I I- I Hand Bags Jewelry Store The Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined an Li A A yoke intelligences Give us the liberty to know to utter to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty AND Jewelry Store No Paper sent outside North York unless paid in advance to the United States an Single each Newmarket Aug 19 10 annum if paid in advance A DWA 3 Bur Gasoline Stove reg for Eur Oil Stoves for Bur Gasoline Stove reg for 1 Bur Gasoline Stove for 300 Ice Freezer per cent off 1 Refrigerator good size reg for Screen Doors stained and varnished reg for Eureka Sprayers 90c for Granite Dippers for 15c each quart Black and White Granite Pails 50c each Bur Wick Oil Stoves reg 200 for 150 Hammocks all styles per cent off Screen Windows to each Lacrosse Sticks price to clear Oar Toronto tetter Controller Hocken has already in timated- at a public gathering that he purposes again being a candi date for the Mayors chair for 1911 Mayor Geary knows his opponent bow but it is pretty early to begin a municipal campaign Two classes of people are kicking because the Ontario Government has removed Dr from the Asylum 1st- Those who feel a wrong has been done the late Super intendent and 2ndly those who are sorry to have Mr Downey leave the floor of the Legislature For peddling goods in the County of York without a license I Brown had antiup and costs This sum would have paid a foot pedlars license Brown is both a wiser and sadder man he was a week ago The Controllers have been commit ted to purchase a uniform for Toron tos Fir- Chief No doubt the chief will be tickled almost to death to be like an old Eastern King in all his glory like a back number The rivalry between the Canadian and Empire Clubs to secure Sir Rob ert BadenPowell as the guest of luncheon has led to arrangements for one gathering under the joint auspi ces of the two The Dominion Alliance is arrang ing to a field day in New Ontario on Sunday Sept when men sent out by the Alliance will occupy pul pits in New Ontario filling almost every one north of including E A Disagreeable Day in the Lan caster School House PAIN BUILDERS AND BLACKSMITHS HARDWARE STOVES PUTTY S OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND NEWMARKET ONT A North Hay and going as far West as water becomes very low a is much too mo dest a boy to relate this story him- self and he knows nothing of my irw tention to tell it Nevertheless I am quite sure that the reader will commend mo for making it public During that very cold week in Jan uary last when the temperature was down near zero for several days Den- man had a hard time for beside his lessons which were difficult enough he bad the steamheat to look after at the schoolhouse His father who is the janitor was ill that week and in bed with the grip Now skill and good judgment arc required in the management and care of the heating of a modern schoolhouse Although the steam is to some extent selfregulating and provided with safety appliances an intelligent mind must watch over it and in cold weather a sup ply of coal has to he shovelled into the furnaces The watergauge of the boiler too must have attention Condensation of steam in the radiators- pipes of the rooms returns the greater part of the water to the boiler but some of it is lost anil occasionally a fresh supply must be admitted either from a tank or from the service pipes of the town If from accident or PHONE SKETCH OF THE SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES IN THE Bank of Toronto at Newmarket Sudbury They will advocate local option Summer tourists at pleasure re sorts and wateringplaces will agree with the Star reporter that If the man who rocks the boat deserves Spanking so also does the kid who swims out a quarter of a mile ami then shouts for help to laugh when hose along the beach get excit ed The police should show him that silence is golden The ease was a sad one During a rain one night last week Mary a middleaged women was pick ed up in drunken condition lie street with was off had been where she would save a baby In in court as driven out roomed her arms She she she of the house Local option i I such misery An innocent man named Geo Wright was arrested on a charge of theft kept two weeks in jail and Mien discharged on account of being the wrong person wanted I told you I was innocent two weeks ago he said to the Magistrate- Thats too bad remarked the Court that doesnt pay me for these weeks said Wright as he left dock The market gardeners county held a splendid picnic hut two the Queens Park Niagara Falls York at last A to keep Police Notes Sliver and Valuable where are Absolutely Safe from Fire or Las from any fen FIELD Manager Vis South End Lumber Yard t 4 a r load of Which we offer to cleat for lengths Wood Cut In foot week at 1200 per load 14mm fit or lb or J P PEARSON week Nearly people took in the excursion which closely resembled a Idg family outing Games and con tests made the excursion one long be remembered The Alexander Chair met