I ERA I i I J Albert Telephone TRY OUR I kl I ft CO MANAGER of Government Standard We carry tali stock of Guaranteed Carriage Paint Varnish WOMENS INSTITUTE The next regular meeting of the Yorks Womens Institute will beheld at the home of Mrs Crosby on Aug at pm Jelly making and other interesting subjects will be discussed All ladies are cor dially invited to attend On Sunday Aug Mr Samuel Ar nold of Toronto will conduct both services in Chalmers Church Mount Albert Mildred is the winner of the medal presented by Miss Leek for obtaining the highest number of SHARON j BALDWIN BREEZES obtaining me Stains Shellac Varnish Raw and recent Entrance Exams Boiled Oil Turpentine Separator Oil Red Engine and Black Machine on- Garden Tools Etc and see what we have in Forks Hoes Handles Spades Rakes etc in connection with Mount Albert School The following pupils of Mount Al bert Continuation Class passed the recent Normal School Entrance Ex amination A H Brodie Her man Gertrude Moore and Another portion of cement sidewalk is being built extending from Centre street to the Presbyterian Church Miss Barter Toronto is with her sister Mrs Watson a couple of weeks Mr Frank Barker of Dun- das also visited there over Sunday Mr Gladstone of Keswick was calling on here on Sun day Miss Laura Tate visited her cousin Mrs Kightley Mt Albert on Sunday Miss Ruth Haines is spending a week at The searchlight turned on a certain young couple Sunday night revealed the young mans arm going to waste waist Wonder who they were Miss Terry is enjoying a two- weeks holiday at Orchard Beach- THE RIDGE Our Jerusalem is the Mecca of all seekers after the delicious rasp berry or and scores of pil grims wend their way thither It seems to be the only place within reach Our charming young friend Miss Mabel Agin Toronto is once more amongst us and I guess her coming is a delight to many Our beloved friends Mr and Mrs John Keswick were looking thy Jewell was alnjost speechless with delight Youd a thought the cat really had got her tongue Look well to your wells and the closets cut the burdocks and other noxious weeds about your premises and the comrnunity will be the bet- tec of it Is your well O like J J Fosters and Ben A good many are traps for toads and snakes Ugh I can name a score such in this neighborhood Typhoid fever broods in such Frank Tomlinson has completed in IS THE TWINE WE SELL NEARLY ALL Successful Farmers Use 1 YOU around town on Friday last and in- good form a contract of gravelling specting the improvements going on fifty rods on town line near Baldwin Agents for Plymouth Twine The GENUINE Mackies aid Condition Powders Johnny Canuck Overalls the beat yet FWSMITH Queensville SUCCESSOR TO E SMITH Store closes Tuesday and Thursday at 6 pm through July and August Cattle Astray Strayed from Marshall Crittendens farm near about July I black Jersey heifer 2 rid Durham heifers and red steers all yearlings and with slit in right ear Informa tion leading to their recovery will be rewarded PERSONAL Mr Millard Steeper of Toronto was at his home here for a few days this week Mr and Mrs Geo left for Co balt on Friday last Mrs Aiken Miss Elsie Aiken and of are visitors at ihe home of Mr Hunter Mr Howard Jennings of Toronto was in town for a few days Mr of the Toronto Fire Department was at his old home in town this week The many friends of Mr Geo Haigh will be grieved to learn that he is confined to bis room suffering from a verv serious illness Miss Myrtle Rear has returned from spending a few days with friends in Toronto Mr Sloan returned home af ter an absence of a few months in Re rina Edmonton and other points west Miss Brant and Mr and Miss Toronto are at the home of A Last FIRE The Old Salvation Army barracks for a number years was our Town Hall and was purchased last jyear by to Ik used as power house for his electric light Mrs William Lawrie from spent Wednesday evening on the Ridge Miss Allan has gone to Jack sons Point where she will reside the rest of the summer Mrs John Profit spent Thursday of last week Zephyr Mr George Croutch and his sister Miss Lena spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wm Rye Quite a few from around her attend ed Mrs Wardens funeral Mr and Mrs from Mt Albert spent Sunday with Mrs Ken nys mother Mrs Marshall Critten den Mr George spent Wednes day of last week in Sutton Mr and Mrs Herb Crittenden of Mount Albert spent Sunday with his mother and father I guess it wont be long till the wedding bells will ring on the ROSEBUD What the Old Man Says CRAWFORD plant was destroyed by fire between and three oclock on Tuesday morning Mrs who was up with a sick child saw the glare in the sky and arouscd her hus band who summoned all the neighbors within reach When they arrived