Newmarket Era , April 29, 1910, p. 8

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Oft i an Doctors prescribe very Utile if any these days They prefer strong tonics and altera tives This is all in keeping with modern medical science It explains why Ayers Sar- saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol Ask your doctor Follow his advice Wa en to doctor Unless there Is daily action of the hov els poisonous products are absorbed causing headache biliousness nausea dyspepsia We wish you would ask doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Pills J Co around foe Hub to THE RIDGE HE ABLE i T J I THE ALLIANCE WAS SONG in the National Ad- late for last week Miss Z Croutch is spending a week at Mr Elias Jacksons- Mr Frank Crittenden and Mrs Ed j Crittenden spent a few days in the city last week The fanners are glad to see the rain as the wheat is looking so good I see Mr Levi Sander is exercising j his horse It is getting better which Dor we are glad to hear Miss Florence Gordon is back to Mr Sanders again- I see a cream colored horse travel- I vocate EVER MADE BY ANY aIC figu for the freedom REMEDY I Of Drinks dread I chain Are Daily Credited to the Wonderful the cleaning of our banner Powers of From its dark degrading stain And our God Himself shallead us 1 Till our- times of warfare cease Bancroft Man Thnks This And tbe day of Prohibition Medicine Will Work Miracles Ushers in the reign of Peace ling over the hill I wonder who is MSI Two Houses for In Good locations in Town Apply to K ROBERTSON- Blacksmith Shop to Rent On Con of Whitchurch Good stand for a good H PO For Sale Good House rooms with bath soft water large garden fruit trees and stable MORRISON Prospect Avenue House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent gar den large and small fruit hard and water tap on lawn a MRS R J DAVISON after one of our Ridge lassies now Mr John Profit will have it wet these days going to his work to the Jack the Trapper is busy now catch ing spring Our Sunday School is progressing greatly and although last Sunday was a wet day there was quite an attendance If it Keeps on increasing as it has been lately the school- bouse will not be- big enough to hold the congregation The mill is turning but good lum ber and is running every day BELHAVEN Too Jute for last week the land of peace aad Sir James Whitney Premier of On- plenty Everyone is joyous over the tario in the course of his comment beautiful early springtide but Mr Jon the decision of Hon A King wears the smile which worth Minister of Justice respecting wont come off- Mrs Ezra presented the HydroElectric power legislation him with a bright bouncing baby 1000 says His- views were a on Wednesday April power of strength to the Provincial It Is the old chronlo case the stub- There are anxious eyes now watching case the case that will not yield j dawning of that day to the ordinary remedies of the There are weary souls now waiting that never falls j There are trembling lips that pray to cure Many of the cures by There are weak ones heavy laden With the drunkards load of pain There are fond hearts sadly mourning Oer the dear ones drink has slain I Tis our hope to raise the fallen joy the weak to save Frultatlves are the wonder and ad- miration of the doctors who cannot I understand how can do what they cannot Bancroft On October 17th I have been troubled for years with 5i37 f Indigestion have tried every kind of We would shiehl the frail and tempted medicine and found only temporary From the drunkards hopeless grave relief Then I used And our eyes are on the future and now I am no longer troubled with On the brighter days to be Indigestion I it is a splendid remedy JOHN REDMOND a box 6 for or trial size At dealers or from Frultatlves Limited Ottawa For a sober godly nation In a land from Drink set free HOTS Gather gather round our standard All who love this Western Land Who would have it in the forefront Of the Worlds- greatest Nations stand Gather gather round our standard Thus in Freedoms name we call That our Land may find redemption From the Drinkfiends fatal thrall CHEER UP Miss Adella of this burg For Sale- Two Choice Building Lots in New market in excellent locations Apply to E JACKSON contcntion Sir James concludes is spending a few days with the that the judgment of Hon A Misses of Sutton West Aylcsworth on Ontario power Maude Morion is attending ition marks the beginning of a new school in Toronto- era in constitutional development Miss Hazel of Chicago Wonder will Mr Armstrong now For Sale Brick House rooms domestic water and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket tA FOR SA3JB Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to at AR For Sate A comfortable house and corner lot with 215 feet frontage building lot Hard and water on the place Must be sold as the owner has cone West Apply on thepremises Superior Newmarket House and Lot for Sale In Newmarket A good frame House on stone foundation All in good repair Situate on Srigley street and owned by Mr Kelly There Is a good garden bard and soft wa ter For particulars of sale apply to p Vendors Solicitor Nevmarket is visiting her Mr and Mrs We appreciate and welcome the pre sence oi Mr Christopher Wiiloughby in our midst who since his sad ber eavement has made his home pretty much with his youngest daughter Mrs John iSheppard of Hamilton Our prosperous young merchant has gotten in an entirely new and up-to- date line of fancy goods and prints linoleum and oilcloth Girls bring along your eggs We