Newmarket Era , April 15, 1910, p. 4

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AH OLD CURED OF RHEUMATISM A j i 9 r By One of Gin Pills Mr Conty is one of the oldest and best known residents of Yarmouth Owing O his advanced Mr was troubled with his Kidneys which finally developed into Rheumatism June 2nd 1908 I have been bothered with Rheuma tism for the past year and have taken a good many different kinds of medicine and found no relief for it One day a friend advised me to try Gin Pills so I did and after taking only one boa of them felt like a new man I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how thankful I- am for the relief they gave me would advise all sufferers from Rheumatism to try Gin WILLIAM CONTY Gin are regarded as infallible for Kidney Bladder and Urinary Troub les They are equally good for men and women and may be used if necessary by children Gin Pills by their action on the Liver also correct Biliousness and Constipation which usually accompany Kidney and Bladder Troubles Sample Co A Toronto At dealers box for GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous ELLIOTT PostmasterGenerals Report 680 TORONTO It has paid others It will pay you Write today for our handsome Cata logue G Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 1020 Newmarket 923 Allandale 805 1240 GOING SOUTH Leave a p m Allandale 535 Newmarket 158 Toronto 730 755 I Causes Sickness NO MORE is a greencolored powder pack ed In tin cans ready for use In sweeping a carpet take one or two according to the dust Sprinkle where you are to begin not all the tar- pet then sweep as you do The powder is swept ahead of the broom and falling on the the leaving the carpet clean and bright The dust Is not thrown Into the air to tattle back on the carpet and WHY YOU SHOULD USE IT SAVES LABOR IN SWEEP ING IT SAVES ONE HALF YOUR DUSTING IT SAVES YOUR CARPETS AND RUGS IT SAVES DAMAGE BY MOTHS IT SAVES TAKING UP CAR PETS IT SAVES YOUR HEALTH IT SAVES YOUR MONEY It Costs Nothing Ve are authorized by the man ufacturers of to send a can of their Sweeping Compound They want you to- use this on trial for one week At the end of this period If not found satisfac tory we will take it back and there will be no charge- for quan tity Hold In barrels half barrels arid quarter barrels for stores schools banks churches hotels and public buildings A BZNNS Newmarket The annual report of the Postmas terGeneral of Canada fox the year ending March is to hand It is full of information respecting the postal service of the Dominion and clearly demonstrates that there has been a very considerable expan sion both in the service and in the transactions of the Post Office dur ing the year The main points of increase are as follows New post offices New postal note offices New money order offices New savings bank offices We also note that there has been an increase of in the extent of i the system over which mails are car ried by railway while the number of miles which mails have been carried by railway and water routes and land routes is r greater by miles than in the year previous The estimated in crease in the number of letters and postcards during the year is Owing to the growth of the service the expenditure has increased by as compared with hut notwithstanding this in crease there was a surplus of 23753 from the operation of the ser vice although there was a reduction of drop letter rates in cities Pro gress marks the work of the Depart ment Coining now to matters of local in terest we notice the gross revenue of local accounting offices in North York Aurora Holland Landing Jacksons Point Keswick Kettlehy King Lloyd town 11967 Mount Albert Newmarket 575559 54228 from Dec ZamBuk in 3 Accidents Roachs Point Sharon Sutton West Temperanceyille Virginia 230165 There are several other post offices in the Riding but being nonaccount ing are not included in the foregoing list The salaries and allowances for New market and Aurora are the largest in the Riding as mar be inferred from the revenue derived therefrom At Newmarket the salary for was 78850 forwarding allowance At Aurora salary paid forwarding allowance comes next salary forwarding allowance The otlj- offices are paid proportionally on the business done OOOi YEARS EXPERIENCE Down In the laymens Missionary Movement has taken such a hold upon communi ty that the Parliament Buildings granted in which to hold a mission ary banquet It would seem that the famous healing balm we hear so high ly spoken of everywhere is partic ularly useful in the family A report sent by Mrs- E Ave Winnipeg will illustrate this She says My little boy of three while playing fell a high verandah to the ground cutting his forehead badly Instead of calling a doctor who would Undoubtedly have put in a number of stitches I bathed the wound well and applied The little fellow although suffering