Newmarket Era , April 15, 1910, p. 8

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s i I I I I I I hi A I S A CO A Strong Tonic A Body Builder Vitbout A Bloo Purifier VithoutAlcobol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol A Doctors Medicine Without Alcohol Acers Sirstpirill forailu to doctor IS SIMPLY COR FIND TO ZEPHYR ELL Time Pills ire liver pills They directly on the liver make more bile This is why they are so valu able in constipation biliousness dys pepsia Ask your doctor If he knows a better laxative pill 7r House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent gar den large and small fruit hard toft water tap on lawn MRS J DAVISON For Sale Choice Building Lots in New market in excellent locations to JACKSON For Sale Brick House 12 rooms domestic and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket An interesting shooting match was held at Sunderland on March 25 be- 1 tween local marksmen for a sil- j ver cup offered by the Deer Hunting Club of that town The shot was J Kester of Zephyr with a score of with a close second in J Mr shots range yards- shots NOTHING TO COMPARE WITH After Physicians and Ordinary Remedies Failed to Relieve When Hie is Out- the whole system is off the key stomach upset bowels slug gish heavy skin sallow and the eyes dull You cannot be right again until the cause of the trouble is removed Cor rect the flow of bile and gently stimulate the liver to action by taking T J L A DRUNKEN GIANT This Famous Fruit Medicine Prompt Cured I Mrs Sidney Leonard after spend- Thousands of people owe their good a few days with friends in health to Frultatlves Thousands Newmarket returned home on others are rapidly being restored to day health through the The Swastika Club ball at powers of this extraordinary ham attracted the young people medicine Here is just one case In or Friday night Lancaster On Sunday March those who For years I was a martyr to Chro- were present at the Methodist Constipation I tried pills etc and Church heard a delightful Easter consulted physicians without relief son service The music was rend- Then I began to take Frultatlves by about thirtyfive of the boys and these wonderful fruit tablets en- girls trained by Mrs M Pin- cured me I the bile remedy that is safe to use and convenient to take A dose or two will the nausea and dizziness operate the bowels carry new life to theblood clear the head and improve the digestion These old family pills are the natural remedy for bilious complaints and quickly help the liver to i Mrs ZEXOPHILE BONNEVILLE a box for or trial size At dealers or from Limited Ottawa Strike JKey note Health Sold Everywhere In Boxes FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber Is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG Boarding House to Rent Together with furnishings Also a lot of Square Timber and Lumber for sale Terms reasonable Apply to SAMUEL JOHNSTON We regret to report the serious ill ness of Mrs Skinner who Mr Anderson and pushing him is afflicted with congestion of the against the slab saw His left arm lungs and John Wesley Shier who was terribly lacerated between the is a severe attack of wrist and the elbow one bone being erysipelas completely cut through and the other On Thursday last a public school j partially cut and the muscles very meeting was hed in No 5 to much injured His mother was im- a school trustc in the room and mediately sent for and hurried to Ins stead of nonresident J assistance with all possible baste and was almost unanimous- medical aid phoned for At about elected on the first vote J two oclock on Tuesday morning he Matthew and Mrs Ryan of the 2nd was brought to the Mansion House con had the misfortune to and his injuries attended to On I pearls of white silk mull Her- their house about midday On Tuesday he was taken to the 1 suit was brown taffeta with Saturday Mrs Ryan was attending j tal on the am train- Oh exam- 1 picture hat to match The happy to her house work inside when inform- j by the medical men there it left on the evening train for erf by a passerby that her house was was deemed advisable to amputate unknown parts rfCHOMBKUG The home of Mr Mrs Walter Proctor of King was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their daughter Laura w united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Nelson Scott both of Linton Rev J Gibson rector of St Mary Magdalene Church performed the ceremony The- bride was beautifully attired in seeded For Sale A comfortable house and corner lot 215 feet frontage Fine building tot Hard and soft water on the be sold as the owner is going Apply on the premises Superior st Newmarket INSURE YOUR Horses and Cattle from accident sickness fire and lightning for terms of or months or shipping trips Enquire for particulars Hughes Agent Life Accident Sickness Guar antee Burglary etc Insurances Real Estate Have always a lot of houses and lots for sab- also a few farms Money to Loan on first Mortgage on farms For Sale That valuable property on Huron street known as The Kelman Homestead A beautiful home grand situation rich toil Fine large garden fruit trees lawn with shade trees and Flowing well Furnace Stable A Grand Home for any Person For Particulars see J McHALK 8f of Estate A COLD IN ONE DAY The Great Medicine a bottle at all blazing on the outside It is thought I the arm below the elbow which was it caught from tin Loss accordingly done He is a member of about No insurance lodge of and On Friday last No Scott the members forthwith took steps to a public meeting to arrange if render him every possible assistance possible the vexed question of non- j Death remove one of resident