for plea sure and practice on Centre Island last Saturday evening Referring to tlie fact that an old gentleman down east died suddenly while praying an evening paper com mented thereon as follows There are a lot of people up this way who will never be caught like that The formal farewell to the Queens Own before leaving for England week was one long to be remembered In military circles The Roads scheme for leading roads from the City into York Coun ty seems likely- to become a reality If the people of South York and To ronto vote the funds It is understood Whitney will leave for England Mils week where he will spend month of September Report has it that the Canadian Refining and Smelting Co of this fif ty has concluded an agreement to lo cate its business at Or J Ilia A typical romance of Italy in which a lover with a revolver in his hand contended with an irate father armed with a hoe for the hand and heart of a nineteen yearold maiden led to some prosaic Police Court proceedings As a result the younger man Victor Castellano was committed for trial on a charge- of shooting With intent Charles the elder man The sons of Italy often get into trouble because of fai lure to respect Canadian law Within a few hours alter her father Mr Martin contractor on the Indian road had been married his daughter Beatrice died suddenly of heart failure Miss Martin saw couple Off on a trip to tho thousand Islands and early the evening was overcome and died Miss Martin way years age fresh water is then admitted an ex plosion may ensue lose attention must also be Riven to the dialgauge which indicates the the steam pressure in the boiler and radiators- Schoolhouses are usu ally heated by low pressure steam the apparatus in charge the boiler was signed to supply steam to the rooms at a pressure of from fic to eighteen pounds a square inch according to the weather Hut the janitor had never carrier above ten pounds in the coldest weather hitherto The primary and grammar school- house at Lancaster was an- old and poorly constructed wooden building Thirty years ago it was the High School hut had been enlarged by two wings and a third story to accommo date the lower schools of a rapidly growing town By many persons it was deemed an unsafe structure but a new school- house would cost thirty thousand dol lars and taxpayers thought they could not afford it The janitor knew so much about the construction of the old schoolhouse that lie lived in constant fear of some disaster That morning when Den- man set out at seven oclock to start up the heat he called him into his bedroom It is cold this morning isnt It Den lie asked looking up feebly from his pillow Snapping cold father replied Den Down below zero You will have a hard day of it at the schoolhouse They will be call ing for more heat from all the rooms particularly those north wing rooms Hut I would not try to carry ten pounds ft Isnt the holler that afraid of thai is all right but the flues where furnace draft goes Up into the old chimney with all that woodwork around It It was never made stand heat tynine degrees Put on more steam Better come up and sec that steam is on in my radiators The second was from Miss Sim mons in number eleven My pupils are shivering Temperature fifty- eight degrees only More heat at once Mrs in number nine was more peremptory Why is there no heat this cold I shall report this My room is unsafe to health A fourth call that came from Miss Matthews in number eight re quested him to bring up his key and make sure that steam was pro perly on in her radiators she feared that it was not knew that the steam was on what there was of it for he had made the tour of the rooms with his wrench at eight oclock hut he tan up to number eight promptly No puiuti pies si oj llJ jnq luauiuioo qitai si if u xis PI B jo an 01 rapiv Sipj pue l ajau sjicjs dn siuteidujoa aqj iMir spunod it jo aq uiedtuoa aijj sqm auo pmoAV puu uauion aqj on uq auuq paisnq poddies iijoiu aqj siq 01 91J puq aqi fiBM jo ai Can we not have a little more beat and he glanced at the steam- gauge Eleven pounds Father thought that I had better not carry much over sir Pen man replied doubtfully know said Ferguson and he looked about the boiler anil furnaces It is hot down here no mistake but the upper rooms are very cold The master seemed in doubt him self hut as he turned hastily to go back to his classes he said Touch up the ires a little Raise it to thirteen or fourteen pounds and try it once And you may as well come up to your eleven oclock recitation There is little use in standing here constantly after the furnaces are burning clear The master had full authority to give such an order yet felt troubled remembering his fathers caution Hut father would have to fire himself if Mr Ferguson told him to do it the boy reflected I it of course I wonder if the old flues really arc unsafe I would like to make Mrs Adler- room hot enough for once thought She is always giving it to feather and me about the heat Me says it is of no use