Newmarket Era , August 5, 1910, p. 2

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imp feiiSA THE NEWMABKBT BRA FRIDAY AUGUST I f i Dr Crippen Arrested The heartless crime charged against Dr Crippen the dramatic interest attached to the circumstances of his Finder I through wireless telegraphic lost A large Black Brooch Saturday 30 Em Market or Main street Findei kindly return to J agency before landing Canadian soil the fainting away of Miss Ethel WANTED Clara Leneve his paramour who ac companied on his flight across the 1st- a house convenient to factories with option of buying Atlantic will be hard to find a or would lease Send all particulars lei to Manning Av Toronto For Sale or to Rent The Times Con Joins the Hamilton Herald in giving a backhanded slap to the Whitney Gov ernment for arrogating powers in cre ating laws by passing neither Ontario statutes or the Legislature has authorized If the precedent thus set is to be continued whore will it end This criticism by our cotemporaries was made in regard to the OrderinCouncil pro hibiting the exhibition of moving pic tures of the JohnJeffries prize fight and in itself was along lines In harmony with public sentiment but at the same time cannot be re garded in other than a somewhat I The worldwide hunt for Dr pen followed a ghastly discovery on the of last month at his resi dence Crescent Kentish j assumption on the of the I Town a suburb of London England Government New Brick House on street Detectives found a mass of human Possession 1st Sept j flesh in the coal cellar from which the EDGAR WILLIS bones had been removed and which Box Newmarket had been covered with Oar Society I For Sale Mil A Gerhard Mahogany Upright Piano in firstclass condition used one year Price Will ecII at a bargain Apply at this Office- A Fast Growing School Month by month our attendance is almost doubling that of the corres ponding months of last year Rapid growth is the sign of a healthy con stitution Good work counts and it is here that such work is done Remington Business College COLLEGE STREET TORONTO Such a deliberate attempt to cover up a heinous crime is revolting to contemplate Two days after tbis discovery was made by the detectives a despatch from Salt Lake City stat ed that Dr first wife died there under suspicious circumstances eighteen years ago Within a week alter made in the coal- cellar at the doctors residence Scot land Yard offered a reward of SI for his arrest and from the circular sent out therewith we learn that he had assumed two aliases in his pere grinations Dr appeared before a O Oar Top onto Letter t- Sli Choice Farm for Sale A f 125 Acres in the Concession Whitchurch formerly known as the Farm 100 acres cleared in lair cultivation good fences buildings in good repair acres Maple hush Good pasture Plenty of fruit Living stream crosses property Will on reasonable terms or rent to suitable party for term of years SILAS TOOLE Pleasant Valley PO Premier Whitney is just a little too coy He has issued a statement re garding the recent entrance examina tions and defends the Department but makes no reference to the catch question system which was the ker nel in the cocoanut of the criticisms James was foreman of a pattern department of the Cana da Foundry years of age married and lived at Northumberland St fell over the in the Prince George Hotel and received injuries which caused his death several hours Magistrate in Quebec on Monday Mater He had been calling on a admitted his identity and expressed his willingness to return to England HOTS The Tottenham Sentinel has chang ed hands after being run by the Hughes father and son for years Mr Semple an employee be comes the new proprietor The Era wishes success m A Yellow Complexion To have a yellowish complexion the white of the eye covered with a yel lowish cast is a sure sign of Liver Trouble There is only one remedy as far as we know that is guaranteed to cure you and that is FIG PILLS few doses of FIG PILLS will re move the yellowish cast give you bright clear eyes and completion A positive cure for Constipation Sick Headache and Biliousness a box at all drug stores and remem ber they are guaranteed An has been passed by the Ontario Government expending the time for compliance of settlement of have not been performed at that time and the taxes all land grants will cancelled that have survived the time limit friend at the hotel The police raided the flats above Queen street east about one oclock Sunday morning and gathered in a large number of men on charges of gambling Three or four got away by jumping to a lower roof and then to the ground As a result a break in the city water main a large area of the ment in Carlton street between Sack- ville and Metcalfe caved in on Monday and this section of the road is closed pending repairs The underground washout was discovered by an auto car becoming mired therein After two weeks search for Albert on land grants until the chauffer in the employ of September next If the duties Philips Manufacturing Company of avenue he was arrested on Monday in It is claimed that he broke into the garage after hours irsed a machine for joyriding but wrecked it then took a second from the garage to tow the first one home He was summoned for specd- For Sale A Pure Bred Holsteln Bull Calf DYKE Wire Fencing iff Five Years Success With AMERICAN FIELD AND FENCES MADE BY Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd and see Quality and get prices For Sale By J Near High School Ontario Engines for 8ale At ball value 118 and p Traction Engine new and p Traction Engine p Port able Engines These can be seen at Wellington St Newmarket The Ontario official an nounced on Saturday last that Dr Home National but left town before the Officers has been incorporated