Too Late Watch Stopped yissed tte train you cannot de pend on your watch will promptly Properly WATSON and Graduate Optician Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and is 111 J t fc 4 I NORTH INTEKLIGENGER AND ADVERTISER No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance 5150 to United States BRIGHT DAINTY A large assortment and see them at Give us the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty Jewelry Store Copies 3c Newmarket Ont Friday June 10 TERMS per SI if paid in fonder Shine Cleans without rubbing Just dip rinse and dry The shine lasts silver lasts loncer For Sweeping The Dust Killer The Germ Killer Veneer A polish for all kinds of Woodwork Makes old things New The Best Wall Coating Rea for use in Boiling Water Shows no laps PAINTS THE BEST MADE FOR EVERY PURPOSE We arc adding TapaLac a Varnish Stain that has no equal HARDWARE Builders Hardware and Sporting Goods STOVES PUTTY PAINTS OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING PHONE NEWMARKET ONT OK SAFETY DEPOSIT IN THE Bank of Toronto at Newmarket A place to keep Wills Insurance Policed Notes Silver ami Valuable they are Absolutely Safe from Fire or Loss from any Manager a South End Lumber Yard i7r ALL KINDS OF TRIM Doors Sash and Flooring 1 J Always on Hand or to J Bowman or J P PEARSON Oar Toronto better A Different Company J was early twilight and the shadows were deepening beneath the elms and the maples On Friday last from 3 to pm the pupils of the Public schools Flower Day by planting flow- V0ice Heres young ers in school grounds and listening t Tlse tne coming round more than short talks by teachers on si Patiently and every night or two and pumping me study turned the handle As the door open- all about that new aerostatic com- stringing of the wires for the she in until there isnt a fresh For Era Comet HydroElectric Commission which is now being done between Dundas and will be begun between Niaga ra and Toronto as soon as tiie setting up of the towers which is now near ly completed is finished The Toronto City Mission opened its fresh air home in Bronte last Fri day for the season and took out 38 persons of whom nineteen wer deli cate women or sickly mothers gath ered from the congested districts of the city Hon A J Provincial Treasurer returned somewhat unex pectedly Friday morning from the West Indies where he has been for the past month The treasurer has acquired a fine coat of tan but seems to be more firmly of the opinion than ever that Ontario is about right as a place of residence For two days Mrs La of Inlet had a pin stuck In her throat and after several unsuccessful attempts had been made to recover it at the General Hospital Toronto Dr Gilbert succeeded in reach ing it Friday morning The pin was an ordinary steel one and Mrs La who was sewing stuck a row of them in her mouth She swallowed the one and must have suf fered agony before it was extracted Mr Stewart 27 Albany last week kindly the old ladies of the Aged Womens Home Belmont street with an instructive and illustrated address on astronomy in general and Hal leys comet in particular Several of the old men from their home shared in the treat All felt grateful to Mr for this ministry of loving sympathy The call was close enough to be a lasting warning At pm on Thursday of last week an electrician working on the electric switches In the doorway of the Canada and Motor showrooms on Bay street west got a whisker trim and a bad scare The current had been turned and as the workman Stepped back to select another tool from his case a report like a cannon echoed along the street By some mistake current had been turned on and strength of it was so great that the sides of the were melted The current did some mure damage in the shape of ringing the lire alarm and Fire Station No turned out in response No one was seriously hurt the electrician only getting his hair and mustache singed Fiftyeight undesirable immigrants from Uncle Sams territory were de ported by the Provincial Police last month Fortyfour years ago last week Thursday the Battle of was fought when the Queens Own the Vor Rifle Co the Batta lion and the Caledonian Co feated the Fenian raiders who were from the Bison City fancied they had a mission to capture Canada Many of the Canadian force were youths from college office and shop not very well equipped but they drove hack the invaders while they sang Tramp our boys are marching Cheer up let the Fenians come For beneath the Union Jack well drive the rabble hack And well fight for our beloved Canadian home The Canadians had ten killed and thirtyeight Wounded Several hundred