Miss M S White is again at Store and preparing a firstclass dis play of Fine Millinery OPENING DAYS will be THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH AND 25 See us before buying We are also getting a large assortment in newest designs in Wall Papers which we will sell at very low prices A new supply of SHERWINWILLIAMS PAINT just to hand Nothing else will take its place We have no rent to pay and consequently lead in low prices in general merchandise W Cole Keswick H MANAGER The Independent Order of Oddfel lows will have a church parade on Sunday next to the Methodist church where Rev Well wood will deliver a special sermon to the brethren Service at pm The handsome residence of Mr Ross was in danger from lire caused by burning rubbish on night Many of the farmers in this vicini ty have already finished seeding PERSONAL Mrs Ferguson and Mrs S BREJ3ZES with handsome presents for Mrs Charlie sweet little William Ketchs illness has assumed lassie whom he thinks a deal a very serious with no hope too for improvement Medical skill is Some weeks ago an anonymous of no avail busybody wrote me the general pub- Mrs Solomon is also suffer- He are not interested in love stor ing agonies and bleeding profusely at Youre another indeed you times I do wish there was some are whoever you may be You do way to make the poor old body more not represent Vox Populi The en- comfortable tire world is head oxer heals in love Johnston is laid up from either of money or humanity and bloodpoisoning in his hand which he then they add Perhaps it may have has had lanced several times affected your mind Affected your The two CharliesMessrs cat Howsoever their and Tomlinson took a business trip own mind is affected with love of Bast Council Tea is weighed by electric weighing machines The net weight is printed on every package We absolutely guarantee it to contain full weight without the lead covering Have your den attended the banquet at Yonge to the metropolis last week Mr Lilce the coward and assassin came back happy in the strike in the dark A fearless session of a Ross rifie watch on would append their signature to their communication street Methodist Church on Tuesday of last week Miss Myrtle Draper has been him shoot pointed operator at the Central office The family are delighted more of the Mount Albert Telephone Co with the fine driver recently Mr Harry and bride who i of Miss Graham This is the pony were en route from Exeter England with which Miss Graham gained such For Sale Early Rose Potatoes Early Early Eirreka Early Quick Lunch bag Also Timothy Ha ton J COWIESON 1C to Alberta spent a couple of days distinction of late here this week guests of Rev I Cameron Mr Harry was at one time a resident of this community a few years ago went West Last Christmas he returned home to a lady driver at the fall fairs and the Misses are saying sotto voco and why not we They have had sonie preliminary trials Mr Taylor is awfully proud ZEPHYR Owing to the wet weather the young- people from the concession seem to attend our church services Sunday If some young ladies in a hurry land to Claim his bride During his of his Black Benedict colt coming former residence here Mr Harry two Four dollars would be made many friends who extend to no temptation to Billie nis hearty Fall wheat all about us is looking and best wishes for prosperity AI and prospects are that it will 1 in their new home in Sunny Alberta a banner yield Rev Cameron and Rev j Mr Ed King Edward Well wood exchanged pulpits last Sab- if you please is rushing seeding in hath morning genuine Dakota style Mrs stork paid a visit to the home J pari is settled and happy in her new of Mr Ira Morton last Friday and home a loyal subject to the greater j Sunday King Ed Indeed her heart was ever Mr Miss Eva Merchant spent Sunday at with her parents Mrs James Merchant and Miss Edith spent Sunday at Mr J Merchants Sutton West Mr A Phoenix was inr town on left a fine boy Mr was in Sutton a true to Canada They couldnt make CO of days last week a mistake and get in the wrong S J Woodcock is very busy getting rig never mind Fred North Council The excellence of that Mount Albert ready to da his big job of cutting Mr of the Sutton bakers on this place was calling on friends last week Regular meeting held at our new are glad to see Mr on March 28 Members all present was over some i e is ooiug a rushing business around again- Minutes previous meeting read fmc and a Mr J A- Mitchell sold his driver confirmed The auditors report buggy and harness for a good figure presenter also the hills hereinafter I I Mr P Crittenden has made a Mr Palmer is loading two cars Some of the young fellows will the Grew when they want to take their sweethearts out for a drive as he was such a quiet horse Mr Franklin Smith purchased