Newmarket Era , August 26, 1910, p. 4

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it r I i i r4 f it a Preparingfor Trip Westward Next Session EarJ GKJt Canadas Governor-Gen- It is political circles now on a voyage by canoe to Ottawa that with the return of Ministers to the Capital after P representative of the the the business nest ses- occupying his position sion of Parliament will he arranged ever undertaken ji i air such a Journey and while there mar the end of another week Sir WUy will be back from his of pleasurable excitement a tour and Hon Field- adventure it will likewse ing will have returned from Europe discpipforts and toil even where be has attending meetings with the most modern equipment and of the West Indian Trade Portable conveniences The route chosen is looming up big in the future T R Time Card GOING NORTH a were not sincere 0S 5 were mere poetical expedients 1 we now learn that the Dominion 2 0 en An impression obtains that one of Dominion because its com- mercial importance and we make no the first questions to be considered by fa an the Cabinet will be in reference to bet- tore His Excellency to trade relations with the United make the journey he has undertaken States This will be at the instance In the very near the products of the Canadian West in ever of the American over senting an attitude quite the reverse fte Hudson to thc on trade questions of few years ago the world and the present a situation of peculiar satisfaeti3n expedition has been undertaken Canadians in thc light and history out doubt from a sense of the past However a better F to enable Excellency to gam tual understanding between two formation at first hand respeetmg countries seems now to obtain When the vast natural resources of that I Overtures were first leceived t Part of the Dominion disposition prevailed that they o were not sincere that indeed they Oar Toronto GOING SOUTH Leave p m tariff calculated to he for 535 betterment of both countries fcne Leave to believe Hat said overtures are really genuine and H they are ready to enter upon to seek a home in Canada five years ago forget here and married another woman In the po lice last week on the charge of 755 for general gossip in circles ne convicted and sent to is attitude which Mr Monk will assume towards there too leater in next session the Tfce break between them is quite pro- t afek and nounced and also between Mr Monk mSrryjng agflin here and many leading Conservatives In tJan he House linked ever since Mr M Borden was chosen leader of the op position Mr Monk ha BEST SERVICE TO U A Four Trains from Toronto am 605 pm pm Sleeper carried on 1010 pm train Fridays ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES OF THE GREAT LAKES Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen Sound Special train from Toronto sailing days Meals and berth included oh boat The Most Pleasant and Cheap est Route to and West LAtkinson Newmarket less of a disgruntled disposition towards him Much speculation is rife respecting the outcome of their rivalry Meanwhile Liberals are viewing the combatants with much complacency Conservative Tribute to Imperial Preference Greenhouses St 1 1 Sweet Peas and DafiodilU Geraniums etc Nov is the time to get your hanging baskets filled Funeral and Wedding work given special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown orders solicited Raspberry Strawberry and Roots for sale -Newmarket- Notice to Creditors In Estate of Deceased NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Chapter and amending Acts that alj creditors and others having claims against the estate of of the Town New market in the County of and Province of Ontario Retired Fanner deceased who die1 on or the twentyninth day of May are required on or before the tenth to deliver or Bend by prepaid to JAMBS Waterloo ore of execu tor of the Will of the said their names in full with their ad dresses description full parliou- of their claims and statements j of the security if any held by them and that after the Said ten Mi day of The Victoria Colonist a Conservative journal of undisputed loyalty to party hut it has sufficient Independence to speak out plainly in commendation of the Imperial Pre ference policy