there was no chance to save the hall and their efforts were directed to pre vent the fire from spreading to the adjoining buildings Fortunately there was no wind or there would Shave been a general conflagration A house belonging to John about fet east of the hall was damaged to Some extent and was only saved with difficulty The cause the Ore is unknown Loss partial- Up covered insurance This will Haying is over for this season Ev erybody reports an abundant crop There are no poor crops of fall wheat but spring crops are rathe short Sorry to hear of Mr Anthonj a illness He has been laid up with a sore finger Mr Clarence Moulds has been work ing with his uncle Mr Jones We have an footfall team here now If you think you have a better team bring them along and we will decide the matter some evening Having purchased his wedding suit Mr J Clark savs he wishes something to happen that seldom happens more than once in a life time Mr Glover jumped the broom stick the other day Congratulations Mrs Walter has been away visiting her brother for the past few weeks Notwithstanding the scarcity of la boring nun wages do not seem to in- crease any Mr Joseph Clark has been visiting at Baldwin for the past few nights 0 You know because I tell you so Mrs W is almost revered by old neigh bors here and they are corresponding ly when she honors her old home with call Friend has a great vim of humor Come along lovie says he ere the OwlMl catch you He must surely imagine The OwJ is a- goblin or some mythologic al being I asked Mrs W if she saw my old sweetheart to whom I made reference in a late budget You bet I and she put her arms about me and said she just loved me and kiss ed her too I venture to say Who wouldnt may I enquire When two such lovable women get together it is pure wanton sinfulness the way kisses are squandered leaving never an atom of comfort for the lords of creation I Messrs Wolfe Bros driv er last week They turned him out of dry feed for a good feast of grass The almost inevitable result was an attack of inflammation that our Vets skill Our Miss Alice is spending the summer with her sister Mrs Cameron Saskatchewan for the I of her constitution Poets have su and raved about such lovely young women as Alice and I guess mother would be heartbroken if somebody up there would carry off her diklirig Such things have been done and may be again Our Miss Cora has re turned to Sask to reside with her aunt Mr seems to he losing in vitality in many ways His bronchial and kindred organs are ser iously affected and his speech almost indistinguishable It is with sorrow we have this week to record the death of one of our most popular young women in He has also Sailed up Jumbos grave opposite Madam store and is putting En eighteen inch sewer pipe across the street Frank has com pleted his cement shed and next on deck an poultry house Much of Franks success is due to the trustworthiness of his first lieutenant Mr who is ever alive to his employers interests He isnt afraid to Work a trine overtime if emergencies demand it Baldwin has the from Owls dictionary corn crop of many years K Mercury now on Probs Cool weather and cloudy for much of timo for a fortnight It saves TIME MONEY and TEMPER One last years satisfied customers says of it IT IS THE ONLY TWINE I EVER USED THAT I COULD PUT IN THE BOX AND DRIVE TILL IT WAS RUN OUT WITHOUT HAVING BOTH ER WITH IT GOLD MEDAL PURE MANILLA 650 ft to ft at per ft 4 PS If you want a 550 ft Twine at per lb can it to you and GUARANTEE the QUALITY pry ORCHARD BEACH The Indians camping here caught a fine lunge on Wednesday morning It weighed lbs anil was bought by Wilsons Boarding House Mrs Thompson gave a verandah tea on Thursday afternoon in honor of her guest Mrs Likens of Toronto Miss Stewart of Toronto is visiting with Mrs Brand at Canes cottage Miss of Newmarket is a guest at Tarryawhjle cottage The Oriental is doing great ser vice since the visit of Funny dy It was in commission at Jack sons Point on- Wednesday On the day the Regatta a the lad named Frank from Ncw- UWUWI i In market was run over by a buggy the the skill of Dr Greenwood horse being frightened to an she succumbed to her illness and pass- the shore road At first It was away on Friday morn last Less thought his leg was broken but two and a half years ago she it was only badly cut arid amongst as almost an entire bruised He will be around again In Wood Has a Strong si ranger So pleasant were her so cial qualities and so gifted was she in forming friendships that she soon won the respect of all irrespective of a few days On Monday morning Mr William Thomson caught a line bass We will not vouch for the length of it but we rank In testimony of this j were shown so long a with UNION Id like to a woe