THE NEW Robertson Barrister o Street Newmarket to loan on Farm Security r sitoeal V- V i noting the will be held on on Tuesday AND COLLECTOR the 2od of August at pm at th of Mrs J e n cal Painter Rouse Decorator House Street Millards Lane and DENTIST SI- Wilkinson Block Newmarket MARRIAGE Issuer of LICENSES I Office Newmarket 411 unite Private sued at residence if NEWMARKET I LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones ft LUESBY Dp J Boyd VLB Graduate in medicine of Toronto also Licentiate the College of Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant Bye Hospital and Uni versity College Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor- Main and Timothy Telephone No 110 Consultation 46 services may be had at any hour Of the day or night by calling at the or phone Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS it OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery New Grocery have received our Stock of New Fruits of all kinds Currants Figs Dates Peels Layer Rais ins Malaga Oranges LrOn3 etc AIo ail the NEW GOODS Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Best OUR GROCERIES Arc well assorted and the Best 1 thai money can buy Try Our OUR BREAD Weight Thread Huns Cakes of all kinds Fresh Every Morn ing None Better few good I COOKED HAM sliced to suit or Money Refunded Joseph Purdy Phone Perkins Old Stand avenue Pros- Womens Institute The Newmarket Branch of tie North York Womens Institute will hold meeting a Mrs A Starrs Orchard place of Mrs John The program is to be a demonstration on cakes and salads given by the girls the Institute on the first Saturday in August Pilfering Fruit Every summer people who have fruitgardens are pestered with boys stealing their fruit At Richmond Hill last week three boys were taken before a magistrate and fined SI and costs amounting to each The law allows a magistrate 10 levy a fine of or one month in jail Some boys in Newmarket will get in to trouble if they do not quit this practice at once Methodist Church attendance last Sunday was most the smallest on record Per haps this can be attributed to the weather conditions Rev Pujgsley preached two splendid sermons botJi on evangelistic lines in the morning on the Improvement of Race Thru Christianity in th evening Conversion- Pugsey will preach again next Sunday in tea may mean to you flavor or strength or fragrant Richness Red Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combination ot all three points of merit Will you try a package IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It si Dates of Fairs Sept 27 28 w Oct it and Bolton Oct 3 and Bradford Oct and Sept 20 to Cookstown Oct and Sept 21 Hamilton Sept and Sept 23 London Sept to 17 Oct and Newmarket Sept 21 22 Oct and Sept 21 Oct and Toronto National Aug 27 to Sept Udora Sept 28 Weston Sept and Oct Sept anTl6 Great Opportunities The expansion of business in all lines of trade and manufacture thru- out the Dominion is proving splendid opportunities for bright well educat ed young men and- women The ever increasing demand for them is very well reflected in the record of the Employment Department of the Cen tral Business College of Toronto which cannot begin to supply the many calls it receives for well train ed help for Business offices salaries now paid even to beginners is very much better than in and no field of employment of better inducements or brighter prospects for a successful future than the commercial interests of our Country A bookkeeper stenograph er or telegraph operator can make a choice of the many appointments of fered and can earn a good from the day he enters upon this line of work Proper preparation paves the way and the influence of a reputable training school opens the door Dollar wheat appears to be in sight again The dealers were shipping hogs by the Metropolitan this week Red raspberries cultivated sold at per lb the market last Satur day There are still some weeds about town that need cutting A number of residences in town have been greatly improved by a fresh coat of paint The Government cheque for the Pub lic Library this year was Civic Holiday in next Wednesday Decor Hon Day It is since the Cemetery looked so well for the Decoration Day service as it did last Friday ev ening and the caretaker Mr Miller was complimented on every hand The attendance was larger than usual The weather was all that could he desired which no doubt contributed- tu that end The music by the Band was appropriate and ex cellently rendered The President Mr C Webb took charge of the service Rev a prayer and Rev Thomas deliv ered an admirable address Much care was bestowed upon many of the plots and flowers were numer ous and profuse Monuments have re cently been erected in the Rogers and Jackson family plots and also a tablet in Mr J Proctors plot Decoration Day 1019 will go down into history as a great success The English Churchills re putation for wt is well known and on one occasion he made a neat little Welch and James Welch two joke expense of a half-opinion- r were sent to the Central officer The incident occur- on Friday 0 a charge lob- during a dinner in South Africa j Carson of The Mr Churchill a the officer were on the prisoners seated side by side Throughout the sometimes become careless in meal the latter was airing his views One last until at last Churchill could stand it repairing gasoline stove no longer had his right hand Do you know he said burned using a I met a man today who would glad- S and accidentally set to the if forfeit 50 for the pleasure of bo- injuries were attended tog able Jo kick vou To kick me sir exclaimed astonished soldier I must ask vou stole quantity of type from his to tell me his name at once employer to set up rival printing O replied Winston Im not went to jail