v 1 W Albert Telephone Sit Imperial Pint 60c Wine Quarts 65c Imperial Quarts 70c Wine Half Gal 80c doz MAN j I r I AFTERNOON TEA Miss Knight is not improving as fast Thev ramble our side- On Tuesday afternoon August as we had hoped for walks and and I think Ive Miss leu Oldham was hostess of a Proctor passed away after a said all thats necessary lea given to a number of young ladies lingering illness Funeral on Johnston Crvdermans cement sta in honor of her sister Susan who is day conducted by Rev McNeil of are possibly the most- complete to be married J Anderson of Nebraska USA arrived last week afier an of many years and is It ting She finds NEW PRINCIPAL Miss Crab of Belleville has been appointed principal of our changes in the villas Public School to succeed Mr j tt with ley is an experienced and comes highly rum- l urrell Sutton of King City are spending the with great regularity weekend with their sister Miss few bell it seems the PC mm mm When you need shoes give us a call we have some lines we are clearing away below cost Pickling Spices Marked down to a ft Johnny Canuck Overalls and Smocks I ST I They are fully guaranteed WF Queensville SUCCESSOR TO E SMITH ooo and best workmanship of any here abouts AH work is ol a most sub stantial character and material the best AH timber sawed stuff so as to make a fine appearance Look at it judge for yourself Some time ago Johnston put up a fine farm bell For a time being a dinner hour Like the cur- donations and select judges President Foot assures us that he has the larg est list of donations andthe most fas cinating prize list ever offered by the Society and if the weather proves fine expects the Udora Worlds Fair to surpass all previous records Re member the date Sept Journal THE NEW TEACHERS The following graduates of our Pub lic School have taken up the teaching I profession Miss Harrison ail Keswick Miss Moore at flonville Miss Graham at of the Womens Institute will be held Wednesday afternoon in the Presbyto- ladies arc welcome to I attend Mr and Mrs Atkinson of guests of- Mr and Mrs Prosser on Sunday- edict has cone intendsIeaving I Curfew must nTrin ft will remain the rest the summer I cant seeJor life what the marmgets up such fine dinners that everybody including the Yellow l t0 When any it pays to be as regards purity When buying your spices it will pay you to buy them here We give you the very purest of spices Always make point of buying the best obtainable and we sell them at reas ablo prices too All kinds ol them and all pure forth j night It was found to be a use- less appendage The Yankee school- To make the most palatable and best keeping pickles u Wilsons Golden Syrup Vinegar the Vinegar of the period Price per gal New Park Miss Vera at ailTVw ern Budge Etta Wilson a Holt Mr Milton at Copper adl Cliff Mr Win Kellar of Midland visited Cat are on hand een before the tea is brewed or the clock strikes 12 Mr Bertie Cameron is sawing and hammering and digging and delving j to heat the band Grandma wanted Mr Carlton of Toronto occupied J his cousin Mr weec Ed day School Mrs C lost a valuable pig Miss McAlpin has returned to duties where she intends to stay until Christmas Hark Listen for the wedding I improvements and gave Bertie id j bells I We expect they will undertaking Bertie tackled the J Miss Marguerite is in The Rouse is torn the pulpit of the Methodist Church 0 spending a couple of weeks her i heres no denying the fact j unexpected difficulties are sure to arise Bertie is hot an expert Sunday last sister Mrs Messrs and of J Rev R J Simpson of will preach- in the Methodist was in town one day list jcraftsnian and here we leave him Church next Sunday Mr Treleaven calling on former parishioners work out his own solution will a of Enoch in- The Misses Bond of Toronto are however we might observe connection with the League spending part their vacation with and on Friday evening next their aunt Mrs J Power his house rebuilding Bertie has Our Public School will open on Miss McLean of Toronto is lagging Thursday Sept 1st A full the guest of Miss Gertrude Morris Christmas 0 UNION STREET Miss Bessie of spent Sunday with her friend Miss Barbara Young Mrs Morton and hor son oi De troit Mich is visiting with her Do you need a new draw rope your slings We sell the best draw rope on the market Plymouth Pure Manilla Strand with a Pure Manilla Centre Strand If you want a rope for service and satisfaction it will never pay you to buy another We have a few pair of Mens Working Boots regular and 5190 selling for Mr George Micks dance particularly requested Mrs Rusk of Whitby and her little LEAGUE A special meeting