I j 1 1 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUGUST 12 J Robertson Notary Public on COLLECTOR Bolton Painter and Weeks Hems Progressive School Toe Elliott Business College To- Junior Matric Exams FOR YORK COUNTY following Mist contains the names of three classes candidates Decorator Millards Lane I and C DENTIST St Newmarket or Wilkinson DEWT18T Block Newmarket leaner of LICENSES MARRIAGE Office Newmarket filer Private ISSU at residence If NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- CA8SIDY OP J Boyd Gradual in medicine of Toronto also Licentiate the SS College o Physicians and K the Royal College Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and Unl- S College Ear Nose and Throat London England olcUCor Main and Timothy Ste Telephone No Consultation Hours10 irrfcM may be had at any day or night by calling at the office or Phone ronto is taking a forward step this r year The attendance has been thel greatest in the the School the and hundreds of students have al tateswho have obtained good positions during thelSl Matriculation by rear The Colleee very PaSSm eleven required ex- jammation papers which are as -fol- The College issues a handsome prospectus Write to Mr lows J Kiliott the principal tor 11 Literature History Ancient ami British a Canadian Algebra Opportunity Authors Latin visit the Canadian National Ex- sition together with the four papers hibirion Toronto On account of this following subjects return tickets will be issued at Experimental Science Physics and single fare via Grand Trunk Railway Chemistry French Authors and System from all stations in Canada Composition Greek Authors and west of Cornwall and Ottawa Good Composition going Aug to Sept inclusive Group B are given the names of Return limit Sept Special Low Passed in at least eight papers required for complete matriculation They have therefore failed in not more than three of the required papers- The papers which these candidates have failed will be shown on their certificates Thev the names of the c0mplete matriculation passing in ful candidates at the recent Depart- the remaining papers at one sub- Rate Excursions will also be run on certain dates Full particulars and tickets from any Trunk agent Successful Candidates mental exams Faculty of Education First Class sequent examination In Group are given the names Certificate Miss Margaret Cole- of those who have written upon any man Pt Newmarket number of matriculation papers lens Normal Entrance Second Class matriculation and who have passed Certificate Miss B Cane Miss Morton Honors E Tench Newmarket Reynolds Roy Moyer and Herb Aurora Miss Moore Mt Albert Industrial Arte at the Miss Maude Tench Auto Accident On Tuesday evening an accident just south of Sharon which might have proved fatal Mr Verne Cane was coming from the lake with his automobile and when on all papers upon which they have written In this list will he found the names of successful candidates who have written only on these papers required for matriculation into the Faculty of Applied Science or into the Ontario College of Phar macy Normal entrance candidates who were also candidates for matricula tion have been considered in the above results The names of such candidates if successful in obtaining complete matriculation arc included in Croup A Candidates who have failed on Normal entrance papers but who have passed in the addition al matriculation papers taken are J VOU have pro bably been in tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from force of habit have just Kept on using another tea Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time NEVER SOLD IN SULK Your Grocer Will It S3 Furnace Work a little of Sharon he over- rC 1 he certificates of took Master Cameron Allan on motor cycle They were travelling on the same side of the road and Mr Cane tooted his horn Apparently Master Allan did not hear the toot at first but in a short time he crossed to the other side of the road and Cane was about to the successful and the statements of loth marks of those who faded will be sent to the principals of the schools and Collegiate Institutes or to the Public School Inspectors in about a week Candidates will apply to these Officials not to the depart ment for the reports in detail I A A GROWING POPCORN A good many persons might be dis posed to look upon the industry of popcorn growing as a small business However there is a lot of popcorn consumed and somebody has to raise it These facts were realized a num ber years ago by an Iowa man A by name says The Louis ville CourierJournal and he set about making specialty of popcorn He planted twentyfive acres to start with and the result was So satisfac tory that he steadily increased the size of his crop from year to year He acquired more land planted more popcorn and found no trouble in disposing all he could raise at A Literary Contribution Paper read Briars garden party by E Sibbald I What a haven of for Cabinet Ministers and other officials when on Jail tides by Suffragette whips and of Votes for men One hardly imagines in thesis days that such a place can possibly exist yet such is the case j and as the town in question ap- pears from all descriptions to be a perfect Eden of beauty it seems rather too bad that the sterner sex have the monopoly but no less than 3000 of them have it all to themselves No member of the gentler sex not even of the lower I animals have been permitted to the precints of this Holy Mountain by their presence for many ages past The Encyclo paedia Britannica tells us that on the coast of Macedonia a beautiful peninsulfi runs out into the Sea a distance of forty miles the ter minal peak rises like pyramid with a summit of white marble to the height of feet and one may imagine what scene it must be when