Newmarket Era , June 17, 1910, p. 8

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the bast remedy for Two Houses for Sale la Good locations in Town Apply K N ROBER For Sale Brick House 12 rooms domestic water tad New stable on lot Apply to Box FOR Fire Wood in any form to suit the Must be sold The is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG For Sale Eight Roomed House situated on Huron street Newmarket with first flies and all modem For further information apply to A J DAVIS Newmarket For Sale Brick Cottage with Sis Rooms One Acre of Land Cistern and Well at door Wood Shed Stable Driving Sheds Hen Pen and small fruit sit- on Yonge street just south of Industrial Home Apply to Win Late Box Idfe around the Hub BAT AND RELIABLE to AURORA Mr Herbert is erecting a large implement store house and stable on his property on the east side of Machell avenue effort is made to secure Wednesday afternoon as a holiday for the clerks of the town A petition is being circulated but we understand the merchants are backward about signing it The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church at Snowball will hold their annual garden partv on the lawn of Mr Archie Mitchell on Juno 21st The 1st of July Demonstration here under the auspices of the Fire Brigade promises to be one of the best ever held here Three cups have already been donated for different events and a good program of sports is being arranged The City Band of Toron to will furnish music It cost Mr Frederick Nichols of the Canada General Co of To ronto the handsome little figure of for running his automobile thru this town at a higher rate of speed than the laws allows on May 24th Ten dollars of this amount goes into the general funds of this municipality Banner ORCHARD BKACH Your brain muscles and nerves depend upon good physical condition Secure it by using as Hague Conference Open 0 YE OF LITTLE FAITH Sold Everywhere In Boxes For Sale That valuable property on Huron treat Newmarket known as The Homestead A beautiful home grand situation rich soil Fine large garden fruit trees Fine lawn with shade trees and hedges Flowing well Furnace and tattle A Grand Home for any Person For Particulars see J McIIALB f Executors of Estate Farms for Sale In Saskatchewan Enquire particu lars from HUGHES Local Agent for A Barton Co Toronto Terms Easy Free Trip to purchasers GET READY FOR IT When wanting FIRE LIFE or LIVE STOCK Insurance I can do the business for you alright Have always A NUMBER OF HOU SES AND LOTS FOR SALE to Loan on first mortgages on farms Hughes Agent Keswick people were delighted with the intimation given in the Era week in regard to electric railway im provements Work on extending the power house commenced this week and the promised new station will A number of cottagers have arrived for the season The lawns of the summer houses have been nicely cut and trimmed and the Beach looks beautiful Some progress has horn made to wards having the convenience of a station house at Rovers Corners Guess it will he an old car same as Sharon It will be very acceptable the number of passengers taking cars at this point not only during the outing season hut all the year round such a convenience is due to the Fishing is reasonably good for the time of year If the gasoline boats dont drive them to deeper waters there wiil be good sport all along the eastern shore of Cooks Bay this season The Mann and Wilson boarding houses are now ready for guests but crowds are not expected till about Dominion Bay From that time for ward it is expected guests will be nu merous judging from the number who have already made application for rooms BRADFORD The Witness reports that last week three men went down the Holland River a couple of hundred yards from the bridge and in about an hour cap tured fish some of the number being bass item does not state the kind of bass but if they were of the bass species somebody ought appeared before a as Jr Hall Kenneth Muriel Dorothy Thirsk Ross I Cameron Eves Marjory Sr I Harry Watson Shanks Thirsk Helen Wil son Orval Shanks Ethel Eddie Kershaw Jennie Glover Muriel Roy Fountain Harvey Robertson Arthur Glover Leslie fiodgins Ada Jr I Trevor Jack- Tate Hazel Eves Bessie Kershaw Wesley Eves Willie R Scott teacher Manitoba Letter Prairie Province Booming Winnipeg Man Juno 14 Business and crop prospects in the never were more prosperous and promising Although there has been none too much warm weather this spring the are a generally excellent con dition Seeding was done at an ex ceptionally early date and inspection of the crop throughout the west shows that grain has stooled and rooted strongly cold weather so that nothing more is needed but warm weather to hurry the crop to a safe stage of process in a short time This warm weather has