I J J T Time Carfl GOING NORTH Leave Toronto Newmarket GOING SOUTH a p 805 130 830 1025 Leave Toronto a r a p 755 158 FOURTEEN CALLS In eight hours received by our Employment Department on Wednesday July indicate the chances we have for placing competent young people in good office positions We cannot supply half the calls we receive for lack of material If you want a good training and a good salary when ready attend our school Centra Business College Toronto Shaw Principal Free catalogue mail ed on request BEST SERVICE TO Four Trains from Toronto am 1215 pun pm pm Bala Sleeper carried on pm train Fridays ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES OF THE GREAT LAKES Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen Sound Special train from Toronto pm sailing days Meals and berth Included on boat The Most Pleasant and Cheap est Route to and Atkinson Agent Newmarket Perrins Greenhouses St Carnations Sweet Peas and Geraniums etc Now Is the time to get your hanging baskets filled J Funeral and Wedding work given pedal attention Prices reasonable Outoftown order solicited Raspberry Strawberry and Aspargua Roots for sale The YMCA Proposition Press rises to re- Some weeks ago through these j we put before our readers the POTESi mark says that Wilfrid The Congress of the neighboring has an eye Editor as a Cabinet possibility Mr is a big man big in body and big THE LITTLE BLOUSE are news- great necessity of having a branch of Republic has passed a bill to come in mind Messrs Fielding Temple the Young Mens Christian Associar into force nest year requiring all for Newmarket This proposi- 1 vessels leaving American ports with ion of course needs expenditure also a few promoters and workers to awaits Presidents sanction make start With the help arid benevolence of a few philanthropic According to intimations received way Board is empowered to extend man Graham and Oliver paper good GIRL The day was hot very hot and I was cross very cross To begin with Cousin and those three un ruly children hers has been at our men and they have all matte house for a whole ten days and 1 tell as Cabinet Ministers you its just no fun to be cooking and stewing in a hot kitchen when al By an OrderInCouncil gazetted friends are either at the lake Saturday last the Ontario Rail- shore or cooling off on their own ver- citizens and a subscription list put office of the AttorneyGeneral the time for the issue of debentures I Of course it wasnt hospitable of into practical operation Ontario this Province has won two J by municipalities beginning Mon- but when mother asVed Cousin important cases which have been long day last This power was granted for Easter why did she have to the Board by the legislation come August And session but the date of going injcr suggested that she bring the baby would be the assured result This is not a civic enterprise it is Pending before the Privy Council merely an Association for the better- tne dispute between tbe ment and welfare of all youngmen in Provincial Governments re- general Even- citv and town 0 any the terms of the Indian action respectable size has an institution of while the other was the dis between Ontario and Quebec Pro vinces over the Common School Funds dating back to Confederation time Wcerte Sodium Cecusi Water Perfect Anything injurious here Anything of merit here Will it stop falling hair Will it destroy dandruff Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor i OiOf J a Compact to eilect was subject to government this kind And why not Newmarket Can anyone give any tangible reason for not having such A splendid op- is open to some one to promote the scheme The Toronto Telegram punches the why did Harold and Nettie have to come too Then we had Martha at Easter and she was fine for washing dishes and preparing vegetables but or outandout organs of the course she had to go back to the tiye party in Toronto on this wise farm in June to help with the If the Borden leadership has i FALL TERM OPENS AUG ELLIOTT unquestionably flrVelatg all Departments Write today for our Catalogue Little Fruit Store opposite royal hotel Newmarket Lemon Pitt Applea Orngea CARLOAD Every Saturday Beat and RUSTO Prop Quality Olive Oil direct from Italy Helping The Town What need is thete in sending to mailorder houses for articles when the same goods and in several in stances of far better quality can be obtained in town Heres a question that needs a great deal of inward thought Mailorder buyers are mostly the losers in the long run After the paying of expenses portage and other costs how much have you gained Perhaps you may have sav ed a trifle on the cost of he article or articles but we fail to comprehend how socalled economists save money by buying goods in this manner Take for a single buy ing of a suit of clothes You first obtain a moneyorder the clothes ar rive you then pay for the express Is considerable When you try the suit on for the first time you realize that they arc not the right Style you wanted or that the fit is not correct You have been welcom ing the