Newmarket Era , April 29, 1910, p. 7

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HALL WHAT OH IB ABOUT TOOT I i Christian Church In the absence of Elder the Pulpit on Sunday will be filled by Mr E Mercer of McMaster Uni versity Toronto morning and even- Last Sabbath Rev of the University occupied the pulpit giving two very impressive sermons April The Leading Grocery Womens Institute The next meeting of the Newmar ket Branch of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Lehman Church street on Saturday the at pm This is the an nual meeting and the election of offi cers will take place A full atten dance is requested Copper collec tion t u i The regular monthly meeting y the WCTU will be held on Tuesday the 3rd of May at 3 pm in the home of Mrs Maw on Park ave I Millinery Apprentices Wanted Apply to Miss Svmpson at Hun ters store m vemen ts Mr Wallace of East has bought the vacant property on Main street opposite the Skating rink and intends to erect at once a neat residence and a double tenement- A Accident Canes Factory has been taking on new men lately to keep up with in- creasing orders Mr Geo was one of them who commenced work on Tuesday and nest day one of the fin gers on his left hand was so badly torn by a saw that it had tcbe dressed bv a doctor He will ably be laid up two or three weeks y v rAv i Died in Toronto A few weeks ago John Grant an old man in his year was taken to the Industrial Home so as to make his declining years more comfortable he grew worse two Garden Seeds Field In Package or Bulk from the most Reliable Seedsmen We are fully prepared to meet your wants in large or small quantities Summers Reliable Package Seeds vegetable or flower two papers for cents Until all our Dinner Sets are sold you can buy one at most reasonable prices We are going to keep Stock Patterns Only so that you can pur- any quantity at a time TOILET SETS This is the time of the year you do your Housecleaning and to brighten your rooms buy a nice Toilet Set Prices from SI for a set up to SOAP SPECIAL One cake of Infants Delight Toilet Soap FREE with every 25c purchase of Taylors Borax Soap Comb or Section Honey Special or for Canada Flakes package for packages for 5c Peacock Tomatoes stt Then are lines we are clearing out of coat A Commendable Act When the Metropolitan Co does a good act we want to commend them for it During the past week they have put large tile under their track near the crossing on Park avenue Last year the flat now drained was a veritable frogpond and the music of the croakers made nigh hideous without disturbing the nerves of the Board of Health Now if they would lower the other drain a foot or so the people on Lot street might keep their cellars dry new stable at the rear is nearly com- weeks ago Mr took him to already Money Missing A widow in town drew from Bank and placed it along with her bankbook in a drawer When she went to get it next day to pay an account the money and hook were both gone She was alone in the j house and it is surmised that some- body has entered the place and stolen money Farm Produce Good market last Saturday The largest quantity of eggs for many a day hut prices were firm The following prevailed Eggs 2021c dozen Butter per Dressed Chickens per In Apples per bask Apples per Potatoes per bag Green Onions 5c bunch Green Lettuce hunch Green bunch Live Chickens per lb Old Hens per Live Ducks per ft Live Geese 12c per lb Hides per ft Calf Skins per Sheepskins Tallow Illustrated Lecture The lecture in the Methodist church on Wednesday evening by Dr Ray under the auspices of the Ep- worth League was exceedingly in teresting and instructive By the aid of stereopticon views the eye as sisted the ear to comprehend the beauty as well as the degradation and ignorance that exists in South Amer ica There was a fairly good audi ence Messrs Martin Co are making arrangements to open a branch store in in a few days The Chosen Friends expect to initi ate twenty or more candidates next Monday night Mr A Boyd who has been a conductor on the Metropolitan for the past year has bought the liver hack which he sold to Mr Soules and takes next week meeting last a The Leading Reliable Iipocbp Phone K From March 20th merges Into our Summer Session from July and affords continuous op portunity for bright people to qualify for good busi ness positions Our School The Central Business Col lege of Toronto invites your consideration Catalogue mailed on request Shaw Principal and streets Toronto College Concert The final arrangements for the Pick ering College Concert are now being completed and indications arc that it will he a complete success Admis sion by the front door after this evening Tickets a y be secured at Methodist Church the door The concert