arrived and is in progress at the time of sending this letter Sunshine Forces Growth Sunshine following on the heels of weather that has store the laud with plentiful moisture is making the The Hague June 1 The arbitjra- tribunal which has been assign- tie task of settling the Newfound land fisheries dispute itfl first A sower sowed his seed with doubts session- today The first business and fears session will be held on Monday The dare not ful eais Poor 1 years Yet ere the August- old Una Dr Saver in the 1 Fair stood his fields a waving sea of Netherlands Judge George Gray gold 5 j United grates Sir Charles Ho reaped a thousandfold rick Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada The British agent Will hope he sad for fruit- sittings are to be public The court us consists of the following jurists Give You a Statement In a dark place one a kindly j a B and the word United States agent Chandler P An- So weak my voice he sighed chance none heard- in his inaugural Or if they did no answering impulse speech said that by submitting a dispute to the court Yet i ard To FniitaW in an hour his fortunes were at stake One a life in peril for his sake Because the word he spake Little have I to give Lord one cried wayward heart that oft hath thee denied Could thau with such a gift be satis fied Yet when the soul had ceased its mournful plaint God took the love that seemed so poor and faint from it made a saint Christian Burke ooo- WHERE IS YOUR BOY Jan I feel It my duty to give to you and the world an unsolicited statement respect to the wonderful cure I received taking l was treated kinds of pills and tablets but nothing did me any good I saw the strong testimonial favor of Last week a border city of Onta rio there were some revelations in a juvenile court that aroused the city officials and a good many parents to no small degree and which will pro bably result in some civic legislation during the prevailing that shall make it harder for boys and girls to enter upon lives of sin It seems that three hoys who were arrested charged the cheap theatres and mjoving picture shows with fur nishing the opportunity and incentive to the crime The revelations were so serious as to cause a movement to close the picture shows and similar places of entertainment to all hoys and girls and it is also suggested grain crop of the west rush forward o introduced to maturity at a great and gratify- But these are only partial measures ing rate Acreage under crop real difficulty lice in parental Valuable Properties FOR SALE I largely increased this year In Man itoba alone the figures show IJOJ and this year Gains In Saskatchewan are even great er and Alberta has made substantial headway too in increased acreage under crop From these premises plus good weather a crop far bigger than ever lias been produced in the west is augured Big Business in Winnipeg Locally business in Winnipeg is first class Building permits up to the fourth of June have been grant ed for worth of buildings United States and Britain have ex pressed their complete confidence in tbe pacific method of settling interna tional conflicts have given an exam ple to the whole community of na tions and have won for themselves fresh credit in the cause of interna tional justice and peace for which those powers have perhaps done more than any other- nations espe cially during the reign of the monarch whose premature and sudden death has so recently been lamented by fiis vast Empire ooo Mr Cumberland President of the Ontario Historical Society has just returned from where he has concluded arrangements for the coming annual meeting of the society on ihe 14th and of July On Tuesday June the Hon Jas Duff Minister of Agriculture Senator It P R Hunt and otters will open the Park Royal at Belleville June William Moore of St in Hastings county was going through the bush when he came across a big black bear a trap He was struggling hard to free himself Mr Moore ran six miles and returned with a rvfie with which he shot the which weighed over pounds The hear was almost free only two small tendons of his lacerated leg being still held in the trap Ont June Little Gertrude England the fouryearold daughter of Mr and Mrs Oscar Eng land of this village was so seriously burned that after nearly three hours of fearful suffering she died She left her home wth some flowers for Mrs of whom she was very fond and then joining Sawyer threeyearold chum went with her to a playhouse in a shed while there the little ones seem to have lit a lamp which in some- way ignited the clothing of little Gertrude in by New Brunswicks Grand Old Man the Hon John Costigan and I knew that anything he stated was honest and true and given only to help fellowmen i tried and the effects were most mar vellous andnowl am entirely