Newmarket Era , April 29, 1910, p. 2

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J AntiCombines Bill i J TO Rent Press reports from Ottawa state Vacuum Carpet Cleaner per that on Tuesday last Parliament lay Enquire at Era Office practicall disposed- of Hon Mr Kings hill dealing with combine Rooms to Rent No Prospect Draft Lost Drawn by Dominion Bank Whitby dated April let 1910 in favor of for the sum of 56875 No 5850 Bank Toronto cautioned in restraint of trade The Globes re port states there were but few chan ges made in the wording of the Dr of and Dr John Noble are both applicants for the position of Medical Health of ficer of the city They each Mrs Allan Howard will not late as the salary nest Wednesday Hon Mr denies the report Mr Burnside of Montreal spent that the railways have a cinch on the Sunday at Mr- John Millards Government House property Mrs Jackson received yes- Mire as originally drafted The most prefers it should be purchased for terday for the last time this season IBS Trtlir important change made was to meet the suggestion which came from both Mri Bacon has been quite low this week manufactories Mrs John Hartry left on Friday A fire broke out on Tuesday mom- f New York to visit her daughter ingjn the Varnish Factory Mr of Boston on draft and Dominion sides of the House that its Public are hereby enlarged so as to allow of its damage Friday against negotiating sai to combines which take advan- The Controllers have decided not to has return WEBB April Auction Sale returned tage of the absence of competition to recommend a money grant to thef well pleased with Horticultural Society tins year unduly decrease the prices pad to the Labor organizat are to j Hull of Preston well learn that the Dominion Government by Miss Mabel Stecko are producer for raw material as as to the combines which touching combines exempts visiting Miss Everest this week On the Market Square Newmarket on Saturday April 30 at Single Top Buggy 2Seated Buggy pole and shafts Harness and Collars Terms Cash H- Auctioneer the price on the finished arti- their association from its operations attended the cle to the detriment of the A Swansea man who made pre- Convention of the Methodist The penalties of the bill will ap- tence of being a deserter got a sen- at Bradford on Tuesday afternoon ply equally to the purchasing tence of a months imprisonment I District Deputy Clark of to the selling price The Globe for being a deserter but for oh- called upon some of the AOU port then adds Thus for instance worth of food at police officials whi Best in Stockings as re canners who take advantage of jters on a false pretense ar conditions to unduly decrease the Addressing a meeting of those price to fishermen during the TAKE NOTICE that Samuel Stal- season or coldstorage men who keep ford of the City Toronto in the down the market prices for of York in the Province of tural products during certain seasons Ontario the husband of Ethel of the year or grainbuyers who form ford will apply to the Parliament of a combine to restrict the prices paid Canada at the next Sessions thereof farmers for their wheat will be amen- for a Bill of Divorce from his wife able to the act the said Ethel Stafford of the city of I We further notice that during the Toronto in the County of York- in passage of this hill Hon Mr King the Province of Ontario on the ground moved an important amendment de- of adultery fining the word combine making DATED at the City of Toronto it include any contract agreement County of York Province of Ontario arrangement or combination which day of April Godfrey and Henderson in charity and correction work Dr of the Central Prison observed that a weakness of the ticketofIeave system is that the average sheriff takes no interest in a man who is required to report to him each month A resolution was passed to ask the Ontario Gov ernment to have all sheriffs and po lice magistrates attend the Conven tion of Charity and Correction next month On Monday evening last Mrs Geo Parker a passenger car at the has or is designed to have the el- D t which she had leit on the seat but feet of increasing or fixing the price or rental of any article of trade or Toronto street Toronto commerce the cost of storage or Solicitors for said Samuel transportation thereof to the mem of consumers or producers of such articles of trade and commerce Another amendment was added so as For Sale One Top Buggy nearly new also One Democrat Wagon suitable for a farmer or delivery J A COLLINS