of the J daughter have been spending some weeks with Mrs Mount Mrs J C McFarland and Master arc admiring Its a wonder Wilfreds buggy ston and Bessie Tomlin- on fire Saturday evening while sons corn fields Dr Charlie says going down the sixth theyll make fine fodder is j Miss Hartnan and her cousrn J is corn so of Newmarket spent a few days with We carry in stock complete range of Grain Bags call when needing any Wo pay t Price for Alsikc Get our prices Give us QUEENSVILL Albert League will he held Douglas are in visiting Mrs I ensilage ant McFarlands sister Mrs McNeill cannot institute a fair 1 their aunt Mrs Rose A R Township I between them Both are super- I Mr Herbert has on the mi is for BLISS for boat family BIIbb Native Herbs at the root of by purifying the blood Friday evening Aug at pm The topic will he taken by Miss Love and the devotional exercises by Roy Mr Russell son of Rev Treleaven of Carlton Methodist Toronto will give the re cital of Enoch Miss Gertrude Walton will deliver a solo- AH are cordially invited to attend A silver collection will be taken Clerk is enjoying a short vacation with bis son Mr Donald at Ottawa Mr and Mrs J J Terry were in Sunday is fine Theres sure to be some big I sick lipt lately coon hunts by and by j Miss Daly spent Lyman Miller has been blasting around the Lake Shore rock in Tidy Tommys fields And Buffalo for several days this week and I hi made a Wasted job of it Now again but hope Co see her back before thoroughly enjoyed their trip swear word Hone- The station is much improved the new coat of paint If the in- were as pleasing to the the exterior the villagers would have cause for gratitude Mr- Geo has been re-paint- dont look pretty slick to compare Miss is visiting friends in mustnt call that a swear word isnt most decidedly no Ive been appointed general farm inspector salary unstated by Tidy fommv business is a k supervision of all work to see if it KESWICK Mr Fred Pollock was home over added crops with neighbors crops and see this neighborhood for couple of 5 1 PERSONAL Mr and family i bis house being one more the long list of recently if filings In general are not done up a faultless si vie The crops Lily Dales of is his season are on a par with the visiting her aunt Mrs Arthur about Iliiison have moved Baldwin Miss returned I her trip through Hie West en Thurs day CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH D TERRY MANAGER apa Mr Link of Toronto spent the I weekend with his Mr John It wasted every organ A tablet at night next morning feeling bright Faithfully used will banish Rheumatism Kidney and Liver Bo you the genuine Native Herbs In a yellow bearing portrait of O tablets Money back if not gont Airs as Paisley of St Paul is I at the home of Mr Eugene it present occupied by Smith Co and in Miss and Anderson Estate sold Misses Gillies are visiting at the o Mr I Milne formerly of Geo by Out Mr Milne has also I The Misses Leek are spending a Purchased pretty hrjne of the late part of the at Beach lco Wight which has been va- Mrs ftellwoodfh visiting friends cant for a year in seed thr- Mr Henry and Mr George Plump acres Owls measure brought Tom I in son have returned from their sum of trifle over one dred dollars Mr Don hell is unatijc to be around on account of a severe attack of muscular King Mr las farm has changed I what areyou astir so keen rivals for the title of of Potato cuUlVfttors Tidy Good morning neigh bor finished harvest English John Good are you astir so early A limited number of fanners have FROM ALL CANADIAN PACIFIC STATIONS IN ONTARIO imp Chas VV Sedore I lr hc market Mr and Mis of To- were visitors it the home of Mn John last Mr Leslie Stiver visiting at home of Mr Watts Miss Ada of Toronto visiting at the home Mr Eugene Mr Broad has from But its well to watch out Sir Dales of Toronto was renewing this last A Mrs Bird Winnipeg is visiting at the Mr Geo House and Lot for Sale Hunter of Port CnrdCb la IN fiwnc That New KfahtS U Street ibis is one of the most Last week as my usual time for I jj arrived an electric Owfis blowing about Frank whirl Show I me feel no if we ran Last Sunday night a to set my wits and with you Mums took the topic in League fell precisely I were ill gave those who weiy sent Lents electric glass slippers Wardens baby thing thai was worth while earning alter Ineffectual attempts lvrc old in an accident away Next Sunday night Rev up for a had To- broken will soon be all win assistant pastor of Euclid Ave day I feel mighty little better hut Methodist Church will introduce the here hc Rocs It jj cowardice our foot- topic There should lie a full house Grandmother