased made in last 75c We are showing this week the most correct Shoe wear for this Spring and Summer We have the largest stock in North York and it was selected with the intention of giving you the very best selection in style comfort and durability Our aggregation includes all the best Canadian- manufacturers and we cordially invite you to come and see what we have gotten together especially for you You will find that we have the best Shoes that can possibly be had and the prices are right down low WOMENS BARGAIN BOOT AT Just one line of Boots They are Dongola with plain and exten sion edges good fitting and well wearing You save on every pair you buy underwent an operation a few months I when a cancer was removed System tor from her breast Things did not they because proper tender of pay ment vas not made at time of sale Hurst vs for breach of t warranty Hurst bought two cows turn out in Montreal as they important action in the his tor at sale which did not tun and after a few months they the Chinese Empire vas taken last out as represented The identity of removed to New York Shortly when Liu the Chinese the cows on the printed bill was not the old trouble began to assert lstcc i took formal possession clear Judgment for Hurst for full and they decided to return to metric standards weights I market but the journey was too great and measures which by imperial de- Chase Bros vs for for her and only got as far Nlag- to replace the chaotic trees claimed that he Falls where through the kindness tem of China The question has gave no authority to his daughter to Of Cain she was tenderly cared consideration by the Chin- the order Judge Morgan was or till the end came She received authorities for about two years inclined to favor defendant but the every possible attention from her evidence was so conflicting that brother who is the last of the was given against Holborn for and feels his keenly and costs I The remains were brought to New- Lloyd vs Town of market and the funeral service took for furnishing Police Court- office St Johns Church oil Judgc agreed with Corporation day morning Rev ft fetter Whitney that the Colonel had no power to Quite a number of School Reports Dram sue and the case was nonsuited Come In Everybody And sample the refreshnients served at the Fair of Days in Town Hall on April Qonc Home The bright hopes of fond parents were sadly crushed on Thursday even ing of last week the only son of Mr and Mrs Judd Stephens re ceived the divine call Freddie had been sick for about three months and were present A full choir of Which she had been for many years a faith ful and devoted member and organ ist assisted itt the service and Miss Margaret rendered a very beau tiful anI appropriate solo On the conclusion of the prayers Father Whitney gave an impressive discourse On the immortality of the soul and paid high tribute to the patient lov ing devoted and pure life of the deceased The remains were interred in St Johns Cemetery the pallbearers be ing Messrs Doyle I Rochcy Doyle Burke Andrew McCaffrey and was gardually growing Weaker there was no indication that the end was near On the Wednesday after- noon previous he got up from his bed and came down stairs to tea bat it it- ah the exertion pro veil too much for him He returned to his bed very much ex- and next day talked to his Albert Adams a blacksmith mother about going away In the who had been drinking he became unconscious and By shot and killed his wife and then peacefully passed away Beautiful took his own life Three little child- flowers brightened his casket Had arc left Deceased was one of the mostcon Christian girls we ever as no wonder that she a among all her frienls near Freddie lived another week he would have been years old The funeral service was held at oclock on Sunday morning quite a of relatives and friends being present Rev Fr Thomas con ducted the service and the favorite hymns of deceased and In the Presbyterian Hymnal were sung The remains were taken to the burying ground west of Bradford for interment Rev conduct ing the service at the grave The relatives from a distance who Fred Pemhleton was killed at the Spinning Mills by the tor the cable breaking and allowing him to fail into the basement Fort Saskatchewan April Km ma Fields aged daughter of John Fields of this place was the choice lying between the metric and the British system and after much debate 1ml deliberation the for mer finally carried the day The handing over of these stand ards was an affair of some ceremony Accurate to an infinitesimal degree- they are preserved by the Internation al Bureau of Metrical Weights and Measures at the Pavilion Bra teuil near Serves Directors Benoit and with great solemnity handed to the Chinese Minister the standards which are to be the guide for the new commercial era in his empire The Chinese foot which is fixed by treaty as equal to inches is now to be equal to 52 centimeters The largest