Newmarket to include the producer among Wanted Young Girl to do Can sleep at home Office light Apply those who shall have the right ask for an investigation This measure may he classed as among the hills of the session j Just with this question of com- bines to the detriment of housework comes the question will its pro- while in town on Tuesday Miss Feme Kennedy of Toronto and Miss Grace of Graven- hurst spent over Sunday with Mrs Howard Cane Mrs Harry Horner from Manito ba nee Miss Armitage was calling on friends in town on Wednesday be fore leaving for home The friends of Mr Al Proctor were preparing to give him a sendoff last night He is going to Winnipeg to engage in a horsesale business Mr has sold his cot tage at Orchard Beach to a Toronto man He and his wife expect to summer in Muskoka the coming sea son Col J A Allan attended the annual banquet of the York Rangers in Toronto last Friday night It was quite a brilliant affair about 100 officers and men being present in uniform Mr Morton of Keswick and was on the dock wishing some friends jJi Wilson late of goodbye the steamer moved out and circuit passed their exams on the left him Four childrenare with her J3 course at Victoria or the of Newmarket and Vicinity by the time she got to the door the car was moving out Making a leap she- fell heavily on the platform and had to be taken to the Hospital Mrs Parker only left England a month aco and while her husband a cablegram stated her husband would be out by next boat A poultry building is to he erected on tlie Exhibition Grounds during this summer and a Era apply to dealers in produce Samuel who was sent to Wlotor Boat for Sale At Roachs Point new last sum mer feet American Beam our local market Fanners say that they fear hucksters sometimes agree upon prices for produce and thus re move competition We do not know whether it is true or not but from all we have observed we arc inclined Engine speed miles per hour full doubt any such arrangements equipment Price reasonable j ronto prices govern buyers of J HWESLEY- iiQi frequently we have Box Newmarket that the prices paid on our market have been quite as high as EggS Prices in Toronto would warrant sity this week and will be ordained at the Conference in June Mb Ed Ostler son of Mr Ostlev of Newmarket who went to St Michaels Hospital Toronto a couple of weeks ago was operated upon were on Tuesday and last reports favorable to recovery Mr George Wiley of Grove Farm Sask writes I the penitentiary on a twentyyear sen tence for the manslaughter of his wife was released after ten years on parole In May of last year he mar- have got all through seeding with ried again and from that time till wheat and oats the earliest since I Tuesday whenever he got drunk struck the country It has been like er failed to abuse his second wife Spring since 1st of March Some Monday- he came home full of have been seeding since- I think booze and bad temj broke up that beats old North York which Is furniture and struck his hard to beat taking it altogether FOR HATCHING From two good pens of Black Minorcas for Chicks guaranteed or setting replaced at halfprice J Near High School Newmarket Besides our own local buyers are al so in the market and we hive heard them express the opin ion that the hucksters pay ail that they are able to do and have reason able returns for handling the iie oi BOTES Little Fruit Store OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL NEWMARKET Lemons Pine Apples Oranges Bananas CARLOAD Every Saturday and Cheapest Prop Finest Quality Olive Oil direct from A man boasts that he kept a cigar lighted for minutes with- 1 barrier at the eastern em relighting Newmarket can go arena on Wednesday and one better A resident of this place often goes a half day a cigar in his mouth without lighting it at all T o ro and return FROM NEWMARKET 105 With added for admission to Canadian Horse Show Tickets good going April 20 and Return limit May Excursions and return Edmonton and return It is announced from Government House Ottawa that the state ball will take place on the evening of May This may be taken as an in formal noticerJhat Parliament will prorogue on Government business is now being rushed and a rapid clearance of the order paper may be anticipated wife over the head with a teapot The Magistrate remanded him for a week and intimated that his possible sentence might be to work out the previous unexpired sentence of seven years It would serve him right While Inspector Hughes favors the