i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY mm JUNE 10 1910 Sleep More Soundly If Too Keep Healthy With Horses Indian Boot frills IkJ The man or 1 woman with a good appetite digestion bowels and kidneys working right is never troubled much with sleeplessness It is when the bowels become constipated and the liver and kidneys sluggish that the trouble beginj Lazy liver and constipated bowels quickly bring on indigestion and sick head aches making a sound refreshing nights deep impossible Or the inactive kidneys allow the blood to becomes loaded with uric acid which causes rheumatism with all its sleepdestroying tortures Dr Morses Indian Root Pills taken regularly induce sweet and dreamless sleep by keeping all these organs active and regular The headaches disappear the digestion becomes good the blood is purified and perfect health returns Dr Indian Rat been a favorite household remedy in Canada for over half a century and they are ii daily use throughout the world purely vegetable they arc for and old Made by H ConSstocj Go Ltd Broclcville Ont and to- by all dealers at a box Anti- Combine BOTES G T Time Card GOING NORTH a p Toronto 923 247 1025 340 Leave Newmarket Toronto GOING SOUTH a p m 755 100 850 730 1010 535 755 VIA SEEKERS TO WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr 5 JiDtM 3 Sept 6 SPECIAL TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toroato pm above day Tint an Second Clas and Sleeper Apply to CPR Agent or writ It Toronto ASK 108 PAHPHUT ATKINSON Ageot follows present session and into Fall Term for stu dents in all departments of The Central Business College of Toronto The largest most influential school Can ada for training young people and placing them in good posi tions Catalogue free Enter time Write Shaw Principal street Toronto to Greenhouses St Carnation Sweet and Anerarias Geraniums etc Now is the time to get kiting filled your Funeral and Wedding work given special attention Prices Outoftown orders solicited Raspberry Strawberry and Roots for sale J Newmarket In some quarters the anticombine bill of Hon Mackenzie Kine passed a London cable announces that the- during the late session of parliament Kings birthday will be officially ob is being censured because of the fact served on June only about a that there are good as well as bad Dominion Day in Canada Oaf Toronto better down street at a gait that would outdo the Kings platers It darted across Wellington street and combines and because competition is A sometimes an advantage in thwarting state that His Excellency Earl The matrimonial plans of Hi Yong I Plunged head first into the fence in a Chinaman were completely upset Wellington street carry- last when his prospective bride about six feet or the a Miss Meek lately from Cleveland Fortunately no one was injure Ohio was deported as being an desirable citizen On Sunday a tele- a frbm Ottawa gram was received by the polled from Hi brother Ti who lives in s al- the purpose of producers in their ef forts to depress prices below cost v marriage be stooned as Hi Of course there is such a thing as is not mentioned J unfair competition the outcome of Referring the recent at- which brings no good results to con tack of the News on Hon Mr by an sumers and without doubt it the Hamilton Times remarks a on Thursday evening of safely be conceded that there are that the Hon Minister would be I a compound trade combinations which are not elladvised if he were to take fc leg and a badly cut harmful But these facts furnish no et Toronto boil in its own tangible objection to Hon Mr King rather than spend a dollar combineinvestigation bill- On the public money especially to benefit contrary the measure referred to People who will immediately turn and makes provision to protect the com- attack him for that expenditure face City courts took a last Fri day it being the Kings birthday The conviction of Rev Atlas for is lady raised her hand indicating to the conductor that she wished to get off The car was stopped according ly but though the lady wriggled about but she failed to get up Con ductor asked you wish get oft She nervously replied Yes but I cant It was discovered that one of the buttons on the back of her waist had become entangled in the rattan at the back the seat It required some tact and much man oeuvring to extricate her Dominion analysts say the adultera- is more bines from action based on trival and unfounded complaints and con tains the important proviso that be fore an official investigation can be instituted the complaint must be for mulated by at least six citizens Fur thermore these six complainants must succeed in convincing a high court that they have made out a case of such magnitude as to de mand investigation The findings of investigating boards are to be made public If the charge be not sustain ed the combine is advantaged by the favorable advertising it will receive as the result of the inquiry but it the findings are against it the Gov ernment should take action to pro tect the public- As the Hamilton Herald very properly observes The King bill is a measure for making it easy to at the facts about trade combines which are complained of for giving publicity to those facts an1 for fifrnishing the government with just grounds upon which to proceed when it becomes necessary to curb the power of a too aggressive com bine It is a good bill and deserve support only from the general consumer but also from the trade combines which are called bene ficent ooo Immigration Statistics According to Government immigra tion statistics for the last fiscal year fiftyeight per cent of Canadas total immigration settled in the Western Provinces Free land grants is the attraction to that part of the Dominion The propaganda carried on by the Government however is not confined to settling- in the West For