dollars have been raked from city jewellers by a clever genius who played a soft game He told Ms dupes that he had money on the and wanted to put his ring in pledge for help lie allowed the ring- to he examined and was given as it appeared lawless On the second examination when the man failed to return in a few days it was found to be full of flaws and not worth a tenth of the money loaned on It The corner stone of new church of the was laid by his Grace Bishop- Sweeny on Saturday afternoon There was a large assem bly to witness the proceedings in cluding many prominent clergymen of all denominations When completed the church Is designed to Beat a con gregation of The wives and daughters of the members of the Canadian Medical As were entertained at a lun cheon at the Ladies Club Friday fol lowed by a motor ride through Hose- dale High Park and Mien out to the Country where tea was on the wide verandahs room the floor covered with li noleum the walls hung with maps There were three long windows at the upper end and in the righthand wall an open door Is that you Prank i voice called from the inner room Ethel Wilton did not reply She felt all her reluctance come back to her Why dont you answer me Frank There was the of a chair be ing pushed back and then a tall young man stood in the doorway I I beg pardon he cried as he stepped forward I thought it my somewhat taciturn office hoy Please take a chair Ethel Wilton bowed bravely and sat down At this formidable young age seemed to return You are Mr Albert Vivian she said half interrogatively it your service he answered and cant understand it a bit Jo- was saying in his fussy little Welcome longexpected comet Vivian been e seen e radlance its vomit a been its curving tail for sure Viewed throifgh astronomic glasses Through the lens its glory flashes Unassisted sight surpasses When the sky is bright and clear tion left for him to ask- me Seems perfectly satisfied too but somehow he fails to hand over the twentyfive Minds too credulous construing thousand dollars By George if he That calamities were brewing doesnt come to time pretty soon Ill give some other fellow the chance or Ill bring out one of my other Our old world with wrecks bestrew ing Bringing all things to an end schemes But I want Albert Vivian the wires telephoning It fen his money want his With faint hearts their case Are you always so particular about the actual encounter with shrewder young fellow young man her cour- a thing the names of your your victims asked Ethel with a sarcastic intona tion she couldnt suppress Ethel said her mother in a very soothing- tone Victim repeated her father que rulously Albert Vivian a victim I fancy not Why I dont know a a of Lometsceing Asking questions terror owning Comfort words respondents send What deluding incidentals Varied by ex peri mentals Westerners and orientals And those dwelling at the north All with one accord agreeing If Albert the hills and mountains fleeing theres mon- forsaking hearth and homes in it from the me to come And very from the very start Change for mortals in diversions bowed up to his office hes seemed all wrapped up in my latest if one aim possessed the crowds idea But he doesnt lodge the mon- I wide and skyward name is Ethel Wilton- she murmured Father said Ethel trying hard ok expect he would ook control her voice -what- you surprised she was disappointed There that Mr Vivian was was a little pause ascend above the clouds And to whom V I owe this visit he courteously asked The girl hesitated For me she said with ah this is a very disagreeable mission She looked toward the open door of the antroorn We are quite alone said Vivian I have come said Ethel in a low voice to warn you against- my fa ther Your father My father Joshua Wilton to control her voice what mean by saying that Mr Vivian young and inexperience1 a reck less prodigal Did I say that queried the old Some forsook- their warm beds You did replied Ethel a ring of To a field or park went trudging Hoped to see the comet judging Go He on said Vivian has told us my mother and me that you were to let him have twentyfive thousand dollars to ad vance one of his schemes Do rot give him the money The scheme is a visionary one My father is ill optimist She paused moistened her My mother and I thought lips he you should he warned We felt lint the appealed lather the live you said indignation in her voice he was easy picking There was unobstructed sight Well that shunted Joshua was Clothed in garments odd not caring just a figure speech I must have How grotesque was their appearing said that before I really knew him In their jolly moonlight