Public School cadets taking part in the church parade the High School principals are against their boys par ading on Sunday The Horse Show is a grand success A fractious horse crashed over the end of tin ame near winding up the day with a tragedy Major Smith the rider of the horse was seriously hurt at A lot of in Ontario are having their last week of business in that line What with local option in a number of municipalities and the weeding out of undesirables and hotels by License Com mission Boards quite a large number of hotelkeepers will he forced into other occupations after tomorrow at oclock The report of the militia council covering the Reason of was presented to last wee Out of a total force of the number trained at district camps and local headquarters last year was of whom were trained at the district camps General Lake Via Chicago or tension annual y training all ri era Navigation Company Full information as to dfttee etc from J Ticket At training for all branches of the force to sixteen day involving an expen diture of about over last year Song Service and Fellowship Meet ing at Christian Church on lino at 3 oclock next Sunday afternoon Mrs Pierce of Toronto was the guest of the Bros on Sun day Miss Lottie Leonard Is spending this week at the parsonage in preparation for the University exams after which Miss Leonard purposes spending the summer the West Mrs Herb Butcher and son of Pone- tang are tho guests of Mrs J But cher WIks Bertha Baker returned to the city on Monday after spending a short vacation at her home here Miss Mover of Toronto was the guest of Hiss Isabel Elliot over Mrs Boyd of accompanied by her daughter Mrs Nicholas of and two children are visit ing her sister Mrs Seymour and Mr Rag this I I At noon April the home of Mr and Mrs A Quants Ballantrac the scene of a pretty wedding when their only daughter Edna was united In mar riage to Rcid of The ceremony was performed by Rev Van- In presence of Immediate the bride unattended being daintily attired in white After a sumptuous repast the happy couple left for their home amid the wishes of all their friends Twentyfilx cases of have been reported from the Town of Cobalt According to a Globe interview of AttorneyGeneral J J touch ing release of Skill and King from the penitentiary he interceded vith Hon A Aylesworth for them Mr told the Minister o Justice that he thought that under all the circumstances a substantial shortening of the term of imprison mnent would not In this case defeat the ends of justice or lessen the de terrent effect of the sentence that had been imposed Mr concluded That is certainly quite different from the Globes report that I con sidered no crime had been commit ted The editor also admits that the Hansard report of Mr Aylcs- Speech shows that the report sent to the office from Otta wa In error Mr Aylesworth dont was threatened with prairie fires and the people had an allnight fight to save the town Several farmers lost buildings and grain J take any back water but Probably half the cotton crop states that as a lawyer ho the southern State has been destroy- old not think the parties released by mow and frost were guilty of the offence charged TUB ALTAR April at St Georges Church by the rector of the parish Rev Mor gan Bean George Munro of the Bank of Commerce Toronto to Mary Nicholson eldest daughter of the late J Roland of Victoria BC and of Lincolnshire England Galley av enue by the Rev J Jennie Brooks Gibson only daugh ter of John Gibson of Newmar ket to George Arthur Leach of Toronto On Wednesday April 1010 at St Annes Church- Anglican Toronto by the Rev Lawrence E Alice youngest daughter of the late Ed- Ward and Margaret to Gilbert Young of Roches Point all times Quite a number ol ladies called lone afternoon last week to congratu late Mrs Aubrey Davis on being set tled in her handsome new home on Millard avenue She receive in the drawingroom and was assisted by her sister Mrs Stewart of Fort Wil liam Mrs Webb was kept busy showing visitors to the tea room where Mrs J Davis and Mrs Andrew Davis were assisted by Miss Grade Cane Miss Florence Wag ner Miss Vera Miss Elsie Ross and Mrs Field Daffodils com prised the floral decorations Before leaving the visitors were shown thru the house and greatly admired the conveniences coxy nooks and corners Mr J Johnson of writes find for Era Cant do without it It has become household Glad to sec that New market is nourishing is lively the steamboat whistles are shrieking in all directions Naviga tion