a fine chestnut driver last week dealt with The auditors report of township ac counts was accepted as satisfactory and V aim Mr Palmer is wasi of one day of wncat this week I not ong ago Like an innocent I p Harm irinA asked you tried the Mount improvement to his store by Albert bread yet The dame looked giving it a coat of paint lie also sad almost reproachfully at me as spent a couple of days in the city and copies to be pointed for dis- as getting spring stock which is the making such bread as that assortment that ever came to dames can supply competition in this town tribution Duncan was given the held at the home of The whole Council were appointed it Pickering on Mr A Mitchell purchased Mr tract to make cement tile Joseph fine brown driver Twenty dollars was granted the A very Successful meeting of the Sutton Society Mrs April The attendance was good An interesting program was given on Scientific A nioth- ers meeting will be field at the home of Mrs 3rd concession Scott on Wednesday May at pm AH ladies ire cordially invit ed attend bread making J J Foster and Mrs have on Thursday- improved their properties by new wire good success night was a fences road and bridge committee for f Ca and draw home sixty cords of fi enough to suit Dr Law attendance on Chris J strce trip 1250 flOO KESWICK The officers for the were elected last Sunday evening after the splendid address of the pastor They are Cole president Morton Ernest Morton following amounts on Sanies Taylor coffin for do- John Martin dinging grave do John Boyd plot for burial do Williamson meat for do Young goods for do Municipal World Assessment and Collectors Rolls and subscription press on Co Council minutes A byJaw was passed allowing the Farmers Telephone Co to place poles and along highways also a bylaw appointing Overseers of Mrs Rose look an early to Sutton one day this week Mr P spent a couple of days in Sutton West getting ready thinks the little bachelor opening ft should apologize for say- Whats the matter with all the old dont- he after her hoy was lazy Let him look bachelors that they th wider that got the farm and Master Merlin Cromer has already heaps begun his gardening at which he is J 00 of money Mr Sanderson has moved hack in our midst again We are all glad to sec him here Mr has moved on the eighth line just west of are Roy Merlin anil a little south of the Cromer and Ivan Tomlinson They his gardening at which he is quite an amateur He knows the es sential point is to go for the weeds Three of the most faithful diligent I3l0 boys of our neigh borhood Highways Pound Keepers and Fence 1st Marritt Viewers no whip or spur but do all theyre able whether the boss is pre sent or absent Theyre certainly Dougherty property Mr gave a good sermon The regular meeting or the coun cil of the Township of East was herd thia day April Municipal Hall All members present Communications from the Misses Leek lit Albert Mrs Wooding The Can adian Cement The Wood Gundy Co also a petition from 3D StoTtes and othera- re closing part of the con lor cement for Town ship purposes were received from John Moore John and Samuel Vande water Albert and from V Denne Newmarket Moved by seconded by That Councillor Fan- be appointed to investigate the griev ance mentioned in the communica tion from Mrs Wooding Carried Moved by seconded by That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to notify the Electric Light Co the Tele phone Co and the Independent Telephone Co of Albert to remove their guy wires attach ed to the trees on ana in front of the property of the Misses Leek of Mount Albert as they claim they are injuring said trees Carried Moved by seconded by That the tenders of Mr and 11 for the cement for this Township the same to be No Portianu dement be accepted if they furnish the cement satisfactory to the council Carried The reeve introduced ByLaw No 317 for the purpose of appointing road overseers Pound keepers Pence viewers and valuat ors Bylaw read a first time Moved by seconded by That rule be suspended and that the Bylaw be read a second and third time this day and passed Carried Council went into committee of the whole Mr in the chair committee rose reported blanks all filled ByLaw read a third- time passed The iUevt introduced ByLaw No 318 purpose of appor tioning commuting and the amount of Statute labor to be levied for the year Bylaw read first time when it was moved and seconded that the rule be sus pended and that the Bylaw be read a second and third time and passed- this day Council went into committee of the whole Mr in the chair committee rose reported filled ByLaw read a third time and passed Moved by seconded by that the parties diltitrCdl to perform Statute labor on road No Con lie allowed toper- form their Statute labor as follows for he year Those