regret very much the prolonged illness of our Village Blacksmith Mr Joseph although we have a capable worker in Mr T We wish Mr a speedy re covery We had one Sunday service in Sunday School Hall this spring want more Why not continue good work The people were glorious anticipation that there would be service alternately with Keswick Christian Church We greeted the pastor oil that last occasion with a fair congregation The young and old want preaching here How arc we going to learn without a preacher I suppose they will tell us to go where it is found but We want a preacher to come to at least once every two weeks Who will help us to obtain our wish HAPPY a come in out of the wet the ttc the in When a Conservative member com plained about the abuse of the I privilege In Parliament the other day he seemed to forget that ii is not confined to one side of the House He got his understanding enlarged when Hon Mr related an instance of a certain when he was Postmaster General calling on- him to frank a bag of grain to one of his constituents Commenting on this discussion the Hamilton Her ald remarks Wonder if the mem bers of the opposition who are criti cizing an abuse of the privilege by the solicitorgeneral will accept the challenge of Mr who de clares himself to he in favor of abol ishing the privilege altogether I I I Farm Near Newmarket FOR SALE ORCHARD BEACH Mb A acres of lot concession 4 East minutes walk from post Oftlqe and close to York Radial Station Good Frame House Barn and outBuildings with plenty of well water acres of good Hard Wood Bush Possession tor fall work given this fall For par ticulars apply to Mrs A J Hughes Sharon or to Her Solicitor Newmarket INSURE YOUR Horses and Cattle accident sickness fire and for terms of or arc going up months or shipping trips Enquire south of Mr property for have been paying occa sional visits- to their summer villas and everything in good order Prospects are favorable for a large influx of summer visitors and the sea son is likely open earlier than usu al- Rev Addison Mrs- Dr Campbell and Mrs Win are already located lure Mrs I Porter has purchased a fine strip of land north of the house and built a dandy new cottage overlooking the hay A spacious gar den and lawn with lots of fruit trees is being enclosed with a wire The building formerly used the post office store has been removed to the rear of the lot and is being filled up by Mann of Newmar ket as a summer cottage A new and commodious store and restaurant is to be aid ready for occupancy by the J of June It is gratifying to learn that an ef fort is being made for the passage Of interstate and international legisla tion for the protection of migratory birds of a useful class an J that he Ornithological Congress which meets in Berlin Germany next month is to consider the question of enacting stricter laws of worldwide application It is stated that robins and other migrating birds useful to agriculturalists are slaughtered ly the wholesale in their passage across Tennessee and Kentuckv Robins during the past fall wen sold in the millinery markets in some of the Southern States as low as ten cents a dozen When it is remembered that these migrating birds not only con sume myriads of insects anil grubs hurtful to the farmer as well as sca vengers this wanton destruction be comes almost a crime Cheer up The world is taking your photograph Look pleasant Of course you have your troubles a whole lot of things bother you of course You find life a rugged road whose stones hurt your feet Never theless cheer up It may be your real disease is sel fishness ingrown selfishness Your life is too selfcentred You imagine your tribulations are worse than oth ers bear You feed sorry for your self the meanest sort of pity Hid yourself of that and cheer up have you to carry a pic ture of your face and fu neral ways about among your fellows who have of their own if you must whine or sulk or scowl take a car and go to the woods or to the unfrequented lanes Cheer up Your ills are largely imaginary If you were really on the brink of bankruptcy or if there were no thoroughfare through your sorrows you would clear your brows set your teeth and make the best of it Cheer up I You are making a hypothetical Vase out of your trou bles and suffering from a selfinflicted Verdict You arc borrowing trouble and paying a high rate of interest Cheer up Why in a tenminute walk you may see a score of people worse oil than you And here you are digging your own and play ing pallbearer into bargain Man alive you must do your work Smile even though it he through your tears which speedily dry And cheer- up Young Folks Our ones big sorrows cure our little home physician tor Morses Indian Root Pills Cure the Familys Ills THE WHITE Perhaps if and the the ill ft for particulars Hughes Agent Fire Life Accident Sickness Burglary etc insurances Real Estate Have always a lot of houses arid tor sale also a few farms Money to Loan go first Mortgage on farms For Sale That valuable property Huron Newmarket known i The Kelman Homestead A beautiful home grand situation rich large garden fruit trees Fine lawn vftli shade trees Plowing well Furnace Stable A Grand Home for any Person Particulars see VA J WcHALE of Estate to people Since last season Mr Thompson of Toronto a beautiful cot tage a little north of The grounds arc all graded and sod ded and- will be in fine shape for the corning season Mr John of Aurora form erly of Bradford was here last Fri day staked out a cottage on the lot south of Mr Wiley and other