Weeks Meal a Loss John Smith of street singularly unfortunate in losing his pedigreed Clydesdale mare for which only recently paid Friends Nearlng Completion The new cement bridge or Tinjoiby street will be completed in about two weeks It will oyer but the Finance- Committee calculates that they have saved about by doing it on days work rather than to accept the lowest tender c Surrogate Court The will of the late Fox retired farmer filed in the sur rogate court Wednesday The estate chiefly farm property in Yearly Meeting of the So- King Township is left to his widow Shop to Rent Equipped with Wood Working Ma- suitable for Door and Sash Factory Box 98 Newmarket of Friends will beheld in the ShiM Meeting on St and of September 7 Methodist Church Considering the season of year the Fellowship Meeting and Communion service attended last Sun- da and the pastor feels greatly en couraged The sermons and also the solos by Miss Barker and Mr Eugene Barker were appreciated by large cvn- Tonics next Sunday It God pm Honoring God during her life and at her death a daughter receives and the five sons and two daughters SI 500 each Improvements Three more people are getting ready to build new houses Messrs John Archer- J Sargent and John Walsh That mates about 35 going up this summer The residence of Mr W Collins on Main street has been greatly im proved by new siding Mr Arthur has added a verandah to his residence Special Car Service The following special service will he by the Metropolitan Division of Toronto York Radial Rail way in connection with the Canadian Rational Exhibition at Toronto I car will leave at for Newmarket and intermediate points on Aug 1st- 2nd 3rd ah and On Monday Sept Labor Day spCrial halfhour service will he Oper ated between Toronto and Newmar ket Kir2 Council meets at Kettleby on Saturday and Council meets Virginia the same day Messrs Roche Co got in another big on Monday Tin- days are growing shorter Building operations are very brisk Town Schools reopen on Tuesday Sept Mr Atkinson has been making con siderable interior improvements to his wellcry store Be Mire and take in the Garden Par ty tonight Complimentary Speaking of the openair concert in Aurora in- Rainier has this to say On Wednesday evening the Citizens Band of this place assisted by the Newmarket Military Hand Undei the wry able leadership of Rand- waster Mansfield of Newmarket concert on the Methodist church lawn Our citizens turned out in goodly numbers and were rewarded by one of the best bawl concerts ever given here The desire was expressed by several of our that another concert would he arranged for in the near future Womens Institute lii- meeting of the Newmarket branch of the North York Womens Institute v ill be held at Sirs John Lewis A paper on Special Duties of Children as a Means of Teaching Them Responsibility will be given A full attendance is requested First day in September The Branch of Womens I inn ion accepted an invitation from Thornhlll Branch and visited Thursday of last week They were treated to splendid musical and literary program and afterwards to i social and Those who went bad a very enjoyable lime Family Reunion A family gathering occurred at the home of Mrs Rebecca Larnhie street on Tuesday the following partaking of supper together Ar nold and Marion of Los An geles California John and Lewis and family Newmarket Es ther and family Newmarket Francis and Margaret of Ont Mrs ack nowledged the Divine providence in having granted her long life and per mitting her to number thirtyfive des cendants Public Notice My wife having left me I hereby give public notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her J A Sale Garnet Furnace No 5 nearly new would heat an ordinary house Kelsey Furnace No nearly new suitable for a large building Also 3 Hot Water Radiators Hot Air Registers and Piping The above will be sold cheap as the company is putting in a new steam- heating plant THE NEWMARKET HOTEL CO Ltd ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute provided in that behalf that all persons having claims against the estate of William Glover late of Holland Landing York County yeoman deceased who died on the day of September are re quested to file the same property pro ven with Esq New market Ont Solicitor for Glover of said estate on or before the lith day of Septem ber as immediately thereafter the administratrix will proceed to Deadly Forest Fires Missoula Mont Am One nun fire fighters are believed to have perished in the flooded canyon near Wallace la Attempts toxeach the canyon have been No word has come from the forestry ser vicemen trapped near St Joe Fears are also felt for a rescue party sent from the Bird Creek region At Wallace la where a third of the city was destroyed yesterday with loss and death of per sons a fight was made all night and continued today to save the rest of the town The forest rangers and the city firemen there are