keenly soon had relief from his pain In the course of three weeks by apply ing dailv the wound in his forehead was nicely healed Since then have also for a boil which came on my cheek and which proved very painful and looked unsightly ZamBuk drew the boil jo a head and it then quickly banished Another time my baby was scald ed on her left thigh and calf of leg with boiling water was a se vere scald and the child suflered cruel ly screaming from pain Directly it was done I thought to use ZamBuk as we had a box in the house and spreading on lint I wrapped up the babys limb Next morning she rested much easier and I applied a fresh bandage with this treatment up daily and was re warded by seeing a great- improve ment each time dressed the wound In a very short space of time the scalds were all nicely healed I cannot recommend this wonder ful healing too highly for family use and I have such great- faith in its healing powers that my house is never without a box For all skin injuries and diseases piles eczema salt rheum and face sores is absolutely unequal led box all druggists and stores or post free from Co Toronto for price Refuse all substitutes The Busy Mans Magazine improves issue The April number is very attractive Those who do not read the Busy Mans are missing one of the leading magazines of the day In the Depths of African Jungle from page both terribly sick and weak We managed to crawl into the same kraal and ins trusting yah Yah our inter preter not to leave us we slept till morning On the March When I awoke I found myself on a litter carried by two big niggers who goon the first thing that caught my eye was a large steamer at anchor I roused up the professor and shout ed Saved at lastrtheres a steam erlook I was so excited f really dont know how I kept going overboard The steamer sighted us and sent a boat to meet us I saw it coming Hello there Who the are you people came a voice from the boat I shouted back who we were and J I- i 1 I J The Conservative press and their Ottawa correspondents have been busy of late allocating high court judges about to be appointed doubt Mr Minister of Justice feels deeply grateful for their thought- fulness thus saving him the worry and bother attending their selection The peculiar feature worthy of spe cial notice of these conservative nominations lies in the fact pointed but the Hamilton Times- are all awarded to Tor party heel ers This no doubt will prompt Minister of Justice to follow their suggestions I told them for Gods sake to get us were singing to their stride I shout- Professor where are we Are you here the answer came I am be ing carried too- They are taking us to Abrassa How do you feel I I thought you were dead by the looks of you on that stretcher all the time was not very good treatment for a sick man The pain was excruciating After go ing all day we arrived at a village or encampment of pigmies The Pigmies fare the most interesting living crea tures we saw in Africa They are about three feet in height hairy and shaped like the letter They are the nearest human approach to the monkey The professor claims that they speak the monkey language They live trees and can swing like a monkey from tree to tree Their food consists of fruit and yams veget able We stayed for three days among them They are perfectly harmless but very reticent and shy It was in this country which is call ed Benin that we saw some of the old gold mines used hundreds of years ago Some shafts were to feet deep Mining in Africa The natives beat ore quartz with a hard piece of flint They then crush until- fine then build a lire of resin it wood which is kept burning until the gold melts and runs into the sand When cool they twist the precious metal into rings bracelets anklets etc They descend the shafts by means of steps like a Jacobs ladder and bring chunks of quart up on their heads All their iron is obtained in the same manner The ore runs to in iron Their weapons of war the Manchesti a kind of sabre and the assegai are all made by them Some creeks will cany 50 cents to the pan in dust After leaving Land we came across the Tribe who treated us kindly and supplied US with war canoes and a guard to enable us to go through the cannibal country The professor was now very sick and weak in fact he was unconscious most of aboard as soon as possible as we were both nearly dead It was not many minutes before we were aboard the Carry who received us with open arms and had us carried to state rooms The doc tor administered all kinds of medicine and cold packs Thats all I remem ber as I collapsed on being carried aboard Three weeks elapsed before we were able to give an account of our experiences as our memory had vanished The professor was worse than I was News was cabled to England of our safety and Colonel Campbell with troops returned to our camp to find and restore our equipnient