places arc br ing brightened by a coat of paint There is no sign of a new station at Moves Crossing yet though two or three have been put up along the line since One similar to Peters Corners would be very ac ceptable here A GOOD I see said the veteran husband that Parisian advices indicate that womans hats will be much smaller next summer Thats good he The vo- ran rut tin big hats down For he was very husband you knew little About the of womenami milliners Hid If grownups too always ate exactly he quantities the right thing at just the proper and in every other way obeyed the rules health there would be no sickness jn the family and no need of medicine But they never have and probably never will to In every family there wre to be more or leu frequent of sick indigestion cormipatioa kidney and liver troubles and occasion ally some one Is sick in bed It worth a good deal to the mother then to have on hand that perfectly safe and reliable remedy for these IDs Dr Indian Root Invigorate organ which cleanse body of watte and imparities regulating bowels stimulating the and opening the pores of Thus Dr Indian cure the common ailments and keep the family healthy This they rave been for over half a century to part of the world at all dealers or from I Co Out By Antoinette I seek it the white white ribbon In parlor and street and cars watch for its flashing message As those who watch for the stars For though it be frayed and dingy And worn on a shabby dress It lends to its faithful wearer A chum you may never guess SO wear it with pride dear women Morning noon and night 9 Glad to show Wherever you go You are standing for God and right To all bravely taken The vows of our worldwide band- To carry Loves blessed gospel To sisters in every land This tiny knot of ribbon Sweet sign of an inward grace Means all that and woman Can do for the human race Then lot it shine out dear women Our beautiful ribbon white For ou cannot know As you come and go What soul may need Its light i NO A I Our little boy salt mackerel for the first time the other morning Where does these fish come from the hike he asked after the first bite No from the ocean answer ed his fattier Well said Benny I dont wonder the oceans salty I CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the of the of Manufacture R V who realize the If of Patent advice SVMrionft New York iiii pud IXC I -y- I V i THE SUBSCRIPTION AT THE OFFICE OF THE COMPANY TORONTO OH MONDAY APRIL AND WILL BE CLOSED OH OR MONDAY THE th DAY OF MAY 1910 AT PM AND OFFER FOR f lOO PER of the 7 Stick a bones f 2S Limited Incorporated under of Provinca of Ontario HEAD OFFICE TORONTO CANADA CAPITAL STOCK Issued and Fully Paid Up PREFERRED Cumulative COMMON 2500000 THE COMPANY HAS NO BONDS OR AUTHORIZED Li Ib to receive subscriptions for of the above seven per cent cumulative preferred stock at theprlce of for each share with a bonus of common stock equal in par value to per of the par Value of the preferred stock allotted to be delivered on payment of subscription in full I 11 The dividends on the preferred stock accrue from April Subscriptions will be payable as follows 10 per cent on Application and per cent on Allotment 100 per cont or In Instalments as follows In which caae at the rate of per cent will be charged per cent on Application per cent on Allotment per cent on 1st June 25 per cent on 1st July and per cent on 1st August per cent The right Is reserved to allot only such subscriptions and for such amounts as may be approved and to close the subscription book without notice Application will be made for the listing of the securities of the Company on The Toronto Stock Ezcbange BANKERS OF COMPANY of Canada and Bank of Montreal BOARD OF JOHN I A- HUNT London President Elevator Transit Co VicePresident Hunt Bros Limited Millers CHARLES Toronto VleerPresIdcnt National Iron Works Limited JOHN CARRICK Toronto Secretary The Maple Hour Mills Co Limited SHAW Toronto Managing Director Maple Leaf Milling Co Limited D CAMERON Winnipeg President President Rat Portage Lumber Company Limited CAWTHRA Toronto VicePresident Imperial Bank of Canada Director Con federation Life Association CHARLES W BAND Toronto VicePresident James Carruthers Company Lim ited Grain Exporters NEW COMPANY A GOING CONCERN Maple Leaf Milling Company Limited Is a new Company which has- taken over the whole undertaking as going concern of the Maple Leaf Flour Mills Company Limited including therein that of the Hedley Shaw Milling Company Lim ited The company has mills at Kenora St Catharines and Port Colborne the named In course of construction In the Province of Ontario and at Brandon In the Province of Manitoba When the construction at present under way at Port Is com pleted company will have a total milling capacity of 12800 barrels per day The com pany nas at present thirtyfive elevators throughout the Western Wheat Belt and fifteen additional ones are being added at the present time A million bushel elevator Is being con structed- next to the new mill at Port Tho company has also warehouses and offices at Toronto Winnipeg Kingston Ottawa and Mont real MARKET FOR OUTPUT The rapid growth of the business of the two companies taken over has long mode apparent the necessity of additional milling capacity Fur ther the tremendous Increase In the total out put from the Western Wheat Belt makes It absolutely necessary to have more mills in Canada to handle It Last year this output amounted to about bushels and experienced men estimate that by end of the year Canada will be