Newmarket Era , April 29, 1910, p. 6

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J a Miss M S White is again at Coles Store and preparing a firstclass dis play of Fine Millinery OPENING DAYS will be THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 24 AND See us before buying We are also getting a large assortment in newest designs in Wall Papers which we will sell at very low prices A new supply of SHERWINWILLIAMS PAINT just to hand Nothing else will take its place We have no rem to pay and consequently lead in low prices in general merchandise Cole Keswick A J r V MANAGER Mr Cowley the High School In spector made his official visit to the Continuation class of our school last week and reported favorably on work of both teachers charge of congregations in the eas tern part of the Township and Joseph Crosby John Walton Stephen Grose Allen thcjThcaker Samuel E Love James and John A Summer is surely at our doors for the click of the lawnmower has been heard in the land SPECIAL NOTICE To farmers will he in on Saturdays with the pure Hunters Canadian Gem Cole The following resolution was car ried unanimously That we have i learned with gratification of the pur chase of the Mount Albert Hotel by Mr William Read and believing that maintain a wellconducted house and we assure him of our accommodation support in his endeavor to supply Turnip Seed want to suUable sharp as I have only got two hundred lbs I also can sell you any style No of their- primeval wild nature Our little Yankee thought she had a longer- head than any old- turkey but she now has greater respect for their sagacity and tiveness Late experience taught her Id think a man could readily dis pose of a waggonload of cradles in our neighborhood It Thats all i Mr Joel Woodcock has taken a big job of cutting shingles out on the Seventh KESWICK is grown in the gardens of the Island of Ceylon picked every day and reaches you not later than fifteen weeks after being gather ed Its native purity and fine flavour are preserved airtight sealed SALADA packets You guaranteed tea of unvarying good quality We are are I I have not seen the comet Ve nus the morning star fooled me THE OWL very sorry to record the or Miss Emma Mitchell De- we faad in a week before but when she was taken down with the fever she gradually be- 1 came worse until death severed the 00 J I North Qwillimbury Council Overseers of Highways E Morton J Rose J Merchant Thompson 30 A 31 I 33 J King 3 of plow for cash better plows made or fall E 13 J A I 0 Mount Albert Lodge of the dent Order of Oddfellows held a church parade to the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last very large congregation attended the Service and the Rev Well- wood delivered an appropriate SHARON The A are to be congratulated success of the entertain ment which took place on Friday last I It was an excellent evenings amuse- and well merited the large at tendance present The hall was fill- We are sorry for the error that oc curred last week It is Mrs John Link not Mrs Tuck who has gone to Cedar Brae Jacksons Point for the summer Mr Win Hill sr has been serious ly ill but is improving at time of writing Mrs E J who has been vital cord To know Emma was to 1 love her she was a general favorite your grocer for a package today You like it among her college associates a mem- her of the Mission Circle also an offi cerin the of Temperance Division We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the relatives in their severe bereave- BELL PHONE Phone Connection BUTTON Evangelistic services conducted by to its utmost capacity and every- herald Wade and Miss spending the winter in Southern A Robinson anJ Messrs thing passed off well- Everyone ap- A lcl Boyd J 3 Cole 3b J Morton 39 Wm Prober Winch York J Nelson J Morton Shaw J Sin a Vivo J Till Wiigh Glover J J J Anderson J Peters Trivet I jr from the text A peculiar j to thoroughly enjoy the pro- pie Zealous of good works from beginning to end and the service signalized the 1st anniver sary of the inception of Oddfellows in Very favorable com ments were heard from those present his defence of secret societies being strong and lucid Margaret Wade spent a few days this week with Mrs Aylward before and Urie will be held in Knox Church Sutton during the week beginning May 1st Rev A leaving for their home in Winnipeg Robinson was appointed by The date of the League social will being taken at the doors I M probability he Friday May am opened with a chorus 4 THE GUILD The threatening aspect of the wea ther doubtless deterred some people from attending the Guild Literary last Wednesday evening But all absentees missed a superior treat of the traveltalk which was given by financial result was very satisfactory over The program Evening Bells very sweetly sung by the choir This was follow ed by songs by Mr Fred Taylor and Walter Murray a duet by Mrs A Wilson and Edgar Tayior Mrs new house Mr Chas Dixs house has been greatly improved with a of paint Owing to the change in cartime the mail does not reach here till keepers J Stephens P Reed A Win Proper Shep- J ijiaham Graham WSmith Fence Viewers J jr J McNeil J Hamilton jr Stephens W King for refresh- and Mr lowed by a tab- J Honey had the additional honor Inigbt- and tl winning two prizes viz Regents I Lake St Charles La April Fanned by a high wind a fire which broke out here shortly after oclock this afternoon swept over twenty or more blocks of the city destroying several hundred buildings and result ing in a property loss estimated at from to Hugh town Islands April 22 salvaging operations on the wrecked Atlantic transport liner Min nehaha are