will start Last Sunday while the pastor was oclock sharp to enable those preaching anniversary sermons who expect to to catch the street Church Toronto clock car for Toronto an other points south A bus will leave College to connect with that car Doors will be closed during the first number Another Old Resident Gone After an Illness of about ten days starting with a heavy cold followed by pneumonia and a general breaking up of the system causing much buffer ing Mr John William pass ed away last Sunday evening in his year Deceased was born In Tp and to Newmarket about years ago conducting a successful blacksmftblng business until few years when he retired in favor of his son John He was prede ceased by his vIfe about six years ago and leaves a grownup family of five sons two- daughters namely Annie Julia Nelson Alex John James and George Alex who re sides in Detroit was home for the funeral but James who lives in Pittsburg Pa Was unable to conic on account of Illness The funeral took place on Wednes day afternoon from his late residence conducted by Mr P Thomas the remains being interred at Newmarket Cemetery The pallbearers were Messrs Webb Irwin Geo Wood and Silas Among relatives from a distance Mr and Mrs I Elli ott of Toronto Mr I Quant of Mr of and Mrs A Dunn of Albert the Western Hospital Toronto where an operation was performed for can cer of but he died Monday and the remains were here for interment The- late John Grants father was one of the Scotch emigrants who were brought out to the Red River Settlement in the ear ly sixties and- making a failure there walked all way and founded the Scotch Settlement north of Brad ford Deceased was a widower and is survived by one son 5 VIVIAN I a Victoria College student who graduate this week Mr W Har dy occupied the pulpit here His evening sermon on Our Heritage was exceedingly good in thought but he will improve in his delivery The choir sang well supported by Miss who also contributed a solo Adjourned Trustee night The Quarterly Sacramental services will be held on Sunday next The Love Feast at a quarter to ten am will be conducted by the pastor Preaching service at oclock fol lowed by reception of new members and Sacrament of the Lords Supper The Pastor is expecting a large tendance This is the final Quarter ly service for this year Every house- hold in the church should be repre sented Mens meeting at night It will he better than ever The Quartette of Toronto will sing Come and hear them The home of Mr and Mrs Davis was the scene of a very pretty wed ding on Wednesday April when their eldest daughter Martha became the bride of Mr of Cold- water The bride who was dressed in navy blue satin made in Princess style with white trimmings and long tulle veil and orange blossoms was given away by her father Rev Toye performed the ceremony a dainty dcieunir the happy couple left on the train for their future home in Coldwater Mr Hamilton has returned to Toronto after spending a week with friends of this place Mr McCormack left on Wednes day for New Ontario as fire ranger Mrs Jos Martin of Baker Hill was the guest of her sister Mrs Sam last Sunday Mr and Mrs G Penrose spent Sunday at the home Mr Penrose is travelling for the Coleman Baking Co Sorry to report that Mrs J Brooks is on the sick list this week Monday morning while putting on her shoes she fell off the chair and bruised her right shoulder and hip quite se verely Her face is terribly bruised and skinned She was unconscious for some time The Presbyterian Church of Dalian- reopens on Sunday Students from Knox College will conduct the services morning and evening Mr Simpson was up our way gathering no new for the choir so expect excellent music will be provided Mr A Robinson looks quite splashy with his new outfit Wonder why Peggy takes such long drives Been up looking for HrtleyV Co rnet yet Rather dull this rainy weather Not visible Frosty Notes on the NorthWest Pittsburg Perfect One solid piece of steel Sold only at Hardware Greenhouses St f Carnations Sweet Peas and Geraniums etc Nov is he time to get your hanging baskets filled Funeral and Vedding work given special attention Prices reasonable orderB solicited Raspberry Strawberry and Roots for sale las Newmarket NOTICE AH Masonry Work prompt ly attended to Estimates given guaranteed WILLIAM WINGER lav Lot of Heavy Paper Suitable for under for Sale Cheap at this office firlcfiets Mr John McDonald has sold his house on street to Mr Reg will build another house for himself on Queen street In making your engagements reserve May for the Band Concert Tills is the season of the year when people gardens consider It a criminal offence for neighbors to al io their chickens to run at large Is it illegal for a man to sit Church his