yesterday for quite sure that ought to do that ay But I insist on knowing a week awaiting sentence the other angrily I labelled fine long bacon Well then I sirppose I must tell the eye of Provincial vou It was a poor young fellow- in- at a few the hospital who had lost both his ago while he was looking thru jto at the Hospital the Baker the young man who stole legs by the bursting of a shell FOURLEAFED CLOVER J Firemens Excursion Wednesday is the date of the annual Fire Brigade Excursion to Niagara Fails The special train leaves Allendale at Bradford Newmarket Au rora 025 King and arrives- at Wharf at The steamer Cayuga will be there ready to take excursionists to where electric cars on the American side Will take the party to Niagara Falls by the famous Route There will be ample time to visit all places of interest Last car home does not leave Niagara Falls bill pm The tickets for the the round trip from Newmarket arc only SI and good to return the fol lowing day Civic holiday in New market the game day and if you only want to as far as Toronto you can get a return ticket for Si Pat ronize the Firemen and make the ex cursion a great success A WOMANS ROOM A womans room its daintiness Proclaims it hers Each quaint recess Fragrant with flowers each cosy seat Subtle with invitations meet A mans requirements more or less It soothes one like a caress A lovers sympathy confess You have not even seen so sweet A womans room Her and pictures all express Her varied moods Ah how bless The day that brought her little feet More near since to be complete It needs the rustic of her dress womans room Two women were to death and a baby fatally burned in a Arc Rapids Mich A Japanese steamer went down oil the coast of Korea and only per sons out of 21C were saved Three leaves of course Im bound to have The little clover said Theyre all Im set to do but swill I think Ill go ahead And grow another if I can An extra leaf to show That I am trying with all my might To live and work grow So while the other clovers stayed Content with leaflets three Their braver brother added on A fourth for all to see How foolish cried the other ones Why do an extra task Three leaves are al the word expects And all that it can ask But lo men hailed the extra leaf And grasped the meaning too For luck a symbol true Since tis the added willing work The extra bit of pluck- That conquers all the best of life And brings the worker luck PrisciMa Leonard in Youths Com panion m Ten Commandments Today Thou not wait for some thing to turn up but thou pull thy coat and go to work that thou prosper in thy affairs and make the word failure spell success Thou shalt not be content to about thy business looking like a loafer for thou know that thy personal appearance is better than a letter of recommendation Thou shalt not trv to make ex- nor thou say to chose chide thee I dont think Thou not wait to be told what thou do nor in what manner thou do it for thus may thy days belong in the job which fortune hath given thee Thou fail to maintain thine own integrity nor thou bo guilty of anything that will lessen thy good respect for thyself Thou not covet the other fellows job nor his salary nor the position that hath gained by bis own hard labor Thou Shalt not fail to live with in thy income nor thou con tract any debts when thou canst not see the way clear to pay them Thou not be afraid to blow thine own horn for he who est to blow his own horn at the occasion nobody standing ready to blow for him Thou not hesitate say the freight office It was assigned to As the supply 0 is rather scarce there the constable decided to investigate He opened the box and found that the bacon con sisted of 36 bottles of fine whiskey This was confiscated ami the people who were expecting the will have to wait Simon aged years got up a tree in the West end after apples that did not belong to him His churns shook the tree to make the fruit down faster then followed Solomons picking and down came Solomon too When picked up his right shoulder was Apples have sometimes given rouble ever since Adam and Eve hankered after them Funny retorts are given in the lice Court occasionally A man was in dock charged with drunkenness A chronic nuisance said Sergeant Incorrigible said the chief inspector I was painting a hotel sign said the prisoner Choose a church door next time said the magistrate as he imposed a fiO days sentenced over the Don Boating fatalities continue to be repflted toll numbered three on Sunday two in the Lake one at the Mrs Tobias and grandson aged years were the Lake- victims in a sinking yacht and Win Long lost his life while bathing The trophies between the telegraph ers and the Co have all been sdttled by- the Conciliation Board A lad fell down an elevator shaft in the Manufacturing Co premises on Saturday and was killed He was years of age Win Rannic the wellknown seeds man died at residence on Satur day lie was a native of York Coun ty and was born in Its Easy to Flower Show The annual of the Newmarket Horticultural Society will be held in the Skating Rink on Wed nesday and Thursday Aug and The Exhibition will be open to the public on the first evening at ft o clock and on the second afternoon and evening from oclock to A special entertainment will be provide each evening The Prize arc in circulation and it now rests with the members to make the show surpass all previous efforts It occurs to uh- that the life and beauty of the Flower Show might be greatly strengthened by addi tion of a few prizes for canaries and other flongbfrds Perhaps the Hoard might think it is not too late yet to foster this branch of home attraction by the announcement of some special prizes Send the BRA to absent friends TAKE OF THESE LITTLE TADLETG AND THE PAIN GONE I use Dr Miles AntiPain