s WHAT IB A ABOUT April El Garden Seeds Field Seeds In Package or Bulk from the most Reliable Seedsmen are fully prepared to meet your wants in large or small quantities Summers Reliable Package Seeds Vegetable or flower two papers for cents ToNight Dont forget the Penny Social in the School room of the Christian church under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society Choice menu good- pro gram Everybody invited I Mr A W Evans is putting a cel lar under the north wing of the Roraf Hotel flimflamming of Simcoe street emigrants is said to be going new kitchen to his house at the Union Station Scarcity of bricks is again interfer ing with the trunk sewer- Colonial Theatre The Sisters drew big houses this week They are born mu sicians A good class of motion pic tures were also presented- It is sur prising what an attraction these are Watch the Hen Roost Chickenthieving has commenced again Saturday night some body entered te poultry house of Mr Obadiah Rogers on Huron street just outside of the corporation and stole four thorobred White Leghorn hens A dose of hot lead Is none to severe for such miscreants Friends Church Morning subject Prayer The pastor hopes to answer the following question Does prayer change Gods attitude towards man China Until all our Dinner Seta are sold you can buy one at most reasonable prices We are going to keep Stock Patterns Only so that you can pur chase any quantity at a time TOILET SETS This is the time of the year you do your Housecleaning and to brighten up your rooms buy a nice Toilet Set Prices from SI for a color ed set up to Newmarket high School The members of the High School Board conferred with Inspector Hous ton on Tuesday evening last in a thorough scrutiny and discussion of the plans for the proposed school ex- tension at which meeting Mr Tench their architect was present The school attendance like the pop- Will God violate fixed laws to an- illation of our town itself is growing swer prayer Why we do not receive the things we ask for Evening subject A Dead Failure All are cordially invited Choice Building Lot sale on Main street to Roche Co Apply Double Bereavement On Wednesday of this week Mrs Ada sister of Mrs Peter Brown of this town died In Toronto leaving a baby ten days old Just the week previous Mr Whit died at his residence In Toron to so that now Mrs Brown is left with the care of this small infant Mr Whitworth was in his year and Mis in her year Thev have been married about and this was their child Christian Church The Provincial Department of Agri- Rev Alexander of North culture has arranged for womens Greece occupied the pulpit- meetings throughout the province here on Sabbath last both morning during the coming summer and evening giving two practical ser- The northbound street cars mons which so met the approbation and the easthound cars were of the people present that a call may stalled for over half an hour at the be extended to him to become their of and Bloor streets on pastpr for the next conference year Monday when a heavy load of lum- -ber- broke down right at the tion of the two lines Brief lets After eighteen vears service as The Oddfellows have secured the caretaker of the Lakeside Home rot new commodious Hall oyer Whim- children on the Island he sters store and are fitting it up in Cramer branch the Hospital for grand style- Sick Children and later as holder of Messrs J A Allen Co and a similar position in connection with Watson are painting up a bit lne mother hospital on College street Work has commenced on Mr T Ham were Milligans new house on corner of sen on Saturday night with a sil- and Tecumseh streets ver service The presentation was by Miss Louise Brent the su perintendent Mr and Mrs Ham arc leaving to take a position in Bala Ont The Toronto Railway Company is considering a plan whereby the noise of the cars on the streets can be greatly lessening by the laying of cresote blocks beneath the rails in stead of concrete Assistant City En gineer Scott has also looked into the scheme and approves of it and the company will probably lay a few of the new rails that way as a test The block is of wood treated with so that it is greatly hardened and made impervious to water and dampness The baggage department of the Uni on Station handled 15000 pieces more of baggage during the month of March for the same month last apace and will undoubtedly continue to grow An addition to the school building is imperative and must be supplied immediately In dealing with tie problem the spirit that we believe pervades the individual members of the Board is the policy that will be on mature consideration heartily endorsed by our citizens not a temporary make- shift but an addition adequate to the Comb or Section Honey Special or two for DC Canada Flakes package for Yeast 10c packages for Peacock Tomatoes can W S The Magic Baking Powder booth which was so much admired at the Bazaar last Friday- was a donation from the Co The booth decorations and the en tire stock of supply were furnished free of cost The ladles in thanking this firm for their generosity also take great pleasure in recommending their goods which they have proven to be satisfactory in every way The total receipts of the Bazaar amounted to St Johns At Home WfcdnJay evening April in fctsi needs of the siiiool for the next twen ty years as doubtless any such ad- must he built by funds raised by debentures covering such period When we consider that Newmarket within two years time will in all probability boast a population of quite four thousand added to the that one thousand of our will by thai time be on the pay rolls of our large manufacturing establishments and the policy of technical education being advanced on all sides everv si or writer on educational matters whether on tile of Parliament in the press I or in the educational congress of the country our High School Board has thought well of embodying this idea I in the preparation of their building extension plans which suggests a wing feet at the east and slightly north of the present school building and