Newmarket Era , April 29, 1910, p. 5

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i t Thos J- Notary o Office Street Newmarket to loan on good Farm Security Duncan AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Bolton practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Corner Street Millards Lane and Dp St Newmarket Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket liyman Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Era Office Newmarket Office Private at private residence NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- A LUESBY Dp S J Boyd Graduate In medicine of Toronto also Ltcensiate of the Royal College of Physician and lr of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical fa Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Nose and London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No Consultation servicer may be had at any hour the day or night by calling at the office or phone Furnace Work Plumbing of Our Specialties at LEADING TINSMITHS R SONS Next to Smiths Purdys New Grocery hart our Stock New Fruits erf all kinds Raisins Currants Figs Dates Peels Layer Malaga Grapes Oranges Learrona etc Also all the NEW CANNED GOODS Toqcrtoea Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Beet tanneries OUR GROCERIES Are the Beat that money can buy Oyster Parlor Open Select Oysters meat by the Quart or Served to your taata BREAD Weight JirtaI Bans Pies Calces of Every Morn ing Nona Better to good a COOKED to cult AUeai Sweet Cider by or or Joseph Purely PHOTOS A Dandy The new Corporation Sprinkler or dered through Mr Blizzard was put into service for the first time last Saturday morning and appeared to fill the bill However it was not a satisfactory test as the rain came on about the time the first tank was emptied I passion to destroy rather than to operate with the wonderful workings of nature assumed at times an al most epic character Not only a peoples economicrposition and their physical and social characteristics the fate of nations the very con ditions of human existence on this planet were shown to have an inti mate connection with the problem of forest protection The tremendous character of the issues involved was greatly empha sized by illustrations showing even more effectively than the lecturers re marks the folly of the disposition to regard nature as an enemy to be con- Mr declared that the notion that Canadas forest wealth was Next Sunday willbe the first day of May None too early now to rather than as a generous range dates friend to be trained to human pur- Spirits of camphor will remove ink poses stains from your fingers An exchange tells of a man who dropped dead beating a carpet He tieally unlimited was quite erroneous should have used a vacuum cleaner According to the best authorities It is a lucky man who can stretch Canadas forest area at any rate the truth without breaking his word that available for industrial purposes No the Newmarket Society was really only about onehalf or will- not hold a Spring Show this sea- even less than that of the United son Such exhibitions are out of l States If utilized at the present rate date in North York J of lumber tile United It was windy enough last Monday States Canadas forests would be March instead of April pear in twelve years Ontario if it I weather A Niagara Peninsula editor says it is dangerous to be moving around just now as the leaves are shooting North York Licenses The License Commissioners for York and Inspector Col field a meeting last Friday when the fol lowing licenses were granted or the year 191011 George Lemon Royal Hotel Auro ra Mrs Wells Queens Hotel Aurora James Wellington Hotel Aurora Sutton A Sutton James Sharp Holland Landing Graham J Keswick Mrs Trent Roches Point Isaac King City Harry Wright J Sut ton The following licenses were held in abeyance for further consideration J A Lloyd King J Harris and McDonald Roches Point The commissioners will meet again in Sutton this afternoon followed the reckless policy of the past would exhaust its forests in vears At the same time Canada s forests were her most important economic asset In the last years her ex ports of forest products have exeed- ed by onethird the value of other ex ports of farm products- And in the future her forests would steadily in- crease in value Although inventors were providing so many substitutes for wood that even the big lumber kings were constructing mills of steel and concrete still it was altogether unlikely that the products of the for ests would ever be entirely displaced In Canada over people were dependent upon the lumbering indus try to say nothing of the vast army engaged in the various industries of which lumber is the raw material Many people were under- the impres sion that the scientific forests aimed at the prohibition of tors Cartoonists represented the forestry department taking the axe The Kind You Have Always Bought has home the signature of Fletcher and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years Allow no one to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR A is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance Its is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It as similates the Food regulates the Stomach and giving healthy end natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend TheKind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use Years COMPANY HEW YORK CITY ft farms flourished years or so ago there now stretches miles of sands that blown by the wind threat ened to engulf whole townships On tarios government had been compel led to undertake the reforestation of their areas Then there was the effects upon the value of rivers for vavigation fend power purposes On Grand River steamboats used to operate throughout the summer today the river in the dry months was impas sible for canoes yet when snow melted after heavy rains disastrous flooils occurred On the Ottawa A Students Sudden Death It is with very great regret that we learn of the death of one of the students of College under very painful circumstances There had been scarlet fever in the home of age from spring floods due to reckless out of flic hand of the woodmanand forest destruction amounted to over weeping over fallen trees But what 750000 a year the modern school of forestry a rivers value for power purposes manned was that lumbering opera- depended upon its minimum flow or ions should be pursued with some rather assurance of fairly steady flow regard to the rights of the people whose very existence is dependent up on the maintenance of the forests In Germany forestry experts have already demonstrated that it is pos