umbrella up This question was asked by an exchange last week We leave It to the ladies to answer Resolve never to throw paper on the streets Nov that the streets are clean let us all make an to keep them clean Irrespective of the size of your house endeavor to make your lawn the finest and most attractive in town An evening paper gives assurance that the comets tail Is all right This will he welcome news people dislike to get up In the middle of the night to look at a damaged corn et- A number of people In town had water in their cellars on Tuesday morning which emphasizes the need of a better system of drainage in the town ft lays to advertise Hunter got an order from the Yukon this week Good tornorrow King Council meets at Nobleton on Local Option comes into force on night We lnvltcour inspection To see the new Perfection Oil Cook ing Stove A new principle blue flame and no smell land where a often pay for the R Field Garden -AT- V Drug Store Can Ex Co Phono to and from trains handled with despatch At the present time when so many of our Ontario farmers arc leaving for the we hear so much of the attractions of this or that district There is however one dis trict which In the opinion of some of the foremost laud experts stands out preeminent as a field for set tiers We to the Last Mountain Valley In Saskatchewan known as the Flow er of Saskatchewan Pro fessor Thomas Shaw the foremost authority on farm lands describes the country thus These lands chiefly prairie they have bcen tested have shown a wearing and a producing power that is almost without paral lel In the Canadian West Not a few of the farmers in- the tain Valley have paid with one crop for the land that grew it In a sin gle year Tills will not seem incred ible when it is remembered that bushels Of wheat per acre have been frequently cropped Land may ho obtained in this favored region from 51500 to 11800 per care Much of it is taken but much is still unsold It is spoken of as single crop will farm on which it grew That state ment may seem farfetched but it is certainly true Some crops came un der our notice that would approxi mate bushels per acre The cal culation is easy Forty bushels at cents gives a return of Even bushels at cents a return of J21n0and this from land that cost from W to per acre Jersey City J April man was killed another was hurt and a score of persons were in jured early this morning when lash ed by a gale the great tent of Frank A Bobbins Circus was wrecked here More than a hundred wild animals whose cages were overturned and almost smashed added to the terror with their I cries Mike a trainer wascrushed to death under a cage lions South Carolina- another trainer was fatal ly injured sustaining Internal Injuries and fractures of both legs and both arms In the- tangle of canvas and ropes Paddy Moran and an attend ant known as Texas was badly hurt but It Is believed they will re cover Several of the circus horses snapped their tethers in the panic and In the scramble for safety host lers were trampled and cut J I AGENTS FOR 2CTH CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS AGENTS FOR LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS I North Yorks Greatest We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase i J V Reasons Why Particular Women Buy QUEEN DRESS FABRICS I Royal Graceful Drap ing In all new and Fashion able Look Board for V amis Relindo Shoes add to the grace and charm of every woman wearing them That easy gliding walk so characteristic of gracefulness is a sure evi dence of shoe comfort Relindo Shoes embody every makes for shoe perfection besides having many exclusive features The Last on which every Shoe is made moulded from tlie human foot thus insuring perfect fit comfort and style The exclusive characteristic of Shoes is the NerveEase pneumatic heel This Heel is honeycombed with air cells You literally walk on air when you wear Shoes The Cushion Heel being also adds considerably to the life of your hosiery The soles of Shoes are flexible yielding readily to every movement of the foot Thats why dainty women call Shoes Gloves for the feet We carry all the Latest Styles and Lasts of the Relindo Shoe and in all Sizes Hi J A if Price per Pair I I i W CI lb ft it Quality Finish Unsurpassed one outstanding reason for rapid growth of New market business is t But at that couldnt strongly appeal to the great majority of men if besides possessing quality that satisfies and endures our footwear were not lit Then add to that the fact that theres not such a large and varied as of mens wearables outside of one or two stores in Toronto Clothing Hats Caps Footwear Travel- ling Goods Furnis of Every Kind a The Mens Wear Men i

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