well from all my Chronic Constipation that I suffered from for so many years My general health is once more excellent and I cannot say too much to express my thanks for the great benefits derived from taking A is not got ten up by druggists or expert chemistswho know nothing about disease and the needs of the human body but is the scientific discovery of a well known physician and is the only medicine in the world made off rait a box for or trial size At ftll dealers or sent postpaid receipt of price by Limited Ottawa if- is Si carelessness or crime The parents who have young children should know where those children are at night and no else can take the parents place or assume his responsi bility The very fact of parenthood involves responsibility that cannot be transferred to another It is the fathers business and the mothers business to after the well- being of child And it should be made their chief business It is little use providing clothing and shelter for the child i got out and gave the alarm we allow to grow up without moral restraint and while it seems Residence now occupied by the unr formerly known as the Fed eral Re Building and homestead A most substantial build ing built under old English ideas with modern improvements bath electric lighting Pease hot wa ter and hot air etc etc ALSO The TWO Stores In the centre of trade formerly known as the Cald well block now under lease to Mews Martin Co for nearly years to run Apply CO Harness MR J Owner of New Shop la doing well Now la the time to examine your give him a call Alto Set of Plow Harness Rome June ft received by foreign office says the Mad Mullah vhos Cruelties have resulted In terrible out rage in Africa and the sending of several expeditions against him by Italy England has been captured and natives friendly to the to the open season did not commence till the middle of this month Miss of Newmarket is visit ing Mrsljrilfil who in now recovery from illness The churclj of England Par ty will be held oil July A pro gram of sports will be run in in thcTowtf The program will Include a baseball lour- Mr Mis Robert Sutherland Bradford announce the engagement of elder daughter Gertrude to Rev son of Mr Wilson i he marriage will place on Wednesday June 22 Mr Hob Sinclair whip and robe the Party in Bond Head on Friday night Some sneak thief helped himself to the articles was enjoying himself A fncetfjigjAf the of the Ladles Bowling Club was held at Mr Tuesday even ing Matters of business were dis cussed and settled and play arranged for afternoon Much in terest taken by the ladies with Come to Bradford on Saturday June Big Baseball Tournament Teams from the country round about are corning to complete for valuable silver cups of fered as first second and third prizes arid see some good sport Half on all railroads Witness School Reports Report of No for the month of Class Gladys Barker Viola Barker IV Jessie Kershaw Florence Half John Jr Walter Tate Teller Shanks Melville Addle ft and there is no slacking up Build- a hard thing to say it is only too ing trades workers are ho busy that true that in countless cases the tbey cannot keep up with their work of the parents has been the ruin in a working day of regulation length J of the- child Business is important and in sections of the city which and social functions have their place especially in this respect there is a steady steady roar of hammers from seven in the until It is too late to sec at night Of course much of the work is kept within union hours but then a great deal of building being done by men whose a by chief regard is for making progress at whatever cost of time and labor ne cessary to that but the parents who are too busy with these things to take time to look after their children have no right to have children The mother who voluntarily com mits her child to the care rangers in order that she may be to en joy her pleasure unrestrained forfeit and deserves to forfeit the love of that child And father New but before help could arrive her play mate had been burned almost beyond recognition She retained conscious ness for two hours pitcously implor ing help from her mother and who attended her She was the only daughter of her parentsiand the whole community is shocked by the tragedy STRICTLY PRIVATE Lover Of coin darling our en gagement must lie private for a while The Girl yes dear Ive told City Hall for Winnipeg who is too busy to got acquainted everyone not to say The Civic bylaw appropriating with his children has no right to grumble when those children forgot dav human tragedies are young lives are a million dollars to the passed June ana a resolution llm SJK by the City Council to build a new I J City Hall which shall bo ready fllld followed quickly The al Hall Which is no was built 52 in andhas