of the Liberal Administration in this respect it stands out to the Conservative organ at Toronto and loes not that Canadian loyalty is dependent upon trade Cone cessions or Ilea between this country and the old land will be weakened unless we get a preferential treatment for our food product in the British markets The views the Colonist are thus given it is some times charged against Sir Wilfrid that he missed a great opportunity when he conceded a preference to Great Britain in our markets without bargaining with the Mother for a preference our proflucts in return The view is mistaken one The obtaining of concessions from the Mother Country in that way- have reduced our action to a com mercial basis and placed on the same plane as a commercial treaty between the Mother Coun try and France or Spain The peculiar merit of the preference given by Canada is that it came unexpectedly without conditions and was prompted solely by senti mental conslderatiorrs the manner in ehich it came it was greatly appreciated by Mother Country and has been of tangible value to In divers but everything would have been spoiled bad we attempted to bargain about the matter To Great Britain trade preference is a different proposition from what it is with us and it only com if at all by agitation and in the fullness of time Should it never come Canada Would nev ertheless be Immensely the gainer by reason of the action which Sir Wilfrid caused be tar t rates court of the County of for excessive speeding on the highway Next Monday the Toronto Exhibi tion opens Exhibitors have been busy all week getting things into sjiape Much complaint is being made In j regard Torontos milk supply It lis said to be lacking the proper per centage of solids and butter fat Such is the report f the Medical Health Officer According to information received today the Duke of Sutherland has decided to come to reside It was rumored that contemplated settling in Western Ca nada and this practically been confirmed by the reported sale by A this city of large land in the west to his grace understood that Mr Jus been negotiating for some time with a representative of the Duke and that he received word today that his terms were satisfactory Just where the land is located could not he learned today Neither could a statement be- secured from Mr MacKay a he is awaiting fur ther information the trans action before making a deliniU an nouncement It is also reported that the Duke will bring about a thousand people with him Several have been out in Montana and Idaho for est fires Montreal Aug To blown twentyfive feet in the air from a motor boat ami land on the wharf amid a shower of debris was the unique experience of a man named Mc Cartney at to day Mc Cartney had a miraculous escape death sustaining slight injuries and his speetiwular landing was by hundreds of who were wait for the boat to shoot the rapids McCartney was mending a leak in the gasoline tank when it exploded ken perhaps some of our Ontario journals will fall to eye eye with the Victoria Colon- Con the Will proceed to the assets of the deceased among par- cry of disloyalty as being a factor the Imperial ties policy of the preftCnf Admin- only to claims of Which they then have received notice and will cot he liable for the said to any person of whose claim they pot then have receive notice DATED August FRANK FALL TERM OPENS AUG 2TH ELLIOTT OUT In all Department Write today for our ihirMpn George of was drawn under tie- wheel 0 the which vas towing his still and killed t The Cattle sheds in the park on Saturday f he fire is supposed 10 have been the Work Of incend iary as coal oil quite in idcnce the firemen arrived The were a total loss being burnt to the ground There Is no Insurance on the building destroyed air the con- panics refuged to insure the build ings The buildings destroyed valued wt or and are the property of tin- town On St A horrid rath Came out all over my baby lace and until it had totally covered his icalp It was and painful and caused Iht little one of suffering We tiled iap and powders and but he got no belter He refused his food got quite thin and worn and was reduced in a very serious condition I was advised to try and did to It wonderful how it