Newmarket Era , August 19, 1910, p. 6

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9 the it ma III ffi Albert Telephone Ml fe MANAGER I is Imperial Pint Wine Quarts Imperial Quarts 70c Wine Half Gal When you need shoes give us a call we have some lilies we are clearing away below cost Pickling Spices Marked down to a ft- Johnny Canuck Overalls and Smocks They are fully guaranteed SMITH SUCCESSOR TO E SMITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On Sunday August Mr a student Knox College who is preaching in this will conduct the morning ser vice in Chalmers Church here There will be no servico in evening ESCAPE FROM DROWNING Two voting girls about Nellie Ross Gladys went out on tho pond in flat bottomed boat on Saturday afternoon The boat capsized in deep water Nellie Ross swam ashore with difficulty but her companion being unable to swim clung to the boat until young Percy swam out and pushed the boat ashore BRIEPLETS Mr Jas Oldham has purchased a handsome new automobile McLaugh lin make from Mr O Law agent No doubt Mr Oldhams example will be followed by many others Mr has disposed of his jewellery business to Mr H Pol lard of Mr of Toronto con- duett Church of England service here on Sunday last for BLISS Bliss for best boat family medicine BHbs Native Btrikos at tho root of disease by purifying tho blood It restores wasted tissues every organ A tablet at night morning feeling bright Faithfully used will banish Rheumatism Constipation Dyspep sia and Liver Disorders you gonulno Bites Native Herbs in a yellow box bearing portrait of tablets Money back If not satisfied Ask agent Chas AGENT Voters List Notice to THE LATE JONES The many friends Edgar in this vicinity will be grieved to hear of his death which took place at Port Arthur on August after a long illness Mr Jones was born and raised in this vicinity and was very popular with a large circle of friends and acquaintances hero He was clerk in the To ronto for some time but was com pelled to go west for his health about a year and a half ao His widow nd one child survive He was a brother of Mr A Jones now re siding in Owen Sound PERSONAL Mrs Herb Shields Master Jack and her sister Miss Eva Walton have re turned home after spending some weeks vacation at Lake o Hays Mrs A Ferguson was visiting during past week at the home of her sister Mrs John Miss Barton Mr of Ash- worth were visitors at the home of Mrs John on Sunday last Miss Gladys Jones of Owen Sound visiting at the home of her grand parents Mr Mrs Titos Mrs Anson Jones has returned from two months visit with Wends up north Her neighbors were glad to her back Miss Gladys and Miss Greg ory returned to Newmarket oil Sat urday after spending a week with the formers sister Miss Mr Harry Reynolds of Toronto was visitor t the home his nephew Mr Davidson last week Messrs John Jim Arnold and others ft for a trip Co the North West on Tuesday Mr I of Toronto is a visitor at the home of Mrs ttallfs Mrs Tues day from a visit at the home of her sister Mrs Jits FRANKLIN SHARON Mr Knights new barn quite appearance Some have finished harvest arid it is a good one Mr Brown and family socnt Saturday at the Lake Glad to see Frank able tobe around again Dr Wesley was calling and took Robert and daughter out for an auto ride which they greatly enjoyed Miss Maud Fart has returned from Aylmer where she was visiting friends Where did the young man who laid the bush all night in the get his liquor Who was the worrUn who went to the store and forgot her purse con taining all her butter money School starts on Thursday Sept 1st The teachers expect a full at tendance in both rooms The Fifth Class is to he reorganized for the spe cial benefit of those attendwg during the Fall and- Winter months The course outlined for this Class is such as to be of practical use to those at tending who can not go to High School and also provides an excel lent foundation for those who to attend High School later on Miss Lena Spalding of Toronto was the guest of Miss Bertie this week Wed of this week Beat that Mr Toralinson intends re turning to Cobalt about the end of this week- Mr Marvin attended the funeral of the late Edward at Newmarket on Wednesday Mrs has friends from Toronto spending vacation with her Miss Eva has returned from where she has been spend ing a part or her holidays prepara tory to returning to Teeswater where she has charge of the public school Mr John Hogs little son is ser iously ill hope to may recover soon Mr Thos Rye is building a fine new cement residence and when will be an ornament to our street Miss Babcock preaohed in the Free Methodist Church on Sun day evening to the satisfac tion of all Mr Rich Rye is all smiles these days says he it a ter i Oliver Blizzard wife and family visited at Mr Frank en Sunday A young man from fourth line frequent visits here I darent give his- name SUTTON have been com pleted for the annual excursion of the Agricultural Society to the Lift Locks the Trent Valley Canal on Wednesday Aug per Steamer Geneva Boat Qrtni Ee3 cutting weeds on leaves Jacksons Point at JO ana the fare is 65c the Mr Anson VanZanfc of Toronto is spending his vacation with his Uncle Mr T Peregrine Mrs Sydney Thompson of Aliandale visited at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Moore this week Rev Irwin assistant pastor of the Euclid Ave Methodist church Toronjdate and spend an enjoyable sail to preached very acceptably W the Methodist church on Sunday evening Mrs Dyers oi and