Weeks Hems 13 OH ft Good Size The hens are still in the competi tion business Last Mr Boa sent to the editors table an egg from a black Minorca fowl that measured Next Missionary Talk There was a splendid attendance at Presbyterian Church on Monday evening Wiss Stanford gave a very interesting talk on life in India illustrating the religions and castes of the people by a dozen or more girls in native costumes Miss Stanford is a very pleasing and has the happy faculty of printing matters so as to retain in terest throughout As her work is interdenominational the other churches of the town were well repre- A collection was taken up in aid of a Canadian Hospital in In dia Better Move Quick If you want one of those Lawn at Hardware Public are few books out long past the allotted time Will readers kind ly look over their bookshelves and see ifthey have the Public Library property and if so reborn Promptly Lacrosse Schedule Newmarket has been placed in Group 5 of the Intermediate Series with St Catharines and of Toronto In the Junior Series Newmarket is placed in Grout with Bradford Au rora and In the Juvenile Series the Clubs composing Group are Bradford Newmarket Aurora and Barrie Guarding Money for His Sister When Sarah Jane Hustlers lawyer moved in Chambers at Hall Toronto on Tuesday for the pay ment out of court of her Fill the flail on Wednesday Night In the adjoining columns we pub lish cuts of the floor plans as ap proved by the Board of High School for the extension of the school building made necessary by the rapid increase attendance as occasioned by our evergrowing popu lation Commercial and Fourth Form class rooms are essential A room for the teaching of Agricultural subjects is strongly recommended An Assemi room is quite necessary and a training room is under earnest consideration This means money and as that will have to be voted by the ratepayers doubtless by means of a Debenture ByLaw maturing in thirty years The Board will present their case at a Public Meeting called by the Mayor at the Town Hall on Wednesday brotherinlaw Charles Starr a grey haired man of Newmarket opposed evening next when the views of many the application 1 am a farmer not a lawyer said the old man to Mr Justice Perhaps youre better off jested bis Lordship citizens are expected to be heard and an address on Manuel Training Work will be delivered by Mr A Leake Inspector of Technical Schools for sug- Ontario illustrated by a splendid col lection of stereopticon views Proposed Extension to Newmarket i Co- r i a L f USE BAKING POWDER AND NEVER FAJ FASHION BOOK Pattens W- mm If A J We are offering Special Inducements in HouseFurnishings this 1 a Zcc Xir- According to Starr Miss Hustler dian and Foreign dealing with this made her home with himself and his j phase of Education wife her sister for seventeen years The Minister of Education Dr until a year ago when she went to A a native of Newmarket it is another sisters When Miss Hustlers expected will also deliver an ad- died her interest in his estate dress A large and attentive audi- to 515 Today she has a is therefore assured But her own name for 1400 the meeting will commence at and has been paid by Starr oclock and no interruptions of late Into court to her credit Miss comers will be welcomed is years old it- She is not able to transact her Preserve y StovePipes own business said Starr Would you be willing to apply for I rust through the summer an order declaring her of unsound by a coat of W Lnamel mind- asked Mr Justice Sold onl at Hardwa Then the affairs would be looked l Temperance Hotel Starr he had no interest In the I meeting of the Newmarket matter except to safeguard her inter- company which took place at had taken care of her presidents office on Monday night and it had almost doubled in it to ask for tenders to put up inaieliately a twostorey Justice reserved kitchen with sleeping on Miss Hustlers motion He alKV The present barroom would consult his brother judges and lo into a large dining the Official guardian as to was filreet wh best to h done Toronto very to and comfort of the guests The Mens Wear new kitchen is to built just ad- Roche Co have a Mens joining on the west The present Wear Store on thrir 2nd floor thats j diningroom which has been the worth your attention If you want basement of this historic for save money it will surprise you the last- 40 years is to be for If Sou have not already seen it- third sample room with an outside entrance There is also planned to built immediately an extension to Methodist Sunday School the west of the present general The annual meeting took flace in ting room as a refreshment room the schoolroom oh Monday evening wherein will he kept a full line of and the most largely attended choice cigars and temperance ever held for that purpose ages and where also a light lunch Rev T occupied can be had with a cup of tea or Chair and gave an address on the fee The spacious yards Sheds and work with its- stables will he open to farmers and obligations which Was appreciated others Immediately to the south have Written reports were received from lbcen secured so thereshould be the various departments the school dance ol stable room for all ordinary that all way from the times Cradle Roll to the Home Department The- new manager and his wife Mr the school is in a flourishing Mrs Geo Brown were expect The total enrollment is here yesterday They have had I CI a Union Carpets reg for 25c Brussels Tapestry reg 90c for Tapestry Carpet 65c Tapestry Stair Carpets Repp Stair Carpet Squares Union Squares from to Tapestry Squares from to Oil Cloths in all widths yard 25c in 2 yards 3 yards and yard wide at and 50c yard Cocoa Door Mats at and Curtain Poles in white cherry and oak complete from to 30c Window Shades largest