seemed to coot and the childs burning painful skin from the vef commencement teemed to go right to spot and the irritation and less Within a few akin healed completely now not a trace of or eruption or eczema or burning wre Not only but cured of the trouble ho Improved In at all Yea- a fco or post from Co tin A all cult etc The Officers and Directors desire to express thankfulness to the follow ing friends of the Association who so generously aided its funds during the present rear by their contributions Sir Wra Toronto 25 H Aurora 25 Hon A Ayleswartfr Minister of Justice Toronto 2000 Newmarket Hotel Co Newmarket Shields Howard Stock Dealers Toronto and Newmarket Sons Ltd Manufacturers Newmarket a J A Armstrong Worts Distillers Toronto Toronto York Radial 15 A Wilson Co Toronto Wholesale ttgars etc 15 Davis Leather Co Newmarket Newmarket ll J KjvtcDonald County Treasurer Toronto- 10 rIA t Ellas Rogers Coal Co Ltd Toronto Toronto The Simpson Co Ltd Toronto Thos Blizzard Implement Newmarket A Friend Toronto 10 10 7 5 no 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 00 5 5 ff A I t t 1 r i Mi 1 a Bank of Toronto Newmarket Branch Bank 0 Montreal Newmarket Branch Newmarket Lang Grace Tobacconists Toronto Toronto Jobbing House Newmarket J A Allan Hardware Newmarket K N Robertson Court Clerk Newmarket W Tailor Newmarket L Rogers Druggist Brass Mfg Co Toronto Cochenour Martin Co Newmarket A Merchant Newmarket A BCnns Hardware Livery Newmarket B Hunter Merchant Newmarket Eves Coal Wood etc Newmarket Barker Bros- Contractors Newmarket Merchant Newmarket J Furniture Undertaking Newmarket Armstrong Newmarket Col License Inspector Sharon P W Pearson Mayor Newmarket J E Postmaster Tew market R Brock Co Wholesale Goods Toronto Sir Irving Toronto Alex Millard Estate Toronto IT Sons Co Wholesale Hardware Toronto Canada Brokerage Co Toronto P J House Toronto Smith Palace Toronto Wrn Keith Agent Newmarket Mulloy Inspector Aurora McCarron Bros Hotel Toronto Real Estate Fred Sheriff Toronto Davflle Sheriff Aurora Winchester Co Judge Toronto Hassan Cadillac Hotel Toronto J Hill Registrar Toronto Conger Coal Co Toronto W R Johnston Co Wholesale Clothing Toronto The Queens Hotel Toronto IS Irwin Clerk of the Peace Toronto Ed Jackson Brunswick Hotel Toronto Geo Leslie Roscdale Hotel Toronto Toronto Brewers Assn Toronto Northrop Lyman Wholesale Druggists Toronto Christie Brown A Co Wholesale Biscuits etc Geo Wright Co Walker House Toronto W Shaw Central Bus- Coll Toronto A Ainsley Co Wholesale Dry foods- Toronto The SherwinWilliams Co Paint etc Toronto 1 J Foster Supreme Secretary Canadian Home Circles To- llj rt a Prince George Hotel Toronto George Tobacconist Flanagan Grand Central Hotel Toronto Sanderson Co Wholesale Paints etc Toronto White Ac Co Ltd Wholesale Provisions etc Toronto James Lumbers Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Toronto A Queens Hotel Aurora Amefcus Toronto Groceries Limited Toronto Jos Piphcr Newmarket Jno Proctor Newmarket Newmarket J King City A Bong Son W Newmarket A Friend Newmarket Ross Newmarket A E Warden York Co Geo Fortune VS Newmarket J it V Newmarket J Robertson Barrister Newmarket Barrister Newmarket Steele Co Toronto J McKay Editof L Jackson Editor Era Newmarket Winter A Piano Toronto Jamei Newmarket and Aurora T i Piano Agent Aurora W I worth Grocer Newmarket T Watson Jeweller Newmarket Edgar Denies Newmarket Win Newmarket A Hainer Agent Aurora Joshua Wilson Newmarket Ed lane Gen Agt Internationa Harvester Co Newmarket J W Lightning Rod Agent Toronto I Rose Contractor Newmarket T Simpson etc Newmarket Stall ml A- Hill Stitchers Newmarket Dr IV Newmarket T Drowning Dr It Clark Dentist Newmarket M Hopper Blacksmith Newmarket Adams Barber Newmarket Jno Murphy Carter J Hughes Town Clerk Newmarket Geo Knowles Merchant Newmarket Geo Royal Hotel Aurora Dr J Wesley Chas Smith Carter Newmarket Blaif Blacksmith Newmarket Boyd Carter W Barrister Newmarket Dr N Wilkinson Dentist Nowiqarket Dr Boyd Newmarket Newmarket Laundry Jas Murray Painter Newmarket Jno Doyle Barber Shropshire Newmarket Jas Watte Hotel Aurora Kavanagb Auctioneer Osborne Sons Tinsmiths etc Newmarket I Fred Grocer Newmarket Lyons Confectioner Newmarket W Goodwin Supe Bell