pupils attending the oldest and most respected citizens school After some informal talk I last Friday in the person pro and can it was moved by Joseph I of Mary Ann Leancy wife of the late Tiffin and seconded by that J William at the ripe old age No Scott give the school of years She was born on the tax on lot in cons and 7 to day of May the same day No for live years It i as the late Queen Victoria in the was moved in amendment by John County of Ireland came to Nicholson seconded by TV J Black j Canada in and lived in Toron- taxes of lots and dn cons to a few years then moving to and be given The amendment where she has resided put was declared lost and since The surviving children are the original motion put to the meet- Archibald S was carried James Peers re- Mrs Dr Rowan Toronto Mrs School Reports EG Brant ford BRADFORD presenting the section offer ed to compromise and the Scott trus tees seemed willing to concur but the speakers from the Scott side talk- loud and said tiny would do j but the vole of the meet- Chicken pox- Is now having its even those coining Into the n ngs not to lurkirg a private deal preferring a union Sec tion because of it depriving them of a vote in the school mat ters As a last resort the matter goes arbitration Journal in ure movement is on foot to organize a Brass Hand in connection with the Canadian Order of Foresters About half tin- amount required for the pur chasing of new instruments has been subscribed already Mr George Campbell of the town ship appeared before Magistrate lately for being under the Six of our residents were fined I influence of liquor He was fined each and costs for allowing their dogs I and costs George is on to go around unmuzzled I list and this is not the first offence Mrs Henry Johnson while- standing but his fine In this instance was les- on a caneset I chair Wednesday after- owing to his divulging certain noon took a spell and fell upon information which is likely to lead to The Easter Promotion Examina tions of Holland Landing Public School From J to IV Passed with honors J Lennox Glover From II To Jr III Passed with honors Gooile V Lennox A Thompson Passed Bailey J Forsythe Smith J Morris Recommended ft West From Jr to Sr Passed with honors James A Sweet Smith Passed Tate J Thomson Major Sweet Reeves From Sr 1st lo Pi Tate J Thompson- Pickles Conner West From Jr to 1st Passed with honors A Madill Hodges Smith E Lennox I Stevenson J Parsons Teacher jRussias net receipts from drink taxes are just about equal to her ex penses of government except the pub lic debt the Army and Navy Of required annually for all these or 15 per cent comes from drin the monopo ly and the Excise duties Mi Chely- at an Octibrist corention in St Petersburg made an extraordinary protest against the vice of which the Standard a leng thy report The peasants he said have always realized the dangers of drunkenness Long ago thousands of villages all over the country began closing the public houses But were persons in power who regarded the welfare of the people as unneces sary or even dangerous They press ed a button and the Holy Synod sent out orders to the parish priests not to preach against intemperance Then came the State monopoly with its dispensaries in every settle ment often against the protests of the population Dispensaries were opened where vodka had never been allowed before for instance all along the canals leading from the Ne va and the Volga The State con scientiously supplies forty per cent of the poison The public houses used to sell diluted liquor which was not nearly so harmful or so seductive The consumption has grown leaps and bounds since the monopoly was introduced During forty years the use of alcohol has increased tenfold If our had been made by our worst enemy they could not have been better devised for our un doing Drink lost the war A drunken giant cannot fight a sober and agile dwarf MODERATE DRINKING Professor Sims in a re cent speech said he wished to put right the impression that doctors be lieved that moderate drinking what ever that might lie was conductive to health under any circumstances They knew well enough that it was very difficult to determine what a moderate quantity of alcohol was and a great many earnest and energetic workers were at the present time trying to find out what was the minimum amount of alcohol which tak en with safety There were a great many opinions on the subject and all kinds of quantities were mention He maintained that until that question was settled tbey would he exceedingly foolish holding as they did that alcohol was a narcotic poi son to take any at all What was the good of saying that a moderate amount did one no harm when it was impossible to tell what a amount was Caused by a Disordered Lives Cured by Dr Morses Indian Root Pills The livers work is to secrete the bile that exceedingly bitter fluid which is often called gall This bile is stored in the gallbladder and at the proper time it is poured into the upper part of the intestines There it helps in the digestion of the fatty and oily parts of the food and regulates the action of the bowels causing them to move often enough to clear the system promptly of indigestible food the liver gets out of order as it does with a surprisingly large number of people the flow of the bile becomes irregular and the quality of the fluid is changed The bowels consequently become irregular also being constipated and loose by turns the food is only partly digested the bile gets into the blood acting there as a poison and demoralizing the whole system A sudden dizziness is felt on rising spots sometimes float before the eyes the tongue is furred