south line between lots do I ho work south of said line under the super- vision of Geo and I hose north of said lino to assume grocer empty a package and weigh it for you 3 I Sealed SALADA Packets guarantee full weight and tea unequalled for goodness freshness and fine flavour SPRING IS HERE AND IF YOU WANT SOME J can Call and sec what we nave before buying elsewhere Our Red Clover and Timothy is Government Standard and we sell It to you at less than TORONTO PRICES TODAY We have also on hand a good supply of Garden Seeds Dutch Setts Sugar Beets Mangels and Turnip Seeds You will be pleased with both the Quality and Price of our You will also nfied Axle Grease We can supply you j We sell return railway tickets to any point on the Metropolitan GIVE US A CALL E SMITH The Leading Merchant QUEENSVILLE J t CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 9 Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH D TERRY MANAGER 2nd vicepres Miss 3rd vice About raised for Norman Mission Fund Four cars of lumber arrived this by Metropolitan for new on lake shore A deputation composed of Reeve storekeener and Mr Hamilton went to Toronto on Council then adjourned to meet on May M Court of Revision anl business model lads And now the small hoy is longing for time to wash the kids Too soon for bathing A cold plunge would make you Ugh What I know of farmfn would re quire pages to tell What I dont last week know would require volumes to re- 1 In Presbyterian Church on vision of Alex Tate What arc you going- to do with Christ del and The is nourishing again have ah out forty members now Mr anil Mr j went to Mr J Profits to give lessons on singing one night Moved by seconded That this council grant the of twentyfive dollars Montreal April 20 Two young children of died loJj still I have observed that from eating fiiigarcoated pills In- Merely tickle the soil dont suf- of candy as was supposed these tint Almost any lout Q Wednesday to Interview officers candy had been hidden from- the a station at Keswick which ones who later found what they badly needed thought was the candy but which It is reported that another of Mr really was pills Thc childrens death family is down scarlet was witnessed by mother Now I fidmehow think fevcti and greatgrandmother lean do the mere meeting of the hut it brains and lne institute lots of hard work to do it up brown J April ie get the best results m Mrs of will 1 docs about That the Council of this and others re closing the ore extremely anxious that part of 9th con opening a road urn the j each road overseer will do his from the con to The j most to keep his portion of road petition was posed by and Wed- fir good condition as possible as it would shut them in by removing brush old logs ana claimed the Council any other obstruction That nil to take no action in the matter gravel road within his be rale- Moved by seconded by of all loose the to And resolved that 2600 each to the Public be gathered and put whore he eon- Reeve issue his order on the at Alt Albert and Bitter best for the road That for payment follows each road overseer is particularly Randall gravel h raid to examine and report Jackson advertising Lost I on his part on blank accompanying Alex Tate rep Icon by the same How many cement refund Labor That John bo verts and size of same how many Council- adjourueu and is hereby appointed 10 run the wood culverts what is their COrtl read machine lor the eastern and how many bridges has the Township and division a road scraper and I Twentyfive men were be and thereby appoint- what is the condition and repair by a landslide on the National to assist expenses libraries Moved by them with the ii connection seconded CO May as anybody In ur parish Hes quite a thinker and observer experiments a reads journals and gets the I benefit of farmers experience I have observed that came here three years ago he has almost the earning capacity of his farm The North- West where the land is I still fertile is the Mecca of poverty- pinched farmers Rheumatic ailments I give an address A full attendance is requested as the business of the year will be transacted and election of officers All ladies are welcome Mr J I Moore and Mr Dan to tun the road machine for the western portion and Chat they re ceive Two dollars per day for such services Moved by seconded by That the Clerk be instruct to inform the York Construe- 1 of same Carried Transcontinental at A petition was presented by Mr Que and killed went to on Co that this Council will- day with a fine colt which to grant them privilege of they had sold to Mr Scott of that constructing a or siding from place the hallway Crossing side Although several of our village road running west from Second sportsmen have been out after wild for building the lock on the Ram Coats fine