producing fully 500000000 bushels an nually A great proportion of this will of neces sity find Its way Into Canadian mills Larger demands are bound to come as the population of the country Increases and the enquiry for the Canadian product both from Great- Britain and from the foreign markets of the world will increase The chain of mills now controlled by the new company will enable It to secure Its full share of the trade of every section of Canada as well as of Great Britain and foreign countries AND EARNING The the old Companies taken over as above stand in excess of all liabilities and any allowance for goodwill trade marks etc at this amount being ascertained on the basis of an appraisal by the CanadianAmerican Appraisal Company Limited as of March of the capital assets taken over and the certificate of Messrs Price Company as of February as to current assets and current liabilities with a liberal allowance for all contin gencies There has also been placed in the Treasury of additional cash which besides permitting of the completion of a 6000 barrel mill and a million bushel elevator and storage warehouse at Port and of fifteen additional elevators in the West will the new Company with further working capital As per certificate of Messrs Price Waterhouse Com of London quoted below the earnings of old Company on the present plant amounted from September 1908 to August 1909 to And from August to February 28th to being the latter period at a rate equal to over per cent on the preferred of the Company LOCATION OF MILLS AND MANAGEMENT Mr Shaw and Mr Cameron under hose direction the of the old companies developed will retain large interests In be actively Identified with the new Company Mr Shaw as Managing Director location of the new barrel mill at Port Is without exception the best In Canada A complete report on the advantages of the Port Colborne site prepared by Mr Shaw will be found In the prospectus Prospectuses and forms of application may be obtained at any branch of the Imperial Bank of Canada or The Royal Bank of Canada from Guardian Trust Company Limited Toronto and from Cawthra and Company Toronto APPLICATIONS FOR SHARES SHOULD MADE UPON THE FORM ACCOMPANYING THE PROSPECTUS AND SHOULD BE SENT TOGETHER WITH THE REMITTANCE DUE ON APPLICA TION TOi ANY BRANCH OF IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA OR ROYAL BANK OF CANADA GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY Toronto on to CAWTHRA MULOCK C0 Members Toronto Stock Exchange ROYAL BANK BLDC TORONTO This world would be a great deal better if some oiks who talk a great deal about their love for the human race focalize their affections Costly Diamond Ornament Stolen from Cathedral Moscow April A diamond or nament valued at hundreds thou sands of rubles has been stolen from the greatly revered image of the Vir gin in the Cathedral in the Kremlin The loss was discovered to day The theft which was perpetrated last night has thrown the vjtes into great excitement and their emotion is pitiful to witness Many precious stones were cut out of the frames of the pictures of the saints- The total value of the loot is estimated at Sprinkle salt over hot coals and shake your damp uncurled ostrich feathers over the fumes and the NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY The Great and Cough Medicine GUARANTEED a bottle at all stores FIVE YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Fields Lawn Fences FANCY WIRE FENCES MAD E Y Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd and see Quality and get For Sale by J Near High Newmarket Ontario Harness Shop drills will curl up smartly Chatham April A cow he- made thousands of dollars by buying Spavined Horses curing them with Kendalls Spavin Cure and then selling the animals at a handsome profit You can do the same with your own horses Here is one man who saved his horse and hit money by using Kendalls Bay Mill Que to Inform you that I have Kendall Spavin Cure with good on my I found that It quickly indwell truly ROY It a bottle for A copy of our book Horse free or from Dr J Kendall Co MR H J JONES Owner of New Harness Shop is doing wells Now ls the time to examine your harness to Burke of Dover Also Set of last from Plow hies contracted by a bite from a mad I dog This is the third cow- to die of rabies this month Since the first of tlicr year nine cattle and eleven hogs have died from rallies It has arous ed the countryside and the regulations are now being strictly en forced Hamilton April 20CJnra Bradley a pretty girl of was before Magistrate Jclfs this morning on a charge of stealing from A On Sunday night she climbed of a second storey of his house with her clothes and wori of lingerie belonging to She intended getting married today but I her love escapade was nipped in the hud by a detective at an early hour Fort Arthur April Josoph was sentenced five years in prison for perjury today Mr Jus tice stated that jerjury is too prevalent at present CLEANING DYEING Evening go ostrich plumes and glove clothes and ostrich plumes and glove a curtain gentlemens clothes can all bo cleaned to look new by ourfauitlflAa French Process The cofltumo can be to experience Our Dry Cleaning Is wltnout rip ping any part of garment Our book about our work and write for tree a orders MY VAtET FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER Adelaide St Toronto The really good man always better than he knows I stops coughs cures ccld heals throat lungs cents i r f i a

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