which on its ground will provide a manual training room lighted with a lumber room ideating An entire rearraiiKeincnt of the stair cases will he made the existing centra or girls staircase These are lines we are clearing out Town Hall Newmarket St Johns for a convenient wide hall bisect- regard lees of cost A The Leading Reliable Up- Phone The program consists of musical progressive euchre and danc- Refreshments v- ill also be serv ed As the tickets are only for ladies and for gents we look for a very large crowd to be present erybody is cordially invited The proceeds will be used towards defray ing the expenses of installation of the new pipe organ which is expected to be completed about August 1st The Ideal Corset Guaranteed not to break or rust Will not take a permanent bend waistline Boned with Indeitructable Stay Can be lundrted free ly detriment to order and direct from factory to We will place free of charge Spire I a Corset- In which the bon ing breaks or rusts within one year TUB CORBET CO at Meadowville pa Fall and England MISS ROMAN Representative Phone be pleased to have you call at Ker horn on Bo t ford Street the Will Corset Never In tores i TERl From March Into our Summer Session from July and affords continuous op portunity for bright young to qualify for good busi ness positions Our School The Centra Business Col lege of Toronto Invites our consideration Catalogue on request Shaw Principal and streets Toronto AM At the regular communication of Tuscan AM on Wed nesday evening last Deputy District Grand Master Powers was a visitor and assisted in the ceremonial work of the occasion There were also vi sitors the Lodges at Aurora Sharon and other places During the the Lodge passed a unanimous vote ex- Past Master one of the oldest members an honorary member of Tuscan Lodge a distinction latter vny warmly appreciates Died in Sew York State The following clipped from the Democrat and Chronicle published at Rochester At Tupper day April Robert f Morgan eaves his wife formerly Mistf Rogers of this city tvo sons Mor gan an interne at Roch ester Cfty Hospital In and had many friends among phy- is a movement in Canadian Railway circles to do away with girl stenographers Very few girls are employed in Toronto railway of- flees as it is found that men con do from to 30 per cent more work of this class than women Hugh Wilson who works in the Methodist Book Room on Tuesday last caught his right hand in a plan er and had two lingers taken One and seventy- dollars were registered in fines at the police court Tuesday against three persons for illicit liquor selling The Park Commissioners received on Monday from T H of Red Beer Alta six prairie dogs and two striped gophers for Park Zoo man named Wilson was to jail from this week on a charge of Insanity As a result of an accident on the Construction at Scarboro fret well- name of larncs McDonald living at York Millshad ids arm amputated A crook who was just a little hit too clever for his own went to moved to he w fc fo of the present structure thus safeguard himself after committing and forgery and his little was what gave him George had a lively expe rience on Sunday He was found in- the new addition which onUs on the Lake Shore and as his clothes were wet wa ter the police enquired what had hap pened He said he and another man were out at tile Hum her and both had alien into the water The ma gistrate sent him to jail for a week a gymnasium being Jt C Church Choir entertain J the building whilst the present ln eastern hall space would be largely added the first form classroom The hoys or east hull would upper would Include a I form classroom and a room for the proposed Agricultural class The third storey or attic would be enter ed by two lights of stairs and 1 ceiled and finished as an As sembly room instead of Dealing with this vital problem for Industrial education now so eagerly discussed all authorities on matters in air address deliver ed before the Ontario As sociation Dr Ceo the most widelyread authority in our Dominion concluded a most able as follows have sympathy with the attitude of many manufacturers who look upon this movement as a means of giving them apprentices without the trouble of training them operatives who will be content to carry out the more dally work in an almost auto- manner Industrial efficiency alone is not the measure of industri al education It is the development of initiative and Independence that is necessary and that is why I should strongly advocate the of subjects in any way Let our schools he equipped ho that all may have a chance to take any of these newer subjects and let older subjects be taught SO that the elation between the instruments lor acquiring know ledge itself be brought Into sympathe tic relationships It is as important for girls as for boys and the of the hospital Mrs Moran is ft former t girl a Ill girl a daughter of Mr Augusta Rogers who reside for many years on Vongc and is wellknown in this community NOTICE All kind of Masonry Work prompt ly attended to and given Work guaranteed WILLIAM WINGER College The First Annual Concert given un der the direction of the Musical De partment of Pickering College is to be held on Friday evening April 20 in Hie Assembly Hall This Concert was an annual when the College was In and was extremely popular They arc in the main of a classical nature I consideration In the feforma lion the curriculum as those of the outer social world ill which men will have most to do Newmarket advocates of Technical training seem to have grasped Prof Lockiefj Interpretation of the proper methods wnparMng Instruction by combining this course with corelative subjects that go to make up a prac tical course of education for the child of the everyday citizen and ratepayer Owen Sound April The new and consist entirely of music vocai which has been in course of- Lot of Heavy Paper Suitable for putting carpet for Sale Cheap at this office and instrumental The approaching Concert under the direction of the head of the of Music at the erection here for three years past was