or care my face and hayseed in my hair Id like to at oclock and do a hundred chores saw the wood and teed the hogs and lock the stable doors and herd the hens and watch Mr Clarence of Toronto the bees and take the mule to drink was the guest Mr Hoy and teach the turkeys how to swim for a few days so that they sink and rnilk j Mr Charles Greenwood of Whlt- a hundred cows and bring the church visited over Sunday With a wood to burn and stand out In the lady friend all day and churn d churn and The girls must be very scarce churn wear my brothers castoff around when the boys have to clothes and walk four miles to school as far as Jacksons Point and a licking every day for break- Mr Pose of Toronto spent the lug some old rule and then get home with bis parents Mr and gain at night and do the chores Hose more and milk therjwA and a number of our people spent feed the curry mules galore Monday at the Regatta at Orchard and crawl wearily upstairs to Beach my little bed and hear dad say that Worthless boy He isnt worth his bread I Id like to be a boy again a feoy has go much fun I lis life is a round mirth from rise to set of I guess theres nothing than Closing doors and herding hens and chasing and doing evening chores Herbert Red Raspberry This the hardiest and largest of all Red Raspberries It is known a the in berry It producer three the quantity of fruit that other Reds do Write to headquarters for prices or for an agency Brown Bros Co Browns nurseries Wetland Co Horn Aug to Mr and Mrs Fred a son Mr Wilfrid Hodge and his sister Nellie were the guests of Miss Flo Mrs Lewis of Cleveland Ohio is visiting with Mrs Rose Master Ralph Henry spent a few days last wee- with Mr Thomas Ste wart at Bradford Mr and Mrs J If Turner and family also her mother of Owen Sound are spending a few days with relatives Quite a number of the people were very much disappointed on account of the cancellation of the excursion train ito Niagara on Wednesday list Mr J Cowleson makes regular trips to the Lake shore with butter eggs etc SNOWDROP MINION Miss Flora of Toronto is Spending her vacation with Mrs Mrs with her two little children and Miss Of Toronto are visiting their aunt Mrs A Wait Miss came up from the city to spend the weekend and Civic Hol iday with Mrs Miss of Hamilton is a guest at the Manse Many of the villagers were disap pointed when the Niagara Excursion on Wednesday was cancelled on ac count of the strike on the Several people from the Village at tended the Lake Regatta a Orchard Monday Mr C Norton who has been spending some weeks at Mr McKarlands since his return from his Western trip returned last week to Brampton where he holds a respon sible position with the Dale florists There will be no service In the Methodist Church Sunday morning next on account of Quarterly service being held at Keswick The evening service however will be conducted as usual At a meeting of ratepayers of this School Section on Friday evening of last week it was decided to accept Mr Herbert Wrights offer to pur chase the old schoolhouse and lot The lot is a very desirable one on account of its location and can be made most attractive by the little time and money Miss Turner leaves Monday for a months visit with Mrs A in Alpena Michigan Turner take of the Public Library during her sisters absence croc4 nearly conveyances followed the lifeless clay to its last resting place Everybody particularly the women had Mildly word in her be- the prime of life- yeas she left a husband and infant child to morn ihe loss of a true little wo- on Friday morning Andrew Miller I in death closed his eyes we reports in Ontario W inches This we will say a i fish was extracted therefrom that measured at legist inches length and ft inches circumference as well as a decomposed crab TJie was one to be proud of Mr J S of Hamilton arriv ed at Zephyr Villa on Monday on a ten days visit Miss Mae and Miss Maggie the good Wop of Toronto arc visiting their feel sorry our North West friends who have the blues rop failure means wal lets and lean Dakota hasnt had all round good crop since in say In old tunc sister Mrs Jackson Campbell gave a tem perance at Keswick on Sun day evening Our hardworking enterprising and obliging caterer Mr C Cole an ha seven years limine fed runaway oe on Monday observe was rtue not morning He was delivering an to the Mr D Lloyds cottage his I up at the head waters ol the horse untie at the gate An auto In Abvslnnla These are came along the horse and does it made a lively dash for u J Wm hey Point scattering bread and to along lU route Fortunate y the horse were tin stopped before doing further damage Mrs I 1orter entertained a number of ladies on after- noon in Back Bone The Frost Wood No 3 Binder Is built to stand