Newmarket Era , April 15, 1910, p. 5

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ma- -T- J Robertson Notary Ac Of Street to l good Security AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Bolton Practical Painter House Decorator Corner Street Millards Lane nd DENTIST St Wilkinson Office Id Block Newmarket lEEUtf or MARRIAGE LICENSES the Era Office Newmarket Office Papers Issued at private residence If NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Cal Before Ordering- Elsewhere CASSIDY A J Boyd In medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the Roy College of and of the Royal College of Surgeons England Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear and Throat London England Offlt Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No may be had at any hour day or night by calling at the or phono Furnace Work 3 of Our Specialties at Stop mm LEADING OSBORNE SONS Not to New Grocery featw our of New Fruits all lUlsias rant Peels Layer Malaga Oranges etc all the CANNED GOODS Corn Salmon Ae from the Beat Canneries OUR GROCERIES Are and the Beet that money can buy Oyster Parlor Open Oysters meat by to Quart or to your OUR BREAD Standard Weight Bans Plea of Morn ing good a COOKED HAM to Sweet by quart or or Joseph Oil I I II The Newmarket Canal A number of Government surveyors arrived in town on Monday to lay out the work for operation to com mence again on Canal from New market to Lake Simcoe Division Court In our report last week we omitted to mention that Judge Morgan gave judgment in the suit of J McKay vs Town of Newmarket for the full amount of the claim and costs The action was for damages by wa ter running into- Mr McKays cellar during a rainstorm last summer the claim being that proper provision was not made for the water to run away on the side of the street Liquor Licenses The Board of License for North York will hold a meet ing in Aurora next Friday for the purpose of considering applications for liquor licenses for the ensuing li cense year coming May 1st There were tavern licenses and shop li cense granted last year Owing to the adoption of Local Option in New market and East six taverns and one shop license is cut off and there are only application for tavern licenses made Date of Entrance Exams On June at 815 am the High School Entrance and Model School Entrance examinations will begin All candidates who propose to write on these examinations must notify the public school inspector of their dis trict before May 1 Examining boards are reminded that while they are allowed to use discre tion they are not at liberty without the concurrence of the minister to lower the per cent minimum in any subject or the per cent mini mum of the aggregate Some boards have been giving value for answers to questions particularly on arithmetic papers where the an swers are not absolutely correct The minister announces that partial an swers not be considered requests that his regulation be ob served I carry Dr Miles AntiPain Pills with me all the time and for aches and pains there is nothing equals them I have used them for rheumatic pains headache and pains in side and back and in every case they give perfect satisfaction COURLEN Boonton J Pain comes from tortured It may occur in any part of the head or body where there is weakness or pressure upon the nerves Dr Miles AntiPain Pills be adorned in her new dress of vernal green Who said Newmarket wasnt grow ing The smell of numerous bonfires in the evenings indicate that citizens generally are cleaning up the back yards The Ladies Aid of St Pauls Church cleared on their fore entertainments The vacuum cleaner will soon super sede the old method of beating the life of the carpet with a stick The rattle of the lawn mower will soon be heard pain whether it be neu- ralgiac rheumatic sciatic head ache stomache pleurisy or ovarian pains Price 25c at your druggist supply you If he does not to us we forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO He should send price again Farm Produce Following were the usual prices paid last Saturday Eggs Maple Syrup SI per gall Live Chickens lb Old Hens lb Dressed Turkeys per lb Apples per Apples per 1255200 Live Ducks per Live Geese per It 8c Live Turkeys per lb Hides per ft Calf Skins per lb SI toS2 Sheepskins Tallow i Toronto Farmers Excursion The North York Farmers Institute has completed arrangements for their annual Excursion to the Mo del Farm via Metropolitan and on Wednesday loth of June Make a note of the date Methodist Bazaar The ladies of the in connec tion with the Methodist Church are be congratulated upon the success of Fair of Days in the Town last Friday the receipts amounting to Some money is still to come in and there are yet some articles to sell- When com pic Church Large congregations listened with much pleasure and profit last- Sunday to Rev Geo Jackson of the staff of Victoria College Toronto At the morning service he dealt with the command of Moses to Israel concern ing the battlement and its appli cation to everyday life while in the evening a very sympathetic discourse was delivered on The love of God in Christ Jesus as exemplified in the life of St Paul The Dr is quiet in his delivery yet attractive leaves an impression of charity in thought towards others helpful ness in discharge of duty addition to the anthems by the choir Mr Eugene Barker sang two beautiful solos and a duet with Miss Fisher Hew Dr Cleaver of Toronto ex changes pulpits with the pastor next Silver Anniversary Rev J at one time pastor of the Christian Church in Newmarket celebrated his minis terial silver anniversary at New Hampshire on Sunday April The following clipping is from the i Daily Mirror of Manchester the ladies expect the amount to reach Sunday The Bazaar was well patronized The pastor asked for on behalf both afternoon and evening The Educational Fund of the Con- booths were very attractive and the ferenee and over SIC was subscribed Hall presented a pretty scene Those Some more is promised for next Sun- in charge were as follows day and