suit with almost impatience expecting to take sway the breath the fellow who bought his clothes in town What jar you get when the suit is unsatis factory and therefore necessary for you to return it for another Then you have the cost of express again both ways What would he your gain after paying all the expenses attached to said article The same clothes at the same price can be obtained in the your town without the cost of postage express and unnecessary trouble Several other instances could be mentioned entailing the same results If an article is bought at home you have it to view and choose as you please In mailordering you have not the convenience of seeing the I thing you have to trust to the honesty and integrity of the com pany from whom you are procuring the articles In supporting home industries yoJ are not only doing the right thing to yourself but you are helping the town directly and indirectly The money you bend away say to Toron to does not in anyway help your home town The money goes into the treasury of mailorder house helps to pay their taxes and build up a monopoly Whereas in buying your goods at home you are actually helping to improve the place Home merchants have to exist like every body else at home you assist in making your town a progres sive and prosperous Mer chants have the name goods as any mailorder establishment and do their to satisfy customers a tradesman happens by chance to bo minus the article you are in need of Without the loss of a cent to you he procure it for you and will take pleasure In so It is the aim of home merchants to cater to the best advantage of his customers Think for a minute readers and thoroughly fathom this article and have no doubt that a perfectly harmonious feeling will prevail We have no enmity or undesirable com plaint against mailorder purchasers but It must be admitted that in many- cases mail ordering is not a success Buying at home Is most as- the safest quickest cheapest and best way to buy your goods and it also keeps the money In your own town AN OBJECT LESSON Asked as to the finest compliment he had ever received Harry Lauder re cently told the following story One night at when was leaving for all American a crowd gathered around my motorcar Among them were some cockney girls During the past week or so word has been received at the office the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alli ance that local option campaigns are to be undertaken in the Town of ThessaIon the Village of Paisley and the Township of These bring the total local option contests now in prospect- for next January up to about one hundred Should the aver age number of local campaigns prove as successful as last year it will make a long strike towards securing a dry Province of Ontario work and no sooner had she ed to newspapers that were its friends her departure then our Nell got rather than to organs that were its j flatterers its fortunes would have never been associated with the lead ership of Monk The Borden leadership is afflicted- with organs that have more vision in their heels than they will ever have in their heads and whose foresight is much Inferior to hindsight Word comes from the Prairie Prov ince of Manitoba that the black grass- hooper which created such damage in has again made its appear ance there in various locations en route from the Dakotas From to they covered the country in swarms eating everything green and even stripping the bark from the trees after they had destroyed the crops The grasshoppers are large and have a large or wing resembling the butterflies when flight In a paper read by Dr Aikens of Toronto at a meeting of the Canadian Medical Association on Radium Treatmenl of Rodent Ulcers Skin Cancer Keloiri He he says The conclusion arrived at as the re sult of the use of at the Heidclburg Institute is that taking all in all the experience of radium treatment of malignant tumors not withstanding all the skeptical views expressed gives a strongly grouped hope that we may look forward to a permanency of cure in many cases The doctors own experience confirm ed the statement that rodent ulcer epithelioma of some degree one might say extensive epithelioma has been treated with success This also ap plies to epithelioma of the mouth It is just possible a many people throughout this country may think Hon Mackenzie King a trifle too previous irt offering to pay the of arbitration between the Railway strikers and the Why should the whole country be with an of that sort looks like a case of being generous wvth the peoples pocket- hoof for the benefit of those who have created conditions which the general public are not rftponsible for Part ies to a dispute should pay their- own costs of settlement It is just wonderful how habits customs arid tastes differ among var ious nationalities We arc told that in the Alpine regions of the Swiss cantons of Vand and cheese- makers will keep their products for years They claim that cheese im proves with age At in the canton of It is ary to make special cheeses for cer tain family feasts