Newmarket Era , July 8, 1910, p. 7

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m m I a J I re ft st J I HALL Watch This Space Next Week Weeks Meal Seats WHAT IB OX IB about Presbyterian Church Rev P Tottenham will change pulpits with the pastor next Sunday Brleflets The employees of Messrs Martin and Co picnic at Bond Lake next Wednesday afternoon The business people and citizens generally are requested to decorate next Tuesday to give visitors a good impression of the town Firemens Excursion The annual Excursion of kef Fire Brigade will he held on Aug 3rd to Niagara Falls Dont miss it Special Car Service The Metropolitan Railway will op- halfhour service from Rich mond Hill to Newmarket on Tuesday July in connection with the celebration in Newmarket from 915 am to 1215 pm returning from j Newmarket to Richmond Hill from to pm AGENTS FOR CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS I VE i 4 North Yorks Greatest Store AGENTS FOR LADLES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase 1 Summer Having Purchased from Mr R A Smith his eery Department 1 most respectfully solicit your trade The Stock of Groceries c will al ways be kept up to the Standard of No I in Quality and our Prices will compare most fa vorably with others in the trade Business will be car ried on in the same stand corner of Main Timothy WLBOSWORT The Leading Reliable Grocer Phone Extraordinary Considering the season the stalk of barley measuring feet 9 inches without the roots which Mr of East brought to this office last Saturday shows extraordinary growth As a rule the crops in this section are not as prom ising as a month ago improvements Mr Frank is making exten sive improvements to the old home stead on Hill and will trans form it into a double tenement The wooden steps in front of the Presbyterian Church have been re moved and fine granolithic steps and walk are being built Methodist Church Good congregations greeted Rev J D Simpson last Sunday and he was cordially received Ev erybody was delighted with the ser mons The prospects are bright for the ensuing ministerial term A vacation has been granted to the new pastor and for the next three or four Sundays Rev of Cooks- town will be the supply He will al so remain in Town in case his servi ces are needed through the week S S Excursion The annual Excursion of the Meth odist Sunday School will take place on Wednesday July by special Metropolitan cars to Morton Park the most delightful pleasure resort on Lake Arrangements have been made for trips on a pleas ure launch during the day The children arcanticipating a time as usual The tickets are for adults and for children Every body welcome Womens institute The different of the Wo mens Institute of North York intend holding a united Picnic at Bonds Lake Park at oclock on Friday July 15th An excellent program is being arranged for consisting of ad dresses by Miss Shuttleworth and others on interesting subjects Presentation Mr Donald Morrison who is le moning from Newmarket to Dundas was presented on behalf of the Pres byterian and Sabbath School with an address and a beautiful gold watch suitably engraved on Satur day evening as a memento of his faithfulness the work of the Mas ter The Right Move At the Council Meeting last Mon day evening Mayor Pearson introduc ed a bylaw making provision for the taxes to be paid halfyearly We hope the bylaw will he passed though of course it will be too late to go into effect this year There are several reasons in favor of half- yearly payments People prefer pay ing in small amounts The money thus paid saves overcharges in the Corporation Bank account Those who pay the 1st halfyear before the of June obtain a discount of per cent for their promptness Those who do not pay before the 15th of July per cent added for their thus fostering business principles The second halfyear is payable before the of Dec no discount after which 5 per cent is added We feel satisfied the bylaw will be heartily endorsed by the largo majority of ratepayers The space of this advertisement only allows us to tell you about a few of the many bargains we are now offering and the wisest thing you can do is to come and see us and judge the values for yourself Store closes afternoons during July and August at I A PRUNING KNIFE AMONG patterns each Brand and are built specially for STARILhNiiUUJJbnoiw inc DRESS GOODS AND New stock of Eton collars each Summer wear the material is DIES READYTOWEAR DEPARTMENT NOTION DEPART MENTS A All our stock of Dress Goods eluding all the very newest materials slaughtered at per yard 3c Ladies effective and neatly trimmed and shades of navy brown green our Embroidery designs Suits with pleated Skirts and lapel grey and all yard pwjaro collars Colors white pink hlue AH and linen shades all sizes price and Ginghams the very newest patr re terns for yard Ladies wellmade and nicely finish- All our Muslins Ginghams ed Skirts in white pique linen and and duck all sizes Price yard worsted and the colors are grey New stock of Dutch collars each olive and brown they are 25c grade and right uptodate Regu- our stock of Laces to be sale price Homespun Tweed Pants light and dark grey cool and comfortable for i A Ladies colored Skirts the Crums English newest fit guaranteed Colors- Pts finest