while no less than home steads were granted to farmers and George Tate tells a Toronto audience that he- despairs forgery is to be appealed Defence of Toronto will produce new witnesses to prove Prevalent than in any other part of Canada Bad record for Toronto Wright of the Walker the Good or democracy and the London Ad- returned to the city last week walking along the footboard vertiser comments thereon thusly after a seven months tour through at car fares No wonder ran for Parliament Columbia Oregon California between 6 and oclock last Friday twice and was defeated on both parts of the great West evening Conductor James Lynch of sions Yes George Tate belongs Christ Church Deer Park was oV- WW car No 981 lost his balance to the old school of Toryism and week and fell to the pavement He was would go party at the expanse of a goodsized twitch in political science every day in the week con- The Hamilton Times commenting on the fact that three companv pro moters have been convicted of fraud in Toronto because they told lies in their prospectuses and advertise ments asks this pointed and sugges tive question Should everybody who doesnt stick to the truth in ad vertisements he sent to jail The question opens up a wide field for speculative thought Thev should be honest at least At the annual meeting of the Can adian Medical Association in Toronto last week Dr Adam Wright the Pre sident p hot shot into the pres ent system of educating Medical stu- and compared the process of Stuffing a quart of facts into the space of a pint went or to quote from many eminent authorities snow that the work demanded of to students One fifty masons an unconscious condition to Buffalo made a fraternal visit Michaels Hospital where he Is Lodge in this last wi- in a very critical condition agin that y was practically double required fifteen years the result that their education was more superficial authori ses should give Dr Wrightls observa tions much consideration Lodge in this city last week The Khan is going strong the lawyers this week H says- The farmers have more sense than any other class i the community there a whole slew of lawyers in every town who ought to be plowed under and then seeded down with Picks and shovels Pretty heavy dose for disciples of The man who is charged with seducing Maggie Stewart and abandoning her at Detroit was sent to Whitby for trial The three actions entered against Saturday Night newspaper have been dismissed for want of- prosecution The city Council wants the Provin cial Government to help beautify the city the public chest Very con scientious some of the aldermen It is announced that Dr Wm Greene a Rochester aviator by recent adoption will attempt to fly from Rochester to Toronto across Lake Ontario on As the crow flies the distance is about miles He expects to make the trip about two hours an1 if he is lying in a very with a fracture of the base of his skull A couple of boys both under 14 years boldly entered Mrs Shaws grocery street the other day and robbed her till of over 2 They were afterwards arrested This shows how daring some hoys grow where not restrained by borne influ ences Senator Jaflray left for a trip West and will visit Manitoba and Al berta before returning it is now pretty generally under stood that the Ontario Government House property will pass to the whose tender is said to amount to the bulk oiler is 5150000 more than the bid of the Sir William who takes a deep interest in public affairs said re- I am in favor of gov ernment of the City ot Toronto a highclass well paid commission ap pointed by the Government of HAIR VIGOR Troubled with dandruff Want more hair Anelegant Ingredients Sodium Capsicum Ssje Alcohol Water Perfume We doctors endorse this formula or we would not put ft HAIR VIGOR r J Our six years experience in tailoring in town proves to that we axe i In North York with the largest and best assorted stock ol UptoDate Suitings An inspection of our goods for your IN ia solicited NEW a 160 THE UPTODATE TAILOR MAIN ST I I When Sir Wilfrid Laurier goes to England next year to attend Im perial Conference it is said he will take up the question of the diploma tic standing of the various colonies in the Empire Possibly he will open a discission a ccssfu he time less will be here by than boats regularly improving the farmers sons of Eastern Canada who ConsulsGeneral were attracted Westward by the these gentlemen have no of- of the Departments of toal the Capital a an effort may made to change tin- to the propriety of J y status of ihe foreign I in Ottawa the British ar- agricultural in Eastern cure per cent of rivals the best immigrants remained Canada Speaking of the immigration to the Western Provinces the Toronto Star summarizes Government report Alberta seems to be the favorite gaining settlers British Columbia next and Saskatchewan third 29218 which was more than Quebec secured On tario received the largest number of any individual Province East or West The Americans prefer the West Of the total American immi gration into Canada per cent or settled west of the Great Lakes and of these Alberta secured Saskatchewan and British Columbia Those coming from the British Isles on the contrary prefer the populous for out of total of only per cent or settled in the West and of the remainder the Pro vince of Ontario attracted almost as many as the entire West or sent us immi grants of whom located in the Maritime Provinces Eastern Cana da absorbed cent of the immigration from other countries the remaining 45 per cent settling in Die West- On the whole the forgoing statistics clearly demonstrate that this Cana da of ours is forging ahead at a rate never equalled in his tory Within the ten years the vast area of territory transformed from a desolate wild to comfortable homes and productive fields the hun dreds of