4 HOT It is reported that tie citizens are I MOTHER AND DAUGHTER SAVED BY6IN PILLS The Famous Kidney Remedy Ave Toronto March 21st 1900 organizing to make Niagara Falls go While engaged as assistant at Ster- dry next year Tourists however Mines Grays Siding I became need not be alarmed It is only con- with the merits of Gin Pills to bring about local in no design or cataract or sorts of remedies for her ailment Middle Power Companies located in that Age or Change of Life The joints in her region An Ottawa paper rises to remark that Mr Geo E Foster of Toronto will hot be a member of the next Canadian Parliament Our Ottawa cotem is- not alone in this opinion Floating straws indicate current flow of the stream hands were badly swollen and she suffered much pain It occurred to me that Gin Pills would help her and so advised her This was a happy thought for my wrote back to say she was trying Gin Pills Her next letter said that the pills were doing her good and the second thatthe swollen joints were fast disappearing Also her general health and color was vastly improved Now she cannot say too much in favor of Gin Pills My daughter has also derived much benefit from their use B CRAIG Simply write to the National Drug Chemical Co A Toronto and a free sample will be sent you When Gin Rib have proved their great value get them at your dealer a box The new proposed rules of Parlia ment fixes the timelimit for speeches in the Commons at forty minutes without special permission This greatly lessen the cost print- Gazette has reached the conclusion that the teaching ev ery girl to thump the piano and every boy to be a bookkeeper will make potatoes worth a barrel in twenty years Potatoes are worth a barrel figure up the difference Prof Frost astronomer at Observatory Williams Bay Wis is authority for the statement that Hal- and Picked Out Paris April The Pen- Another street car fatality occurred man Company is minus one of Friday night at- the corner of new English girls who recently came James street David Plowman old to this country and thereby hangs a man of 68 years who had been em- romance One day last week a manilbyed as a porter at the Union between 25 and years was struck by a street car and of age asked for and secured employ- 1 died two hours later ment with Penmans Ltd He looked over the girls asked a few questions about one found out where she board ed and called upon her on Friday They were married an Saturday ami Hansard and largely help to pay comet tail miles the cost of constructing the Newmar ket Canal of which the members for York anil South will please take notice GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO It has paid others it will pay you Write today for our handsome Cata logue m G T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto Newmarket 805 According to the Assessment Act Sec 6 next Monday will be the last day this year for municipal clerks to make and deliver to the assessor lists of persons requiring their names entered in long It is travelling towards earth at the rate of miles a day and will be plainly seen with out the aid of a telescope in ten days Gibson graced the opening proceedings of the Y buildings last week While fixing her hat Sunday night a young lady in Gould street Some people are complaining that about one in five of the members in the Ontario House give even an ap- I proximate service for the in- theoemnity they rake in every session to assessment roll and the following J swell their bank accounts The will be the last day Senate goes them one better left that same evening for their new allowed it to come in eontacfc with the gas Jet It was soon in flames but instead of becoming excited she pulled the millinery oft and flung It into a basin of were just little Yorkshire terriers said Frank Score who was charged with having three unmuzzled dogs oh the street Small or large makes no difference sairl the I GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto a p 520 755 535 850 730 1010 310 755 Causes Sickness NO MORE completion of roll by assessors Evidently Hon Geore Foster is fast becoming a back number in fiie Conservative camp The sugges tion made by some members of the North Toronto Conservative Associa tion that a banquet should be ten dered him was considered by the ex ecutive on Saturday night last and not entertained favorably It now looks as George Fosters po litical days are numbered That libel suit appears to- have proven the last straw Because a Township Council passes a bylaw providing for allowing cer tain cattle to run at large a good many people unacquainted with Inicfpal law labor under the impres sion that they would not be liable for damages done by their cattle where property is not fenced The April number of the Municipal World states that owners of property are not bound to fence the same against cattle on the