it is fully expected that the Monday Wash Day Mrs Maw and will realized Mrs Tuesday Ironing and Mrs McManus Wednesday Mending Day Mrs day Mrs Irwin Daily Mirror or Manchester DayMrs At- There has a great improve April evening at i the appearance of the Baptist church was krid a service day- Mrs H tog the past years hut in commemoration of the Cane M Mrs Dr plenty of room for more yet anniversary of the ministry of the pastor the Rev J who was ordained a quarter of a cen tury ago The Rev Dr Morrill of I of the was moderator of or- council at that time He was present this evening and deliver- JV an excellent sermon taking his text from Romans The Rev W of the Congregational Church also assisted in the service The choir furnished under the leadership of C of Man chester Miss Clara and Carl contributed a vocal duet An original poem written by the Rev Nathaniel Day was read The author of the poem served- the church in Newton for prior to J who went there direct from Newmarket Wesley Mrs W and Mrs of Civic Improvement At- There has heen a great improvement is The Hoard of Health will soon issue its clean up but that The receptption was held on the is chiefly intended to- make platform and the receipts this more sanitary add a Fair were much en- few hints make Newmarket more by a freezer of beautiful The Council might succeed Icecream Mr J in making the streets more dust I ess keep the weeds little more FridaysSweeping and Dusting day thoroughly and replace a few more Mrs pieces of olithie Mrs A and Mrs pieces of broken sidewalks with gran- Stark pavement- last but not Saturday Baking day Mrs least inaugurate a plan the trans- and Mrs Manning formation of the Fair into a These booths were distributed town park with shade trees walks the Hall while The Storj of Jean Vai Jean The Trustee Hoard of the Methodist Church has secured the return of Rev Dr Cleaver of Toronto lo repeal the story of Jean Jean in the Church next Monday evening Those who heard the Dr last time will want to hear him and those who did not hear- him have been sor ry ever since that they missed the opportunity Jean was a poor French peasant and to keep Ids sisters children from starving he stole a loaf of bread from a bakers shop For this crime he was sent prison and as he made several attempts to escape his sent ence was lengthened each time so that in all hc was nineteen years a con vict At the end of that time he was released and after cleverly dis guising himself be makes a start in the commercial world arid at tends his efforts and he mayor Of the town but his of police Javert suspects that Mayor Is no other than the famous Jean Jean who had so often evaded the clutch of the law realizes he is discovered and flies taking him a little girl whom he had befriended with Javert in hot pursuit To follow the move ments of Jean Jean Rosette and Detective Javert and mark the vari ous Steps which Jean attained a nobility character that has few equals Is Intensely Interesting and thrilling and to hear Dr leaver tell the story in his own Inimitable produces an effect never to be- forgot- ten A large number of tickets have already been sold go early if you want a good seat- By all means he there before oMock as not to disturb thoe vho ate anxious to bear lie of IJe story around the Hall while a special booth occupied the centre and I In charge oj Miss Fisher and Miss Stephens The entire booth the con tents and- all the decorations includ ing the flashy dresses worn by the young ladies were donated to the society by the OHM Lye Co- During the afternoon and evening instrumental music was provided by Miss Pearson Miss Hew itt and Mr Gordon which made the occasion pass oft with much cheerfulness The idea of the Fair was a good one and it was well car ried out A Positive Cure For Indigestion If you have indigestion your food ferments In the stomach and bowels It does more it decays and the nu tritious matter which should go to make new Mood decays with it and this- leads to an impoverished condi tion of the blood to nervousness constipation sick head ache had breath which dlsgustfi your friends other disagreeable- and unpleasant conditions And all this trouble is by the food thai doesnt digest but rnents and rots in the stom ach And fermentation is caused by the stomach not strong enough and energetic enough to thoroughly mix the food with the digest juices is responsible lor tens of thousands of cures In fact It is a positive cure for Indigestion and all stomach troubles that it is guaranteed Rogers Co to cure or money back The price of a large box of Mlona is cents and they are sure to promptly relieve the worst case of indigestion or gastritis Try them are or Phone 168 Dr Cleaver will Church next morning and evening hearing him In the Dont CURBS CATARRH ASTHMA Bronchitis Croup Coughi nd Cold money Iwcft Sold and guirantcfd CO or and dower beds Individual citizens can also do much towards the march of civic improvement Then our tum bledown buildings to remove fences to straighten lowbranched trees to trim which interfere with people walking and driving and the free use the paint brush which would make things brighter and lengthen the life of the wood The following hints Mayor ol Denver Col If your store front residence fence is dingy order it painted If your awning is old torn or get a new one If your sidewalk gate or needs repairing fix it If your advertising sign is old faded take it down or paint It Resolve never to throw in the streets Take all dandelions out of your lawn they will spoil Its beauty Destroy the young weeds that are star- ting on your property and on your neighbors property Burn all the rubbish possible allow one to throw it on streets alleys vacant lots Promise not to spit on the fide- walk Organize a block improvement so ciety and allow no weeds to grow on sidewalk area or vacant property in your Mock your milkman grocery- and expressmen to have their painted Irrespective of the of no or man houi your so maKe lawn the finest Illuminate the front of your store In the business Every effort put