and records which the pro fessor valued more than his life Six- weeks we spent recruiting waiting far the return of Colonel Campbell and his men At last they arrived but sad to relate all the instruments were smashed the records were all broken cameras and of valu able pictures we had obtained were nearly all destroyed by the natives Will you return said he one morning Not on your life hack to Canada for me I replied After the doctor pronounced us fit to travel we hoard ed the Angola and sailed for Liverpool arriving there January 1010 weaker hut wiser men Professor Gamier leaves again next fall to complete his studies of the Monkey language and also to get da ta for his- hook state he does not take me as and its climate arc good enough for the re maining few years of my existence Arrested and Consumption Cured Mr- D of Ontario was stricken down with La Grippe in and it left in very bad condition He says I was all run down and bordering on Consumption I could not Bleep at rights had awful sweats and coughed nearly the whole time This is how I was when I began to take in a low nervous state but from the first bottle I began to improve It did marvels for me and brought me back to health in no time making a new man of me It fortifies the body against the attacks of La Grippe and is a sure preventative I always take Psychine if I feel a cold coming on and it puts me- right in no time NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT PSYCHINE PSYCHINE is theGreatest Strength Restorer and System Builder known to medical science and should be used for COUGHS COLDS WEAK LUNGS LOSS OF AP PETITE WEARINESS For Sale by all Druggist and Dealers centB and per bottle Dr A SLOCUM Limited TORONTO is announced that the Dominion Government is about to construct an experimental ore at Ot tawa Many eats will he made with ores from Cobalt district is also state J in this connection that the Government purposes shortly to mint gold coins and silver coins Manitoba Liberate have recently been holding party convention which evolved the following party policy viz compulsory education Increased aid to schools a fair fran- Act removal of the telephone from politics and settlement of the boundary award The ready for change Government of Word COmes from Ottawa that the Militia Department has issued an or der designed to prevent any interfer ence with military bands by labor or ganizations Members of any mili tary band are to belong to a union but are forbidden to refuse to turn Out with other mili tary bands oil the ground that the latter are not unionized Trade Cop Aa Scientific Jrfmeiiceit JkJi People who make a show on It a creditable showing woman went into a newspaper Office and to advertise for her who had disappeared When told that charged two dollars an inch she went out saying It would break her dp at that rate her hus band over feet long The Hamilton Times to know if there is lotfon or liniment or or poultice or disinfectant or deod orizer that Could be to Geo the result that he- would 1 welcome American beauty roses or wood violets to Lead er Borden confederates Judging the result of the Mae libel suit disinfectants known to court have failed Tourists as well as people who have summer homes at resorts on our Inland lakes will be pleased to hear that In order to prevent th of black In Ontario the Provincial Government intend at an early day to establish a large hatch ery near Brantford and in course will stock all Inland lake Let us to North Yorks flee to It that jSlmcoe is not overlooked During the past month no less than fortyone of the hobo clan were de ported by the Dominion authorities to the United States where they came from Of course the Provincial au thorities have no power to deport hut are cooperating with the Dominion officials Provincial detectives round them up and hand them over to the Dominion officials The chief points at which theses hobos enter the Do minion are Niagara kails and Wind sor We ore told the above turn ed back came from all over the Unit ed States and entered Canada at night riding the bumpers of freight trains We have no room for this class of people in Canada Selkirk April The steamer Wolverine owned by the Northern Fish Company and the largest ves sel on Winnipeg burned at her dock this morning The crew had a narrow escape Since last November a strong com pany has been at work on a property on the and J concession of Renfrew Co and is now said that they have a mine rich In ruby gems Berlin April of Jews from Russia arc taking placeon a scale unprecedented in extent and cruelty The details received by the German Jewish Relief Association in dicate that the number Is increasing from day to day and reaches far Into the thousands I Find Them Marvellous la Mrs Brooks Opinion of Here la a short but very convincing letter which ve received recently The Medicini Co I have been