has opened two or three weeks earlier than usual this season Sal mon fishing is quite a rage just now A gentleman landed a yes terday while another paid a lew dol lars for a- speckled trout So you sec we have to discriminate as to our fish The drum of the partridge is music to us old sports and dont y forget it Mr Herbert Lewis of New York writes I believe my subscription to the Era if not already expired will very soon do so and I therefore enclose herewith foe for another year In this connection I may state I was greatly interested In the campaign my old town waged against the traffic and greatly pleased at the outcome In the State of few Mersey where I live we arc in the midst of a similar conflict and some day wo shall win At pre- sent in my local town we are convaslng each voter personal ly and keeping careful record of his views on the question This convass we expect will have a powerful in fluence upon those granting licenses the coming June and be a valuable asset to the leaders in the work of driving the saloons out of I usually get tho Era Saturday mornings and enjoy reading Its news items as much as ever I notice many changes in the names of those who arc now at the front in town affairs THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Fornitiire Cheap For Cash The ladies will welcome the news of our opening up of a firstclass Ready- toWear Department where everything in Ladies Ready-to- Wear Garments will be found Dont you think you would prefer to see what you are buying before you buy rather than trust to misleading and disappointing advertisements of catalogue houses Our aim is to serve you right here in Newmarket with garments that heretofore you have sent to city houses for We ask you to come in and look over our new stock of Skirts Blouses Whitewear and Petticoats As introductory Bargains were going to sell the following lines for one week Blouse dozen Lawn Blouses made of Fine India Lawn different styles to choose from Sizes 32 to worth up to each Introductory Sale Price 99c each Skints Made of All sizes perfect fitting Panama Cloth in colors of black and navy blue Regular and each Introductory Sale Price 249 each owns and ALL lines Reduced from to 25 per eent off Regular Marked Prices Gandnen Foleys NoSag 99 We are Sole Agents for these celebrated Skirts Every garment guar anteed Not to Sag in Back Made in Panama Cloths Voiles Readytowear or to order in one week A lady Mend is visiting Mrs Geo Wood this week Mr J S Lark tor sixteen years Canadian Trade Commissioner at Sydney Australia la dead Ho was formerly editor of the Oshawa Vindi cator Now that the refrigerator Is In use wash it every week with soda wator and keep a saucer of charcoal in it UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phones and 26 THE CRAOLB In Whitchurch on April 18 to Bit and Mrs a daughter THE TOMB HUTCHINSON Qn Sunday April at the residence of her daughter Mrs Isaac Crosby Richmond Hill Amy Lloyd wid ow of the late John Hutchinson in her year IRVING At Yongq street on April alter a linger ing illness borne patience and resignation Belle beloved wife of Christopher lr- ving Deeply mourned At Schomberg on Sunday April Cecil aged 10- years months MITCHELL At Keswick on April 1910 Emma Mitchell in her year SNIDER In Toronto on Saturday April 231910 Wm Snider only son of Nelson Snider formerly ot aged yeats SUOIENOn Saturday April at her late home 328 Gcorgo street Toropto Alice Maud daughter of George and Mary Sug- den formerly of In Newmarket on Sunday April 1910 John Flerhollcr aged years five months and 22 days CHAPMAN In Newmarket on April Caroline wife of Robert Chapman aged years At Toronto April 1910 Jonn Grant In his 76th year If you are needing seeds there are none better than Wo will sell you them at the price oi poor ones Packages for Dutch Set Onions at per lb Potato Onions 3 lbs for American Wonder Potatoes for planting at per peck Good sound Potatoes for the table at per bag Apples from 10c per peck upwards PURE MAPLE SYRUP FROM QUEBEC AT PER GAL IMPERIAL MEASURE Phono I I S St J furniture MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET Ail OrtUxi trill receive Careful Prompt Attention We have tho largest and best assorted Stock north of Toronto Four Hundred Thousand Feet to Select fromvii Full Line of Doors Sash and Trim If yon are thinking of building let us figure on your requirement W H E V Order by phono or from carters John Turner Trent Boyd v i

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