there is a bitter taste in the mouth and a most disagreeable feeling of sickness and lassitude- This is Biliousness Dr Morses Indian Root Pills get right at the root of the trouble and speedily relieve it They first put the disordered liver right so that it supplies a normal quantity of healthy bile This opens the bowels and clears out the clogged- system The blood is purified the stomach cleansed all the disagreeable symptoms disappear and the whole delicately adjusted mechanism of the body moves smoothly again On the first appearance of bilious symptoms take Dr Morses Indian Root Pills Mr J C McCulloch a railway conductor of Westport Ont writes It is with pleasure I write to inform yon that your Dr Morses Indian Root Pills have proved of great value to me I suffered from biliousness caused by the improper action of my liver I tried remedy remedy but without any lasting good Having heard your pills curing such cases as mine I decided to give them a fair trial They proved satisfactory restoring to me perfect health LCore Biliousness For Sale Everywhere at per Box was arid fractured three of her CHEAPER TO CLEAN OK and will til look bright rtn after wo one hi til i li My Valet the bach of another chair which near rihs Mr- Stephenson barrister formerly of was found guil ty of stealing from Annie and sentenced Denton to four months In the Central The charge against him arose out of a woman Miss Davidson of daughter lr John Davidson was blacking a stove After mixing the blacking with turpentine it caught and in endeavoring to put it out wlWicr apron her clothing caught fire and was all burned oil She ran from the house to the store hut as sistance came too late She so badly hurned that it Ik feared she will not recover One of our produce dealers received On Thursday a couple of pounds of butter that take the for whis kers and drippings It did not re quire a printed wrapper to reveal the maker The rock at each end but the odor as ancient as if the article had been dug out of the of The ast manufacturer is known and had not repeat trie transaction else there may be a revelation I low any person could stoop so low as to palm three other prosecutions AUKOHA April A lighter loaded with dynamite in the harbor of Kobe caught fire today causing an that hilled three persons wreck ed many houses on the water front and caused a monetary damage of Pa April ft Mrs Catharine wife of a plumber was phot hy her husband John in mistake for a hurglar at their homo in this city early today and in a few hours Before daylight tolay Mrs who had hern ill arose to get some medicine and awak ened her husband who seeing child home one afternoon After dinner I made for the bottle which I had left in my study poured oiit a glass nnd raised it to my lips when I caught a reflection in the polished dwork of the wall I turned quickly and there was my little stand ing in the doorway looking at me I could never the expression on her face If one might say it if a child it was a commingling of long ago The pity and disgust Probably was synpathetcall inclined to them she had overheard conversations be- on the question of her mother an1 myself per haps the mother had instilled that feeling perhaps it was instinct I have not taken another drink from moving about the room opened j lire One bullet struck the woman not always so stated that alcohol might he looked upon as one of the great factors inducing various degen erative changes in the human body He could tell them frankly hat af ter studying the question for fears or more he was more satisfied than ever that if alcohol could only be got rid of that degeneration thai early decay could he forced hack ten in the life of every individual in this country They might say that was a strange statement to make but he he was rather understating than overstating the matter Some children were horn into world forty years age to begin with The average life of the drnnk- was very short indeed that day to this Home Herald On Sundav afternoon Mrs Susan J causing a fatal wound A relict of the late George Coroners Jury after hearing the away at the residence of her granddaughter Mrs tread Ross real estate transfer be fo7thc Sarah celebrated the of her birth at the of he daughter Mrs Smith on Monday evening The many friends RevVC J pastor of Church in this town will he pleased to learn that the operation which was performed on him last Tuesday afternoon at the parsonage was most successful and he is recovering quite as well as could be A telegram was received here Sat urday afternoon conveying Intelligence of the sudden of Annie Stevens wife of Mr Henry of Whitchurch which lit jury after hearing of members of the family verdlct of accidental he print had a pretty sham- J at each end but the odoras i THE Adelaide St V Toronto YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Field Lawo Fences FANCY WIRE FENCES BY TV be IAA ee Quality Hale J I do red Chicago April A hank blown up with nltroglycerlne and rilled a revolver and shotgun battle between pursuing and sheriffs posses in automobiles and the rob bers who fought hack from a rapidly moving train as It raced through three Illinois and the capture of three men wounded and believed to be three of the bandits aroused the whole country along the Santa railway southwest of Chicago early this morning The destroyed bank- was at Coal City miles southwest of Chicago on the Santa Fee road The thieves got about In stamps and currency A Womans Beautiful Hair on Saturday Mr and Mrs left fall to spend the winter with their son in Cast Taws and Intended I returning home sometime this month I a hair dressing that will make it As might be the friends