Catholic college in Switzerland near with a valuable collection scientific works was destroyed by fire Sunday night William Caldwell aged a na tive of was drowned in the river near Tweed on Sun day He fell out of an old log ca noe and could not swim Fire damage to the extent of about to the Paplant and Cox blocks at Tilbury on Sunday morn ing The property was insured for John Anson Howard said to bo the son of an Ottawa millionaire was killed sixteen miles from He was thrown out of an automobile which plunged over a mountain road Mr James Gallagher was present- with a Royal Humane medal Mr i ij J School report Public School for the month of March l Class V Lewis Lew- is Sr IVN Smith S C Hill MacKenzle Stephens Milne B Salter M McFarland MacKenzle Wm Hill It Kavanagh I F Lewis Milne Ingram Brown Sr III Walt A B K Turncy M J Maries Jr HI Smith Murray A Milne M Lin- Maries Names in order of merit Present every day M land I Stephens S C Hill B Salter Mill MacKenie F Kavanagh S Milne Wait A M Fralick W Lewis Average attendance Roy Cody Teacher Senior Douglas Russell St raster George Salter 171 May HiBaby Marshall Raymond Watson Viola Hill Russell Junior Hillary Stephens 187 Ralph Walter Hill Willie Floyd Watson Launcelot Wright Melvin Wright 2C0 Kathleen Moore 203 Frank Fralick Bertha Wil lie Peter Milne Ralph Hill Id By ron Hill Angus Smith Harold Argles Sen PrimerMarie Watson Emma Doane Charlotte Argles SSI fill ft tea THE GROWTH OF ma ili liM nig BUS BUI rtiin a to deaUi early this morning when Catharines for Jumping into the Jun Primer Noble Wright 112 Ethan Alice Smith Gordon 320 Jean Ross Marjory Tablet Class Hill By ron Cunningham P Cain Assistant attended the funeral were Mr and Mrs Fred Dull Col and Mrs A drydocks In Canada will be Plumas Man April A fatality j Henderson Mrs Catharine Stephens menced They will be not less she attempted to start a fire in her fathers house Her body was found burned to a crisp It is supposed the girl accidentally set fire to her dress The fire partially destroyed the home- Ottawa April Before the year ends the construction of two immense com- than Mrs W Green Toronto Mr and nine hundred feet long ami a hun- Mrs jdred feet wide and will have a depth John Sutherland Messrs Geo and of thirtyfive feet on the Bill One Melville McDonald Mrs McAfee Mr of these docks will be located at Jan McKay Mrs Campbell and Mr and the other at St John McDonald of Bradford Mr B Doth docks will he supplemented occurred here yesterday when John a farm laborer living about four miles north of here VM shot Paging company tvo out duckshooting and while one of his companions was loading bis gun the dentally discharged the Contents en- Mrs Margaret McDonald of Brad- of vessels of size and Paging thigh one hour later from of Mood I Mrs Lambert Richardson of Aurora by adequate facilities for the repair- He died about ford grandmother of deceased came the shock and here before he died and is remaining couple of weeks with her daughter It is probable that In connection with the St John docfc there will be a firstclass shipbuilding plant Icy water and saving a little girl from drowning He is seventy years of age i IN THE SPRING Judge In the spring the boyhood fancy Turns to baseball marbles kites In the spring the girlish fancy Take some ice cream soda flights In the spring the old mans fancy Turns to streams and fishing poles In the spring golfers fancy Turns to nine or eighteen holes In the spring the farmers fancy Turns to folks from out ol town In the spring the fancy editor Turns rhyme like this one down BBS Report of S No King-Olen- for March Form Reynolds Pratt Gordon Webster Daisy Leonard Black- Webster Form HI Charlie Rogers Veda Dora Doan Mvldred Harrison Willie Cutting Harry Har old Cutting Form Gladys Valeria Harrison Wchster Bertie Cut ting Pratt Margaret Robin son Part Cutting Leila Webster Herman Rogers Howard Black Willie Webster Doan Joseph Bernard Part Robinson Archie f May Fee Teacher Hie BUI The men of Newmarket have no doubt noticed that this business has already forced itself beyond the store space con fines planned for it at the beginning The Business Expansion has called for three hundred extra feet of selling space and we have answered the call More than that the apprecia tion that you have shown of our goods the business you have showered upon us has been responsible for our Increasing the Stock Thousand Dollars 3 GO Rim Bun So you we appreciate your application Were giv ing you larger variety to choose from and more room to do it in Were bettering buying condition wherever possible and are showing a bigger array of Mens Goods than any store in any town this size So we think we deserve all the splendid business you arc favoring us with We are supremely satisfy your every Spring and Summer wearneed in Head wear Come and See Buy when yoifre ready ana BUB Ha phi a ra The Mens Wear r km I I y

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