aided by the colored soldiers of the 25th Infantry Mont Aug Five thousand square miles timber land in western Montana and eastern Ida ho are ablaze today and as much more territory has been laid waste by the worst forest fires in the history of the United States The property loss is already according to careful estimates and the desperate efforts of an army of men against the fiames nave proved fruitless It is believed that the death list will be over V A U3E MTU BAKING AND NEVER FAIL White Lawn Blouses FASHION BOOK f jn White Lawn Blouses Blouses for Blouses for Blouses for Blouses for Blouses for Andersons Scotch Ginghams The best in the world All reduced to per yard All Wool Voile Dress Goods pes only brown black navy Regular per for MUSLINS- Ranging in Prices from mcl to 20c Slaughter price yard OF A j ill We are agents for the son Co who make the best all- round Boots and Shoes macfe in Am- erica- We buy them spot cash and you get the benefit in lower prices t a OFFICIAL PROGRAM Canadian National Pink Salmon tin Kippered Herring 10c tin 30 oz Bottle Jockey Pickles Dunhams 3c Good Brooms each Struck Flowing Well The citizens of Alliston are in For twenty years they have been c fiii ng that some day they CXntulttOn the problem of securing pure water scrvio instead of using the the which was only fit for sprinkling lawns and for fire pro- tection few weeks ao the Council took Standard Patterns Parasols at Cost For Canadian National Exhibi tion of year an Official Program LUIS has issued showing the special the question up and decided to drill attractions for each day days in the hope of securing a flowing well judging lor every kind of f Band Garden Party Everything points to a successful Garden Party tonight under the aus pices the Newmarket Military Band The first class program ren dered by the Band will bo interspers ed by selections from a 5250 gramo phone kindly furnished by the Bell Piano Co of Toronto who are send ing a man here to operate it with a supply of the latest opera records Should the weather be unfavorable the Garden Party will take place in the Town Hall distribute the assets amongst those entitled thereto having regard to those claims then filed Dated 23rd August Newmarket 3w32 Solicitor for Administratrix Our High School Building stone brick scaffolding busy teams and active mechanics arc much in evidence on High School hill those days and the energetic contrac tor Mr J J Mcintosh although at the outset seriously hampered by the Grand Trunk strike is every point to have the old building ready for the scheduled ol school on Sept Gill Old pupils will he greatly pleased with the new spacious halls and easy stairways and when I he new wing is ready for oc cupancy the town may well he proud of one of the largest most spacious convenient and substantially built High Schools in Ontario- The New Forsyth Last Saturday was opened for regular and was the admiration of all guests It ha modern appearance with its lfajncd and ftitigtfe decorations Monday there were to The gent that undertook th- are well far v success and it is going be an easy matter to pay a ir dividend on the stock the So far the tovn has not Mrs Crosby and daughter Miss Grace of Zephyr arc visiting at Mr Milton Terrys Mr and Mrs Jesse Dales of Mich are guests at Mr Win this week Miss Charles of Aurora is spending a lew days with Miss Miss Kathleen Murphy of Richmond Hill is visiting her aunt Mrs Terry Mr Love of West Franklin is the guest of Mr fares Leonard returned on from- a short vacation with in Mr Walton of Aurora and Mr Brooks Walton of Toronto spent at ffi C The Bell Telephone Co of Canada I to A new of Official Telephone Directory for the of Town of Newmarket Orders for new connections changes of firm names changes of street addresses or for du plicate entries should he hand ed in AT ONCE TO GOODWIN Manager try grain vegetables and prizes to be distributed for all entries pro gram of harness- horse racing detailed description of performances in front of tbe grand stand display the countless attractions of the Midway which this year is to be more complete tlian ever and the from almost every town in On tario with their special performance days Program also shows the rates in effect from Ontario points during the Exhibition special low rates in on Excursion days and the spo ol train service in effect from all points Copy of program niay he ob tained from any Canadian Pacific Railway Agent or by writing Thompson Toronto Is Atkinson Agent Newmarket PINE ORCHARD For Sale Miss Annie Swain is visiting Toron to friends Mr Ash ton Lloyd and Miss rice Lloyd spent Sunday at Mrs has has been spend ing a week with relatives in to Miss Western of Aurora is visiting Miss Muriel VanLuVcn Miss of the Southern States spent Sunday with Mrs Lloyd We are glad that Mr 1 Stevens who has been in the hos pital for the last five is ex pected home the latter part Ibis week Rev Colling of