and best as sortment in the trade Oil shades Plain and Lace trimmed from to LEMON Most of the farmers here have fin ished seeding and there is every pros pect of a good crop this year Mrs accompanied by her daughter Mrs J Croft has returned home from Buffalo Mr Sid also came with them and stayed for a few days Miss Cynthia Cook has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with friends in Toronto The Quarterly Meeting service of the circuit will be held at next Sunday morning Mrs Martin who has been spending a couple of days with her daughter Mrs BaKerof Burlington has re turned home Mrs Baker accompany ing her Miss Eva of Toronto visited with her mother for a few days Miss May of was home over Sunday Mrs Grose spent Friday with- her parents at Mongolia 1 Eta Stallion Register 4 If If tl tt99 t 9 9 903 t 9f lVi ft 909 900g 9 9 t long experience keeping a temperance hummer hotel at Park near The directors feel they have secured a very capable manager and that every need of the travelling public will he as well supplied as In the past The Motel will retain its name but pass under new it Is follow Roll Primary Borcans Ladies Class Mens Own next and Total now tSe temierarHe people to As the Horn and Cradle Roll demonstrate to the public that a live are not in attendance this reduces energetic business- town is the number to both morally and financially without 1 the average attendance for Icir was little less than he The Treasurers Report was also gratifying The year commenced an actual deficit of about id and ended with a nearly the Building Fund The officers elected for the year- are Bowman Br Wilkinson Wright Krrt Atkinson Brock Librarian- A Harris Hansom Clarke- jrf Librarians reported Library of iH In good and circulated during results of Decision Bay were very It was to hold the annual at Morton Park on the 3rd Vffvky if July providing suitable arrangements can be wade were decided which will tend to strengthen the various departments and produce more fieient service the sale of spiritous liquors Jewelry For Ladies PINS HAT PINS WRISTWATCHES BKLT PINS PKNBANTS RINGS GOODS LOWEST PRICES A CO and Hallway and Steamship IdddU I a M 9 -J- I G4 1 Many thoughts are better oft with out words The beautiful dappled black Percheron Stallion owned by Mr John Smith of Qucensville will travel the same route as last year covering East and North bury and reaching Newmarket for Friday night celebrated Im ported and most fashionable bred owned by Mr Harry Newmarket will travel Holland Landing Brad ford West Aurora and Whitchurch Sec large and small cards The beautiful highclass Roadster the property of Mr Pipher Newmarket will visit Albert Sutton Kes wick Bradford and Au rora during the season ACC1IO The Standard Bred Wilkes Trotting Stallion the property ot John French Mount Albert will make the season of through Scott ami Whitchurch commencing May BRUTUS The purehrod Stallion the property of Toole will make the season of through Scott and Whitchurch commencing May VOOO Newmarket Markets April 28 Fall Wheat per hush SI Oats per hush 0 0 Barley per bush 18 Bran per ton 0 Shorts per ton 25 0 Hay per ton Butler per 30 Eggs per do IK 0 Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb Immense range to choose from Pricefl to pair Madras Muslin Lace Nets Spot Mu and Art Muslins la endless variety 6 I a brunton the Specialty Dress Goods We have all the favored weaves and preferred shades Our show ing of Black Dress Goods is Comprehensive and includes all too est and freshest selections Our assortments are exceptionally large and it goes without say ing that these embrace the leading novelties that Fashion favors for the coming summer English Prints Scotch Zephyrs Colored Linens Colored Cotton Suitings Colored Mulls and Muslins Cotton Delaine Cotton Pop lars in plain and fancy stripes etc For your Summer Hosiery buy here The largest and best as sorted Stock in town- Visit our Millinery and see the new creations that added to our snappy display are a PHONE W LUNDY mi CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS It till 15t832 Branches at all important centres in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description o a Banking business traasicted INTEREST ALLOWEB ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch wUl be accommodate as heretofore I I NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager A Go the Town Hall on Wednesday evenlpg and hear tho plans explained Toronto Markets April 28 Fall per hush- SI Fail Wheat per hush Goose Wheat per bush 1 Barley per bush 58 Oats per bush Rye per bush 0 Peas per Wish Hay per son Butter per lb 0 30 35 Eggs per do 0 25 Potatoes per bag CO- 0 Chickens per lb I 1 in our Crockery Department Dinner Sots beat English ware patterns pieces Regular price sot To Clear at W New York April 26The hold disappearance of worth demonstration in Tottenham on of jewels of the late Mrs Theodore 12th Octvla Moss widow of the late thea- Chatham April 25 When the manager has been cleared up yearold son of Archie Cameron by a freak of chance learnt today I striving or a The missing wicV was operating a stationary Jewel collection was revealed It was girie and his father and some helpers by the accidental were cutting wood with the circular on a secret spring driven by It the engine stplod- released a door In a pedestal in The boiler head was blow one home of Mrs Moss on Madison ramdred feet missing all the men avenue and revealed a dazzling array bit hitting the saw smashing it to of Marriage censes of all the trinkets and jewels pieces The engine itself raoed back had famous during the life 200 yards The boy e- 4 4 of Mrs injury A Large New Stock bought at a Rate on the Dollar Now being sold at 25 per cent below market value by I wo 3 SI v-