to try to make her understand about it Hut I would just like to fan her- Mitel he exclaimed with a flush of resentment as be took out her note of complaint SKe going to report us Is she Ive told cm and told cm that all that old lathwork ought to be taken out cried the sick map Im patiently Hut dear me it no good to give warning in a town like this Nothing is ever done till they are driven to it wouldnt try to carry over ten pounds Den re peated with insistent anxiety Bet ter bear with a little hissing from the lady In north wing rooms You must use judgment When they fuss humor em Kettle round and appear to mend the fires but dont raise much above ten pounds When youve got seven hun dred liyes In your hands you must use good judgment and not mind much what is said to you Look at the water once in a while too There is some waste these cold- days At the schoolhouse quite a different refrain rang In ears Stir her up Den her the boys cried out to him from the head of the basement stairs as they carne in from outofdoors rubbing their frosty ears Shovel Denny shovel Chuck the coal I Denrnan did not mind these boister ous exhortations very much was the Complained that down ft tun the teachers In the north wing that troubled him most The first one wan from Miss in num ber ten said It was she that reported to Mr Ferguson but he knows It a good fellow fie said Fire up though and fire up it is Its mounting up to fourteen Ill set the safetyvalve to blow off at fifteen Just then the clock in the town hall across the street began to strike elev en closed the draft a little washed his hands at J he dinky base ment sink and ran stairs to the masters room to recite with his class It was a lesson in compound pro portion occupying half an hour and as soon as the class was dismissed ran downstairs for he felt far from easy about the steam From the lower ball of the school- house a little side hall under the main staircase opened to the stairs that led down to the basement There were two doors here one opening from the main ball into the side hall the other at the head of the basement stairs passed through the first door but had scarcely turned the knob of the second door at the head Of the basement stairs when the door was forced violently back upon and a blast of wood smoke and heated air struck him full the face A dull red glare lighted the dark stairs and an ominous crackle fell on his ear and that the flames had made headway already He knew that all in the house were in imminent dan gerparticularly those in the upper rooms for the long hall staircase was the only means of egress The school- house was not provided with firees capes Now what was he to do Of course his first wild impulse was to jump back and yell Fire That would be every boys natural impulse at such a time Whether he yields blindly to this impulse or re strains himself and takes hut intelligent second thought is test of his nerve and proves whether or no he will make a man fit to be trusted with great interests Though half chocked with smoke did thus control himself Seizing hold of the door with both hands he forced it shut and turned the key in the lock That done he sprang through the oilier door and locked that His instinct had told him instantly that it was of no use for him to to defceend anil put out the fire It had gone too far The heat was too great He could only shut it up for a few moments He felt sure tlie schoolhouse must go that no at command could save it He realized too that the basement under the hall was probably a pent- up volcano of fire which when it burst forth would stream up the staircase into the halls above Seven children with their teachers utterly unconscious of Ihtir peril might in a few brief moments be cut oil from escape- Ho knew too that a sudden alarm would cause a frenzied rush that must inevitably block and jam the long rather narrow staircases Master Ferguson and the teachers had often warded the children on this point At noon and night the pupilSiJn the different rooms always marched out two by two to the heal of a drum and fire drill was occasionally given All these requisites safety Hashed through mind in that one moment that he stood there bracing himself Flames were tearing at old woodwork under his feet and sev en hundred imperilled lives were ov erhead I Could he do the right thing lie would try This was what he did He sped up the long staircases to the third floor for his conviction was that the upper room pupils would need the most time to get down The lower floor children could be put out at the windows What shall I say to the teachers he thought as he dashed upward If I say the schoolhouse is afire they cannot hold the children steady Ill make believe it is only a firedrill With this resolution he drew up short at the door of Miss room on the upper floor and even summoned a smile to his face He had often the order for the firedrill from Mr Ferguson to other rooms Opening the room door he advanced quickly halfway down the centre aisle