Toronto occupied the feasibility of securing water by gravitation having been Abandoned A contract was let to the las Co to put down a well to the depth of pet and operations were commenceo two ago by Mr Harvey who has had the contracts for drilling for the firm After going through over two hund red feet of clay a flowing well was struck at the depth of two and fiftysix feet that yielded at first gallons of water per day ana has since increased to gallons The gusher was struck just as the drill reached the Trenton limestone water is now lowing out of an 8inch about three feci the ground with ft strong steady pressure A sample was taken to Toronto on Monday by Or for avsis by the Provincial Analyst whose report will probably be rccciv in a few nays There are strong of gas in tbe rock and it is quite possible that either oil or gas may be struck in quantities before the work is completed The well it is estimated will supply all the present needs of town and when the service grows another well can easily he addd to the service at little expense Herald The Ladies Store Newmarket t 1 i All Summer Goods at Cost Price A large assortment of Remnants in Tweeds Panama Cloths Repps Poplins Cashmeres just the thing for school dresses and skirls All at cost and many lines below cost price A few lines in Ladies Underwear at cost price Vests regu lar 25c for 20ei f Childrens Vests regular and 15c for phone 117 Interior Stable Fittings Apply to J CANE Newmarket SUTTON the pulpit id the Church on Sunday and was well received We would fie pleased to hear Mr again While here he was the guest of Mr John Miss A spent Tuesday Willi her in Aurorai Mrs Weaver and children from Little Fruit Store Freeman Miss Alela Hall of Newmarket spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL NEWMARKET About took in the Agrlcultural excursion to Kirklield on Wednesday It was a hfr day and everybody had lost fiir by Ioe opton on modernized In it rotemcnls lli already the town has the plant that Was afr- got r-pu- the for the I it- hotel ban been A I ctorners te place The south remowd trow the hall A it li the general wait- floors laid i J- made in the stairway I i 1 1 be to provide more for travellers The infract been jet for the of a new stcariheatirg if a the old was and too expensive operate- be put In at once and will be In firstlass order OUR STOCK OK Watches and Diamond Rings Tons BANANAS are all ripening once and Rereived Last Saturday They must be disposed of AND CRT BARGAINS ON SATURDAY RUSTO Prop Live Stock Market FOR FLETCHERS ASTO R I A Sale Register THURSDAY Sept sale of bred Clydesdale Horses Cattle Implements etc the pro perly of Mr Angus on lot in the 3rd Con of Crossing on Ra dial Usual terms Sale at one oclock sharp Auct Newmarket Markets August Fall Wheat per hush f0 fi AL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP A J PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS i i 00 00 168001173 at all Important in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Hanking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank wll as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager in Wire Fencing Five Years With AMERICAN AND FENCES Oats per Irtish In Toronto per hush In active demand and bush prices above last per tan weeks quotations Light ateers lhat horts per ton Isold for last week wife readily Hay per ton taken I Butter per lb feeders were sold do to wah art occasional steer at New Potatoes per hag fl j iChlckjcnB per lb 0 Calves were firm and sales were- to this price being paid I lor t number weighing about a- bun- August Kail Wheat per i were sold at an average Wheat per bush I 18 50 20 Ml M 20 J WIN I for Newmarket Fair and the follow ing trade In to encourage with J and families to make their trade centre management have decided to provide dinner on Saturdays at the extremely price of each The usual price meals at thte hotel Is I I I I A The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come and sec Quality and get prices For Sale By J Near High School of and sheep at per bush cars In Toronto arc up SO May per ton horses and farm per lb chunks to express and per do delivery horses 5175 to drivers ptatoe per 5100 in and sound per lb 10 McCormacks Pure 650 feet to the pound J Newmarket Ontario to per lb On 0 2n I bush if is Just a Limited Quantity on hand Place Your Order Early Phono HOWARD Wte Carry a large Stock o Watches of all kinds Also Diamond and other Rings and Diamonds Rings lo order on short notice CO end and Ticket license Phone i Vff On Saturday- Are they any good at that Price They are worth and per yard but on Saturday 15c and Also 200000 worth of Japanese China- bought at a rate on the and being sold at per cent off the London Market by DANFORD ROCHE CO Buyers of General Stocks of merchandise ENGLISH PARIS GREEK and Package worth and 25c lbs Bug Death Kills the bugs Feeds the Plants for 05c I I f I I I f I t t I -r- i