highway It further states that cattle destroys garde- has no cattle An investigating committee to ascer tain the cause of the high cost of liv ing only asked as a starter for expenses How is that for high Down in Nova Scotia in city of Waterloo the Council has passed a bylaw making it unlawful for bar bers to eat onions between am and pm or to use tobacco while working over a chair and no barber while shaving a customer shall insert thumb or finger in the said customers mouth nor discuss the gossip of the town A violation costs Wonder what customers pay for- a shave down there A Baltimore paper states that Car dinal Gibbons recently gave a dis course in his church in that city on Among the things he told his hearers The cheerful man and I mean the cheerful Christian man is not dismayed or cast down by the various trials and vicissitudes of life He is always superior to the occasion He rides on the storm and soars high in love The man of I I is a greencolored powder pack ed in tin cans ready for use In sweeping a carpet take one or two according to the dust Sprinkle where you are to begin not all over the iar- then sweep as you always do The powder Is swept ahead of the broom and falling on the crptti the leaving the carpet cjean and bright The Is not thrown Into the to back on carpet and furnlturtj WHY YOU SHOULD D U T B A E IT SAVES LABOR IN SWEEP ING IT SAVES ONE HALF YOUR DUSTING IT SAVES YOUR AND RUGS IT SAVES DAMAGE MOTHS IT SAVES TAKING UP CAR PETS IT SAVES YOUR HEALTH IT SAVES YOUR MONEY i It Costs Nothing tojtry We are authorized by the man ufacturer of to send you a can of their Sweeping Compound They want you to ute this on trial for one week At the end of this period it not found tory we will take It back and there will be no charge for quan tity Sold in barrels hall barrels quarter barrels for stores schools banks churohe3 hotels and public buildings A Newmarket or other property when has not only joy within fence that the owner of said but diffuses that joy to e Is liable for the damajre done Neither wealth nor riches can I tiffin The Youths Companion gives this timely warning to boys This is good time for boys to resolve that they will not be drowned next sum mer if the resolution is made and then remembered till frost comes in the autumn there will be fewer drownings this year than usual Last summer nearly three hundred children were drowned New England Most of them came to their death thru going in swimming ponds or streams at times when their parents he the basis of joy A place obey his parents and second place will take no he is in the water risks in the An amendment was made to the Municipal Act respecting the licensing of milk vendors in cities and towns to which the attention of Newmar ket Council is directed It provides for licensing and regulating milk ven dors and also provides for the in spection of the premises of the li cense and of any other premises from which the milk supplied by the license is obtained whether the pre mises are situate In the municipality or elsewhere and is upon in- that the premises are not maintained in a suitable cleanly and sanitary condition or that the ani mals from which the milk Is obtain ed are not properly fed or cared for I Pecan and English walnut meats chopped and halved and laid over the top of a pumpkin pie just before It Into the oven makes fine season ing rich and wellflavored Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A The season is fast ap proaching and automobiles having be come more into everyday use they will be more In evidence than hither- to The speed at which auto cars may be driven upon streets arid high ways is regulated by Sec of Chap of the Ontario Statutes 100C which provides follows No mo- tor vehicle shall be run upon any pub lic highway within any city town or incorporated Village at a greater speed than ten miles an hour or up on any public highway outside of any city town or Incorporate vil lage at a greater rate of speed than fifteen miles per hour In determin ing the exact speed of a ve hicle a seems to al most a The Hamilton Spectator rises to re mark Canadas revenue for the pist fiscal year reached the enormous to tal of which Is an In crease of over the previ ous year Hut the cream is off the milk when it is added that there was an increase of in the pub lic debt leaving the country just off financially than it was a year ago This criticism Is very unfair to the Government and unjust The great bulk of this increase the public debt is account ed for by the expenditure on the OTI Railway The Dominion Government Instead of borrowing for this Inter- prise Is financing the fiarnc out of cur rent revenue and notwithstanding the enormous revenue Increase of the total taxation Is less per head of the population of Canada than when Hon Geo Foster was Minister of Finance and had an an nual deficit