thriving towns and villages which have sprung up almost like mushrooms in their growth forming hives of industry all attest the onward progress and rapid develop- of this grand and growing con- 1 way to present existing of exchanging diplomatic messages be tween Washington arvl Canada via the Colonial office in London It is now stated that the Dominion Government purpose introducing a bill next session in fulfillment of the 1903 program of the Liberal Convention to alter the constitution of the Senate We trust the measure will not partake of the halfandhalf features of Hon Senator Scotts bill There is no sense in introducing an clement pregnant with divided senti ments such as a partly elective and partly nominative would en gender A Senate responsible to tho people Is the only satisfactory change calculated to meet the demands of pub lic opinion King George V London of the new Kings reserved disposition may he found In the fact that while sto ries about bis fathers doings and sayings fill columns of the newspa pers very fev course Little Fruit Store OPPOSITE HOTEL NEWMARKET Lemons Banana CARLOAD Every Saturday Beat and Cheapest Prop Quality Olive Oil direct from Italy New Prison Farm June Tne reform atory board Including Hon J Joseph P Downey Warden and two or three Others arc Inspecting the work done at the pris on here and arranging for the accom modation of prisoners who be brought here on Monday The temporary buildings are about com pleted A number of cottages ate to be built along the York Road for the guards officers and it Is likely these be gone ahead with at once spa arc printed about him his naval career his many voyages and his public life are fully dealt with but very little is printed to show- what manner of man he is beyond the statements that he Is one of the shots In the is a devoted collector of postage stamps and leads an fddal home life The King and Queen are devoted to each other and children they read the same books together an1 have the same Interests It is a con stant practice of the King to tak a hook into the Queens boudoir the afternoon In Order that he may read aloud while she rests The children are with them all d long save when they are at their les sons The elder children have break fast and lunch with their father and I mother both younger arid elder com In after dinner or dessert The Kings private life is wholly blameless and above suspicion Gam bling he dislikes ho docs not care for horse racing He has always tak en an interest in football and crick- He Is found of reading and possescs a fine library Of modern novelists he especially esteems Thomas Hardy Recently he has been reading Ras- steaming out and in the port of To ronto during the navigation season gives some of the traffic to and from this port These give employment to persons The several captains mates and en gineers are well divided and favoring this city A petition to the Federal Govern ment asking for a serum laboratory from which antitoxin can be shipped all over Canada at cost of produc tion was what tho Canadian Medical Association resolved at their closing session The newly organized Grand Privy of I Ontario Knights of Malta attended religious service last Sunday at St Annes Church Lawrence the rector preached on the occasion The Celestials of this city are fast acquiring western habits During the past week a Chinese Commercial Club was Incorporated with a capital of There is a clause prohibit ing liquor and gambling In the char ter The County Council of York is in session this week From various parts of Ontario comes word that the frost last Fri day night pinched tomato plants beans and some small fruits One gardener near Cornwall Is said to have suffered loss In strawberries to extent of Albert Parker got caught in the elevator of the Standard Silver Co Hatter street One foot and one arm was caught between the wall and elevator Result hip broken and crushed hand The presentment of the Grand Jury recommends whipping in all cases of conviction of men assault young girls It also recommends severe punishment of foreigners who indulge in the common practice of stabbing Very good suggestions The Army and Navy Veterans As sociation sent a congratulatory cable to King George on his birthday and received an official acknowledge ment same day A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs ae on Wed nesday when their daughter Beatrice became the bride of Mr Herbert Edgar only son of J Edgar of Mass Rev T of Newmarket per formed the Ceremony the welding march being played by Mr The bride whose father gave her away was daintily gowned in white silk striped voile and pearls with bridal veil and orange blossoms and carried a shower of bridal rosea Miss Marlon as bridesmaid was In a soft pale pink gown with nosegay of pink roses and little Ora cle Collins the lower girl was In no The carpenters strike is over and ninetenths of the men hack to work King George has called a confer ence of the political leaders in Britain In an attempt to avert a constitu tion Plata The Reckoning by Semen- white net over mull with banket of off with great pleasure Another book carnations and ferns Mr William he has studied of late is treed was best man Afterwards The English Constitution and a in black satin and gold year ago ho was reading Sydney Jicd a reception Mr and Mrs Edgar tons Handbook to Political Ques tions of the Day Mother Abandons Her Two Children From Toronto Mail June 3rd With two children on her hands and no husband to help in their sup port a young woman by the name of Maggie Kirk has within the past ten days tried to rid herself of her charges ten days twice tried to rid of her charges Both at tempts however were attended with more than disagreeable results and on both occasions she fell into the hands of the police Last night she was arrested