to do In court he pleaded guilty ness in Canada The Toronto press takD machines from the that the Association is given He will go to jail for forty wide powers in connection with the days control care education and disposij Katherine and Laura J wesson of orphan waifs- two of the five sisters who came to Canada eight months ago were The London Times says there drowned in Bay on are three persons who have a common day afternoon The water was rough interest in constant change of dress and their canoe upset they are the manufacturer in I Monday last was Torontos civic dressmaker and the wearer The first holiday and right heartily it was en- two need no explanation they want joyed although the arranged water to sell the commodities they pro- sports much interfered with on duce The third party is the wearer account of high winds The Parks and the fashions are devised to cap- were crowded and thousands of citi- the latter novelty being a left in all directions by boats essential and cars for an outing Andrew President of the In view of some of the easy sen- packing and produce firm of passed Upon criminals of more Limited passed away on Monday or less deeper dye during recent last His demise was sudden while years Magistrate House of on his way home in a train from New York City who is opposed to i Port Dover this tendency sarcastically says that I The electric storm a week ago- last criminal offenders yet may be sent Sunday night says the News did a to fashionable hotels and permitted to peculiar stunt at Center Island park attend the theatre A little a little island over there the sympathy for victims and a little less for criminals would do no harm to the public weal I l I THINK ABOUT IT About what the Home Paper means to you and yours It means all the interesting news of the community of your neighbors and friends the churches and schools of everything In which you are directly interested Dont you think the Home Paper Is a good thing to have A press despatch London says A deputation saw rentier in reference to- a scheme which is warmly endorsed by all partieq for inviting delegations from the oversea Parliaments to the coronation It urged the Govern ments cooperation sug gested that this should I- left to both houses which of course will be followed Probably the mem bers may be guests of the Lords and Commons Another of the old and staunch standardhearers of Methodism In the person of Dr Geo Young one of pioneer missionaries of the Northwest passed to his reward on Monday night last at his residence in North Toronto Deceased was born in Prince Edward County Ont in He was almost the first Pro testant minister at Winnipeg and when Thos Scott dying from the shot firry at him by orders during the Northwest Rebellion mlniStered the sacrafct to The Garden Party in the Methodic Church on Monday night a great success IM was tafcen at the gt vere made by Mr J and Mr J and the of the Aurora greatly enjoyed by the big crowd The has die- patched a schooner to Hudson Bay whee she will survey the approaches to River locate the m As the days and years go by Con servatives are becoming more and more enamored of the trade policy of the Dominion Government and admit ting its beneficial results- in distincMpn to the old NP which pre viously obtained An evidence of this fact is thus given In Saturdays iaruc of Toronto World theJu- Conservative organ of that city it says present conditions United States manufacturers have spent and are spending many millions of dollars In establishing branch fac tories In Canada in affording employ ment to Canadian artisans and In building ftp a home market for the products of the Canadian farm Any movement that would cVeck this In- liable harbor channel report up- On the of Hudson Day flux of American capital and Aieri route for the shipment of wheat from can would appear to 1e in connection with the pro- Thto potA railroad from Hudson to I Lcral is a splendid tribute to of a tariff for and la bound to parks department had eight rabbits which provided a lot of amusement for the youngsters A lightning bolt struck the rabbits they were all crowded together to protect them selves from the rain and every one of them was killed Their hones were almost pulverized so severe was the shock they received Citizens of Toronto the strike on the made their way down to the Union station on Satur day thousands and hoarded the out going trains to spend Civic holiday with their in the country Coroner It 1 Wilson stated the othef day that since June last there has been an inquest held at the practically every night This Indicates the fearful toll of human life In this city showing gross negligence on the pant of somebody AttorneyGeneral has instruct ed Crown Attorney to proceed against Frank Logan of aven ue and Reginald Cooper of street These two men were in the launch with Mrs and Miss Carlaw when collided with the ter ry John Hanlan the two women los ing their lives Over sixteen thousand deaths have caused by cholera in Russia since the beginning of the present outbreak In May last A publication by Messrs Turner and Dudley on Devel opments in Air Brakes for Railroads Illustrates by a remarkable diagram the enormous amount of energy that can he absorbed by the uptodate air brake It took an engine nearly six minutes of time and three and a half of distance to accelerate a train to a speed of CO a hour Up on the brakes feeing applied the foottons of energy in the train was overcome by the brake In 187 second the train was brought to a dead stop in less than Had the train been allowed to run free until It stopped it would have covered about before it would have been brought to rest resistance and Journal Miss Eleanor Stark is spending a few days in the City Sir StuartQuick spent Civic hol iday