airing If wrapped them warm about But hush I think he is coming up the road Albert Vivian stepped lightly thru Dimly saw the cornet peeping gateway hat in hand Waking up as if from sleeping Good evening all he cried with Still behind cloudcurtains the easy air of an old friend Ah Mi obscuring tail and sheen Mr Wilton he added if tie ladies Waited till the sun was rising will us I want just a word or Saw a sight to them surprising two on business with you Gazed in As the wonder criticising morning star was seen means yes l 1 to lis Do not money She paused again Of course this warning be treated as strictly Sacred said Vivian Ethel rose to go One moment May I ask how your father happened to his matter over with you He has the habit of wit org said He is jj the verge of winning some fortune lie told us that with your money his latest scheme could sometimes feel sure he is only ro mancing This time his details were I of business with too perfect to admit of doubt He was a- pretense told us many particulars about about you May I ask what he said inquired Vivian gravely You will not feci offended He said you were young and cd that you had just cornc into a lot of money that you were Hinging carelessly and left and that you would never miss the sum you had promised him Are you quite sure I am the per son he meant added Vivian Quite sure Mr Albeit Vivian in Corporation Buildings And your Father upon me as a lamb eh I think I understand what you mean Yes ire said I want you to clearly appreciate the light In which he regard you that you were to use his own rather rude expres sion easy picking Vivian laughed softly Thank you very much Wil ton he Said and extended his hand She placed her owna little reluctant- in if J assure you I appreci ate the sacrifice you have made The warning will not be wasted I am sure I shall profit by It in more ways than one Good day As her graceful form disappeared down the staircase Vivian turned to his office Well by Jove I he murmured He slowly resumed his seat at his desk and pulled the directory toward him In a moment he had found the name Wilton Joshua company promoter Ave Then he carefully copied the address on a card Six weeks later Joshua Wilton and his wife and Ethel were silting on the porch of JhcJr modest little home It Breaking forth with brilliant glancing Magnified its rays enhancing Leaping here and there as dancing Seemed to lose its orbit track For a time with strange gyrations Settled Certainly cried the little man bustling up This way Mr Vivian we will go into a lighted room It wasnt a long interview When the men came hack to the porch Vi vian did not take the chair that was offered to him Perhaps Miss would enjoy a J little stroll he said looking toward In theatric agitations the dark corner of the porch where I bounding the girls white dress faintly glim- 1 I One arose got on a table I rather she would said high as she was able father and there was Tried to overlook the steeple in his tone that seemed quite But twas all in vain usual Much disgusted she descended The hesitated Then she for the comet ended and fetched her hat and he two went Fulfil In perfect sight he blended down the road together re she climbed so high again Miss Kthel said Vivian present- ly want to confess to you that u I am an arrant fraud I have ben coming to your home on the pretense your father for it Can you guess what really brought me Whom you went out of my office that eventful morning I made up my mind thai you shouldnt go out of mylifc Will you ho my wife The girl was silent Put our hand in mine dear it sought On a roof for observation in precipitation To the solid ground below They had gone anticipating Pleasure in the undertaking Couches warm with glee forsaking Tragic to have ended so Others have the sky been racing With kodaks views been taking Of the planets earth forsaking Lofty their excelsior And now said Albert a moment later with an ecstatic sigh of for another you know that up see to father con- to mo I faction and Bo the day that you came had never heard of your Anxrt cried the startled girl was it all fathers romancing It must have beep But when his romancing ended mine How you mush have thought how forward But fa ther had angered me so And my warning was all thrown away Thrown away cried Vivian Not a hit of it It warned me of the utter emptiness of a bachelors life Why dear girl theres nobody looking And in the porch Joshua Wilton was saying in his querulous voice I never was so disappointed When he told me that it was not company you have knocked me down with a feather She loves him said the mother softly Shed better