print in the world black navy grey green brown price New York model Linen Waists very stylish and uptodate price the brides the marriage Wednesday of Rogers daugh- me miss una looked charming in Cane second daughter of Mr B Cane looked simply Father of USA is visiting at the parsonage here and is attending the Mission in King and Miss Toronto in visiting Mary McGlnnis Miss McDougall of Tottenham is spending her holidays Mr Hunt of Toronto is spending a with Susan Coffey and at The Cricket played at between St Albans of Toronto and the home club resulted In a de feat the home club by runs wfckefsi Quito a tew from around her took in- the picnic at on July s and daughter Mabel WiurcbHUl were in village one day Mies Belie Smart of Toronto fa ytsitlng at her home here Doyle A St Michaels Toronto At with friends in vicinity Quite a number from this vicinity were at tfe Garden Party at on July 1st The Tottenham Choir are the Mbwlonat King these last few days forget be at Jacksons July the of the Conservative Picnic Mr William his who have visiting for the last few days to their home on July A Beautiful Wedding Happy the bride the shines on an old saying and of course it must be true With such an array beauty as assembled at on Wednesday afternoon it could not otherwise The bride Miss Ka- trina and Mrs charming as she entered the- drawing on the arm of her father the wedding march being played by her cousin Miss Cane The bride was supported by her sister Miss Mabel Cane who carried a sheaf of pink roses The lucky groom was Mr T late of Scotland who was supported by Mr Will The bridal party entered the room through an aisle of white ribbons and sweet peas held by four little cou sins Marjory and Kathleen Wiidi- Georgian and Doris Cane the brides mother following and carrying a bouquet of cream roses The ceremony was performed by Rev under an arch of sin lax brightened with carnations and banked with palms and ferns The bride was attlrred in cream silk with lace overdres also the custo mary bridal veil and carried a show er bouquet of roses and lilies the Rogers At the residence father at Bradford was solemnized on Miss Helen Evelyn of Mr and Mrs John Rogers to Mr Norman son of Mr William or the same place Rev William of the Methodist Church officiated The drawing room was tastefully decorated with lowers and bride who was given away by a a bouquet of bridal roses The wedding march was played by the brides sister Mrs W Richard son of Newmarket and during the signing of the register Miss Stephens of Newmarket sang cauke After the ceremony and wedding breakfast the happy couple left on the noon train fori and will reside in Bradford on their return from the honey moon Neatly embroidered Lawn Waists all sizes some with very pretty ef fects price Smartly tailored Linen Waists in real uptodate styles great values at White Mull Waists with lace yokes Dutch necks very neat Black Lawn Waists low and high necks tailored models Black Silk Waists summer weights very handsome goods all sizes price Cream Silk Waists with protty in sertion trimmings new styles bar gain price Come and see the bargains in La dies Boys Wash Suits etc Womens Plain Black Cotton Hose yard per pair Womens Plain Fine Fast Black- Cotton Hose per pair Womens Plain Tan Cotton Hose per pair Womens Fancy Hose in tan black and per pair Boys and Childrens heavy ribbed Cotton Hose regular pairs for lot of Childrens Vests all sizes regular prices up to to clear each I lot Womens Vests regular up to to clear each 1 lot Womens Vests regular up to to clear for each lot White and other make Vests regular up to for each Boxes of 3 to a box price per box 15c and Hemstitched Linen Towels each Pure linen Damask Table Cloths 108 ins long by ins wide 125 in Unbleached Table Linen 25c BARGAINS SUMMER SHOES Womens Patent Colt Oxfords with suede tops in grey and black all sizes regular for Slippers for Children in red black and tan all sizes regular 125 for Mens Oxfords Kid Calf and Patents Goodyear welted soles all sizes regular for hot weather Regular 300 for Grey Tweed and Worsted Pants with side and hip pockets well fin ished and tailored Regular 250 for Mens Homespun Pants in grey for Summer wear all sizes for Summer the well- known- brand Regular for 25c Wash Ties fast colors each 18c BARGAINS IN Japanese Matting Squares yds square Japanese Matting Squares yds by yds Japanese Mats yds by yd China and Japanese Matting re- 1 duGcd to yd M and i Come and see our stocks of La- White or Oak Curtain Poles Jin dies Mens and Childrens foot by complete with trimmings wear the best selected and largest each stock in North York and every pair Window Shades ft by 6 It in a bargain several shades of green and cream each Palm Fans 2 for 5c All our stock of Fancy Belts all new goods and the latest pat terns price each Very pretty Jabots in many dif- EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS THIS WEEK ONLY 25 FOR MEN A Suit for These Suits- are the celebrated Century PER CENT DISCOUNT OFF ALli REGULAR PRICES OF WALL PAPERS mm r July wide move ment to the showing of toe moving pictures of the John son haft been started here and Major Richard Sylvester chief the police and president of international Po- The only ornaments she wore were a string of pearls and a pearl bracelet