on current account Can- value in the OTI railway for The that our rary seems to deplore It will be a source of great satis faction to heads of families to learn that Mr A chief analyst for the Dominion says harmless dyes only arc used in colore the candies made by Canadian manufacturers He has just issued a bulletin giving the results of an samples of highly colored confectionery purchased thru- out the Dominion in which he states that it is gratifying to report that only a single sample gave anyreac- trace entirely harmless The cheaper grades of candv contains from to per cent of cane sugar for the softer varieties and from 75 to per cent for the harder kinds Women suffrage in France is on the upgrade A cablegram from Paris dated April says Undismayed by the law which bars women from office since it denies them the right to vote a score of women have proclaimed their candid acy for members of the Chamber of Deputies the election for which will be held on April The French movement is not as militant as that in Great Britain but French women hope- to attract enough attention to secure a discussion of suffrage question in tfc new parliament and pave the way fur attaining the right vote In the city and the national elections They claim they can muster eighty thousand sup porters in France home in Seattle Wash Passage money had been advanced to the girl by the Penman Company and this amount was promptly paid by the groom The man gave his name as George West and his calling that of civic engineer The gill was a Miss McMillan- and came from Eng land but three weeks ago The man secured employment merely for the ease of the opportunity it offered to pick out a wife Rev Canon Brown performed she ceremony A party of ten English girls arrived in town on Sunday and Monday be tween twenty and thirty are expected today Another party of thirty or so are due in about three weeks Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA Gipsy Kills Two Youths Ottawa April The village in was intensely excited last night when a shooting affray took place resulting in the death of two young men Harry Howes and Willie Dale were shot dead by Mike Murphy It seems seven or eight young men were teasing Murphy and his wife without any malicious intent but it appears to have annoyed them and Murphy chased them with a shot gun a few hundred yards and fired four shots in all the last shot killing the two young men The others ran in an old building followed by Murphy with the gun who evidently intended to shoot the others as well One of the young men seized the gun and went to the aid of the two that were shot Murphy and his have been ar rested- Murphy and his wife who arc- gypsies have been camping on dis puted territory for three years and have been a nuisance to the public during that time The united efforts of and been futile to drive them away trate It s a Si apiece Mi0Nu RELIEVES- STOMACH MISERY ALMOST IMMEDIATELY The political must be drawing nigh First Ward passed a resolution of party os tracism on Col- Sam Hughes and A Lancaster for not following in the of Toronto members on two railway propositions The Conserva tives of South Ontario On the other hand adopted a resolution of appro elation of the broadminded and na tional spirit of Col Sam Hughes and A Lancaster in manly fight to secure for this district the vital ne cessity of better railway facilities Yea the Conservatives appear to bo a happy family as matters now stand but It presages brighter day and larger political liberty in the party ranks If the food you ate at your last meal did not digest but laid for a long time like lead on your stomach then you have indigestion and quick action should be taken Of course there are many other sym- indigestion such as belching up of sour food heartburn dizziness shortness of breath and foul breath and if you have any of them your stomach is out of order and should be corrected tablets have cured thou sands of cases of indigestion arid stomach trouble If you have any stomach distress will relieve Instantly The Press Association will spend a few days in New- Ontario as a up to the annual meeting next month A tripe factory is the newer industries about to established in this city British capital is back of the enterprise For breaking into St Pauls school on Queen street east and stealing a clock and several pinafores Michael Duffy and OConnor were sent to the Central Prison for three months Rev Win Hints of this city and Rev John of England re ceived the honorary DD degree at Victoria College last Monday At a meeting last Monday night so cial workers advocated a jail farm Policeman Smith had his jaw brok en by men who attacked while he was making an arrest J J returned from his trip to Atlantic City where be has been for three weeks seeking to recuperate his health A rate war between the and the Navigation companies