cried Jo Shell never get another such chance And twentyfive thousand dol lars I He paused and sighed Did I tell you how he intends to invest the twentyfive thousand dol lars No said the mother ires going to settle it all on Eth el Soon their tendency celestial Will return to things Comet gone style pedes trial Take their stations as before Now the comet Is appearing Crowds delighted often cheering Belter seen than always hearing Of Its progress in the skies Then go forth and view its Gaze with long admiring wonder Kre it leaves its course to wander Seen next time by other eyes P Hill May Richmond The fourteenyearold son of Wil liam of held a trap containing a hedgehog while a companion tried to shoot the animal Young received in the abdomen and diet wound who does not want to receive a publication will have no the bullet the AGO From Era June 5 Four letters appear this week from the boys of the in camp at the Northwest dated from Humbert by Ashworth Sergeant and two scouts The marriage of Mr Luke Gibbons of King to Miss Annie Toronto on the 2nd of June is an nounced They were married at Sfc Patricks Church Toronto by Rev Father Carduke They took a trip to Niagara Falls Mr Councillor Black is making ef forts to have a new road opened thru Mr Kirtons field thereby avoiding the hill where the school- house stands Newmarket Cricket Club went to Uxbridge on the 3rd and re turned victorious with runs to the good Flour dropped to at Mill this week is doing a heavy busi ness just now in shipping hay to To ronto Forty tons shipped week A petition is in circulation to the County Council to establish a month ly Stock Fair in Newmarket The Sons of Temperance at Sha ron reorganized this week Mr A J Hughes was elected and Mr At the fire on Grounds last week ten stables were destroyed and about twenty rods of fencing In quiry resulted in discovering that it originated from a boy smoking in one of the stalls On the 2nd a man named Newton while chopping on Mr Jus Allans farm King accidentally drove the axe into the top of his not lie suffered considerably from loss of blood After an absence of 20 years an old Sharon hoy in the person of Paul paid a flying visit to the Smith family from Cleveland Ohio til YEARS AGO From Fyle June I860 The Legislature of the Province which adjourned a few days ago pass ed bills Hereafter no Council can grant a license for sale of liquors without the applicant Securing a petition signed by thirty ratepayers favoring the same By a bylaw of the County Council of York passed this week the Vil lage of Holland Landing was This resulted in abolishing the Wards In that municipality A picnic is announced to take place on Snake Island on the of this month in aid of he Methodist Church building fund in Upwards of people sat down at the Children of Peace June festi val last Saturday A sermon was preached in the Temple by David Wilson at am then a procession was formed and proceeded to the Meeting House where the people din ed In his opening remarks at the County Council this week War den stated that over 93000 for the maintenance of prisoners had been by the County which should have been borne by the city Ed note For fifty years the County has been the milch cow for Toronto 9 r London June Despite desultory rumors of a compromise conference the confident expectation now Is that there will he an autumn session to deal with the Lords veto question with an election probably in January The necessary business of tho session commencing on Wednesday comprises the budget revision of the civil list tho regency bill the modification of the Kings accession declaration an1 the census bill trouble in discontinuing it if you notify the publisher that you shua want the paper any longer his successor as to 14ree you owe nothing Dont continue in Canada until next y it I HN Ottawa June It is not im probable that the term of Karl Grey as GovernorGeneral of Canada which expires next fall may he ex tended for a few months Although the question is still in tentative stage and it is understood nothing dont I definite has been decided either as to to his remaining ear it is the until that his unexpected visit to for payment swell upland next Tuesday Is to talk the mat and say vou never subscribed for over with the Colonial office His it No publisher wants to force Excellency would it is believed bo anyone to take his paper if he foes glad to remain in Canada for Want the same time he winter and his popularity with Pcts those who take his paper t pay the whole Canaan people for just the same as they pay any j welcome an other debt office i Mm m mi 1 1 i J I in p fc I H J i n i