Newmarket Era , August 26, 1910, p. 5

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A Weeks fleas Your prank Opportunity to Visit I The Canadian National Exhibition Return tickets at- single 1 Toronto- AND COLLECTOR will be issued via Grand Trunk ft I System Bolton Decorator Millards Clark DENTIST all station Cana da west of Cornwall and Ottawa good going August to Sept inclusive Return limit Sept Special low rates will also be in effect on certain days Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk agent St Liquor Act Violated For the sale of more than a quart iquor over his bar at Jacksons or Wilkinson Block Newmarket in man Issuer of LICENSES is reidC I NEWMARKET IN monuments and Point in violation of his tavern li cense Dr McDonald the licensee was prosecuted at Aurora The charge was laid by Provincial In spector and a fine of and costs were imposed Both of Sutton were charged with a similar offence but judgment was re served I like the fine flavor of Red Rose Tea It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose quality the reason why it holds first place in thousands of Cana dian homes Will you try it ILw- A Pluoky Encounter With Two Big Man Etori Where Circumstantial Evidence Played Justice False HANGED AN INNOCENT MAN John Clark a well known aw to I In had a narrow escape from a meal for two Or J- Boyd in medicine Toronto University also Licentiate the College ol Physicians and the Royal College Surgeons clinical Eye Hospital and Un JUt College Nose and Throat 1 England SK Main and Timothy Sts No wl y services may be had of day or night by calling at the office or phone Garden Party A Party under the auspices of the Newmarket Military Band will bo held on evening Aug on the spacious lawn at the residence of Mr P Schmidt Refreshments will be served from oclock Hand Concert com at The proceeds are in aid of purchas ing New Uniforms for the Hand so it NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend it S3 Incident In the Rcrnarkablo of Evente to Point Conclusively to the Guilt of Harry Blake Who Was Accused of Murder It began In the Blue Horse tavern on the highway leading to Toward the close of an autumn day a half dozen men sat In the old bar room discussing events which then were leading to the outbreak of the American Revolution- At such a time arguments were very likely to be rath- more than ordinarily would be the case And this was no excep tion Fearing that trouble might one of the men exclaimed Come stop this Such a dispute I la nonsense was an ugly looking fellow short and stout with a dark sallow face black eyes low wrinkled fore head and that bared bis teeth on occasions like a dog preparing to bite My quarrel is with Harry Blake he snarled It is none of your affair Well Blake cried good if you will quarrel wont i Druggist Gave Poison in we will Be Patriotic We owe it to the community which we live to do anything can in every way possible that be to its advantage Our neigh bors prosperity means great deal more to us than someones who lives elsewhere We should bear this in mind in buying our goods We can a cry of Shame from every one in the room Blakes face it the home of her what you Ill say no more Evidently was bent on is the public will turn cut and rjj Mistake Proves Fatal for l muttered something help the hoys along the On ug Murray of Detroit here died a uncle Donald Murray yesterday as t0 repeat result iaWn a prisonous J J this hour will be the bitterest of cine dispensed in error by a local VAn druggist An inquest is being held today Miss Murray was years old and the daughter of a prominent dry goods merchant in Detroit who survives her as does her mother and sister She sharks while giving an exhlbltior at He had agreed to be Bewed up in a big sack heavily weighted with sand and be thrown Into the bay near the navy from which bag he was to escape by cutting bis way out with a knife and swim ashore At an appointed time a took him out some distance from shore and after being tied up in the sack be was thrown overboard He had hardly got more than thirty feet below the sur face when something bumped against the sack and almost Instantly the idea flashed through his mind that it was a shark Before be do anything there was a hump from the other Bide of the bag In a moment or two ho had cot his way out and was rising to the surface still clutching the knife in his hand Once something cold grazed his leg as he was rising On reaching the surface he was greeted with cheers but noted with dismay that there were ho boats near He started to swim toward the near est one when the water parted a few feet to ooe side and he could make out the long black of a shark The monster headed at once for him and as he was about to dive to escape its clutch another shark dashed In As the first shark turned over on its Bide in order to bite Clark dived be low the surface then up under the shark and drove the knife time after time Into Its vitals and it sank to the bottom As he came to the surface gasping for breath manned by excited sailors from the navy yard ran alongside and he was pulled aboard just In time to escape the sec ond shark Detroit Free Press I a fiord to our home man a firm price for his wares rather than send Furnace Work our money away knowing as we do that every dollar our own citizens make will help in sustaining our schools churches and public institu tions It pays richly to patronize home industry 3 of Our Specialties bates of Fairs Sept Oct end 12 Oct 3 and Oct IB and Sept to 23 Oct and 20 21 Sept and Sept Sept- to Oct and i ft V Sec the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery Bradford Hamilton Lindsay London Newmarket Sept Oct I Sept Oct and Sutton Sept and Toronto National Aug to Mora Weston Woodville given a preparation