gift of the groom While receiving the congratulations of the age Company Miss Ada sang with splendid expression the beautiful solo Because J The arrangements were so well planned thai the whole company numbering nearly sat down to gether in the spacious lining room t a tempting dejeuner at which the health of the bride was proposed by the brides uncle exMayor Cane The outoftown guests were Mrs Lukes Bradford Miss Olive of Providence RI Mr and Auger Mrs Vhitmore Miss Baldwin Miss Marrow Miss Mrs all of Toronto and Miss Stewart of Aurora The wedding presents were numer ous- and and fully attest popularity of the bride The grooms gift to the bridesmaid Was a pearl brooch pendant to the vocalist and pianist gold brace let set vlth Scotch stones to the groomsman a clover pearl The happy couple left by evening train to spend the honeymoon in Montreal the brides suit being of Rajah with Tuscan hat A number of the bridal party went the depot and showered the couple with petals of and confet ti The auto that took them to the The victory of Johnson the color ed fighter over Jeffries the white man has caused the negroes of the United States- to swagger and the whites to be resentful The result has been one of the vorst outbreaks of race feeling Blood hasbeen shed in various places Whitby July The fifth an nual Whitby Conference of the Young Peoples Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada opened here last night with the largest at tendance in the history of the move ment here being registered There Is a splendid program laid out for the next eight days and unless all feigns fail the conference will far surpass its predecessors Pierced Brass Pyro Etched Brass a FROM TORONTO LETTER The licet of the Toronto Ferry Co on Dominion Day handled peo ple The service was satisfactory On a made for the foreign mis sions by a Calgary girl who will her self shortly become a missionary there was laid last Sunday evening In Tabernacle the sum of HI It was the crowning sum to complete the amount of 23000 which had that afternoon boon ottered to the mission cause by its supporters Toronto at the close of the Christian Missionary Alliance convention Unless the Board of Control grants I to some fifteen inch of the citys department the increases re commended for them by Mr Aiken the men resign Thq Band of tho Guards which is being brought ocean to play at the Canadian Exhibition Is being widely ad vertised as the chief musical- attrac tion at the JapanBritish Exhibition That Is further evidence that It Is all that is claimed for it viz that It is the finest military band in Eng land And that means the world for even the Germans admit that the British Military Bands excel all others of unknown origin broke out In the second floor of tile thrcstorcy building at Lombard street by the A K Fur Com pany ate Tuesday night and al though no official estimate the damage can be given at present It Is believed to have caused about loss It Is reported that a Provincial or der in Council will issue at once pro hibiting the exhibition o the moving Pictures of the JohnsonJeffries prize fight in any part of the Province of Ontario According to the police the passing of worthless cheques has became a habit Patrick Lyons who was arrested in A Mandate by Chief Con stable King of Barrlc at the request of the Toronto police Thomas Mack aged 33 Is charged with attempted rape upon Mrs Ida According to her story Mack asked to rent a room She took him upstairs to show him room and ho her She de fended herself and he fled but wan followed by neighbor who turned him over to the police w Whether you observe that festive day by work walk or play youll want to wear The 12th is a mans day particularly though women an in it and while this is a i a ill Ml most women an interest in it for these reasons We Clothe Men Best J Doesnt matter whether the Man la a Stylish Young Fellow who want the Very Latest In Every thing or a Working Man who wants Solid Quality and Long Lasting Wearables We Please Them All We Clothe oys Best I Our Prices Mean Money Saving Wo provide the and that will stand the Maximum Amount of WearRacket We supply all tho garments and besides Satisfying the Boys in Style we satisfy Mothers in Value We Please Them All Buying for Quick Cash and In Quantities we command the Price Concessions thaV Enablo Us to Quote you Such Price yon are Glad to Come to Us and Pay Cash a We Please Them All KK if- Ml it The a- depot was decorated with ribbons opposition at on ground crime be encouraged Major fer confident that the district legal will a on the iioytyH eV and baggage was also labelled In uptodate manner The young people congrat ulations and wishes of all the town on their return will reside in Newmarket Drug Store Can Phone Ik Baggage and from trains handled deitpJbUh cOOO Jack Johnson won the worlds boxing championship in a light with Jeffries at Reno Nevada on Mon day Jaw July Lem on aged 22 formerly of Stouftville was drowned on Saturday bath ing in the river He had reached the when he exhausted and before help could reach Wm had I gone down twice That no in Ontario is in bettor to supply tho wants of our assortment deserve all business you can bring Til is The Wear Wlen WEST STREM ft- Witt I

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