they are tagged with explanatory labels and eaten several years later at other feasts or even a a funeral We are also told that often such cheeses are bequeath ed from one generation to another as family souvenirs Recently Lea in a concealed shelter there was discovered a cheese dating from It was as hard as a rock and had to he cut with a saw reported to have tasted good Plans are being laid to rtttlngly celebrate in one anniversary of peace among speaklng peoples and a national committee is being to per fect details the movement The treaty of Ghent was signed on 21 1811 and it is proposed to commemorate the event by a fitting celebration Andrew Carnegie has been chosen chairman of the tempor ary committee On organization The plan of celebrating has been ten tatively discussed It has however been suggested that a part of the program shall be the erection of a suitable such as a mem orial bridge upon the Niagara bor der thus carrying out the thought of Hon Mackenzie King Canadas Min ister of Labor It has been likewise suggested that the event shall bo cele brated in a manner that will best tend to promote and perpetuate peace among the nations and I overheard one of another Thats old Wiem Arrys nay to car OLD NEWSPAPERS For Hale at Office Aint he and he aint vulgar I was leaving a provincial theatre one night after doing my character sketch of a drunken man called the when a chap who was fairly under the influence of liquor came up to me at the stage door Harry he said holding out his hand put It there am as Billylooking when Im drunk you are on the stage Ill take no more drink Twelve months later when I re visited the same town this man came to and told mo that he was fetid a teetotaler and meant to re main one for the rest his life State of Ohio City of Lucas County Frank J Cheney makes an oath that is senior partner of the firm of J Cheney A Co doing btiai- In the City of Toledo County and and the said firm will pay sum ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and case of Catarrh that canpot cured by the use of Halls Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my this day of A Seal A Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY Toledo Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation THE ELEPHANTS KICK Why Tough Suddenly Left- Circus Tent Among Lincolns circus stories said a Cincinnati veteran to the De troit Free Press was one about a Delaware tough A circus Lincolns story ran visit ed Newcastle and the town tough turned out the afternoon of its arriv al to see what sort of circus It was A canvasman making his usual round shouting off the guy ropes there Off the guyropes came suddenly upon the town tough who was leaning against the canvas tent wall in the sun smoking a corncob Ye talkin to me wuz stranger said the tough hunching up his shoulders very wickedly Oh no sir said the frightened by the toughs size I only just wanted to warn you sir that its a little dangerous to lean against the tent that way as the elephant might kick you sir The tough snorted with con tempt Drat elephant he growled Ill clean out the hull show elephant and all ye give me any of lip The slunk oft humbly a few mfnutes later went inside and told the boss The boss who weighed over pounds and stood six feet six in his socks chuckled and took up one of the enormous used to drive in tent pegs Show mc where hes leaning was all he said The canvasman led the boss to the place where the toughs form made a long oval dent in the tent wall The boss chuckling fixed his eye on that spot just Mow the toughs coattails where the dent was deepest and swinging the mallet twice round his head he struck with all his might There was a dull thud a cry of pawn and fear and the tough leaped ten feet then off down tho road as fast as ho could run Whats the matter the inhabitants shouted as he tore thru the town Been kicked by the elephant be replied The Old Roys celebrate in Orlllla on Saturday Aug ft Henry Cook was killed in Mont real by collapse of shed at the gas works and eleven other men were hurt Children FOR FLETCHERS I A Why Captain Was Nearly Dead A few months ago you could have seen a man whose life was a life of misery doubled up with pains In the back painful stitches flying through He was given up as incurable PILLS cured him alter three treatment We guarantee you that PILLS will cure you or your money hack a box at all drug stores Ihe of Manufacturer Inter other who realize of having Patent business nicotic advice Bap A rue pur ft New sick and the doctor sent her out West so that meant that mother I were the sole survivors of the do- situation On this particular day when I was so very crisscross the thermometer on our back porch stood at eighty- seven but I had to go down town just the same There was a bargain oh in colored blouses at Ripleys and mother said when Cousin wanted one so badly and the baby was too fretful to be left I really ought to offer to shop for her So of course but I guess you know by this time how sunshiny I looked and I didnt feel even as happy as I looked