of the Up per Lakes is now on The of this city are pre paring for a grand entertainment on 13th of May The Metropolitan Church trustees have decided to make extensive alter ations and improvements to the church building to cost Sir Ernest and Lady ar rived in the this week and are the guests of Mr Walker They attended the opening of the I Horse Show on Tuesday night The Eaton Co are going to add May to the months the store will at one oclock on Saturdays When people know they cant pur chase on Sunday nobody suiters and why not Saturday afternoons Commencing Saturday May weekend return tickets will be issued at single fare with added to a great many points in Ontario via railways running out of this city Ontario farmers for fifty miles east west and north of Toronto arc here in search- of farm help Wages offer ed from to per month in cluding board according to experi ence Each public school principal this week received positive instructions from the Board of Education not to permit any races to be run or games played during regular school Guess the Hoard have forgotten their recess half hour of school days Miss Rogers has arrived from New York to become head nurse in the new Medical Inspection Depart ment of Toronto Public Schools Recent deals in real estate along the west bank of the River- Seems to foreshadow a new summer resort This disease from which so many suffer gives the average physician a great deal of trouble The best medical men have endorsed recommended it in scores of the most obstinate cases It has never failed in a single instance to give prompt relief When directions have been followed a few doses will remove that tight ness and weight on the stomach Taken regularly it positively cures General Distress Flatulency Nervousness Coated Tongue Heart Burn and Palpitation If you have never used PSYCHINE dont hesitate a moment longer Try today PROOF Mr Arthur Tennlion London Street Toronto For or years I was troubled with Indigestion and much of the stomach the doctor said originated the troubles I tried cores of remedies without avail this brought immediate relief and cure NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT PSYCHINE It prevents the children taking wards off that terrible malady La Grippe and completely fortifies them against disease It should always be used for colds weariness lost of appetite bronchitis and weak lungs For sale by all druggists and dealers 50 cents and- Dr A SLOCUM Limited TORONTO I uicd PSYCHINE and THE MESSAGE FROM MOZART Making a Railway System Beautiful Continued from page nnn Over packages of seeds are I have no mother madam being sent out the Floral Depart- She touched his coat sleeve with 0 the Canadian Pacific Rail- her white hand The quick gesture Company this year to the agents meant sympathy sectionmen or employee- living on am sorry monsieur She net- cultivating flowers on the com panys property Each general package contains varieties of flower seeds Every corner of the globe is sought for new varieties From China and Japan Iceland Africa Germany Holland India will I am sorry monsieur vously rolled the music think your proposition over John Thorpe arose will live in hope madam It is a poor diet monsieur Here is your music Keep it madam You trust me with it Out you sia California South America have no proof you left it here collected seeds bulbs John Thorps smiled shrubs vincs woicb the I will not worry madam amateur gardeners and surprise the I will telegraph Your hand and travellers from every monsieur 1 am pleased that you cifcy on map pIcasaat I called Thank you madam said John Thorpe as their hands met He drew hack The maid of the outer door smiled upon him as he passed out ammo I CURES CATARRH ASTHMA Croup and Colds or money back Sold and guaranteed nv NORMAN CO city this week Tomorrow add Monday will he movingday in the city Perhaps that Is why had weather was bunched during the first half of this week The travelling public will learn with much satisfaction that the Unit ed States Interstate Commission has ordered a reduction in the rates Pullman cars Lower berths hereaf ter he and upper berths This derision is regarded as- foreshadowing a reduction In sleeping car charges all over the United Stales As the same conditions ob tain in Canada as in the neighboring Republic we may reasonably look for a corresponding reduction In Can ada Jhc Hoard of Railway Commis sion for the Dominion has this mat now under consideration and the decision is being awaited with con siderable Interest The Pullman Co own the sleeping cars on the Grand Trunk while the and build and operate their own cars The injustice of charging the price for upper as for lower berths have long been felt by the travelling public Rut unlike most socalled dyspepsia remedies docs more than In the relieve it permanently cures dypep- or any trouble by putting energy