uning Little Digester for some time I use thorn and find them marvellous I recommend them Low Wright Co Que Here is another letter dated Nov almost equally brief and to the point Co Would say that the box of Little bus mo a lot of good I think they all right for any Trouble ANTHONY Creek PO Parry Ont Letters like are the best pos sible proof that Little Digesters do exactly what wo claim relievo and cure Indigestion and all forme of fog bath At last Troubles We arc bo suro that Up the bank much Little Digesters will cure that wo to band your money hack without tatlon if they fall- Put up In dainty red boxes at your druggists or by Coleman Medicine Co Toronto A Clerk by Day A Robber by Night Springfield Mass April Bert ram Spencer a clerk arrested this morning in connection with the stone mystery was this evening for mally charged with the murder of Miss Martha Blacks tone in the home of Mrs Sarah Bow Not only is Spencer accused of the murder of Miss hut the police expect also to establish that he is the masked burglar who has ter rorized wealthy Springfield residents for nearly a year If the allegations of the police arc true Spencer has had a most remark able dual existence a clerk by dav a robber at night The arrest m GREATEST OF ALL TONICS the inside and the police are of the opinion that even Spencers wife has had no suspicion of the real character of her husband A gold locket led to Spencers ar rest- The locket was found on the Premises of A Blair In School after an attempt to rob Mr Balirs time and 1 feared he would never reach the fort which is mile from Benin alive by Cannibals For three days we had been paddling down the lagoons which run through the Jungle The natives became very excited on the fourth day Our inter preter Informed us we were the tribe who were hostile and Cannibals Fifteen of our men had guns of the old Martini type and several had bows and arrows The professor and myself only had revolvers We had just finished our evening meal pre paring to camp for the night when we heard hideous the cannibals Our men seized their air and ran down the bank the mat Un where we were lying on palm a aSt mats The uproar wis enough to vjnced that Middle for your lives I touted our who was a half- Iff who ca breed Then he spoke several lan guages to the natives Whiz came the arrows all around us The were about yards away from us slowly gaining Several of our men were hit and disabled One ar row went through my helmet As yet we had not fired a shot us told them to rcAOrvcj their shooting until the enemy got nearer On they came until yards separated us Now boys let- the devils have it Ho taking a rifle from one of the na tive soldiers I picked off the nearest who was standing in the how of the foremost Canoe Over He went into the water Bang bang went ri fles of our men Two canoes capsiz ed This checked the enemy consider able still the throe remaining ca noes kept coming I now see that our so the professor and myself de cided would bit better to let them Belleville April 8 The city was this afternoon visited by the most dis astrous fire that has occurred here for years The large fourstorey stone grist mill situated on Moira street on the river edge owned by the Car- law Milling Company of which Aid is the head was completely gutted Other buildings adjacent were somewhat damaged The loss on stock in the mill machinery and building is estimated at 530000 April 8 A prairie fire passed the south portion of this district last evening and to day homesteaders for several miles around are corning into town and reporting the loss of grain and small belongings Owing to the high north west wind yesterday the flames lick ed up everything from a hush to a barn Chatham April Albert a young man from Franco two years ago and employed as an expert in the sugar factory met with a serinus accident ftst evening about oclock which will likely cost him life His apron caught In the machinery and he was drawn in His right leg was cut and bruised Plans for the new YMCA build ing at Winnipeg are being prepajed- It wilt cost Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA from the foot to the hip lie was tame as a complete surprise even to brought to Chatham and this morn- who had believed themselves lug it was found necessary to ampu tate the leg at the hip as the bone was bare and the whole leg was bad ly cut He is In a serious condition lots blood and intense pain He is a single man of age whiph no relatives here jure for a year Mr Blair then toot locket to the police who turned it over to the man On the locket were the initials OS The detective quickly made a of persons having these initials By almost the first name in the city directory to attract their attention was Bertram Spencer B railroad street Mrs Pierce conducts a boarding house at that I to I The found address From her the detcc- thai Spencer