viewed at sunset from the plain of Troy or the slopes of Olympus In fact the whole peninsula is re markable for its extreme- beauty and the climate is healthy and pleasant A traveller who has been- there says there is not a more wonderful spot in the whole of Europe than this mountain of the Monks It has for centuries been the Holy Land of the Greek Church and has no less than twenty mon asteries perched and scattered in the recesses of this apparently aecessable headland It is a coun try of great antiquity and with ex ception of Pompeii has specimens of the most ancient architecture in Europe on Mount Athoa proper was- founded by St in but the date of the old est monastic foundation cannot be clearly ascertained About the same period signifying Hazels became the seat of gov ernment and is the busy metro polis of the district in which may fund all the essential features Some of Mr Reuber neighbors observed that he seemed to be making a good tiling out of his venture ana they set about trying it on their own account By that time Reuber had established a reputation as a popcorn grower and was receiving more ord ers than he could fill So he bought go past when suddenly tin motor fanning swung right across in i of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS I OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery A Campbell 1 Dclancy A Lehman Mover inuopcoEn until the Utile other two the auto were thrown several feet but for- Purdys New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits i of all kinds Raisins Currants Dates Peels Layer Malaga Grapes Oranges etc Also ail the CANNED GOODS Tomatoes Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Rest Canaries OURGROCKRIKS well assorted and the Heat that money can buy Our as the machine reached the ditch wheels caught a rut and it went Mills L I upside down Cane and the K Charles I- P Hicks P Jar escaped without serious v j Kennedy injury The machine itself was Millet considerably damaged The- steer- If M Rise- shape trough A Stephens MI Stevenson Ken- be of civilized life With one excep tion no woman with her graceful art enlivens the festal scene and when Pain and anguish wring the ing gear was bent out of and the lamps and front part smashed However they managed to turn it right side up and get it borne and are thankful that the result of the casualty is not more serious J Scott Van Vernon Webb A for The average profit of the crop is said to be about to the acre though there are instances of larger profits being made One farmer near Marshall received for the output of forty acres and others have lone approximately as well In the mean time Mr is handling vast quantities the grain and is en couraging all his fanner friends to raise more of it as the demand is constantly increasing Popcorn nun I now being introduced in and A I lilac It Foreign the Ministering Angel must be sadly wanting The shops and bazaars are with eager customers and many a lively boy may be seen driving the goals or mules but travellers say hat one charm is entirely wanting for the merry laughter of maidens or the musical songs of the Greek and Turkish ladies axe never heard in the streets of or anywhere thrAighou the Athonite peninsula A lth ugh these many religious communities have no women to mar peace they do not al ways appear to maintain a tranquil attitude towards each other while apparently fighting to maintain high ideals and aspiring to celestial blessings they still human and can descend to quarrel upon such a mundane object as water course I quite expect that these days of aviation that some fine morning this select brother- hood will wake up to find hover ing over sacred habitation an aeroplane with fair maidens wav ing a banner with a strange device namely Votes for Women K Slbbalii Are Try OUR BREAD Standard Weight Fan cy Runs Pits Cakes of all kinds Every None Better lew as good COOKED HAM sliced to suit or Money Refunded Joseph Purdy Perkins Old Stand Police Court A young 1 man appeared before J McKay on Saturday night charged with having disturbed he program at a garden party on St We acknowledged the charge said he had not intend ed to break up the proceeding and that he was only one of number that were together and consequently was not responsible for all that done His worship Bald that while people like to sec young men come to garden part feat and enjoy themselves yet the plea sure of others must also be con sidered arid where a program was prepared for he general Entertain ment of guests no one had a right to make such interruptions as would prevent the carrying out of the program People whether young or old should know that it is their to le orderly at any public meeting On this occasion ho the interests of would be served by being lenient but as a warning to young men he would impose a fine of and costs And should any others come before him guilty of the same after having had thin warning he would feel it duty to Impose a much heavier penalty On Monday morning young men In town were charged beore Mayor Pearson and Justice Wood cock With having Keen disorderly the fatreeto on Saturday Mayor Pearson gave them some Dangerous Dandruff WILL MAKE CANADA A BALD- HEADED NATION IF NOT CHECKED Pasteur the great French Phy sician of Paris once said I believe ve one day rid the world of all diseases caused by germs Dandruff is caused by germs a fact accepted by all physicians Dandruff is the root of all hair evils If it were not for the little destructive germs working with a persistency worthy of a better cause there would he no baldness I Parisian Sage will kill the germs And remove dandruff in two weeks or money hack L Rogers Co guarantees it It will stop scalp falling hair and make the hair grow thick and abundant It puts life and lustre into the