been too small for J civic purposes for years It W J proposed to put up a splendid ft l on the Market Square site trending of plana an to be prepared for what will he one the civic AuiM J the new arc in the making fur l in Canada Hall plans a permanent exhibition building in the heart of the This is to be of the arcade type of architec ture arid will be with sub station number one of tho civic sys tem fur distributing from the Horse power plant at Point Hois- June Bank Clearings better of the business activity that prevails could he cited than the bank clearing figures the first week In June reports of these figures the increase over last year was more than mil lion a dayexactly they showed a gain for the week the ttalbing to for corresponding in In per cent of gain these figures show per cent over last year human tragedies occur in homes father and mother arc hers of some Christian Ihfl matter is one that needs plaln- and where We have a right to ask the father anil mother Where is your boy Where Is your girl and they have a right to know If that boy or girl is roaming the streets alter dark and the parents do not know where he or she is there trouble Ahead fr the and for trag edy which may occur the parent must be largely responsible arc our boys and girls We parents ought to know Hows This Wight Olive Black Marguerite According to ffee Lindsay Sherman captured in a fight at Ottawa June It is announced by the authorities that the Canadian cruiser Rainbow which Is being for Canadas new navy will be ready for Inspec tion at Portsmouth In a month She will sail for Canada very soon after and will go to Vancouver a trip of about two months The second ves- Brown V Robert- SoutmwdirX Mnded are now in light McKinnon Herbert will be manned with British ofneers Shropshire and skeleton crows With Kershaw Bessie for two years by the Admiralty Dorothy Fountain the men for years Myrtle vice The crews will lc filled with Canadian rift Children FOR FLETCHERS I A tain up We offer Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh J CHENEY CO Toledo We tho undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm WALDINQ MARVIN Wholesale druggets Toledo O Catarrh Cure is taken Inter- nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for cob OLD NEWSPAPERS Sale at this Office a word ftj of having a tooth extracted Is under our treat ment Wo often romovo four and five at Imponaiblo if at tended by pain Toole Oil Bog Spavin I teen Cui ca a colt that a ted clean KecdaUi li tt locf Swdllnja HI Lam nd for book A On or wwriuua DfBJKdallO T CLEANING and DYEING a curtains gent and out rich and a curtains gentlemens clothes etc- can all cleaned to look like new by our French Process The can bo to our skill and experience Our Dry Cleaning la dona without rip ping any part of the garment Our book tell about our work and write for free copy Oct CO My Valet THE Adelaide Si Toronto Dominion Day Return Tickets at Single Fare Between all stations in Canada al- to Detroit ami Port Huron Mich Niagara Kails and Buffalo GOING JUNK JULY RETURN LIMIT JULY Northern Co Grand Trunk Route Sailings of passenger steamers from for 00 PORT ARTHUR and DULUTH every Monday Wednes day and Saturday at pm Only the Wednesday and Saturday steam ers go to Sailings from COLLINOWOOD pm and SOUND pm Wednesdays and Saturdays for and GEORGIAN BAY PORTS Information from Railway Ticket Agents or from the Company at or J Depot Agent Causes Sickness NO MORE a powder pact In tin ready for In weeping a take one or two to dust Sprinkle you are to begin not all oer the then at you do The powder la swept of ihe broom and falling on Us absortw the duat Hid clean and bright Tie dust la not thrown tie air to cattle back on WHY YOU SHOULD U IT SAVES LABOR IN SWEEP IT SAVES ONE HALF YOUR DUSTINO IT SAVES YOUR AND IT SAVES DAMAGE MOTHS IT SAVES TAKING UP CAR PETS IT SAVES YOUR HEALTH IT SAVES YOUR MONEY It Costs Nothing tojtry We are authorized by the man ufacturer of DUSTBANE to send you a 35c can of their Sweeping Compound They want you to use this on trial for one week A the end of this if not found satisfac tory we will take it back and there will be no charge for quan tity Sold in barrels half barrels and quarter barrels for stores schools banks churches and public buildings A Newmarket I Lot of Heavy Paper Suitable for putting under carpet for Sale Cheap at this office la known as Flower Garden of Saskatchewan Wo are Agents for the Sale of acres of Choice Land in this Famous Dis trict Special xcursion from Toronto Every Two Weeks EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RATES all Purchasers For Further Information and Maps call or write College Street TORONTO efunded A BARTON CO M HUGHES Local Agent Newmarket i

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