with friends in the city Relatives from Chicago were vis iting at Mr J this week Mr Edgar Willis spent Civic holiday with brother fix the city rA number of Newmarket people spent Civic Holiday at Orchard Beach E A and his mother are back from Newfoundland after a delightful trip though the gulf was rough Mrs D S Wright Misses Hazel and also Mr and Mrs Wright spent the 3rd in To ronto Mr and Mrs Hudson of Toronto spent the weekend with her father Mr Lehman who continues very poorly Miss Bertha of Toronto is spending her week of vacation with relatives near Newmarket and Aurora Mr L Jackson youngest son of the editor had the honor called to the bar in Edmonton last Friday Mr Zurbrigg intends to leave for on Saturday noon for his vacation He expects to be back on the 11th Mrs Dr Scott and Miss visited Mrs McCleilan at over Sunday The latter remained for a few days Mr and Mrs A Henley and son of Toronto spent over Sunday in town with Mrs Stark and Mr Root Meads Miss Dcnne of street attended the garden party at White Rose on the and also visited with relatives Mr and Mrs Roy Rogers of visited his sister Mrs Ed Richardson during the weekend Miss Jessie Dave accompanied her cousin to the city on Saturday and expects to spend three weeks of her vacation there with her Dr Lundy and daugh ter of North Tonawanda spent Thursday night of last week with his parents Mr a Mrs J Mr Gordon of Toronto formerly Sharon has just returned from the West and thinks prospects are not very encouraging this Fall Mr and Mrs Brooks enter tained company from Oshawa over Sunday Mr Douglas of Grand Ra pids Mich is visiting his cousin Miss Eileen Hewitt Miss Gertrude Kennedy Chicago is her cousins the Misses Clarice and Rheta Doth Messrs Lambert Pearson and Richardson who were very sick hist week are doing nicely Mr and Mrs Blake Hewitt and daughter spent Monday with his bro ther Hewitt Niagara street Mrs Dr Mrs Moore and Miss Catherine Moore Gait also Miss of Toronto spent Wed nesday with their coifsln Mr ton Hewitt and family Mr I and wife return ed from Everett Washington State on Monday and probably spend the remainder of their days in New market Mr Is now his year Mr Win Wilkin of Ind writes that he would be lost without the Era He had it sent to Hutchinson Kansas while visiting his daughter for night months He wants- to be remembered to old North York friends Miss Dora daughter of Mr of street who holds a Normal Certificate and has taught two years has- been engaged for Nov East Gwillimbury the School for the coming year Miss Eileen Hewitt returned from Rochester on Tuesday after spending three weeks with her friend Miss Ada She was accom panied there and back Miss Dolan and Miss who were vinting relatives of the latter following from Toronto were here for the Civic Holiday Miss Frank- Jones Miss Richards Miss Ethel Maw Mr Blake Hewitt and family Mr John Gibsons married daughter and Mr Jas Word was last Friday from Mr Jackson He reached Fort Smith on the Mackenzie River on the 14th of June without any mishap and good health He was likely to be delayed there two weeks waiting for the Hudson Bay boat and then he would start on his wa tertrip by THE LEADING Farnifure House You can bay your For Gash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls attended to at residence John Millard and It L I PAYS TO DIAL AT HUNTERS FOR HUNTERS FOR STOCKINGS STOCKINGS Making UEEN ALL LINES of Ladies Boots and Shoes REDUCED We want to clear out every dollars worth of Summer Goods before Sept and if price has anything to do with it theyll go in a hurry COME TO THIS STORE FOR YOUR SUMMER NEEDS Our prices will repay you for your visit A BIG CLEARING ON WASH GOODS LOT NO All our Muslins and Ginghams that sold at 15 17 and August Sale at lie yard LOT NO Muslins Ginghams and that sold at 2025C August Sale at yard WOMENS GLOVES pairs Womens Long Silk and Gloves elbow length black and white regular and pr August Sale at 3flc pair A BIG HOSIERY BARGAIN PAIR The celebrated Leather Brand of Stockings warranted fast black and stainless Regular 25c pair August Sale pair LACES YARD 600 yards and Laces and Insertions Regular up to yard August Sale 5c yard Mrs Bert and daughter also her sisterinlaw Miss Jennie of Toronto are spending the week with their aunt Mrs J H THE CRADLE WALSH In Newmarket on Aug t Mr and Mrs John Walsh a THE TOMB FOX In King Tp on Aug Wrn Fox in his year WILSON Suddenly at Midland on Sunday July Frank third on of the late John Wil son shoemaker Newmarket aged years Interred at Midland on Wednesday On Thursday morning at her residence Street Toronto Ada wife of I C formerly of Newmarket IN MEMO ft I AM In memory of my beloved daughter Mercy McMann who departed this Aug Just nine years ago today Since our Morcy was called away To me the time- has been very long But to you Mary it would seem short For you arc happy In While I am left here to mourn thee But as much as I miss thee ray dear one I would not ask thee back again For you are happier with our dear Lord Than you ever were here upon earth So I will Just keep waiting on Till our dear Lord sends the call Then we shall meet dear Mercy And never more shall say farewell Your living Mother i Canadian and Fruits of the best variety always In season Oranges from to per doz If yo want good cup of tea or cof- wo can supply you with the best Try Bacon and Hams Purity Flow for your Goods delivered and orderi called to in any part of town Ii sure to cult U i S fit J ST NORTH NEWMARKET Ail Orders cm recti Careful Prompt Attntloo i I fearo largest tad teat assorted Stock north of Four Hundred Thousand Feet to Select from Full Line of Doors Sash and Trim I Winking bias W EV Or by or from carters John Turner i i i I I A jil i

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