forth or dollar spent to improve our towns appear and will be returned twofold occurred early this morning on the British steamer Cairnrona or which wrecked the womens quarters killing one child and injure a number of women and children The steamer caught fire and a panic ensued in which men fought for the possession of the boats and had to be beaten back by the crew to allow the women to be taken off first- A large number of the passengers were landed here tonight many of them in an exhausted condition In all 20 persons were seriously and not less than slightly injured by the explosion and in the panic that owed it The Cairnrona sailed yesterday from London for Portland Maine She car ried passengers for the most part emigrants and a general cargo By good luck the steamers Upland and Kanawha were close at hand when the Cairnrona caught fire and stood by and took oft several hundred pas sengers and landed them here Daily Mail Rifle Contest CONDITIONS FOR 19 The Daily Mail Empire Day Rifle Contest has since its inception on Day become an Im perial fixture of the first magnitude with only three competitors on May lflOfi it has grown to enormous proportions no fewer than 7fi clubs in various sections of the British Empire entering teams last year The conditions are so simple they should appeal to everyone inter ested in rifle shooting For the first time in history the whole of the Brit ish Empire is united by a tic Sport We have cricket matches and football matches and lacrosse matches between this and that State of the But never before has the whole Empire contributed teams to compete for an Imperial prize From this point of view the com petition is important it drives home in a popular and easily intelli gible manner the unity of lie Em pire Very few except those who travel widely ever have this forced upon their notkr One might talk to an English villager on the subject for a week and not give him half such a clear conception of what the Em pire meads as he gains from the fact that on May- he competes with villages in remote Alberta where his neighbors son went two years ago a fortnights journey in the Trans vaal in New Zealand in Australia in India all over the world Below will he found conditions gov erning the Contest of 1010 ami en tries should be forwarded without de lay to the of the OverSeas Daily Mail Carmelite House London England Ranges 500 and yards Rounds One sighting shot at each range not to count and the seven succeeding shots Position Blsley position standing kneeling or prone Rifle Any 303 service rifle Ammunition Any Sights Any nontelescopic Team Eight highest scores on day of match to count as team Any number from one unit may shoot The second and third class targets to be circular No member can shoot for more than one Club In special cases where teams are unable lo shoot on Empire Day May they may shoot on Sat- unlay May or The competition is confined to Mili tia Volunteer Police or Civilian Clubs in the British Empire or Brit ish Rifle Clubs In foreign countries PRIZE LIST The Daily Mall TwoHundred Guinea Cup to go to the Club which makes the best score in the whole Empire This cup to be held for one year only unless of course the Name Club should win it two or more years running A Cup to be won out right by the Rifle Club which mikes the best score in the United Kingdom A Cup to be won cut- right and will remain the property of the best score in any pari of the Em pire outside the United Kingdom These two Cups will be won out right and will remain the prupc f the Club which win them Silver Medals will bo presented to the members of the four teams mak ing the highest scores in the United Kingdom Silver Medals will also be presented to the members of the four teams making the highest scores in any part of the Empire outside the United Kingdom A massive Silver Spoon similar to those awarded by the Nation Association will be presented to the members of the most successful team in every section the British Em pire from which 12 or more entries have been received iOOO HARD WAR ST i t I V1 You Can Save Money By Buying From Us 1 i Vis I I Full Line of- Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Etc r r NEWMARKET x I MACHINE THREAD BLACK OR WHITE at the Toronto Jobbing House Atronts for WESTONS SHOES THE Grocers w rt GO a r r Montreal Harbor Commissioners have planned to spend Improvements Work fa- a You cannot see now but- some day you gay that you were fortunate In your boyhood days because you were Good the more communicated the more abundant grows John Milton Belleville April Magistrate Ma son yesterday imposed sentence In the case of exAlderman who was found guilty of four Chiracs The the accused was sentenced lolO months their Amenta for CHOCOLATES Your Service g CO v ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS to us personal of who complications chronioity ftiii lotha llsoxs and then for the and compounded by our own In our own Such appro at treatment cannot Mil 10 cure arc- to tho that trouble We no Ikiie like most specialists who I he to all patients cure hone We titrated patients throughout for over twenty years to any a to our Wc Guuatee Cure or Wo Treat of Meo and Women CONSULTATION FREE 3 If Unable to Call Write for a Lilt for Warns compelled to work Look over successful men you knot Oct their In jail for assaulting Police Serjeant history Nearly everyone was com- and in addition fined So polled to work in boyhood They for insulting language ami for toughened their by hard work malicious injury to property and was and sharpened their brain by looking ordered to pay all the costs which out for themselves v- Will be heavy I Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich El ffIT I letters from Gin ad a must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence 111 Out If you desire to sec personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no our Windsor which are for and for business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY for I r I i rm

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