sible to increase the supply of wood Mr at Keswick but the chil- 1 available for mercantile purposes five had all recovered and the house had been fumigated and disinfected for a week when Miss Mitchell decid ed to return home and visit her mo ther Mrs over Sunday She left here on Friday evening April took sick on Sunday and the follow ing Friday was a corpse Deceased was an estimable young or six times Stripping of the land of forests is national suicide Of course the lumbering man did not actually destroy the forests The great evil of his operations was that he left the forests in a condition pe culiarly favorable to a conflagration Tourists campers hunters rospcct- these by carelessly starting fires throughout the year That should make us eager to conserve our for ests the regulators of the flow waters Canada possesses per cent of the worlds water power a fact which may well assure us as to the greatness of her future destiny Hut as yet we only develop horse power though even that means a saving of tons of coal a year Canada should reserve all lands un suitable for agriculture and certain areas at the head waters of rivers for the growing of trees Sixty per cent of the habitable portion of this coun- lady just emerging out of her teens did more damage to the nation than if try was only suitable for that had been in attendance at Picker- ing College ever since its opening She was making satisfactory progress in her studies which Included music and the Commercial course and was quite popular with the College girls they burned down great cities Prospectors were great offenders because they made a practice of burn ing moss In order to expose the rocks discoveries seldom offset the damage they did to the forest who deeply regret her demise The I Upon the preservation the family have the sincere sympathy the community around Keswick who Were prevented from attending the funeral and showing their sympathy as they otherwise would owing to the contagious nature of the disease pose Died her Year We clip the following from theIUch- Hill Liberal Mrs Amy Hutchinson wid ow of the late John Hutchinson died at the home of her daughter Mrs Isaac Crosby on Sunday morning April aged years month am days Deceased was born on lot 2nd Concession of Whitchurch near the town of Aurora County of York 1811 For many years the family lived on their firm one mile south of Aurora but Since her husbands death on the 2nd of June in his ear Mrs Hutchinson made her home with Mrs Crosby She enjoyed veiy good health until about three months ago when slid showed signs of a de cline She had no disease suffered no pain hut gradually became weaker and weaker Until she quietly and peacefully passed away morn ing parents were James and Sarah Butler Lloyd who came from Pennsylvania in the year and settled in Whitchurch which was then a wilderness rot here and Bisters were William Mrs Wells Mrs Moore and Cannon all deceased She wan married to Mr John April by Squire Robinson of Newmarket the couple living together for more than years Deceased vasan aunt ol Col of who attended the neral depends those conditions essen tial to agriculture Trees conserve the moisture in the soil protect the grow ing crop from the devastation of the wind and for insect- j birds As onethitd of our crops are destroyed by insects the value of forests in the one matter of preserving the birds that feci on in sects is obviously enormous When the forests are destroyed a process of erosion is set up that turns the land Into a sandy desert in a few years All the rain and melted snow instead of being held in the natural basins forme by the roots of the trees rushes to the river courses carrying the lifegiving con stituents of the soil with It Ontario already had Buffered great ly from the ravages of erosion Where IM A Strong Plea for Forestry Though was not a very appreciative audience gathered In the Town Hall Friday evening and heard with much pleasure the eloquent appeal of Mr the able secretary of the Canadian Forestry Association for the preservation of the forests of our country Mr after a number of tech nical gave an interpreta tion of the modern gospel of the for est which In the magnitude of the possibilities good or evil shadowed forth In the dramatic and tragic Consequences of mad Sinking Spells Every Few Days At the time I began taking Dr Miles Heart Remedy I was having sinking spells every few days My hands and feci would get cold I could scarcely breathe and could eel myself gradually sinking away until I would be unconscious Those about could not tell there was life in me After these spells I would be very weak and nervous sleepless and without appetite had neuralgia in my head and heart After taking the remedy a short time all this disappeared and in a few weeks all the heart trouble was gone MRS LIZIK Ave For twenty years have been constantly receiving just such letters as these is scarcely a locality in the United States where there is not some one Who can testify to the merits of this remarkably suc cessful Heart Remedy Price at your Ho should you If he not tend price to vo prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto in Germany where this plan was in practice roads built to haul out the logs were equal to streets in many cities Masonry culverts were built over gullies in a fashion to stand for ages The German authorities pro ceed On the assumption that the harv ests of lumber from protected forests will continue Indefinitely Immigrants sometimes settled in regions that should he reserved for tree growing When they destroyed the surrounding forests the thin soil washed away and not only the land hut the people who had violated na ture deteriorated In Ontario the authorities could tell a- man from the as far as they could see him Forestry would institute surveys with the ob ject of putting the people on the best arming lands The result in increase production would pay the nation in a few years The lecturer stated that the im mediate function of the Canadian For estry Association was to direct pub lic attention to the tremendous issues involved and to show that while ig norance and greed might turn even Canada into a desert in a few gener ations it was also possible to vastly increase not only the Government re venues from our forests and the fits of lumbering and associated but to maintain the forests in perpetuity The necessity of better fire protec tion for our forests was set forth ami the beneficial effect re would have upon trade What can he done to stop the jre- of these evils In the first place probably sixty per cent of the Province of Ontario is fitted only for the growing of traces I What should