luxurious and fascinating were greatly shocked by the teed Off a conglomeration is a tery The depravity of human nature a peculiar commodity At about three oclock In the af ternoon on Monday of last week While operating a slab of Mr news Two sons doccascl who live here started for Mon day to attend the funeral A settler named was drowned In the portable sawmill at Mr Man in sight of on line of Whit- 1 v south of Mr ell Anderson second of Mr John of the fifth line of Whitchurch formerly of the tenths line met with a most unfortunate j He working the slab fcaw and the tail sawyer threw a through the large bolt it Came in contact the belt awl was thrown about ten feet and family CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Today every uptodate woman has radiant hair Why Because she is ever on the alert to chase the Dand ruff germ Hair Tonic carries sure and certain death to the Dandruff germ and Is the one reliable remedy that will eradicate It There no reason why any person should fall to take advantage of this offer as we have such confidence In dressing that we are pre pared to refund the cost of same fifty cents to any one not satisfied with It A large bottle for cents at Drug Store and your money back If it does not give satis faction r and the child of the moderate drinker was handicapped in its struggle for existence lie once heard a preacher say that hi- thanked Cod for Booth who could hope for the reclamation of those submerged in sin ami pover ty and misery he God for those titeu who had seen that if only they could get rid of that tremendous factor in the degeneration of- the na tion he nation could be raised to he stronger better purer and nobler- we could only get rid of the al cohol question a many of the social questions with which we were at present dealing would become enor mously easier The medical side of the question for the working man was that men could work better with ei ther their hands or brains and with greater satisfaction to themselves if they refrained from taking alcohol That being bo why did they not rise In their might and get rid of alcohol entirely He wished that the public health and the medical of ficers of health who were now doing good would do still more In helping to bring home to the public nee what was being done alcohol If this were done there would be cru sade against it in all its aspects- Temperance League o THE LOOK OP A CHILD remember that the greatest les son I have ever learned in my said the bystander was pointed out to me by my little daughter I had never been a drinking man but some times after the theatre I am asham ed to confess that I Came many a slightly worse for wear and liquor The habit grew on me in spite of tearful entreaties from my wife I took a bottle of whiskey HIM Excursions TO r Western Canada Through metropolis of Chicago thence via and Fort Frances or through Chicago and the twin ci ties of Minneapolis and St Paul APRIL 5th and 19th and return Edmonton and return Tickets Good for 60 Days Proportionate rates to principal points in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway foil COLONIST RATES TO PA- COAST DAILY UNTIL APRIL J Ticket A Rent v Fear of having a tooth Is under our special treat ment Wo romovo four and five at if at tended by SUCCESSOR NEW YORK DENTISTS COR Chatham April The discovery of a vein of hard coal seven miles north of Wallaceburg has created great ex citement Representative of Ameri- can capitalists are on the scene leas- 1 Ing farm lands for prospecting pur poses as fast as the signatures can be procured The involve a royalty to the farmers of ten cents par J Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A fflMPTLFsECUl the business of and who the advice frneT Cbarsca fiast Marion Up Alfred baggage man was at Chatham charged with the theft of a parcel of Jewelry t Department of Railways and Canals TRENT CANAL Ontario Rice Lake Division SECTION No Notice to Contractors SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed Ten- der for Trent Canal will he receiv ed until oclock on Thursday the May for the works con nected with the construction on Sec tion No OntarioRite Lake Divi sion of the Canal Plans specifications and the form of contract to he entered into can he seen on and after this date at the of fice the Chief Engineer of the of Railways ami Canals Ot tawa and at the office of the Superb intending Engineer Trent Canal terhofo at which places forms of tender may be obtained Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages Schedule prepared or to be- prepared by the Department of Labor which schedule will form part of the contract Contractors are requested to hear in mind that tenders will not be consid ered unless strictly in accordance with the printed forms and in the case of firms unless there are attach- ed the actual signatures the nature of tlie occupation and toe place of re sidence of each member if the firm All accepted hank cheque for the sum of made payable to the Honorable the Minister of Rail ways and Canals must accompany each tender which sum will he for feited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the rates stated in the offer sub mitted The thus sent will be turned to the respective parties whoso tenders are not accepted The cheque Of the successful tender er will be held as security or part security for the due fulfillment of the contract to be entered into The lowest or any tender not accepted v By Order L K JONES Secretary Department of Railways and Canals Ottawa April Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the partment will not be paid for it

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