opened this morning The build ing is a fine stone structure erected by the Department of Public Works at a of It contain be- AGENTS FOR 20TH CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS IS I AGENTS FOR LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS North Yorks Greatest Store We your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase I Store News Worth Reading This advertisement is addressed to the Ladies although we want all tne men to read it too We want you both to come and see the Goods we are talking about We want you to examine them We want you to compare our prices and we want you to go away satisfied r T LADIES STYLISHLY TAILORED breasted loose fitting box back Lancashire- England and at SUITS FOR SPRING Graceful lines and good tailoring will win for our Suits the approval of stylish dresses The materials are of Imported Serges Panama Cloth thoroughly shrunk and examined he- styles Colors navy red blue and green Prices from CORRECT- STYLES IN J FINE WHITE WAISTS We are showing different kinds fore being made up The Coats are Some of these dainty Waists of the correct semifitting styles with embroidered in designs of Italian and white long lapels and trimmed cuffs The filet Gibson collars and new style Skirts in panels pleats and gore tucked sleeves Prices up from style The colors are black navy Si flu green grey and brown The prices SILK AND NET WAISTS range up from each These Waists have nearly tucked the world known Thomli- Works in Scotland where they obtain that finish and feel that no other print has We have an im mense selection of polka dots stripes checks figures etc in the following colors dark grey blue grey cherry black navy sky lilac College should be particularly fine to be devoted to the the inland A Puller particulars will be alvfen in columns later Send the ERA to absent friends It is given out that North Park- dale is to have a new station that will do credit that the city Gads ton Ml fiftyfive feet a new annex to the City Dairy on avenue Singular to say no hones wt-rt- broken lie was par tially unconscious on arriving at the hospital Judge who has recently lecn appointed by he Ottawa crnment to the Court Bench of Ontario is a Conservative In poli tico Tory organs drmt worih a cent over the appointment Controller Spence thinks the city is played out and not much ol an institution for reform although it has a clergyman for its Governor Tile taxrate of the city this year be mills on the assessment but there arc other items such as frontage tax etc Two toughs were arrested on Tues day for robbing a man who resides at They got a ticket for the Prison farm all right Win Wadsworlh a painter was knocked down by a runaway team on Friday and died from his Injuries on Tuesday 1 1 Drayton KC will be ap pointed corporation counsel and Dr Ay mot Medical Health Officer The demand for female help In fac tories is causing serious trouble to employers in the city A new organization has recently been formed In this city to boost the cause of womens suffrage Next session of the Ontario will have to face the question The or ganization had fifty present at the preliminary meeting The GovernorGeneral and Lady Gray left for Montreal on Sunday ev ening last They attended Church at St Pauls street in the morn ing and called upon Prof Smith In the afternoon Six months in the Central was giv en to Geo Dixon the man brought back on a charge ol obtaining by fraud FASHIONABLE SKIRTS FOR For this season the Skirt Styles have undergone a complete change from the plain circular styles with folds of self as trimming to the more popular pleated skirts with yoke ef fects This week we are showing a complete new stock of these Skirts in black brown navy grey green and checks We fit you free of any extra- charge and the prices range up from each NEW COAT STYLES FROM LA TEST MODELS Ladies Coats of fine quality black Broadcloth cut in semifitting style single breasted closing turn hack icufts collar and long lapels of moire up from silk These coats are finished with tailor stitching and made 30 inches long Price Ladies fancy Covert Cloth Coats in very new styles anil cut A nice range to select from and these are remarkably low priced at yoke effects new style collar and sleeves and trimming of attractive style Prices up frorry WHITE GOODS AT LOW PRICES All new Stock just arrived for Spring Ladies White Gotten Night Gowns trimmed lace and embroid ery 5 different- qualities from different kinds Corset Cov ers some lace some insertion and some embroidery trimmed Prices from White Underskirts with deep flounces cluster of tucks and two rows of insertion and lace Very low priced at White Underskirts with very deep embroidery flounces at prices BEST CHAMBRAYS AT 15c YD The very best plain colored goods made What is more becoming than this material We have the follow ing colors mauve pink sky na tural and navy SPECIAL BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRT ffTM YARDS OF BEST ENGLISH PRINTS AT 1 2 c We made an early purchase of these Prints and got in before the advance in price That is why we are to sell them at yd Ladies Mixed Tweed Tourist departmental Coats length in all sizes just and cata houses arrived and something you should see at the low cut price of Childrens Spring Coats in single We are making a special line of this skirt for one week They were The Prints are inches wide and specially bought and while they last are without doubt the finest prints to be purchased made in J a While we eliminate everything of a freakish nature we trot into fir9t touch with all the latest New York styles and show them in as soon as they are shown in the I urge- cities This applies to Everything Worn by Men and Boys 9 J So you see if there is a young man or an old man who would stay young in Newmarket who is not attired in Fashions latest garb its his fault While the styles Now Yorks latest and the qualities unbeatable the prices which means that while you dress as well as any young man in York or Toronto you do so at a groat deal m less expense The ens Wear Men i l a oi-