by Detective Wallace for having her little girl Mag gie in Simpsons store although the charge laid was only one of vagrancy Shortly her arrest Emma Saint of Victoria Street was also arrested in connection with the affair It appears that on the Kirk woman went to Street where lier Utile girl was being look ed after and took her down to the Saint womans house on Victoria the woman being a friend of hers On Tuesday afteinoon accord ing to the story told the police by Saint woman she with a Irian who lived on Street went to Simpsons store with the little girl and left her there Denies Any Knowledge Mrs Kirk says that she knows nothing about that part of it and that she only gave her child to Miss Saint for keeping The two women have been together since Tuesday af ternoon and occupied the same room both Tuesday Wednesday nights so the police are under impres sion that if Mrs Kirk was worrying much about her child she would have noticed her disappearance and made enquiries Mrs Kirk was arrested here only a few days ago at the request of the chief constable of charged with abandoning a child there She was caught My Detective Newton and taken to Newmarket but was allowed out- on suspended sen tence as a good family there had consented to adopt tho child Child Was Adopted One of the peculiar features this last case is that yesterday the au thorities consented to allow Mrs Catherine Hodgson of Street to adopt the little child that had been in Simpsons and the woman had al ready taken the child the Shelter to a good home Moore seri ous charges will likely be placed against the Kirk and the Saint wo men when they appear In court on Saturday i i J Executors Sale OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS I Thats the only way you can to keep them because any lameness means less work and less profit to you Spavin Splint Curb Sweeney Ringbone Swelling or need not prevent your horses from working Simply use Kendalls Spavin Cure It works while the horse works takes away the pain reduces swellings makes legs and joints sound and strong leaves no scars or white because it does not blister ll Spavin Cure has been the horsemans standby for years and Is used all over the world Burns Ont Sept I have used Kendalls Spavin Cure and it cures Old William Keep your horses sound as a dollar Get Kendalls today and you will have it tomorrow if needed a bottle for fa When you buy ask for free copy of oar book A Treatise On The or write us 51 Br J KIND ALL CO VU GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the ELLIOTT MM TORONTO ONl It has paid others it will pay you Write today lor our handsome Cata logue UPPER LAKE STEAMERS Sailing from SarnJa at 330 for and Port Arthur May For May and Sailings from 130 pm and Owen Sound pm Wednes days aad Saturdays for Soo and Georgian Bay Ports Secure tickets and full Information from J Depot Agent I PURSUANT to instruction the Executors of the THO I MAS GLOVER there will be offers for sale by Public Auction by Auctioneer on SATURDAY the day at 11 oclock in the forenoon at j Forsyth House Newmarket the lowing valuable farm lands PARCEL ONE The East hall quarter of Lot in Concession of tbe Township North in the County York containing 125 acres more or lesa PARCEL TWO The North eisl quarter- of Lot in the Con cession of the said Township containing more or less On Parcel No are erected a brick dwellinghouse a frame ban 50 by on cement foundation underneath stabling one large driving house one smaller driving house One good frame sta ble There are two good wells on tin place and two cisterns and half an acre of fair orchard fences are in fair condition Tin farm is all cleared with the eiceptloa of about acres of swamp bush Terms of SaleFor Parcel No On Ten per cent at time of sale cfent within one month thereafter to onehalf of the purchase rnonc and the balance to be secured mortgage on farm payable in years with interest annually at fin pec cent Parcel No Two is a low pasture lot well watered by a big stream About twenty acres are land Term of Sale for Lot No Tea per cent at time of sale balapce ia 30 days thereafter These properties will be offered toe sale subject to a reserved bid For further particulars apply to J ROBERTSON- Vendors Solicitor Newmarket P Dated 1st June I Town of Newmarket Era for balance of year cents leave for their new homo in Manitoba on Friday On- Saturday morning last a horse attached to a light wagon owned by tho Baltimore Lunch Company rush Eggs Eggs Eggs FOR HATCHING Notice Is hereby given that a By- Law was passed by the Council ol tho Town of on the day of April AD providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of for tho purpose of granting a bonus to the Office Specialty Co an1 that such bylaw was registered in the Registry of the North Riding of the County of York on the 18th day ol May A a mo Any motion quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must ho made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot bo made thereafter Dated tho 2nd day of June YEARS EXPERIENCE ma I I i tfr Designs Anyone a U qnlcklr our opinion it probably ft Oldest tor Co American Ar fwtrttM weekly Teres for post prepaid if New York OS a From two good pens of Black Minorca for Chicks guaranteed or setting replaced at halfprice W J Near High School Newmarket Ont 3w20 J HUGHES Charge Marion TAKE NOTICE that Samuel SUl- ford of the City of Toronto In tee County of York in the Province of Ontario the husband of Ethel SW- ford will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Sessions thereof for a BUI of Divorce from his the said Ethel of tbe city el Toronto in the of York the Province of Ontario on the of adultery DATED at the City of Toronto County of York Province of Ontario the day of April Godfrey Pheaa ml- Henderson Toronto Toronto- Solicitors for said Samuel j 1 I a- I