Pills for Neuralgia LaGtipjjc and all pains I dont intend to be without them for I find ready relief in thcin for every thing use them for MRS L MILLER W St Davenport la All Pain In my family Dr Miles AntiPain Pills are used for headache colic and other pains and give relief at once THOS FOWLER No 3 Dunn Price At your He supply you If he not prk to us DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto No when thou meanest No nor thou fail to remember that tberc arc times when it is unsafe to bind thyself by a hasty judgement Thou give every man a square deal This is the last and great commandment and there is no like it Upon this com mandment hangs all the law and pro fits of the business world 7 Nearly forty persons are reported to have met death in a terrific cyc lone that swept over Italy hi the vi cinity of Milan t Warning Since Its introduction Into Canada the sales of Parisian Sage have been phenomenal This success has led to many imitations similar In name Look out for then they are not the genuine See tbat the girl with the Auburn hair Is on every package You can always get the genuine at Rogers Co Parisian Sage Is the quickest act ing and most efficient hair tonic In the world It is made to conform to Dr of Paris proven theory that dandruff falling hair baldness and scalp itch are caused by germs Parisian Sage kills these dandruft germs and removes all trace of dan druff in two weeks or money back It stops falling hair and itching scalp and prevents baldness And remember that baldness is causcJ by dandruff germs those little hard working persistent devils that day and night do nothing but dig Into the roots of the hair and destroy its vitality Parisian Sage Is a daintily per fumed hair dressing not sticky or greasy and any woman who desires luxuriant and bewitching hair can get It in two weeks by using It cents a large bottle This is musical week at Hanlafls Point The Highlanders opened the series on Monday On Tuesday Hand the Body Guards Wed- and yesterday the Grenadiers Hand Lightning put the great organ in St Andrews Church out of business last Sunday evening as well as the lighting plant A reunion the women graduates of Queens University resident and visiting this city took the form of a dinner at the St Charles last Miss MA ol Ottawa was toastmistress and event proved a happy one Fire at Oxbridge July Fire which broke out at three oclock this after noon in the woodshed of the Public school and destroyed the school ami sheds and also a stable on the op posite side of the street owned by Mr Suggs A west wind- was blowing at the time and only the herolo efforts of the firemen pre vented the firo from destroying a large portion of the town The resi dence of Mrs Huntingdon across the street from the school was dam aged awl ft number of other houses adjoining were on fire several times The loss on the school will be about partly covered insurance HARDWARE ST E i ft Whiskey Packed in Stilt Provincial Constable A Howell of wandered into the prtfss oflicc at the depot a day or two ago and saw a case profusely stencilled Breakfast bacon Long- Clear the name of the packer etc He kicked It and it seemed heavy He endeavored to lift it awl it seemed heavier still He removed the top and there he found three dozen bottles Of whiskey packed between thick salt The whole was confiscat ed Whiskey when it smuggled into these new countries is worth a bottle and finds a ready sale A few days ago a constable unearthed a den which concealed kegs of beer all of which was destroyed Is estimated that this year the provinc ial officers have seized worth of whiskey principally in the north country Over of nets were seized near by the Government steamer Mr near Man has cut acres of Hungarian red wheat yielded eighteen to the acre The new wheat standi the dry weather liettr than red and to mature earlier v- You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line Electric Light I Paints Oils Glass B A R fl T 1 OUT ALL Goods A Toronto Jobbing House and low prices combined with refined workmanship go well together These features receive especial attention We have Summer Worsteds and Tweeds in galore While down town call in and Inspect our new patterns No one has ever been disappointed PHONE THE UPTODATE TAILOR MAIN ST T afAVWM 7 OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro you its lulluyuco Hie and make a man of toco aiA the ulcere up baihdlnCKi despoil ir bright ho that all as that face on I no physical systems rowel ris no vtil vnt- no yourself a know caouM a failure let and fakirs rob you your hard NO USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Summers relates experience was with lability form Any years 1 1- vie to aha excesses In youth I became vcy car whether I or not I imagined who looked at mo my dreams at night me my back ached had pains In back or my bead bands and feet were iilurrccl hair my cold tired In morning memory cor at petite I hair T i 1 In KonuCIy ll0UU ia Induce to consit lra Kennedy tliouli I bad lost all faltfi In 1 a drowning man I the New Treatment ami It saved life made I could feel the vigor through the nerves I was cured mentally physically I have sect them patients and to do so I GUARANTEED OR NO PAY and euro VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBIUTY BLOOD AND URINARY KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and CONSULTATION FREE BOOKS FREE If unable to call write for Blank for Home if Detroit Mich Cor Michigan Ave and Grlswold St letters from Canada must be addressed to in Windsor Out If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat no patients our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address alL letters as follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Onr Write for our private address i