hair and prevents it from turning gray It is the hair dressing par excel lence daintily perfumed and free from grease stickiness It is the favorite with women of taste and culture who know the social value of fascinating hair A large bottle costs only GO cents at leading druggists everywhere and in by Rogers Co The girl vith the auburn hair Is on every- package the people over there orders are up at Odebolt and if the excitement Keeps up the whole State is likely to catch the Infection ami go to raising pop corn lor the crowned heads and for ones home as well The farmer who adopts a specialty and devotes thought and eaergv to it Is a levelheaded man and will more than likely reap the reward of his efforts There Is more money in a field of popcorn well bndod than I a large Volume and variety of pro ducts which must needs suffer at times for hick of proper cultivation To one who would make farming a life vocation there is good deal of the career that may emulated of Iowas popcorn inn- be profitably studied and Barilla Aug The case against the Grand Trunk Railway or infrac tion of the immigration laws was dis posed today by Magistrate Gor man by imposing fine of In each of tin thirteen cases where the men were brought in under cover by sup plying Mien with the necessary mon ey qualification and then get fug It Very good advice on the advisabiii back The money in the hands of Mr of abstaining from fll Inspector was re turned to Hie men and the magistrate allowed the men arrested to go under liquor and they were required to pay and costs each suspended sentence on deportation condition cf As one evidence that the business of is dot diminishing under local option one of our merchants has shown us the figures of his business the first six months every month an Increase Ol sales over the corresponding month of last year Stan State of Ohio City of Toleda I J Lucas County Cheney makes an that is senior partner of the 1 Cherry Co doing Ship in Lake Erie Detroit Mich Aug they have a treasure in their men are guarding night and day what is believed by them to be the wreck of the steamer Atlantic oil Long Point in Erie The At lantic was sunk in collision in IH52 by the steamer and lives were lost Many were drowned In their berths The wrack lies In feet water In the hold it is divers will find two sabs containing in gold The wreck of the Atlantic was found vir tually intact skeletons were found the superficial examination in- first six months of the present year en- Canada Children FOR FLETCHERS AS R I A in- 7f he staved down I Toledo County and State aforesaid and the said I nrm will pay the mm of ONE HUN- DOLLARS for each civ case of Catarrh that cannot cured by the use of Halls Cure FRANK 1 CHENEY Sworn to before and my presence this da of ember A Seal a Notary Public 11114 Catarrh Cure Is taken in and directly on blood and mucous of thr system Sena lor w J CHENEY Toledo Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con It is fijatcd that a men will lose their positions as the result of the Trunk strike The windmill on Coffey A- tos elevator was blown down by the high wind last week Cobalt Aug In attempting walk a boom of logs at the Old Mis sion grounds on Lake yesterday Harry old was drowned He was one of a party of children who left New keard on the Methodist Sunday school excursion While all his com in On climbed up to the picnic grounds when thev arrived at their destination lake shore and If hod nil he and fell backwards into the water hooks out of wire and the hotly wax recov ered after some boms search On Tuesday of last week Mr Rose with a serious accident on his fathers farm four miles east of He had driven tin- horses and colts from the posture field to the barnyard and while trying catch Of the horses was in the face He was carried sense less Into the house and in a few min utes a horse hftched to and he was speedily brought his home near town Dr Drowsier was summoned at once and fOUnil that nose had been broken in two two were his rated Vo HARDWARE T O R TRIG LIGHT You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line o Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass D A I CLEARING OUT ALL Summer Goods A Toronto Jobbing House FASHIONABLE CLOTHING and low prices combined with refined workmanship go well together These features receive pur especial attention We have Summer Worsteds and in galore While down town call in and Inspect our new patterns No one has ever been disappointed a PHONE THE UPTODATE TAILOR MAIN DEBILITATED YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLEAGED MEN the victim of tarly India and later rx cesses who are in you ones we revive the ftpitrk of en and viMliy nt unin Mtio with other iMou um I hells tried us Method Treatment has 1 of has re- Stored to hi of ami has successful of who were down and out for each Individual according to symptoms wo have no of the secrets our wonderful a r can not full wo pre rile riimdios adapted to each Individual esse Only eases ac cented done Canada forever CURADU CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY a victim Hove you lost Arc you to marry lias your blood Have you hoH Arc you to marry Our Method Treatment cure it IMS tor others it will do for you ConiultaUon Free No matter who ha you for Free of Chart Booka Free Manhood Fatherhood Illustrat ed v of NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSErJT No name or or enveU Qucition and Cot Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT Cor Michigan Ave and GriswqldSt Mich af l tetwrs from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian in Windsor Out If yon desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business Address all letters as follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Ont for ARCHIVES OF J a gj mm V