taken from a jar labeled be such but which had been wrongly filled with another pow der Apparently she was the first and only person who got tin wrong preparation The unfortunate druggist is J a young man who has been here lor five or six years who has always enjoyed the best reputations He married daughter of th John Jackson of Newmarket your life Once more the offensive words were flung at him and In an Instant Blake had seized and thrown across the room For a moment he lay stunned but presently bis face dark with hatred he rose and shak ing his fist at Blake exclaimed You may take your measure for a coffin You will need one Not was Blakes reply Shortly after the quarrel left the Blue Horse for bis home Blake whose road lay In the same di rection followed Ten minutes later two more of the loiterers also going over the highway taken by late and Blake started on their homeward way The last two travelers had ridden several miles talking earnestly of the stirring events which then engaged mens minds when a was The Orion Britains great- heard at a little distance In a moment est battleship was launched at Iorts- it was repeated Sept 28 Kept and Oct Sept and See It All A visit to Toronto Exhibition would be incomplete without trip to Scar- while the police Purdys New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits of all kinds Raisins Currants Dates Peels Malaga Grapes etc A1ko all tie HOODS Tomatoes Corn lcas Salmon etc from the Canaries ttKOCBhlKS well assorted and the Beat that money buy Our mouth Hamilton Aug The arrest Fred and two attendants at the Asylum the Insane the local police followed not alter by the news of the capture A by the front police near St Davids on Saturday afternoon at once cleared Up the mystery in connection wilh I he of Moir and last Monday relieved the anxiety in this community over the fad that two murdered were at large The capture and double arrest created something a sensation here and will not stale what more they know- intimate that other developments of a startling na ture in connection with Use affair may soon lake was brought this last about oclock by Patrick Kelly and John Pay three of of chief Mains at Niagara Falls Beach Park Torontos pleasure resort the spacious grounds of this now famous institu tion ar found all the newest most elaborate and novel devices for creating hilarious fun and inno cent entertainment All the latest Ideas from Coney Island the metro polis fun have been adopted at and was lodged in the asylum Prc- is were at once made Arc Try OUR Standard Weight Buns of all kinds few HAM sliced to Satisfaction or Monty Joseph Purdy Old Stand with completeness and a disregard vent for which is approached no park outside of New The cascades scenic railway feat- of lilin another and from Lhe exSrieiiec lhe asylum already hud with him it is probable that In will not be again The that is lodged against and is that of aiding and to Ill OT midway and povide an infinite variety pleasure which the hours pass plurahly and ttiekabhetting and in- the free circus act is cape from custody offered and for exhibition weeks the special will be of a sensational and thrilling Including a hap for from the and troupes of gymnasts and acrobats imported at not in outside of York and few summer parks There will ah lie extra fire works display and other special res lor the delectation Fair- Ihc play alone is worth incandescent and are light used King fclreei fast cars run direct to the park Free band concerts are given each y Wakes 1 1 air draw ROORRS CO HAVE AN THAT HAIR GROW IN ABUN DANCE OK HACK The Committee of the Conference at Victoria HO of the basis of lurch by a large majority Ont Aug- tence with tly attached posed by Honor when the youth Of was one In the Central Frion and twelve lashes as a for on a of tender Vaughn was found guilty of two hut wan auifpewjwl on the second charge was the fourth imposed in Berlin courts during the last four week where tie lash added to of the hair to take care If your hair is thinning out it wont be long before Hie bald dii time to take when you have hair of For thin falling hair the best remedy known to mankind Is Parisian Sage it Is compounded on scientific principle and furnishes to the hair Mercy the voice pleaded and then Harry Can be settling scores with exclaimed Grayson one of the two riders In a moment they had galloped around a copse of trees at a bend in the road Within twenty yards of them on his back In the dust lay dead tending over him stood Blake grasping a knife driven to the baft In his bosom Taken red banded Grayson cried While Walton his companion himself a magistrate sprang from his borne exclaiming Blake I charge you with murder Why I didnt kill Blake Bald earnestly You are mad I found lying dead and was about to pull this knife from the wound when you came up Grayson shook his head I wish I Could believe you Harry ho Bald- but as I to be saved saw you stab him I did It would be hard to imagine a situa tion more likely to convince a Jury of the prisoners guilt Doyle bis wildest fancies In deduction never presented more damning to Holmes and the quarrel In the Blue Horse tavern the epithet resented the light the counter- threat of death the departure of both while their temper yet was warm and then the terrible tableau on the high way What might a man expect even now with the thousand loopholes that the law provides for escape There could be only conclusion now as then and that conclusion the Jury reached without leaving the courtroom Blakes protestations were vain He died on the scaffold declining Ills Innocence Three months after execution the Judge who presided at tile trial was summoned to Albany to see a prisoner under sentence of death whose testimony had convicted Blake also was