progressing favorably Among other valuable cargo taken from the steamer today was silver ore to the value of The weather continues fine and the sal vagers are beginning to hope that they may be able to save the vessel herself quaint all told in an entertain ing manner A hearty vote of thanks moved by Rev G Cameron seconded by Dr Forrest was ten- to Mrs at the close of her address The rest of the program was good also A particu lar leasing selection was the song Golden Rod by five young ladies the National Anthem by the choir and We extend BALDWIN BREEZES Wilsons many friends in Sharon were- glad to see her on the platform once tne 2st however it more and hopes were expressed that come on the car this will not be by any means her last I We were pleased to see the names appearance The second part of the three of our ministers in the Consisted of the play Poor suits of successful theological which was well present- dents at Victoria College Mr W Mrs Her descriptions ed by the Holland Landing Dramatic Wilson Mr Sanders of the various scenes of beauty along After an interval for refresh- and Mr W E Mr the route well given Then ments this was follow too the address was replete with entitled Good facts and incidents humorous cud- rendering of a glee sermon jPigott prize elocution our hearty congratulations to all Program lor the League May I Christ our exemplar Peter Phil John Reader Emma- Marguerite Our Lords teaching about Pro Matt Reader Patty Aylward Speaker Doris Stephens The League Coming of Twentyone Fruitful Years- Reader Mr Speaker Libbic Lewis The Districts of Reader Mary Speaker Ross Fair barn for intemper ance Prow Gen 1221 father Reader Mr Richardson Speakerlas Wright vOOOi TEMPERANCE MEETING A meeting representing the Temper- since workers in the eastern part of the Township of East was held in the Lecture Room of the Presbyterian Church on the evening of April for the h lion of an association for the en- of the observance of the local option bylaw The following officers were elected President W Shields Secretary Ross The executive committee is consti tuted of all the Officers of the Asso ciation all ministers of the Gospel j DOMIMIO CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1540000000 DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT D TERRY MANAGER FA I Regular 15c for 10c These cannot be at trio price unless you buy your Hour fruit by the carload same an the manu facturer Ah we are Belling Jam Jams lb or 10c Jelly tog lb for Apple lb for Raspberry Sandwich lb for Fig Wafer re 15c lb for 10c Caramel Cake lb for 10c Sultana or lb for 10c Graham Wafer ret lb forJOc lb for Tea 16c for 10c the Box we will thefxs a pound Fancy Silk Hair inches wide all colors rc 15c yd for 10c Fancy Silk inches 25c yd for 15c JOHNSTONS SUTTON Last nights Monday rain storm the record for this season Low lands are covered with a sheet of water Our is in a generous mood The flood washed a hole big enough to bury Jumbo in front of Mrs store saw mill has got up steam Business is humtnin at Tom- shingle mill The following wellknown lads compose the working staff Tomlinson commander- Miller marine stationary engineer and Charlie Owen alias General Tom Thumb Jr and Hop my thumb jointers Major Bruce IC packer and fisherman on general man Win Andrew Miller and Mrs Solomon arc gradually declining No are observable in any caso A great gospel feast quarterly was held in Free Meth odist Church on Saturday and two Caster had a stolen from services on Sunday The ever popular last week Mr Caster Reynolds was in charge A had sold a team and it was one large attendance is reported The eon- which he bad sold of Presbyterian Mr William had a Church intend them one better horse stolen from his stable on Sal They hold anniversary serviced unlay evening- on June 0th and On Sunday jr Casters horse was put up for they will have spiritual feast j bridge on Monday and there lowed by physical and mental least made on Monday m I heir panderings to of has the refreshment of the being several horses in this locality ZEPHYR Look out for the horse thieves Mr Assembly of the Presbyterian Church as assistant secretary of- the Committee on Evangelism chosen for the purpose of quickening the spirit ual life of the Church He has a wide experience in this work Messrs and are two of a band of Knox College students who are devoting their vacation to this work On Sabbath thev will charge of the Sabbath School and Bible Class and will conduct services at am and pm On Thursday afternoon at they will address the Womens For eign Mission Society On every of the week services will be held at pm All arc cordially invited to attend HOLLAND LANDING Lots of rain lately Some of farmers on the low land will have to sow their grain again as it is out Mr John of Miss of Toronto spent Sun- day here their father Mr Alex Mr George of the Scotch Settlement spent Sunday here with Mr J Our now butcher Mr Chappel has opened his store and will carry a firstclass stock of groceries dry goods and boots and shoes Op position is the life of Mr Fred Taylor left for on Monday last where he has obtained a position We wish him every success I Mrs White leaves for Tiffin Ohio Monday next where she will re- side in the future We very much regret her leaving as she will be greatly missed in the church and Sun- dayschool work I Work is hustling on the canal The has placed a spur lino near lock for running in the material for constructing Che lock Mr ft Thompson will have stock of young cattle and COWS hand Saturday for private sale o I take opportunity to announce to my many customers that I have disposed of my