her little daughter are visiting with her father Mr Aaron Mr has gone on a trip to the coast Miss Clara js in spend ing a week with her friend Miss Ar- gravel Brooks gravel div AluO gravel l LU Thos gravel con John Jones gravel Dan Horan con Dan gravel con- Thos Rye gravel div con K gravel div 6 con 3 is J- Walter Mahoney gravel loOO Walter gravel con Cunningham gravel div con John Watts gravel 2con 611 2 cr Geo gravel 2 con A It J Geo gravel div 1 con Alvv Grose rep to road con 100 Geo cutting weeds L drawing gravel V McMillan bounty killing dog W J dy wk on 150 J men day clearing brush from bridges con 250 JI Eves cedar culvert Eves cedar sidewalks work on culvert Walter gravel div Con 560 When buying any food-stuff- it pays to be careful as regards purity When buying your spices It will pay you to buy them here We give you the very purest of spices Always make a point of buying the best obtainable and we sell them at reason able prices too All kinds them and all pure To make the mostpalatable and best keeping pickles use Wilsons Golden Syrup Vinegar the Vinegar oi the period Price per gal Do you need a new draw rope for your slings We sell the best draw rope on the market Plymouth Pure Manilla with a Pure Manilla Centre Strand If you want a rope for service and satisfaction it will never pay you to buy another We have a few pair of Mens Working Boots regular SI and selling for We carry in stock a complete of Grain Bags Give us call when needing any We pay price for Alsike Get our prices dill Mr J was in the city on Monday on a business trip Mrs Ellis a friend of Mrs John Morris visited at her home this week After the usual League ser vice on Monday evening the leaguers enjoyed a time among on Lake Simcoe After Mr Johnstons advertisement this issue had been put In type he sent us word that he had sold out lo Mr A of and he us to thank his many cus tomers for the liberal patronage ac corded to him He also bespeaks continuance of the same for Mr Notice As wc wish to make a quick change to Winnipeg must ask anyone indebted to US to settle the same by Sept 10th as accounts remaining unpaid by that time will be placed in lawyers hands away for collection If I should he make settlement selves After a novel arranged by the Social VicePresident refresh ments were served The attendance at the is very gratifying and during the absence of the Presi dent Mr- Roy Cody on vacation he have most ably the chair and conducted the league East COUtlCil in a very efficient manner road Eves cutting Sharon grave yard Geo fixing culvert etc T gravel Geo Cole gravel div con John gravel div I v Hugh 1011 con- Geo Haigh gravel- lot con Geo King rep road con 7 cedar and work on bridge con J is Kay wort lot 14 con 7 Rye gravel do- 88 a CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT TERRY MANAGER res A Crocker at the store who is au thorized by me to transact such busi ness Johnston with Mr harry Shields cement 9000 p OF EAST County of York- Notice hereby given that I have or delivered to the per sona mentioned in sections of Ontario Voter List Act the copies required by said sections to be to transmitted or of the made pursuant to said Act of all appearing by the last it- assessment roll of said to be to vote In the for of the Leg islative Assembly at municipal elections and that the said list was posted In my office on the day of and remains there tor inspection Electors are called upon the said list arid if any or any other errors are found therein take proceedings to have errors connected according to A Clerk Dated this day of Aug NOTICE hereby given to residents and landowners in that part of the of East affected by a flowing well from the property of John that tix Township Council will drain the water on the property near Newmarket Cemetery on Saturday Aug at By order A l bearing that people would had skipped from town I would writeup out once mure Mr Sinclair was a Mill Race over Sunday Mrs and son arc spending a few days at home re Mrs owl family for their home in the West on day morning Mi- Hazel is pending her vacation friends at Mill Ir a couple of days in Musoka Miss Dales of Toronto vas the guest of Mrs J over Sunday People around here are curious to know who young fellow is calls round so frequently with the auto Music bath charms Miss Mamie Love is spending a few days with Mrs Milne of ham Misses Mac and I aura Cook Wednesday evening with Mrs A in honor of the guests at Mill Race was held around the pond on Saturday evening a en joyable lime was spent Mrs cant beaten for making is nearly ended around hero and the farmers are not sorry Fuzzy HOC- KESWICIw Mr and Mrs Allen also Glen Prosper of Chicago spending a fe7 days under the parental roof Mr and Mrs Swain of Pennsyl vania are visiting at War- liners The of are renewing their to strengthen their order here John A Rose toxk In the farm laborers on Tuesday Mr Geo Foster of the oldest residents in this vicinity is ill and the floctors care THE RIDGE Quite a turnout at Sunday though was very cloudy Mr Sanders it doing qui to a bit building Me has a big Improvement to his house Miss I ill in Allen is hi again after- spending I wo weeks at lack- son Point welcome gonial school teach er Miss McAlpSnc who will reside a I home of Mr Profit again Though it is weather it did not make feel sleepy last the Ladies Aid Quite a Incident took place It was only a slight mlHUmlcrstanding hut it should not occur again Mr Frank Crittenden is getting a new camera Oct your