summoned Much WOhder they the cell together You the prisoner said to Judge presided at the trial of Harry I did if And t Mi swore you turning to you saw him stab Gray son Should go to the hair root Parisian Is sold by It Co under a positive tee to banish dandruff stop falling hair and Itching scalp In two weeks or money back It gives to womens hair a lustre radiance that Is fascinating Causes it to grow abundantly Parisian Sage Is now sold in every town In Canada A large generous bottle coats GO cents and the girl with auburn hair Is on every bottle THE PEANUT It Starts Growing In Open but Finishes Under Ground Most people of the north suppose that peanuts grow like potatoes on the roots of the vine Others with equal confidence state that they bang from the branches like pea pods Both are right and both are wrong The peanut starts In the air and sunlight above ground In the shape of a flower grow ing at the end of long tube After the fall of blossoms this tube or pe duncle elongates and bends down ward pushing Itself inches Into the ground If for any reason It cannot do this It dies In a few hours But If It succeeds In burying itself to ltd own satisfaction the ovary the base of the peduncle slowly enlarges and forms the familiar pod which Is there fore dug out of Scattered over the roots of the plant however are numerous warts or tu bercles In which by the aid of a good microscope can be seen myriads of minute organisms These bodies though they get their living from the plant contribute materially to Its supporting by collecting nitrogen from the air and holding storage so to speak supplying It to the plant as need requires These wonderful storehouses often contain by analysis a greater supply of this In- fertilizer than sur rounding soil The native country of the peanut has long been a matter of dispute but the department of agriculture states that the weight of evidence seems to be In favor of Brazil Thus the peanut la added to the four other plants of great Importance that America bus given to the world namely cotton Indian corn tobacco and the potato root a nourishment that acts quickly testimony he was hung promptly and cause the hair to flaw fitilb said But remember It kills the j not the prisoner sneered landrufl germ the pest that appro- I sprang into all the natural nourishment Bis was true The confession was so clear and full that It left doubt in the Judges mind that a fearful wrong had been done Blake As for the chief witness he committed suicide The records contain many Instances of the laws mistakes hut few so pathetic as the case of Harry Blake Kansas City Star Method is like things in a box A good packer will get In half as roach again as a bad Literary Squire Traveling Inspector cross question ing tile terrified class And now boys who wrote Timid Boy sir It wasnt me Traveling Inspector the sumo even ing to his host the squire of the vil lage Most amusing thing happened today was questioning the class and asked a boy Who wrote Ham let and he answered tearfully sir It wasnt me Squire after loud and prolonged laughter Ma ha Thats good and I the 111 tie devil had done it nil the London Answers Knocked Into Cocked Hat The expression knocked into a cock ed hat Is familiar every one but perhaps Its origin Is not no generally known Cocked hat wan 0 variety of the game of bowls In which only three pins were used set up the angles of triangle When In bowling tenpins all were knocked down except three comers the set was said to be knocked Into a cocked hat whence the popular expression for de priving anything of Its main body character or purpose Perfect Happiness you really believe there Is such a thing In this world as perfect happi ness Of course but sotne other fellow al ways has It Philadelphia Mark How do you distinguish the waiters from the guests In this cafe Both wear full drcHs Yes but the waiters keep sober Cleveland Leader The Jokei on the Men Mrs A you ever read Jokes In the newspapers Mrs Jokes on the men the marriage no tices you know Transcript The wealth will not j cay Is kDOwledKeLHnftford j STO You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line -y- I ft M V Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc rr I I w CLEARING OUT ALL Summer Goods A Toronto Jobbing House I c j Always becomes a in any walk life and we can always give him his hill worth Latest Styles in SUMMER AND FALL Are now at hand lor your thorough Inspection that will come your way by ordering your next Suit clothes from vs WILL UPTOBATE TAILOR MAIN ST my an NO USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT Confined to His Home for Weeks In ajiu up Week a My family oiHitioiiv my I dreaded It tjeuiailat on nl ihcv was 1 iiiijiiti i better One lay my Imwi asked me why as oft set much n I us he taken hey OnJ rtLul I tlifiii jrot iSH Treatment van and dufin Iennunnoil was rewAnlnl irn weolc In earning a day I jour valuable IrcAtmnr LOCUST HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED I ho They sap from the Mercury our all OR Imprudent acts or later hate broken down your You feel the von I ami used Has fcua treated yon vriio lor of Chois JotberbooU Illustrated NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT PRIVATE No names on or envelope Everything Lilt and of TREATMENT Cor Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada must he addressed our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor Out If you desire to sec us personally call tit our Medical Institute in Detroit see and treat our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory lor Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Write for n ArOyoa you hope you Intending to rnn ilLHUlin Have you a Sci What it for you Co

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