Tel Co Newmarket 1 a f a 1 1 a iMt I Iftlf aatftfat 1 1 a f a a 1 I 1 tit 1 a f 9 a 9 if a a a a a 1 f I fflliin Hi r if a a f MIITI a a 1 1 v a 1 a a a a j a I jaaaM a a a 1 t a a a wtrt v a 1 I A 1 a a a I t iMr r 1 Mil a H 500 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 300 00 J fid 2 2 2 00 00 200 2 2 2 200 200 2 2M 00 2 We have had nearly seventy years of experience with Ayers Cherry Pectoral That makes us have great con- fidence in it for coughs colds bronchitis weak throats and weak lungs Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it He knows He can advise you I wisely Keep in close touch with your family physician No alcohol in this cough medicine Be well be strong You cannot if your bowels are constipated The best laxathT Pills all vegetable Ask your doctor if he agrees with us Do as he say I aa a- a 1 a Ta tmm if 11 a a Haines Bros Barbers Newmarket LucsbV Marble Works Newmarket Howard Grocer Newmarket Dr Scott Newmarket Osbom Butcher Newmarket A Kerr Civil Engineer Newmarket Deputy Registrar South York Geo Keith Seed Toronto McDonald Co Wholesale pry Goods Toronto Kinmear Co Wholesale Toronto S P Reeve Lemon J A Co Clerk Toronto A Sutherland Sheriff Toronto Jos Surrogate Court Clerk Toronto J Walton Banker Aurora Barber Young Co Engineers Reeve Richmond Hill Fred Meyers Implements Newmarket James Cameron Deputy Reeve Tp James County Const Toronto J Brown Constable Toronto H Knox Co Toronto Gillespie Co Toronto E J Lyons of the Singer Sowing Machine Co Toronto Rice Knight Co Ltd Toronto Simuson Son Provisions Toronto W Richardson Contractor Shoe Aurora JV Newmarket Ileacock Deputy Registrar Newmarket A Smith Grocer Newmarket Cody York Grocers Newmarket E A Boyd Livery Newmarket Geo Soules Newmarket Dr Webb Newmarket Aerated Waters Newmarket T Robinson Newmarket David Lloyd Registrar Newmarket Bennett Bros Hardware Merchants Newmarket W J Butcher Newmarket Colonial Theatre Newmarket James Hotel Holland Landing Win Willis Newmarket Archie King Thos Forsyth Horse Buyer Toronto A Starr Dairy Newmarket Jos Grocer Newmarket P Toronto Lawr Teacher Newmarket J Newmarket J Blacksmith Newmarket J Bowman Carter Newmarket S Rose Supt T- R Mrs I M Wilson Milliner A Trivett Carter Newmarket iitiiS 1 1 a mi 1 1 aa a a 1 1 t a aaL I I I I I Ia4 a a a a a 2 2iY 2 00 no no 00 2 oil 2 Oft On Oil I 00 1 On 1 I 00 DONATIONS IN GOODS a a a 1 Mil 1 a a a 1 1 a I 1 a Miff m a a a a i a a 1 a a ii A Proctor Central Business College Toronto Durham Rubber Co Toronto Office Specialty Manufacturing Co Newmarket Bros Jewellers Toronto Sellers Fur Co- Toronto Cock burn Wholesale Milliner Toronto The Eaton Co Ltd Toronto Co Toronto AngloAmerican Ins Co Toronto Dunlop Tire Rubber Goods Co Toronto J Sons Aurora Limited Toronto Co- Gait J Millard Furniture etc New market Agl Implement Agent Dunham etc Aurora A Club Sons Tobacconists Toronto Geo A Co Harness Toronto Limited Toronto McLaren Wholesale Shoes Toronto Eby Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Bell Piano Co Toronto Jewellers Toronto Confectioner Toronto Stewart Hood Toronto Queen City Oil Co Toronto Heintman Co Toronto Kent Co Toronto Aylctt Photographer Toronto Willis Merchant Tailor Newmarket Photographer Newmarket W Fergus Photographer Newmarket Empire Wall Paper Co per Geo Hasett Newmarket P Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto J A Summers Seed Merchants Toronto Rice Lewis Sons Ltd Hardware Toronto W A General Merchant Newmarket Bike Co Torontp BriggS Publisher Toronto Alive Bollard Tobacconist Toronto Crompton Corset Co Toronto Fried Grills Co Toronto Manning Co Blacksmith Newmarket I Geo Traveller Toronto Mrs Simpson Druggist Newmarket af a a a Mini 1 a B I I a a a a I a u a r a I OH 00 10 00 moo 00 5 00 BOO 1 no J 2 2 1 a a a The destruction of the house fly is a public duty Almost every American State Hoard of Health is carrying on a crusade against him His filthy origin and habits and the fact that his body is generally laden with disease-producing- germs makes him one of the greatest enemies of the human race If the housekeepers of Canada will use persistently this peril would be tremendously reduced 4 a I I a J mil 1- V

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