photos taken boys The visitors Mr John on Sunday were Mr Tommy from Ravenhoe Mr and Mrs Char lie Smith and Ills brother Mr ley Smith from Mr Albert also Mr Richard Lee and Mrs J Taylor Of Mt Albert and Mr Frank Crit tenden of Toronto Your correspondent isnt over particular how he stretches the truth about young man the lie he spent his own money ami didnt have to borrow any either The strange thing about it is how some young can get girls to go out In a while others with a horse and buggy to standi by and take notes It Is to say that if cor could have got one ol the homely girls to go with him to the picnic we would not have had the item in question In last weeks Herns Mrs John spent last Sun day evening with Mrs Jos Wilkinson Rosebud HOLT Mrs J Morris- and Master Gor don of Toronto are spending holidays with the grandmother here Mr and Mrs our genial post master and his estimable wife spent Friday with friends in Sutton Public school reopened hero on Mon day with more than tho average at tendance Miss Wilson In charge Hope she may make a favorable Im pression on some of those unruly boys Mr J Kay finished cutting on Sharon Aug The regular meeting of- East Council was herd this day in the Municipal Hall Sharon All members present Communications were read the following J I Thompson re moving build ng J Lundy Clerk of re Clergy Reserve Interest ByLaw Samuel resignation of of of and Newmarket re culvert on south Deputations from School Section Shields cement tile 81 CO John building side wtfs I 1 Dan Cook drawing cement and gravel MA Dan Cook drawing cement for tile TL Woodcock re removal of Berth Lee Asylum Mrs A R of auditor And that the corporate seal be here to attached Carried Council adjourned to meet at New market Aug at pm at the premises of JohiiLazenby Next regular meeting at the Hall Sharon on Sept ftth at am A Clerk o a- Tenders Wanted 1 Tenders will be received by tin re School matters rtl- up to August for j SO Mr Jolrii re complaint the erection of a mint school of water from His lowing well doing house in school section No East damage to roadway etc Plans and write John I Thompson giving permission t- move building from the sixth to the seventh con on the side road between lots by him becoming responsible for any damages or accidents due to his obstructing the road anil also that he shall get the work ilonc as soon as possible af ter he occupy the road with said building The resignation of Mr was accepted Moved by seconded by Fair that the Council of this municipality meet as a body on Aug 27 in at John to inves tigate the trouble said to be caused by an overplus water from low ing well and that the i in structed to have a notice put in each of the local papers the meeting that all parties may govern them selves accordingly Carried Moved by Parr seconded by that the Clerk ask for a detailed statement of the cost of cul verts on south where both Municipalities are Interested Car ried- Moved by seconded by that the Clerk write the Albert Telephone Co re their guy wires in of the Misses Leek pro perty Carried Mr Abb Wilson paid into the old burying ground fund making th Sharon contribution to the fund to date Moved by seconded by Thlrsk and resolved that the Reeve Issue his order on the Treasurer for payments as follows viz Alex Tate sheep claim Henry sheep claim Walter reps to bridge Mortimer grading tln Wm Grose draw MA CO gravel The given Instructions to In- the residence of Secretary lowest or any tender I not necessarily Accepted j J Omcmee Out Aug The barns of Kerr a farmer living near was struck by lightning this morning at ed with all contents- Bashers are the full large size and the Peaches good stoek earlier varieties For slicing with cream for stewing for pics for a fruit Peaches cannot be excelled and at this price are far cheaper than any kind of berries For preserving for win ter use they are the best fruit on the market and at a basket are cheaper than prunes mm Large baskets too Peach Plums Large Blue Plums Egg Plums and Greengages AH one price 50c Basket This is a can fruit year and the value of these splendid plums price is apparent Shipments every day and price We Ke enough pears around here to supply our trade and are prepared to buy Baskets Large Hart let or other good pears when to pick Vou farmers wives start right to dry your apples dipping them in salt water to keep their white color Then bring them hero as prospects for a high market this Fall are good Paying 23c for Butter IL JOHNSTONS SUTTON UlLDiNG OFF IViENT FOR OPERATOR ON BLOUSES DRESSES SKIRTS SUITS AND UNDERWEAR GOOD POSITIONS FOR BOTH EXPERIENCED OPERATORS AND PLOY- OFV Every no matter how inexperienced who enters our employ is guaranteed wages to pay board clothe and have something to spare We do this as it assures us satisfied loyal help and gives beginners a good chance to prepare Tor paying occupations With the completion of the new 12storey building wo have the largest factory building in the British Empire and one of the roost pleasant best ventilated brightest and most improved factory buildings in the world There are positions for hundreds of operators Stitchers examiners etc and those desiring a position may receive full information by addressing a card or letter or calling in person at j LIMITED EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 12 ALBERT STREET TORONTO ONT I I WqfM ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO j

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