Pringta Ik lying very praying outsiders I Mr Irwin is an able III She says her time has so scattered about Helen and Miss Dora icomc Mother is a mother that J lull cannot mils- are visiting Mrs Ralph Con- in ibis week Stan- Miss Morton is visiting friends J serins love I U ft Charles has disposed of his of the driver for a ftaridsome ford sends us several copies of Toronto aiidvHliaron TUESDAY AUGUST 30 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6 Free will furnltheil At Winnipeg to point on CinariiAn Pacific where fahoren are require East Jaw including ranches it one cent per mile each way thereof in van and SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TO WINNIPEG OH ABOVE ASK ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT FOR PARTICULARS I ATKINSON ONT NOTICE lure an advance at on whit little a life- Miss Harrison of Mount for wan of himself no gather dull be- as in Is hereby given to residents and landowners In that part of WITH ft at Long last week Ik did i rice now on Sunday morning iu the Mr and Mrs Tifijiflow and fpn but bis successes havrnHf on Tuesday I Toronto niter turned his The fundamental on Ihc me- dui4 parents Icnuses for Ins phenomenal Von mar for fat after- he tin quiet tempera In vo noon on Monday In Mis be has led no excesses Me Autumn a of Is eschews thai is chew lobar- not the A cry en- it eitber for lhat mat- 1 Oh lie for A low luted but well beverage passes latest Mrs also SPRING MATTRESS F RE Fail Is here church Clerk Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by Hie un dersigned up to August 1910 for erection of cement block house In school section No in Plans and may be at the residence of the Secretary The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted kiilinton E ATOMS May his lips Therefore his nerves Swamp now has alwayR In a dies uptodate bams Fortv years Too rails A feet high Toronto ate lie bavin fij both head and Mrs A J Hughs foot of piiih feet wide Miss Morton of Keswick spent jcxceHJn by Ion few days vec with Ruth Our Crittenden is now in the Best fabric spring to fit Led Haines of the Cane He Soft cool top mattress sfic Miss He Hughes j fulsome of firm No Size All three pieces one end JIIsb Gladys praise Is necessary Ive known litem living lesson all who all were log structures Swamp is looking and up Our popular young Is Win Camerons thrashing outfit in Saskatchewan News is abundantly abundant I time out and mall lis ad and of the of her Miss Laura Wat- all my lib- and have a very warm fed- cant record A quarter friend NEW FACTORY BUILDING OFFERS EMPLOY- ENT FOR HUNDREDS OF OPERATORS son Ed particulars to get three Free And our new has Catalogue Chicago after spf riding a Mattresses and more than Wo mother tuns of other low priced furniture is staying Freight prepaid to your nearest MM tion This oner will not appear returned to the iEin Utter vrite today after a months Mil A I her plater ftrs Watson w a I Mr and Mrs bid Mas- Look Box spent she weekend the home of Mr Walter Scott Victoria Square He that vill lose for l deserves to die a beggar by V baryaln- for the have out for- them all more ffr the elder ons Those who have gone from us forever Will and Judge Cane were most splendid manly men Mrs Will Iaylor was at last her parents Mr and Mrs larvls who arc- both seriously III Her absence was of short duration as family her presence at home Our Mr Andy Cameron is a clever young man worthy of congratulation on having pulled through the First Class Teachers exams Andys a good OK both as regards his Political training and his determined plodding ancestry Our village arc not very man- TMK OWL Dr and Mrs of Cincinnati Ohio arc visiting their many friends in this vicinity Miss Nina Shier and Miss Shier of the con enjoy ed pleasant day at the lake on Sun day last Mrs A Held who is always a welcome visitor to this neighborhood spent a few days under the parental roof last week On Tuesday Aug the directors of the Scott Agricultural Society met In Mrs hotel to arrange try no matter ihexporionccy1 who enters to pay Ijonrd clothe haver BOTH EXPERIENCED OPERATORS GEGIiMWEBS 1 wages to p spare do this as it assures us loyal help and gives chance to for oo-l- paving With tin- lLstorcy we have tin- largest factory building in the Br ami o of the most best ventilated brightest and moat factory buildings the world There arc positions for hundreds of operators stitchers examiners pressers etc and those desiring a position may receive full information by a card or letter or calling in person at- I LIMITED EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ALBERT STREET TORONTO ONT 1 r A w rf I A ii