cover cloth velvet collar splendidly tailored garments made and guaranteed by one manufacturers in Canada A genuine 6 each or Fine Apron Linen re yd for Fine Pure Towelling ro yd for Tabic Linen Fully Bleached and Good Width yd for IF Fine I Jam rc y Fine Linen Coat or Canvas very 15c Apron Gingham yt for Heavy for hoy retf- yd for Good heavy Sot Smooth Finish Fine Even Spun yd for J Fine English Joints Widest and Beat Quality Made yd for 25 Pieces New Spring Dres Goods yd for Paying doz for Eggs grumbling amongst the old much is now legs out Owl thanks is going mares folks just on three only person as far as known who has succeeded In bringing one have on flats Halts April showers are welcome and re freshing canal at that as soon as they win furnish tins Council jfUuruutcc that they will be responsible lor any and alt damages that may result from such spur- or siding having been placed there Carried Moved by seconded by That members of this Council be authorized to act an commissioners tor the different the Township j alter declared Amos Alt JOHNSTONS I SUTTON Mr Jacob Smith been having new windows put in his residence The gnawing tooth of time works which add greatly to its startling changes A former citizen j George has these parts once highly esteemed J proving his house by having walls I ami In comparatively fluent all lined with paper and new siding stances began to lose his grip An put In lextravagent household and We will he very sorry to lose Street on seemed to grease things tor for the of Sharon the occasion Down down he slid till Mrs Tuck has rented Mrs of con the reached the last step before the lames residence at Cedar place It is said he has near Jacksons Point and In- a housekeeper in the broad sense tendSi taking hoarders for thc sum- of the word This I consider moral rner We feci sure that work will suicide In fact I would prefer to he a success- both to herself and to Jump off rather than take the latter those who si end their holidays with jfttep It cant be much of a wo- her I one of our nice little The Presbyterian Ladies Aid had only the physical very enjoyable meeting at the home no and carnal form womanly of Mrs last lixiSp of and principle arc not In afternoon the part Several new telephones have been installed the last week or so and just as soon as this line is extended north on Queen street a number of does beat the nation how many of this stamp there are Some awfully boldfaced jades as to ask you plump and plain If you dont a and Con south town line Hen Sharon Village west town line and south town line west of Street It north town Hue and Carried Moved by seconded by Fairbarn- That the Council assume a W enough to others will We were sorry to hear James Cunningham lost I want make genteel ladles blush for heir make yon stare If I didbut relate what has fallen under horse last Sunday observation Mr Walker Caldwell of Newmarket and Yankee land spent a few days tinder the hospitable roof of Mall that Mr a valuable Bros left thfe veeV with a fine drove of cattle for their ranch in Victoria Co Among the number were fine threeyearolds the pro- Mo brought pockets filled petty of fNorrls I tne same being part of lots con on condition that Thomas brown maintain the and south fences and that the Township receive the sum of 0000 this is not in force until Mr Abb Wilson and the said build a good substantial wire fence on the east and south bound aries Carried Moved by seconded by That the Clerk be and Is hereby instructed to issue with each road list to each road following instructions seer SPRING 1910 New things their appearance daily Make a point to see them and keep posted Last week and this we have been busy tak ing into stock New Prints Lawns Ginghams Towellings Shirtings Fast Drills Cottons etc etc all At quality and priced very easily A beautiful print 32 inches wide only per yard WALL PAPERS Over 200 patterns to select from They include all the New De signs In tho daintiest of coloring It doesnt cost much to make your home bright and fresh at our Wallpaper prices ranging from to per roll Boots and Shoes We arc thc Home of the Model Shoe In Not so many sorts but enough to serve ninetynine in every hundred customers and one sent away satisfied They all know what means when it is stamped on a Shoe Comfort Style and the best qualities Paints Oils and Varnishes if The SherwinWilliams Paints You cant get better Cents Furnishings Sec our New Samples and Cuts before ordering your Spring Suit We guarantee you a perfect fit and a suit that uptodate in every particular- A full line of PEABODYS OVERALLS in stock at all times SEEDS that are Government Standard Leave your order now for your Spring requirements In Timothy Red Clover and Alsike Twine Plymouth GET OUR PRICES before placing your order VILL A A A I ft