more hard knocks ft binder Is commonly supposed to encounter Striking a bolder or bumping over rough ground does not affect this binder Thats because the binders back consists of heavy pieces of steel firmly rivetted together and because the plat form is connected to the main power frame by a double steal brace Its th Quality in material and workmanship that the makers put into Frost Wood No that enables it to give three to Ave times many yean of service as ordinary binders We would like the privilege of showing you the construction of this binder Then you can be your own Judge as to its strength Wo would also like to point out to you the Advantages of Eccentric Sprocket Wheel which Is no other binder This Eccentric Sprocket Wheel makes neater more compact bundles ami charges them faster than ordinary binders We also wish you to Ml the No 3 which new hesitates an Instant no mattrhc hard and fast you ask It to Drop in us at earliest con venience be pleased see you any time We we make your visit I From sales up to June 1st I find I have- doubled from last year shows the popularity of this mower and satisfaction it gives to By customers If you are needing a Mower for year see me before yew buy I can interest you also in anything else you may need in Frost Wood Implements They are giving entire satisfaction to the usert I am agent for other good lines and In every I am finding reify sales as I give the public goods which are guaranteed and which speaking for themselves Melotte Cream Separators Gray Car riages McLaughlin Carriages Cockahutt Cockfihutt Cora Cultivators Fleury Plows Empress Steel Ranges Mason Hitch Pianos Doherty Organs and Pianos Refrigerators and in fid every sort of Farm Implements or House Requisite Honest and Satisfaction Look me up and Investigate Howard Morton Agent Sutton West Irrigation helr falls in Rgypt only resource The Arabs won nam back the coin head waters the Nil and in would perish lor CAPITAL PAID UP 1400060000 RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS I and Agencies throughout Canada and the United DEPARTMENT Current Rates A Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH87 TERRY MANAGER A girl love Is almost as one who isnt What yqu were others many an swer vhat you to be you answer for yourself The first sleep Is the soundest after the first hour tho Intensity of Bleep diminishes hence value of forty winks after dinner in quickly recuperating shattered pow er want of moisture Its nice to know all this Fall wheat harvest is now and there is a general report a bumper crop When the young man of our times who sits on the hinder in I most equal eloquence to mo looks back fifty years days when grain had to he cradled and bandbound it may almost him to think of the hard toil all that presorted Harvesting those times was Ho picnic I assure you A lit tle incident of a somewhat amusing nature comes to mind An old fann er of North had a daugh ter Kate who was a crackerjack at binding The old dad bad employed a chap to cradle wheat and Kate was to take up af ter him Kate settled down to steady pegging close onto his heels and Bo rushed the that lest he be be rated by the lass he felt It encumb ent upon him to do or die In order to facilitate his movements no strip ped on most of his garments and thus unimpeded cradled The farmer observed hi Immodest attire and called loudly to home Kate go home Hes a decvil Katie sees this she mustnt let Mr Bertram Owen is slowly re covering from his recent illness General rejoicing was the order tlf day or evening rather at Prin- on Monday evening Their daughter returned alter months absence in Michigan KIND Be kind dear children The world will bless The heart that delights to relieve dis tress The hand that is ready to aid The child or animal afraid Be kind Be kind dear children The heart grows strong That shuns to be partner with any wrong The noblest men that the earth has known Have lived not unto themselves alone Be kind Be kind dear children and you shall see Eyes look into yours so gratolully Though lips not there Is lan guage yet And the heart of a brute will not for get Be kind Be kind dear children for God hath The words In Holy Book you read Tho merciful mercy shall obtain If you would his loving favor- gain Be kind Era till Christmas Cents Fancy Ginghams for Fancy Scotch Gingham Beautiful Quality All Fast Colors Splendid Patterns in a very Even Spun Goods Exact the same as we have been selling ail spring at 15c yard last yard Tho Biggest Bargain in wo have seen Fine Muslins in a Variety of Patterns and Colors Exactly same as we have been selling all spring at yard- Wo Offer the Lot About Half the Cost 10c yard A Special Lot to Clear at yard Cretonne reg yd for 7c JOHNSTON L-1JJ- t I i I T a