be done in regard to part to retain it in forest and manage itso that it shall continual ly be producing crops of trees In this part of Canada there will be scarcely any actual replanting Vari ous methods are in use by which as the crop of mature trees is taken off sufficient trees are left to seed the cutting By the time the last ma ture trees arc cut out there is a good stand of young growth Fire is kept out thinning is done from time to time weed trees are cut out and in sixty eighty or one hundred years a newcrop of timber is ready to he cut What is Ihe duty of the public in this matter First and foremost every citizen should study this subject so to be able to give an intelligent support to the Governments of the Dominion and the Provinces in their efforts to make laws and regulations and to enforce them so as to secure the best results As soon as possible a survey should be made of all the lands in the hands of the Crown and a decision arrived at as to Whether it is fit for agricul ture or not If not fit for agriculture it should be set apart for a permanent timber reserve and all- efforts of the settlers to get it should he re sisted If they are honest settlers It is a crime to let them go into places where they will he unable to a living And if they are dishonest they intend to commit a crime in skinning of the timber when they pretend to engage in fanning Another great service that every one can do his country is to preach and practice the doctrine of fire pro- The views presented were most ex cellent and varied Hon J Davis presided at the and at the close of Mr Law less address a vote of thanks was moved by Mr T McKay and sec onded by Mr Cane The mo tion was also supported by Firth of Pickering College who was ac companied by his senior class of male students who attended in a body The notion carried with applause and Mr promised to return to if possible another year Hi 1 1 WMARKET HAlDWARE STOR A I You Can Save Money By Buying From Us 1 lectric Full L Supplies I I I V a i Paints Glass Etc i A ALLAH M A K MACHINE THREAD BLACK OR WHITE at the Toronto Jobbing House i a SHOE THE BEST PRICE WHAT IT MEANS w to you Do you take enough interest in your footwear Are you considering that every minute you are wearing shoes you desire comfort This illustration will show you an Art Shoe designed by exclu sive makers of Womens Shoes The Art Shoe sold from coast to coast is made in Canada and we are Agents Wo are Solo Agenta YORK AUTUMNAL ADORNMENTS It is a strange anomaly that some persons when in the midst of rich est and most lavish ol Natures beauties have no whatever for it all and bestow a glance it the the most attractive of her achievements They can for Instance sit in a train speeding thru a mountain pass and instead of ad miring a glorious scenery the garbed domes and peaks the lovely vales and forests and lakes their attention is concentrated on some trashy novel Ox they may he driv ing through a forest at the period when approaching winter has tinted the leaves in all manner of lovely hues- yet Instead of being trilled thru and thru with the gorgeous spectacle they fall altogether to realize the they are in a fairvland of beau- And there are also who appreciating to the full the wondrous glories of Nature yet fail to observe the grace and elegance of her more modest gifts The hedge rows for in autumn arc ev en more atd active than in gay season when Flora reigns supreme Here a long tassel of the large scarlet berries of black bryony wreathed and tangled the less brilliant pomes of the thorn or of the moun tain ash or a garlanded festoon of the smaller but more delicate berries of the more common variety Here a berberry shrub covered with pendent clusters of long narrow fruit tinted in the richest vermilion the brilliancy its hues enhanced by EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTErVI nerves control nil actions of body so that thing that debilitates weaken ell organs of the system Early Indue re and Exccuei rallied thousands of promising young men Unnatural Dralni tlnir vigor they never develop loo proper condition of They weak- liirt mentally physically and sexually How you feel Are you nervous and weak despondent Bloomy specks before the eyes with circles uiiler them weak Irritable palpitation of heart debilitating dreams sediment In urine pimples on tbu face eyes sunken cheeks careworn -i- Jet vein Syatcin memory lifeless distrustful lack energy ami strength tired mornings regies nights change- able moods decay none pains hair loose etc Tfcll New Method Treatment GUARANTEED TO CURE have treated Diseases of Men for almost a life time and do not have to experiment Consult us FREE OF CHARGE and wo will tell you whether you curable or not Wo guarantee- curable of NERVOUS VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES GLEET BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet of Men If unable to call QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT Ike am Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada must bo addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- Windsor If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory or Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Ont Writ fur our private address it Ml mi f In regard to our schools parents have duties to perform which they can ill to neglect They should to their children that they have an Interest In the school They should examine carefully the roports sent by the teacher should see that their Comparison with the numerous dark children are in school every day and purple drupes of the slots hard by or in still sharper contrast with the jet racemes of a privet bush or possibly the handsome pure white ber ries of the while almost equally as brilliant as any clusters of the translucent scarlet fruit of the wild guelder rose depend from ov erhanging houghs Hut the most beautiful and striking of all these almost unnoticed embel lishments of Nature arc the tripartite pods of the spindle tree- tinted a lovely rosepink somewhat similar in hue to the sardonyx while tho expos ed seed In the centre of this showy I setting is a beautiful orangegold Fullness and Bloating After Eating Oil A punctual should assist and encourage their childcn to do all their school du ties faithfully and well should co operate with the teacher in securing the prompt return their children after school is dismissed should take a friendly visit to the school and talk freely with the teacher and prin cipal in regard to same ILl V Cure or your money back I At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO Toronto I I M

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