and strength into the walls of the stomach where the gastric juices are produced A large box of Miona tablets costs but cents at Rogers Co and are guaranteed to cure or money back When others fail cures It is a producer of flesh when the DAYS body is thin it cleanses Wic stomach and bowels purifies the blood and Popular Songs of the Sixties makes rich red blood Swancc River Annie Laurie Down in Dixie When Johnnie Comes Marching Home- Kathleen My Old Kentucky Home Silver Threads Among the Cold Tenting on the Old Camp Ground Wearing of the Green Shoo Fly Dont Bother Me Marching Through Georgia The Girl I Loft Behind Me Wait for the Wagon and Well All Take a Ride Songs That Were Hummed and Whistled During the Seventies Stop That Knocking at the Rock Me to Sleep Mother Gentle Annie Bab Mine By the Sea Whoa On the Reach at Long Branch There is a Light In the Window Mulligan Guards Climbing Up the Golden Stairs Grand Fathers Clock Every Day Will Re Sunday By and Bye Melodies That Rang in the Kara or Boys and Girls of the Eighties The Hat Me Father Wore Maggies Murphys Home Come into the Garden Maude Dancing In the Bright Moonlight The Picture That is Turned Towards the Wall Mr Empty is the Cradle Babys Gone Down Went ViA TO WESTERN CANADA LOW ROU TRIP BATES GOING DATES- Apr 28 9 21 Hi 3 31 Sept SPECIAL TORONTO TO AND WEST Toronto on days Through First Second Ouches Colonist and Tourist Apply to nearest or it Thompson Toronto travelling over the greatest railway and system system in the world The other day Mr received a letter from a section foreman ask ing for a considerable quantity lawn grass seed to make a lawn A The manager of the charity concert lettcr him why had little to say to his committee so much hinting that the men He was nervous They could would plant a large lawn see that But even the deacon for- characteristic I bore to question him mal as as could At 3 oclock Wednesday a telegram and tor my was handed He gave a- glance looking after it ask mv superiors 11 at it threw it to thc old lawyer and ever anything I undertook started on a run for Tom Saxtons in value from to printingoffice The old lawyer read the telegram Will come on your terms Meet 5 oclock train That night Hollywood was covered with hallsheet posters bearing these momentous words the worlds greatest soprano will sing at the benefit concert tonight Of course there never had been such a concert Hollywood and nobody believes there ever will he such another Annette Ames was forgot ten When appeared that immense audience every foot of standing room being accupied arose and widly cheered and cheered again And the madam was so much pleased that she Bang a second number and in one Of her most delightful moods sang a third and this was Home Sweet Homo Thereat the audience half cheer ing halfcrying called her back once more and she came drawing the re luctant John Thorpe after You should cheer this fine young man ton she cried in her happiest manner He brought me here Cheer him Cheer him Attorney thc hack of the hall wiped his eyes Macks a great hoy he whispered to Deacon Dummcd if he aint said deacon ranging are being awarded to the best gardens When you arc ready to travel call on Atkinson Newmarket and ob tain all information for covering this beautiful route i- GOO I A strong tea of common hay will preserve the color of French linena Vinegar in rinsing water for pink or green calicos will brighten them So da answer the same purpose for pur ple and blue St Que April 17 This place the scene today of a dis astrous fire which destroyed the Pro testant church and sixteen dwelling- houses and resulted in losses estimat ed at Thc fire originated in a wood yard in the centre of village somebody having thrown cigarette into a pile of rubbish April A fatality occurred at a fire in morning in which the borne of J A one of the oldest structures in- the district was destroy ed The fire was first noticed by Gor don at a quarter past three and he at once aroused the household six persons including bis mother who after coming out in thc hallway said she would go back to her room up stairs for a and was burned to death ASK en You Feel Played Out There comes a time when your grip on things weakens Your nerves are unstrung the vital forces low the stomach is weak and the blood impoverished You feel old age creeping over you Be careful of yourself Take at once there is- need to renew the life forces Weak nerves wearied brains sick stomach feeble blood torpid liver sluggish bowelsfall feel the quickening effects of Pills Theiruse makes all the difference The tqnic action of these pills upon the vital organs is imme diate thorough and lasting They are Natures own remedy ATKINSON Agent Annie Prepared I only by Thorn Beecham St Helens Lancashire England Sold by all Druggists In Caoadaand S America In boxes cents I I t il lal J r f I 1 i 9 a