and called as the custom was Firedrill Out Quick lime The children dropped their books and rose gleefully to their feet First aisle on the right front seat two by two march teacher meantime had run to Miss Matthews room opposite and there given the same order In half a min ute the pupils of both rooms were streaming out and down the stairs rapidly yet orderly and under control In rooms eleven and thirteen repeated the order smiling hard all the while yet with a terriblo mis giving in his heart and then dashed down the stairs amidst the hurrying children to turn out the second floor rooms Continued on page 8 Methodist Conference Victoria Aug The members of the Methodist General Conference re- a most cordial welcome to Vic toria on Saturday afternoon Many citizens were at the wharf with autos and carnages to drive the delegates to their billets The attendance is larger than at any previous Confer ence The visitors from Ontario and the nonmembers are very numerous fThe Metropolitan Church in which the Conference is being held is taste fully decorated with flowers supplied in British Columbia profusion and beauty On one side of the mag nificent new organ a lifesize paint ing of the late Dr Potts has been placed and a similar portrait of the late Rev Dr Sutherland is on the other side At the love feast service which preceded the morning worship frequent reference was made to the departed members Q Brussels Exposition in Ashes LOSS OVER ONE HUNDRED MIL LION DOLLARS White as Orlllia Collegiate Institute will require to the school for Public School Lightning passed through the din ing room of Mr Thomas house on Monday afternoon striking a chandelier Mr Mulcahy who In hallway received a severe ner vous shock Miss Aileen who was standing in the door way leading to the dining room escaped as also did Mr Teefy who was seated on the veran dah and felt the shock Pac ket Denrnan knew instantly that the Temperature in my room only fjfl schoolhouse was on fire in the TORIA For Infanta and Kind You Have Always Bought Boars Brussels Aug The City of the Worlds Fair Belgians have called their Ex position is tonight a mass of flames and smouldering ruins A spark fall ing into inflammable material in the telegraph building hurst into flames which driven by a wind rapid ly swept in all directions Soon tho Belgian English and French sections were Firemen and de tachments of soldiers found themsel ves baffled by the- gale which carried the burned embers to all parts 01 the grounds To the left of the Main building arose the picturesque roofs and spires of kermesse a Belgian Coney Island with water chutes to boggan slides and scores of side shows This place was alive with Sunday crowds and before they could he got out with any semblance of or der the was afire Tho crowds became panicstricken and men women and children fought madly to escape The exits became choked with the struggling masses anil men used their lists to clear the pathway Many were trampled under foot and badly An engineer corps from Antwerp at tempted to dynamite the bridge of the French section in the hope of checking the fire but the flames leap ed across and engulfed the Italian Russian Austrian Japanese Chinese and Norwegian buildings Forty houses on the Avenue ad joining the Exposition were destroy ed At the drne of the outbreak not lees than persons were cir culating In the grounds and the ker messe Troops were ordered out and came at doublequick to aid the police in clearing the grounds This was accomplished in fair order except within limits the Considering the rapidity of conflagration the small loss of life is marvellous So far as is known up to a late hour tonight only two arc dead The injured as officially an nounced number but probably many hundreds received minor hurts As the flames reached the it was decided to shoot the beasts but the heat drove back the soldiers and the animals were left to their fate The multitude people were driven back to a safe distance and watched the destruction of the city Brussels Aug The latest des patch states that the British sections- are destroyed but makes no mention of the fate of the Canadian section An earlier message stated that it was then untouched The famous- Tudor panelling belonging to the To ronto Museum is destroyed The Canadian section which is in charge of Mr William Hutchinson was praised at the opening and was regarded as one of the best features of the exhibition Brussels Aug The lire was finally got under control The Bel gian and British sections are in ruins while all the other sections including American were partly destroyed Bands of thieves I are engaged in pill age and a was stabbed attempting to arrest three men whom he found rifling A jewellery exhibit Tho loss is estimated at Wilson Bros planing mill had a narraw escape from destruction by fire last week A blaze was discovered in the shavings room and but for timely arrival of the firemen the entire mill would have been destroyed as strong gale was plowing at the time