Well when got to Ripleys there was i- an awful jam and you would have thought there a regular fa mine of colored blouses in the land the way people crushed about I quickly selected a nice blue and gray for Cousin and no sooner had the girl sent it off to the parcel office than I began to think the blue would never wash It was that pretty bright uncertain kind And so somewhat timorously I asked if I might change my and would you believe it that poor tired girl fairly on Oh yes she said Im sure I can catch that parcel if I hurry And away she ran returning in a moment all ready to help me choose another blouse Just as she had my second choice on her arm she was turning away I saw a whole table of colored waists that I had never noticed before oh they were so pretty I suppose my face looked what my tongue hadnt the courage to say for the girl stopped and asked just as cheer fully as you please whether Id rath er have one of these Theyre a specially nicefitting waist she said and only reduced from I was sure Cousin would never have hesitated and pretty soon I had selected a beauty Hut to tell the truth I was doing more straight thinking about the cheerfulness of this girl than I was even about my satis factory purchase It was eighty- seven on our breezy back porch it must have been ninety in Ripleys blouse section and yet this tired- looking girl never seemed a bit put out over my slowness However did she manage to keep so sweet When she handed me my change I plucked up courage to say Youve taken a lot of trouble for Oh she said in quite a surpris ed fashion thats nothing It would be something if I did it I said with my conscience prickling me over my cloudy morning But you sec its my talent Your talent I repeated in sur prise Wont you please tell me what you mean The girl gave a quick little glance and seeing a moments lull in the blouse business turned to me If you really like to Know was such an ugly youngster and not smart either and granny used to talk awfully straight to She told over and over if I didnt learn pleasant Id never have any friends She said I might make my willingness to oblige a sort of talent And so tried to pleasant and do some extras Its only a common place talent she added wouldnt have done to bury it would it I couldnt think of a thing to say but just then a lady impatiently demanded a stripe size and my girl with a cherry Good morning turned away All the way home I was thinking so hard about this talent that I nearly left Cousin blouse in the car dont mind telling you that 1 got dinner with the thcrcmometer still at eightyseven and never one cross word- did I say Later when I told mother about my little blouse girl she said- quietly A fine healthy outlook on life that girl surely had HuC what staggered I said was to hear her calling It a com monplace talent I should say It was one of the most uncommon Yes but everybody who will can make it more blessedly common And something the way mother said this made me resolve that this talent of being pleasant and obliging should become really common round our house Valuable lace should be kept wrap ped In blue paper White paper Is often bleached with chloride of lime which injuriously affects any delicate fabric that lies It any length of time Have on Hand a Large of White Pine Norway Spruce Hemlock etc to Order Special Sizes Cut Doors Sash Flooring Moulding All Kinds of Inside work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work a A IN mm ewA- w What About Your Sleeping Room There should he a quiet reposeful beauty about rooin a refined and soothing elegance that sleep You may feel like buying a new suite for one or more of your bedrooms but you dont need to Send for our free booklet entitled DaintyDecorator and learn how will make the old suite shine with all the beautiful lustre of new life A coat of colored Lajcqueret any shade to suit the furniture or your fancy will make every article look brighter and be than on the day you bought it Hardware and DaiJers tell International Varnish Co MITCD Toronto Winnipeg ism It sold In full Imperial measure packages only FOR SALE BY H SUTTON WEST No one has ever felt happiness away Over two thousand men In building trades have gone on in Chicago Peterborough July An un fortunate accident accurred at Youngs Point a few days ago by which Frederick Weaver the 14yearold son of Mr Thos Weaver of Harvey tho sight of eye In addition to having the other severely burned and his face badly burned It appears young Weaver had filled a bot tle with gunpowder and coal oil and then ignited the contents a match resulting in an explosion sad by giving W A Sandersons jewellery store at Pejterboro was robbed of the w0rtn watches rings and diamonds A Treatise on the CoudersyWUOctUiiSO me your Treat On The Hone I by your d thai it bat If 1 I not be without it as I think horses In the last year by direction la your book you buy Kendall a I Get copy when yoa buy Is Cars at your dealers not write There are no dead flies lying about when All Drug- are used as directed General Dealers sell them f