had moved avenue West Springfield step was to large the In the locket These Rheumatism Cured by Fig Pills Not often do you hear of a preparation being sold with a guar antee to cure you An absolute gua rantee goes with every box of They will cure Rheumatism Backache Bladder Trouble Fre quent Urinating Burning Sensation Painful Stitches Sluggish Liver all Stomach Trouble If not your money back VIA TO WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr 5 Ac Mi 3 1731 SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST uvo Toronto above ij days Through First unci Second Coaches Colonist and Apply to Agent or write DPA Toronto ASK FOR ATKINSON Agent Mrs Pierce identified the mother and sister of Spencer Mm Wilbur Spencer of Conn and Mrs Norman of this city This men were becoming decide the police to a spencer on suspicion The arrest was not made last night mi light a battle as had a advantage with bemuse it was feared that Spencer our Calling to our guides we told thorn rifles I a strug gle A strong guard was established to stop paddling and take up their guns They ltd with alacrity I yet near enough never saw such a slaughter The 1 cannibals came right on after another toppled out of the canoes The lasted minutes Seven of the enemy escaped- by the bank and running awa I ttS we lost twelve of oir he best Yah Yah Spencer started for work about thir ty minutes after six oclock this mtrnin minutes before seven oclock was arrested in the of Handy Co has been shipping clerk Naif a dozen policemen were on hand to make the arrest but Spencer did not offer the slightest As soon as the clerk was arrested rested all that ft ch oughly exhausted Next mornlne our telephoned to course was impeded by a West Springfield who potamus which was wallowing in the ficarch of Spencers lagoon We had to await lord- the same call- ships pleasure to eel out as It would have been dangerous to disturb several hats him without an elephant gun Ha of and jewel- was over three hours taking his mom- Wm men Worst of all poor our faithful interpreter was in the with a poisoned ar row and died a raving maniac he moved slowly to our satisfac- Spencer has since made a complete confession Our Reception at the Barracks Two more days passed and we were In the river amidst civil- On emerging out of the la- cures colds heals oiul I cents Thats the way you can afford to keep them because any lameness means less and less profit to you Spavin Splint Curb Sweeney Ringbone Swelling or prevent your horses from working Simply use Kendalls Spavin Cure It works while the horse works takes away the pain reduces swellings makes legs and joints sound and strong leaves no scars or white hairs because it docs not blister Kendall Spavin Cure has been the horsemans standby for years and Is used J1 over the world Sept I have used Kendalls Spavin Cure and it cures Old Cues Dono Keep your horses sound as a dollar Get Kendalls today and yon will it tomorrow if needed Jr a bottle for fo When you buy ask for free copy of our book A Treatise On The Horse or us 51 Dr J KENDALL CO Enoiburf VL J J Departmeat of Railways and Canals TRENT CANAL Ontario Rice Lake Division SECTION No Notice to Contractors SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and Ten der for Trent Canal will be until oclock on Tuesday the April for the worka con nected with construction on Sec tion No OntarioRice of the Canal Plans and the form of contract to be entered into can be seen on and after this date at the of fice Chief Engineer of the De partment of Railways and Canals Ot tawa and at the office of tho Super intending Engineer Trent Canal Out at which places forme of tender may be obtained Parties tendering will be required to accept fair wages Schedule prepared or to he prepared by Department of Labor which schedule will form part of contract Contractors are requested to bear mind that tenders will not consid ered unless strictly in accordance with thc printed forms and in case of Arms unless there are attach ed the actual signatures the nature of occupation and the place of re sidence of each member of the firm An accepted bank cheque for sum of payable to the Honorable the Minister of Rail ways and Canals must accompany tender which sum will be for feited if tho party tendering decline entering into contract for the work at thc rates stated in the offer sub mitted The thus sent will be re turned to the respective parties whose tenders not accepted The cheque of the successful tender er will be held as security or par security for due fulfillment of the contract to be entered Into lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted By Order L JONES Secretary Department of Railways and Canals Ottawa 5th April Newspapers inserting this advertise- without authority from the De partment will not be paid for it

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