business to ray brother Mr F Smith who has been with me for the past couple of years He has taken posses- and will continue to furnish you with the very best goods at the very best prices I would request you to give him a trial and see what he can do for you Those to whom I have extended credit will please arrange to have same settled not later than May a Thanking you one and all or the business with which you have furnished me and trusting you will be even more generous with my successor and wishing you continued prosperity I am Yours faithfully E E SMITH The Leading U EE N S V I erchant E r New things rnak their appearance dAily Make It a point to see them and keep posted Last week and this we have been busy tak ing into stock New Prints Lawns Ginghams Towellings Shirtings Rock Fast Drills etc etc all Al quality and priced very easily A beautiful print 32 Inches wide ony per yard WALL PAP Over 200 patterns to select from They Include all the New De signs in the daintiest of coloring It doesnt cost much to make your home bright and fresh at our Wallpaper prices ranging from 3 to per roll Boots and Shoes a- on Live Stock Market has ever been matter of popular comment year not forget ting the above they are making a specialty of mental pleasure and are preparing a No program Now hoys is the time to begin a self deni al and save up lor the big bunfeed you begin I rod from the Dairy Quid Swamp is now old oil our market and brings top notch prices King is doing extensive j provements the Palace and surroundings Ornamental shrubbery fruit trees etc The little Yankee Queen makes an able coadjutor Arnold has decided if necess ary to try the Xrays treatment for cancer fair offers for other and made horses Mr Josh has purchased a line driver from Mr J A Mitchell also a rubbertire buggy Josh is a fine fellow so tlie young people say especially some l Very heavy rains in this part make it quite hard for the farmers to fin ish seeding on low grounds Mr Walter Haywood Is sowing- for Mr Robert Kay at Cedar Brae Adariee of per butchers cattle in Toronto this week No fcular change in sheep and lambs Decline of in hogs the top being this week We arc the Home of the Model Shoe in Not so many sorts but enough to serve ninetynine in every hundred customers and every one sent away satisfied The all know what means when it Is stamped on a Shoe Comfort Style and the best wearing qualities Paints Oils and Varnishes SherwinWilliams Paints You cant get better Cents Furnishings See our New Samples and Cuts before ordering your Spring Suit We guarantee you a perfect fit and a suit that Is uptodate in every particular A full line of OVERALLS in stock at all times SKIDDS that are Government Standard Leave your order now for your Spring requirements in Timothy Red Clover and Alsike Binder Twine Plymouth GET OUR PRICKS before placing your order Nearly 4000 people assembled at Hall last Wednesday evening from Victoria lecture on the Antarctic Region and view the mo pictures very body pleased The Exhibition inquiry commenced J QUEENSVI Hello Hark J Listen to them wedding hells Mr Ford of is still suffer- QOto was united in the holy bonds from his swollen hand blood- poi- matrimony to Miss Mablc Miller son I Owltown Mr and Mrs- Harford Riddel- have returned to her now got comfortably settled down to summer residence at housekeeping and Harford Is farm- Mr- Harford Riddel has moved to in to heat the band Now ladies farm at Baldwin you know the proper thing to do Woodcock has returned Ive heard the complaint ypu are home after spending a couple of weeks not very sociable to new corners the city Dont let me hear again Heres Wr barker took an early bath one a nice woman go thou and call ay last week He says that the on her swimming was good A great deal depends upon how Our football team has horse Is handled as to the amount of organized and has sent for a work you get out of him 1 J ball We wish them good gave a demonstration of his skill this time in handling horses the other day Miss Lizzy spent Sunday with Charlie Owen was vainly endeavoring her parents to yank out some heavy in I loin Rlvordale Park The again They arc thinking about noma were secsawing and painting the church forth making no visible The service last Sunday was on the load Joseph came along took a great success Mr gave on one horse and snakelout the logs a good sermon and a beautiful solo with ease with one horse I Wonder where the Health Inspector Today Tuesday Is Miss Mabel that he does not make people clean Millers vedding I hope she has leaving he place made a wise choice Girls cannot ho The boys are busy fishing for suck- too careful such points every night along the ditch Mr Turkeys arc great fowl for stealing caught one that their nests This is a fragment all of two inches long 1 was to Hire For month of May Light Horse and Harness for plant delivery wagon Quiet for woman to drive Very he settlement made by the city t For Sale with the late Mrs J K Leslie wife of Col J Leslie former treasurij was the subject of examination easy ply Early Rose Potatoes Early Sencs- Early Early Quick work and good care given TimoW Hay DoWs Crossing 6 ton LB OV1ISS known as the Flower Garden of Saskatchewan We are Agents for the Sale of 160000 acres of Choice Wheat Land in this Famous Dis trict Special Excursions every Two Weeks Next xcursion Leaves Toronto on May 3rd EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RATES ares to air Purchasers For Further Information and Maps call or write A BARTON CO C HUGHES Local Agent Newmarket College Street TORONTO A r A a it In

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